Lightroom :: How To Batch Convert PDFs To JPGs
Oct 9, 2012And is there a maximum number of files allowed in a batch?
View 2 RepliesAnd is there a maximum number of files allowed in a batch?
View 2 RepliesHow can I import CR2 files and convert to JPGs in one step?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have about 400 JPGs with Camera Raw settings applied. I am trying to run a batch action on them in Photoshop but it keeps getting stuck opening each image in Raw. How do I run the batch on them or convert them into regular JPGs with the raw settings applied?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have LR 4.4 running on a Win 7 64 bit PC...
I selected 4 RAW files (CR2) to convert to DNG via the Library modules 'convert to DNG' and then delete the CR2 file.
It converted only the last of the 4 files and left the other 3 untouched as CR2 files. Can LR not batch convert the RAW files in this manner??
AutoCAD MEP 2010
I've used batch plot to make pdf copies of my drawings in version 2004 and did not have this issue:
In 2010 when I use batch plot to pdf (say for 5 drawings), it produces one single pdf file with 5 sheets. I want an individual pdf file for each drawing (5 pdfs).
I don't want to have to open each drawing and plot. That's what batch plot is for!
I need to find a way to convert a LOT of ai files, individually, to low res pdf's. Preferably with the presets I want, not some defaults. I'm not interested in an action. I was hoping for a droplet, script, or something similar.
I did find this and it looked promising... [URL] ....
That almost worked. Ultimately, for some reason, it couldn't see the ai files sitting in the specified folder.
Running CS5 with MacOS 10.8.2
What Acad2010 or Trueview 2012 uses to create it's bacth PDF's? We got a new plotter last week and it seems to have corrupted that driver somehow. We are no longer able to create batch PDF in either Acad or Trueview. We using both Win XP and Win 7 machines. I don't know if the plotter had anything to do with this problem it just seem that this happend the same time as we installed the plotter. I can use a 3rd party PDF maker to make individual PDF but this takes time, the batch PDF is much more useful for me. I'm hoping I can get the generic PDF driver that autocad uses and reinstall that, but I don't know what it is or where I can find it.
View 6 Replies View RelatedWe have Adobe Acrobat Pro which has a plugin to allow batch plotting of PDFs from multi-sheet drawings. Works awesome in Autocad 2009 and before. It DOES NOT work with Autocad 2011!
We have drawings with 70 sheets and it's nice to print the entire document to a single PDF in one step. Takes less than one minute in Acad09. Nice!
I need to take a batch of pdfs and remove the links associated inside the file so they stay static.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI create vector drawings in Microsoft Office Visio and I need to be able to convert raster images from PDFs into vector images compatible with Visio. I've tried tracing the bitmap with various options but the line quality produced when saved to a .svg file is not adequate for our needs. Images from a PDF that are not embedded work perfectly by saving to a .svg file, but the bitmap comes in as one unusable entity. Simply put, can X6 convert embedded bitmaps from within PDFs into vector files?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am trying to batch plot to PDF's from a drawing file that has multiple tabs in it. I would like each tab to be a separate PDF file. We are utilizing Acrobat X to write the PDF's. AutoCAD places all of the tabs into one file whether I tell a Multi-sheet file or a Single-sheet file.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have just switched over to 2014 and i cannot for the life of me get my batch plot to plot PDF's to a single file! Instead, it's printing all 37 layouts separate. I tried switching between multi-file & single file in the publish options, but nothing!
i know that it took me a while to perfect my settings the last time i set up a new version, but i am struggling to work it out now.
From all our parts of an assembly we made 1 IDW with multiple sheets. Now we want to convert this IDW to PDF's and in such a way that we have one PDF for each sheet, and each PDF files needs the same name as the sheet.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have many sets of bracket images in which I selected one exposure and made edits.
Now I wish separately to export jpgs resized made from the raw without color changes but still cropped. (just a few are)
Using export as original will export the raw image not the jpg I want.
What I suspect I will have to do as a work a around is to export the originals then create a new temp catlog and reimport them and export as the reized jpgs I want and recrop the few that need it.
Can Lightroom (3.6) read GPS data from JPG files?
I've just encoded a batch of assorted JPGs and raw images with HoudahGeo and updated the files in Lightroom by reading the metadata from the files again. As far as I can tell only the raw images are showing GPS data as a result.
I know the date is there because
(a) I can see it in HoudahGeo if I look at the files again and
(b) Aperture picks up the locations correctly.
Is there anyway to pick these up in Lightroom?
