Lightroom :: 5.3 Loses Mouse Clicks

Jan 1, 2014

LR 5.3 loses mouse clicks, caused my mouse to act erratically, and often "blinks off" for an instant.I'm running it on a Windows 7 machine with 9GB memory. 
Catalog has 30K files this started happening with LR 5.2.I've been using LR for years, so i know what a performance problem looks like.

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AutoCad :: Not Registering Mouse Clicks

Jul 29, 2013

Problem: When doing a series of rapid mouse clicks, Autocad does not always register the clicks. For example, I'll use move, and when clicking on a line to move, it wont' see that I clicked on the line. I also notice that my crop box does not always work to select objects when i'm going fast. some times it does not show, others is goes to random points on the screen while still selecting the areas i've clicked in.

I've only noticed this problem when I'm in "the zone" and am clicking very fast, when I go slow, it picks up the clicks. its very frusterating knowing that I can't work as fast as I can without having the click input issue. I mostly notice this problem with commands like, erase, trim, move, and extend.

I do have my system set up for right mouse click as 'enter' via the autocad options, not sure if that has anything to do with it.

- It is not the computer system ( I recently got an upgrade at the office )

- Its not my mouse. I've tried several mice, and at home, in games and such, I don't get the fast click issue.

- I've changed the double click speed in the control panel when opeing folders, but no luck.

- its not an OS issue, happens in both XP and Win7, and shouln't be a computer hardware issue, considering I just jumped from a P4 to a new Haswell system.

- I don't know if it happens on other versions of autocad

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VideoStudio :: Use Arrow Keys Instead Of Mouse Clicks?

Nov 17, 2010

Is there any way to use arrow keys instead of mouse clicks to move the trim markers (or frame forward/back)? I have arthritis and am not able to do the hundreds of mouse clicks that seem to be required.

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Photoshop :: Topaz Filters - CC Responds To No Mouse Clicks At All

Nov 5, 2013

New CC is locked up after trying to install Topaz filters. CC responds to no mouse clicks at all. Was able to install NIK filters OK.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Save For Web Dialog Respond Slow To Mouse Clicks?

Jan 26, 2013

I just started experiencing issues with the PS CS6 Save for Web dialog window. It is very slow to respond to mouse clicks. I use Creative Suite 6 on Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit with a Gen 3 Core i7, 12GB of ram and a 3GB Nvidia 670m video card so I know it's definitely not hardware related.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Mmm Is Not Possible To Measure Angle Giving Three Mouse Clicks?

Apr 26, 2013

I want to use three points. Now I have to use lines, etc..... 

Nobody never thought into the needed of simply use three any points.?

(I'd want to use even 3 simple mouse clicks)

Civil 3D (2013)

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Lightroom :: Spot Removal And Slow System After A Few Clicks?

Jul 15, 2012

If you use spot removal function a few times in a lightroom session, you end up with the impossibility to use it anymore if you do not exit lightroom and start again from zero.
What I mean is that after a few clicks on spot removal on 2-3 pictures, when you need to use it again on picture number 4, for example, the function is almost unusable (very slow movements that make impossible to put the spot tool in the right place).
If you then exit lightroom and start again everythimg is fine for a while. It seems it is allocating memory each time you use it..

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Lightroom :: Loses Import Source After Few Seconds?

Nov 25, 2012

I have lightroom version 4.2 running on Windows 7.
When I import images, if I spend too long slecting the images I want to import from my memory card, the Import source is lost and all my selections are lost. It is driving me roudn the bend! Is there something I am missing?

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Lightroom :: 4 Loses Data On External Drive

Feb 26, 2013

I was working with a client on a move of folders from an internal drive (Mac OSX) to an external drive.He created a dummy folder, via LR, on the external drive so that he could drag and drop from the internal drive to the external.
The folder was created, but the hard drive itself now appears as a FOLDER, not as a drive, under /volumes.
He renamed the drive, from within LR, and all hell broke lose.  The name changed in LR, but not on the desktop.  We couldn't rename on the desktop as the two names conflicted I'm guessing.  We ended up shutting everything down, full reboot and the drive would not unmount.  We forced that, closed down and restrted everything.  Still had the naming conflict.  LR didn't see the folder, so we rnamed in LR and got everything aligned.  Or so it seemed.
Dragging folders to the external drive appeared to work OK, but one folder was inadvertently dropped on the folder above the target folder.  It was dragged and dropped to the correct location, but then showed 0 images.  A check with finder revelaed that the files were in the new location on disk, but LR has lost them.
Today, having moved all files (via D&D) to the new drive, he is trying to reorganize folder, but every D&D on the drive results in the above behavior.

