Lightroom :: Importing Loses Raw Edits From Other Applications

Jan 30, 2012

I used to have an old Canon XTi. I used to use Canon's software, Digital Photo Professional, to edit the raw (CR2) and JPG files. Now I have a new camera and Lightroom 3. Everything is great, except when I try use Lightroom on the images that I had previously edited in DPP.
I have already imported all my old photos into LR3 in bulk. However, I notice that when I go to an old folder for the first time in LR3, it loads the previews in grid view sequentially. At first, they look like the edited versions I made in DPP. Perfect! This is what I want. I've spent a lot of time editing some of them in DPP and I now want to manage them and publish them from LR3. But as the images continue to load in grid view, the edits I made are replaced by the original raw images. Cropping is reverted to original, color balance, contrast, black and white, everything is reverted to a default.
Can I keep raw edits made in DPP so I have one definitive library? I can't find any import or catalog settings that seem to pertain.
I am using LR3.6 on OSX 10.5.8.

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Lightroom :: 4 - Importing Old Catalogue Into NEW Computer But Edits Are Not Shown

Oct 31, 2013

I recently upgraded to a new Macbook Pro and have been trying to transfer over my old LR4 files to the new computer. I reinstalled LR4 on the new Mac and imported my old photo Catalouge from my External Drive. But when the folders, and pictures appear in the new LR none of my edits/presets/or information is shown. They are just the RAW files.
This cataloug was the same cataloug that I was using on my old computer. On that computer all edits and information came up correctly.

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Lightroom :: 5.3 Loses Mouse Clicks

Jan 1, 2014

LR 5.3 loses mouse clicks, caused my mouse to act erratically, and often "blinks off" for an instant.I'm running it on a Windows 7 machine with 9GB memory. 
Catalog has 30K files this started happening with LR 5.2.I've been using LR for years, so i know what a performance problem looks like.

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Lightroom :: Drag-and-drop Between Applications

Nov 13, 2011

Background: Windows 7 64bit, LR3, CS5, other 3rd party applications, Canon Camera RAW files
Is there a way to open the Camera RAW files in CS5 right from LR3?Sometimes I want to manipulate the original RAW file in CS5 without having LR3 convert it to a PSD or TIFF format first.
Drag-and-drop from LR3 to another application does not work.  I have to use the export option which converts the RAW file before handing it off. 

This is not convenient when I want to use LR as a slide box or sorter for other applications.  This would also solve the CS5 issue if I could just drag the RAW file and drop it on the CS5 icon.

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Lightroom :: Loses Import Source After Few Seconds?

Nov 25, 2012

I have lightroom version 4.2 running on Windows 7.
When I import images, if I spend too long slecting the images I want to import from my memory card, the Import source is lost and all my selections are lost. It is driving me roudn the bend! Is there something I am missing?

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Lightroom :: 4 Loses Data On External Drive

Feb 26, 2013

I was working with a client on a move of folders from an internal drive (Mac OSX) to an external drive.He created a dummy folder, via LR, on the external drive so that he could drag and drop from the internal drive to the external.
The folder was created, but the hard drive itself now appears as a FOLDER, not as a drive, under /volumes.
He renamed the drive, from within LR, and all hell broke lose.  The name changed in LR, but not on the desktop.  We couldn't rename on the desktop as the two names conflicted I'm guessing.  We ended up shutting everything down, full reboot and the drive would not unmount.  We forced that, closed down and restrted everything.  Still had the naming conflict.  LR didn't see the folder, so we rnamed in LR and got everything aligned.  Or so it seemed.
Dragging folders to the external drive appeared to work OK, but one folder was inadvertently dropped on the folder above the target folder.  It was dragged and dropped to the correct location, but then showed 0 images.  A check with finder revelaed that the files were in the new location on disk, but LR has lost them.
Today, having moved all files (via D&D) to the new drive, he is trying to reorganize folder, but every D&D on the drive results in the above behavior.

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Lightroom :: Converting PSE7 - Loses Date And Time?

Dec 5, 2012

I converted my catalog from PSE7 to the latest version of Lightroom and it appears that many bad things happened with the dates that I had set on my pictures in PSE7.  In some cases, I can see that the Date Time Original and Date Created fields have transferred over but in most cases I cannot see anything other than the original date that I created the picture or brought it into PSE. Since many of my pictures were scans of 100+ years old pictures, I've now lost some important information that I added by using the Adjust Date and Time feature in PSE7. Is there any way to recover this?