I'm new to Lightroom and I would like to add keywords to my jpgs. These have already processed using adobe camera raw. If I add the jpgs to my catalog and then add the keywords, those keywords are not written to the jpgs when I close Lightroom. How do I add the keywords so they are searchable for example using windows search?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI recently had my hard drive replaced by Apple and did a clean install of my programs, no Time Machine.
I have LR 4.3 and CS5. I have always chosen the Edit in PS CS5 option from LR for editing individual RAW files. When I save my photo in PS, I save it as a jpg. Once back in LR, I would have to synchronize the folder in order to import that new jpg and it would show up alongside the original RAW file. Well now, after upgrading to 4.3, synching won't see that new photo that was created. It IS in Finder, but LR doesn't see it.
I have expanded stacks and no filters. Is there anything else I have to do?
If I use Filters/Metadata/File Type, no jpg's appear.
The only way I can see the photo is if I use the Text filter and write .jpg.
How can I get the jpg to show alongside the original RAW file again??
I'm also getting the "File must be saved as a copy"in the PS dialogue, when I save as jpg. Before, it would just save it as the file type is different.
I have about 2300 .eps files that I need to convert to .jpg so they can be used in an online store.
All of the eps files need to be resized to a maximum of 700px wide, coverted to an rgb colorspace, and 72dpi and then saved as a .jpg file
I have been trying to use the actions pallet to record the actions and then run a batch action but to no avail. I have adobe PS CS4.
Below are screenshots of what i have tried to setup. (After this I have about the same amount of .TIFF files that also need converted.)
I am having trouble converting .psd files to .jp2s. When I make the action, in the "save as" box I have to first pick the JPEG 2000 format, then manually change the extension from .jpf to .jp2. The problem is that when I set everything up, the files save with the extension .jpf, because that is the default extension for JPEG 2000, and my manual change is ignored in the replaying of the action.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am trying to batch convert jpg to png and do some minor modification to the image before saving as png and i can do that but when it saves the png it renames the jpg to 0.png how can i change that.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a lot of xcf's which I want to save as png's and do not want to do this manually in Gimp.
How do a batch convert xcf to png using the terminal (linux)?
Needs to be through Gimp CLI as ImageMagick convert won't handle the files properly and i can't get xcf2png to work.
I recently created a new catalog and imported all of my files into Lightroom. All my files seemed to come over, including the .jpg files. I then opened a cr2 file in LR and took it to Photoshop for editing. I saved the psd file and it appeared in my library as I expected. I then did a save as to create 3 different jpg files: filename 4x6.jpg, filename 3x5.jpg and filename 5x7.jpg.
None of these three jpgs came back to LR. So I tried to import them. When I click on the "new" option to import only the new files, these three jpgs do not even show up.
One final note, the box for "treat jpg files next to raw files as seperate files" is I can get LR to include my jpgs in my library?
I download jpg into lightroom...I only see the raws...I know the jpgs are there....but where????
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have LR5.3. I've only just noticed this. Not sure if it's been this way for a while or not. When I export from LR and make JPGs as sRGB they are more saturated. Also, when I view in the Web panel the images are more saturated. Is this normal?
View 22 Replies View RelatedI had outsourced some edits, and they sent some back via xmp, and others that were outside LR as JPG. As usual, the xmp files worked great. I had created a subfolder in one of my collections to add the jpg edits, and LR will not allow me to import!
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have Lightroom CC. I tried to export my RAW images to JPEGS, as I have done in the past, and the jpegs end up pixelated. What am I doing wrong?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI recently lost my original raw (CR2) files for a set of photos. They were imported and edited in lightroom 4.1. I still have the lightroom catalog but the photo previews are occompanied by the warning "The file name "#####.cr2" is offline or missing". I am aware they are missing, the only version of the photos I still have is the LR preview. Any way to extract the image information in a lightroom preview and save it as a jpg. (Not including doing a screen capture of the preview).
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have around 100 dwg files, client wants the soft copy in dgn format, also layers needs to be renamed in dgn.
I need to convert those files to dgn, any script to run so it does it automatically?
Converting it manually one by one will take me some time.
I know you can batch rename in CS2 but what if you just want to change from jpg to tif? I tried it on some test images and thank goodness I did a test first at it didn't work and I couldn't get the images back.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have over 200 pdf files that I need to batch convert to tiff format. From what I've gathered, this can be done simply using Ghostscript. Unfortunately, I have no experience running GS as a command line program, and only installed it as part of Gimp. Any tool for gimp that could do this? or step by step, through the process of using GS to perform this task?
View 1 Replies View RelatedLooking for a way to convert a directory full of .ai files to SVG.
Is there a batch process similar to what fireworks has?