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Lightroom :: Importing Loses Raw Edits From Other Applications

Jan 30, 2012

I used to have an old Canon XTi. I used to use Canon's software, Digital Photo Professional, to edit the raw (CR2) and JPG files. Now I have a new camera and Lightroom 3. Everything is great, except when I try use Lightroom on the images that I had previously edited in DPP.
I have already imported all my old photos into LR3 in bulk. However, I notice that when I go to an old folder for the first time in LR3, it loads the previews in grid view sequentially. At first, they look like the edited versions I made in DPP. Perfect! This is what I want. I've spent a lot of time editing some of them in DPP and I now want to manage them and publish them from LR3. But as the images continue to load in grid view, the edits I made are replaced by the original raw images. Cropping is reverted to original, color balance, contrast, black and white, everything is reverted to a default.
Can I keep raw edits made in DPP so I have one definitive library? I can't find any import or catalog settings that seem to pertain.
I am using LR3.6 on OSX 10.5.8.

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Lightroom :: Converting PSE7 - Loses Date And Time?

Dec 5, 2012

I converted my catalog from PSE7 to the latest version of Lightroom and it appears that many bad things happened with the dates that I had set on my pictures in PSE7.  In some cases, I can see that the Date Time Original and Date Created fields have transferred over but in most cases I cannot see anything other than the original date that I created the picture or brought it into PSE. Since many of my pictures were scans of 100+ years old pictures, I've now lost some important information that I added by using the Adjust Date and Time feature in PSE7. Is there any way to recover this?

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Lightroom :: Exporting Book To PDF Loses Cover - How To Merge Them

Nov 27, 2012

I use LR4 for printing books via Blurb and have done a few that have turned out great. However I have a problem and can't find an answer.
I often want to export the book to PDF to share online but when I export it separates the cover from the book which spoils the whole effect.

Is there a way to export both book and cover as one single PDF?

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Lightroom :: 5.3 Loses Rating And Labeling On Edited File

Feb 9, 2014

When I edit a photo in Photoshop from Lightroom (ie. Edit in -> Edit in Adobe Photoshop CC...) the photo opens as normal, I edit the photo as normal, and when I hit save, it saves and the edited photo appears in Lightroom - all as per normal.  BUT, the edited photo doesn't have the rating and labelling applied to it that the non-edited photo has.  So, for example, if I have given a photo a 3 star rating in Lightroom, and then edit and save that photo in Photoshop, when the edited photo appears in Lightroom, it doesn't have a star rating anymore).
I've used Lightroom and Photoshop together for 6 years and never had a problem with this - the photo has always reappeared in Lightroom with the same ratings and labels that the non-edited photo has.
This is a real problem to use when we've filtered a bunch of photos to edit.  Everytime we edit one we have to go back to Lightroom, turn off the filtering, find the edited photo, add the ratings, turn the filtering back on and go to the next photo - a real pain when we have 50 images to do in a row..
I can only guess this is a bug with either the new Lightroom, or new Photoshop CC (guessing it is actually a Photoshop problem as I think it appeared around the time it was updated by CC, but I could be wrong).

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Lightroom :: Upgraded 4.2 - Edit In External Now Loses History

Oct 10, 2012

Updated to LR 4.2, then when switching to 'edit in' Photoshop CS5 getting "This version of Lightroom may require photoshop camera raw plug-in version 7.2". However, checking for updates in Photoshop CS5 says all up to date as does LR. In the dialog I would say 'Open Anyway' and at some point I must have clicked the button to no longer show this message.
Now when I 'edit in' PS and come back to LR there is no entry in History, it's blank. In the past I would see one entry 'edited in PS' and then make further LR edits from there if needed. What happens now if I make an edit in LR I can't 'Reset' back to the original 'edited in PS' to start over because that doesn't exist in History. If I reset it will reset just above the last LR edit. This is awaful and has screwed up my workflow. It's damaged several PS -> LR edited images.
After LR 4.2 upgrade LR still showed an older version of RAW. Somewhere after I unchecked that box to stop the message, now when I look it says Camera Raw 7.2 even though I didn't do any further updates, and both LR and CS5 had reported they were up to date.
EDIT/UPDATE: I just found 'Reset all dialog boxes' in LR preferences and now I get the message again. It appears before I checked the box 'Don't show again' the last time I also clicked 'Render using Lightroom' rather than 'Open Anyway' which I was doing before that.
Now PS CS5 About -> Plug-in - Camera Raw is and Lightroom 4.2 is Camera Raw 7.2 (?)
Windows 7 64 bit | LR 4.2 | PS CS5