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Lightroom :: Exporting Book To PDF Loses Cover - How To Merge Them

Nov 27, 2012

I use LR4 for printing books via Blurb and have done a few that have turned out great. However I have a problem and can't find an answer.
I often want to export the book to PDF to share online but when I export it separates the cover from the book which spoils the whole effect.

Is there a way to export both book and cover as one single PDF?

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Lightroom :: 5.3 Loses Rating And Labeling On Edited File

Feb 9, 2014

When I edit a photo in Photoshop from Lightroom (ie. Edit in -> Edit in Adobe Photoshop CC...) the photo opens as normal, I edit the photo as normal, and when I hit save, it saves and the edited photo appears in Lightroom - all as per normal.  BUT, the edited photo doesn't have the rating and labelling applied to it that the non-edited photo has.  So, for example, if I have given a photo a 3 star rating in Lightroom, and then edit and save that photo in Photoshop, when the edited photo appears in Lightroom, it doesn't have a star rating anymore).
I've used Lightroom and Photoshop together for 6 years and never had a problem with this - the photo has always reappeared in Lightroom with the same ratings and labels that the non-edited photo has.
This is a real problem to use when we've filtered a bunch of photos to edit.  Everytime we edit one we have to go back to Lightroom, turn off the filtering, find the edited photo, add the ratings, turn the filtering back on and go to the next photo - a real pain when we have 50 images to do in a row..
I can only guess this is a bug with either the new Lightroom, or new Photoshop CC (guessing it is actually a Photoshop problem as I think it appeared around the time it was updated by CC, but I could be wrong).

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Lightroom :: Upgraded 4.2 - Edit In External Now Loses History

Oct 10, 2012

Updated to LR 4.2, then when switching to 'edit in' Photoshop CS5 getting "This version of Lightroom may require photoshop camera raw plug-in version 7.2". However, checking for updates in Photoshop CS5 says all up to date as does LR. In the dialog I would say 'Open Anyway' and at some point I must have clicked the button to no longer show this message.
Now when I 'edit in' PS and come back to LR there is no entry in History, it's blank. In the past I would see one entry 'edited in PS' and then make further LR edits from there if needed. What happens now if I make an edit in LR I can't 'Reset' back to the original 'edited in PS' to start over because that doesn't exist in History. If I reset it will reset just above the last LR edit. This is awaful and has screwed up my workflow. It's damaged several PS -> LR edited images.
After LR 4.2 upgrade LR still showed an older version of RAW. Somewhere after I unchecked that box to stop the message, now when I look it says Camera Raw 7.2 even though I didn't do any further updates, and both LR and CS5 had reported they were up to date.
EDIT/UPDATE: I just found 'Reset all dialog boxes' in LR preferences and now I get the message again. It appears before I checked the box 'Don't show again' the last time I also clicked 'Render using Lightroom' rather than 'Open Anyway' which I was doing before that.
Now PS CS5 About -> Plug-in - Camera Raw is and Lightroom 4.2 is Camera Raw 7.2 (?)
Windows 7 64 bit | LR 4.2 | PS CS5

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Lightroom :: Open Photos In Third-party Imaging Applications?

May 28, 2012

Open photos in third-party imaging applications?

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Lightroom :: Drag Developed Version Of Photo To Other Applications?

Mar 1, 2012

In Lightroom, adjustments made to a photo replace the original version in my Library. When I drag the developed photo to external applications (Gmail in the browser, for example), Lightroom gives me the original photo, not the developed one, even though I can't see the original.
Is there a way to drag the developed photo from Lightroom, other than exporting and saving a new copy to my hard drive?

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Lightroom :: Unable To Find Photo - Loses Pic And Leaves SWP And TMP On Disk

Jun 2, 2012

Working Win 7 Professional (64bit), Lightroom 4
I am finding that while reviewing / rating my pics lightroom will often lose a pic (pics located within a folder on the desktop - move them to a nas drive later as faster to work from hard drive than accross the newtork when importing and exporting and creating previews etc). I will have a pic on my screen and then use the numeric keypad to rate the pic or the arrow keys to progress to the next pic and then out of the blue lightroom announces that the pic is missing. I look at the hard disk and find that there is now a .swp and .tmp file left in the directory where the pic was. eg below
I can then either rename the tmp file back to a jpg and all is OK but I have just started dragging another copy of the image from the card again. This is not just a lightroom 4 issue I used to have it in Lightroom 3. Its got to the stage where I am now keeping a copy of all images while I do my initial shortlist just incase I lose something which frustrates me somewhat.