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Lightroom :: Unable To Find Photo - Loses Pic And Leaves SWP And TMP On Disk

Jun 2, 2012

Working Win 7 Professional (64bit), Lightroom 4
I am finding that while reviewing / rating my pics lightroom will often lose a pic (pics located within a folder on the desktop - move them to a nas drive later as faster to work from hard drive than accross the newtork when importing and exporting and creating previews etc). I will have a pic on my screen and then use the numeric keypad to rate the pic or the arrow keys to progress to the next pic and then out of the blue lightroom announces that the pic is missing. I look at the hard disk and find that there is now a .swp and .tmp file left in the directory where the pic was. eg below
I can then either rename the tmp file back to a jpg and all is OK but I have just started dragging another copy of the image from the card again. This is not just a lightroom 4 issue I used to have it in Lightroom 3. Its got to the stage where I am now keeping a copy of all images while I do my initial shortlist just incase I lose something which frustrates me somewhat.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Turn Off Mouse Function When Mouse Cursor Moves Over A Feature?

Apr 12, 2013

how to turn off the mouse function when the mouse cursor moves over a feature, such as an edge, point, or surface, and highlights it. I don't want it highlighting the features automatically. I want it to highlight once I click over a feature. My colleagues and I are very distraught by this feature, and will be discontinuing our use of your products that do not allow us to turn this feature off. I'm not sure why you'd want to weed your customer base like this, assuming that I can't turn this option off from the research I've done pouring through the hundreds of complaints related to this issue. I haven't been able to find any posts recently, or regarding Inventor 2013 specificially on this issue, so I was hoping this version had the option of turning it off. Does any of Autodesk's software, such as AutoCAD, have the option of turning it off?

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Edge Animate CC :: Mouse Enter Mouse Leave Not Working?

Oct 30, 2013

I followed the tutorial on this page: [URL]. However, my animation auto plays and mousing over has no effect. I have searched and sreached to no understandable (to me) avail. Here's a link to the file: [URL]

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AutoCAD LT :: Two Clicks On A Quits Program

Aug 11, 2011

I have AutoCAD 2012 LT, and I have noticed something a bit strange.  If I double click (or accidentally click twice) on the main menu (the "A" in the upper left corner), AutoCAD quits.  It doesn't actually crash; if I have unsaved edits it asks me if I want to save them, and if I hit "cancel", the program keeps running, but it is a bit of an annoyance.  Is this a bug or a feature?

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Photoshop :: Stop Right Clicks Of Photos

Nov 9, 2006

I've seen pictures that are posted on the web, even Ebay, that if you try to right click it to save won't do it at all.

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Lightroom :: 4 Losing Mouse Control After A While?

Oct 17, 2012

I have Lightroom 4 running on Macbook Pro (mid 2010 with Mountain Lion), and it loses mouse control totally after a while.
Problems started when upgrading from 3.6 to 4.1 and upgrading to 4.2 did not work. Sometimes I might be able to use the software for hours, sometimes problems start just after ten minutes or so. Only restarting the software seems to work.
Lightroom is only program having this kind of problems, and problem stays same, no matter am I using external mouse or trackpad. Keyboard commands are working all the time and Lightroom seems to respond those normally, only mouse control is totally lost or acting randomly. If I use iPad with Air Display as second diplay, mouse seems to work there just fine even when window in MBP's display is having problems (I saw problem before installing Air Display).

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Lightroom :: How To Zoom In / Out With Scroll Mouse

Aug 7, 2013

Is It possible to Zoom In/Out with Scroll Mouse In Lightroom,  just like you can do that In Photoshop. Also, I noticed Inside the Library you can Zoom In and Out with the  Zoom Slider In the Bottom of the page. But there Is no Zoom Slider Inside the Develop Mode, Why there Is no Zoom Slider Inside the Develop Mode ?