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Lightroom :: How To Get Edits From JPG

May 29, 2013

I have a finished JPG and I am trying to re-create the settings I used in another image.  Unfortunately, I didn't save the settings in a preset.  Is there a way I can have Lightroom compare the original RAW/JPG with the final JPG and extract settings from that?

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Lightroom :: Understanding DNG Edits Done In ACR?

Aug 9, 2013

With the Adobe CC upon us, I'm am questioning staying with Adobe proprietary DNG (proprietary in the fact it has edits embedded that only Adobe products understand) and PSD files long term.
I have never used Lightroom. But am a heavy Photoshop/ACR user.  I have many ACR edited DNG files and multi-layered Photoshop files.I want access to my files in the future (including edits) without having to always have the monthly CC subscription (in the future).
Question:  Can Lightroom  (not a CC product currrently and hopefully not in the future) open & understand the edits (cropping, color balance, lens correction, ...) I've already done to my many DNG files in Adobe Camera Raw?
Even if I use the CC in the near future and eventually not subscribe, I want future access to my DNG and PSD format files, including all the edits).if Adobe guaranteed a free PSD & DNG viewer (understand the layers, edits, ...) and give the ability (for all time) to export to a flattened image with edits applied to TIFF!

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Lightroom :: 4.3 - No Group Edits

Dec 16, 2012

After high lighting several photos, clik on rotate ( see there is no load on the CPU only a very small one in the middle)  only the highlighted photo will rotate NONE of the others will not even over time do they respond. same in Libary mode as well
NOTE - why is  "auto sync"  showing as an option in libary mode?... is that not only availible in Develop mode?  after i reset ( see below on the update)   sync meta data is NOW shown as the option...
There are not the little 3 dots on the selected photos, showing that it is "working on the edits"
I cleared raw cache,  reset all develop presets, restored all local adjustment presets,  changed Catalog settings to  preview quality to medum ( down from high)  Previews size unchanged at 1440 pixels
lr4.2 clean new install, upgraded to lr4.3rc, upgraded to lightroom 4.3  all versions were 64bit.

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Lightroom :: Why Edits Don't Transfer Between LR4 And CS4

Mar 27, 2013

I edit my images for the most part in LR4 then export as a raw file into a new folder. Then when I view the images in bridge my edits don't show up. Do I have to convert to JPEG for my edits to stick?

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Lightroom :: 4 - Edits Not Saving?

Mar 9, 2014

I use Lightroom 4 and when I went in to look at some images I had recently edited, (all my images are large jpegs, and I "add" my photos to LR) they all started to change to some weird high contrast edit right before my eyes, one by one without me touching or changing anything. They also had a little exclamation point on them. When I clicked on the exclamation it says "the metadata was changed by Lightroom and another application" and I could "import settings from the disk or overwrite the disk settings." When I clicked import settings it reverted back to my original edit. But this didn't last.. after a few minutes they kept changing back to this other random edit.

I read online that I should save the metadata so it can't be changed, so I highlighted every image I have in Lightroom and saved the metadata. (this took about an hour for Lightroom to do) But now when I go back into Lightroom to look at my photos they do something different.. now they start to revert back to the original UNEDITED files all my themselves, one by one! I have already exported all the edited photos into folders so I have them. But what do I do!? If I ever want to go back to an edited photo and export it at a different size or retouch it or something, none of the edits are saved, I have to start from scratch! I'm a wedding photographer and I'm scared to load more images and work on them just for LR to change them back

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Lightroom :: 4 Edits Don't Transfer To CS5

Mar 9, 2012

Love the new basic editing sliders.  But, finding when I "edit in > PS > edit with LR adjustments", the image in PS is NOT the same as in LR.  It's "darker", the histogram isn't transferring properly. 

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Lightroom :: Lost All Edits

Jun 7, 2012

I went to pull an image for a vendor. I added a few to the quick collection.  Fine right? Now when I look through the master files in the hierarchy, ALL of the edits are lost, including color labels, starring, flagging, etc.  The only images that were not affected are any duplicates that I converted to black and white.I swear I did not change a thing with the catalog or moving files on disk etc.  Can I import from an older backup of a catalog to restore my edits?

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Lightroom :: 4 Not Showing PS6 Edits?

Jan 8, 2013

When I edit in Photoshop CS6, then SAVE, then CLOSE, it isn't in lightroom, stacked or un-stacked. I've reinstalled both LR4, PS-CS6, and ACR.
I can eventually track them dow, they are in the folder, but I have to import them before I see them!
It doesn't matter if I process as TIFF or PSD.