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VideoStudio :: Unwanted Clicks When Rendered Clip Commences

Feb 14, 2013

I've noticed this a few times in different projects after rendering..I always start my clips with the black color insert but as soon as the first video clip fades in, there are 1 or 2 unwanted audio "clicks", "pops" or "scratch" noises.

I then noticed this with a song on a different project as it started first - so I know it wasn't anything to do with my video files.

Lately, I commenced a short film using one of Corel's own titles against the black background and again, as one word entered the screen, a double click, then as the second another click or two!

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VideoStudio :: Audio (clicks) On Final Rendered Project?

Aug 17, 2011

When I do the final render on my project, I find that in certain spots the audio is clicking, kinda sounds like static. It tends to happen when I do hi-def renders, but almost happens all the time. The only time it doesn't seem to happen is when I do low quality rendering. However, when I am editing the project, before I do the final render, there are no audio clicks at all. how to fix it?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Two Clicks Required For Object Selection?

May 15, 2012

When selecting an object in 2013, entering the command and trying to select the object without moving the mouse will not select the object on the first pick.  You must select the object a second time before the object is selected and highlighted.

Steps to reproduce:

1) Hover over desired object

2) Enter command on keyboard (M, E, CO, etc...

3) Do not move the mouse and attempt to select the object

Nothing is selected or highlighted

4) Attempt to select the object a second time

Object is now selected and highlighted

The same thing occurs if you attempt to create a selection window or crossing window immediately after entering a command without moving the mouse and clicking the first point.

This does not occur in vanilla 2012.  I do have Raster Design installed with 2013, so not sure if the issue stems from the add-on or not.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Fillet And Chamfer Require Three Clicks

Jun 14, 2011

Why do the Fillet and Chamfer commands sometimes inexplicably require three clicks to execute?  At "Select First Object", the first line I select doesn't highlight, and is ignored.  The second pick selects the first line to be filleted, the third pick performs the fillet.  There's no predictability to when this happens.  Does this happen to others?

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Photoshop Elements :: Adding Text To Photos In Few Clicks

Mar 20, 2013

I would like to add a specific word to all the photos that I process. Not only in one set, but always on all photos.

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Make Animation Transparent To Clicks

Jan 28, 2014

I have added an animation (snow flakes falling down) in front of the whole home page of a full-Edge site. The problem is now that the snowShower symbol captures the click events.
How could I make it "transparent" to clicks, that is transmitting them to the buttons underneath?

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Paint Shop Pro :: No Response To Minimize / Maximize Or Close Clicks

Dec 5, 2013

Been using PSP since X2 and never had any real problems, but I recently purchased and installed x6. It started giving me a problem I couldn't live with so I uninstalled and then reinstalled PSPX6 Ultimate. That didn't fix the problem tho.

My problem: when I click on minimize, maximize or close, nothing happens. Repeated clicks of maximize has more than once even closed the program altogether.

As I mentioned, re-installation did not fix it, although the first time I clicked maximize after re-installation it did work. Then it quit.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: 2013 Quick Properties And Extra Clicks

Jul 13, 2012

With QP activated, if I select an object (say an alignment or profile view) on the screen and want to pick its GRIP, I have to click the screen FIRST to get focus back to the drawing window (so two clicks). The same applies to the contextual Ribbon, it takes two clicks to 'press' a ribbon button if QP is activated.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Transformation Commands Require Two Clicks (enter)

Jan 6, 2014

Using ACAD2013, any command I try to execute requires two clicks. This specifically occurs with transformational commands - i.e. offset, rotate, mirror, but not line. For example I will enter the "OFFSET" command and hit enter, however instead of prompting me to input my OFFSET variables I will have to hit enter again and then enter the requisite variables. In effect I have to hit enter twice to execute any command of this sort. I have already tried changing my PICKFIRST settings, and AUTOCOMPLETE. I'm at a loss.

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AutoCad :: Reduce Clicks To Associate Object Field To Pline

Nov 3, 2011

I am associating fields to polylines to get area square footage. I know there is a better way using AEC objects, but that includes a massive redraw that isn't feasible at this time.

I have included a short animation showing what the current process is. Without redrawing using AEC objects, is there a way to cut down on the amount of clicking to pull of this task?

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