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Lightroom :: Replicating Edits In LR

Oct 20, 2012

Last night I made some adjustments to a shoot which I did using Lightroom presets.  I synced the rest of the images so they were all the same before opening them from Lightroom into Photoshop for further editting.  I unfortunately removed all the images from Lightroom but I still have the psd files which were opened in Photoshop.  Unfortunately i discovered this morning that I have missed a couple of images and try as I might I have been unable to replicate the same use of presets I used last night.  Is there anyway for me to tell from the psd files what presets I used so I can edit the ones I missed in the same way?

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Lightroom :: Edits In NIk HDR Pro Not Saved?

Aug 23, 2012

I have the plugins for Nik HDR Pro in my Lightroom 4 on my Mac (OS X 10.6). When I save the file with the changes and return to Lightoom, the changes I made are not there. I have had the same problem with a filter on my Olympus E5 which emulates an HDR effect - the effects are not visible when downloaded to Lightroom.

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Lightroom :: How To Save Exact Edits From LR5

Jan 25, 2014

I have been doing many edits in LR5 and I am losing something along the way...this is what I have been doing....
The image is edited in LR5 (exposure,blacks,whites etc) The image is edited in Photoshop (spot heal)...(copy with lightroom edits) Edits made in Photoshop are saved back to lightroom (not sure saving method here?) Final product is exported from LR5 to email (sRGB /JPEG)
The blacks in the image look VERY different once emailed from the Mac Computer.  When viewing on the IPAD, Laptop, Mobile devices these images dont look exactly the same prior to being sent via email.

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Lightroom :: 4.3 Edits Are Applied With Delay?

Dec 15, 2012

I notice a rather strange behaviour in Lightroom 4.3 in the Develop module:  it appears that the Develop preview ("zoom to fit" setting, I guess that's what 99% of people are using when using the global adjustments) is only updated when moving the mouse pointer AWAY from the slider that controls the adjustment (it doesn't matter if it's Clarity, or Highlights, Shadows, whatever).
I happen to often click somewhere on the sliders range, say somewhere in the middle between 0 and +100, to get an idea what a Clarity ~50 might look like. If I keep the mouse pointer hovering over the knob, the Develop preview will look pixelized/blocky, and not update to a more refined preview.
Only if I move the mouse pointer AWAY, the preview will be updated. It's as if the rendering is delayed until you're really sure you want that setting, perhaps to improve responsiveness/performance? This didn't happen in LR 4.2.
I tried this with a NEW catalog and only imported something like 100 photos to it, and no plugins - the behavior stays the same. I uninstalled the latest AMD/Catalyst graphics driver and let Windows 7 (64bit) "fall back" to a default driver - again, behavior stays the same.

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Lightroom :: 5 - Lost All Recent Edits?

Jun 11, 2013

Did  a bunch of edits to some photos in a particlular folder. Went to another folder and did the same. When I went back to the original folder, all the last edits I did were gone.
And, LR5 Develop Module is way slower than 4.

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Lightroom :: V5 - Photos Published Do Not Have Edits

Mar 8, 2014

Recently upgraded to Lightroom 5. Now when I publish photos, those photos are the originals, without any of the edits that were made in Develop (such as crop, color, etc.). The tags are being published and updated, but that's all. This is happening for both publish to hard drive as well as online services.

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Lightroom :: Syncing Edits Between Two Computers?

Dec 27, 2012

I have two big issues with syncing edits between my iMac (computer A) and Macbook Pro (computer B). My workflow has been as follows:
Import photo shoot onto computer A as DNG into master catalog. Do some edits. Export all DNGs as "Original" from shoot to desktop and copy over to computer B. Import shoot folder in master catalog on computer B, edits are held. Finish editing the entire shoot on B and export folder as a catalog without exporting the DNG files. Back on computer A, import to shoot folder from another catalog to sync edits and metadata changes.
My issues:
1. When edits actually do sync back on A, everything syncs EXCEPT for virtual copies, they are no where to be found. Even when exporting from B as a catalog, the dialogue box says "79 virtual copies to be exported." They just never show up back on computer A.
2. Biggest issue. On computer A, I work in one master catalog. Some shoot folders are still on the internal hard drive while most are housed on a Drobo. It seems the reason why edits will never sync back (changes arent found when importing from another catalog) is because LR4 is only looking on the INTERNAL disk of computer A. The import seems to not look for the photos that are housed on the Drobo. I think this because whenever I try to import back to A, LR4 tries to create a new folder in the catalog on the internal disk. The below screenshot shows what I mean. 0512-SpeedyFamily is the shoot Im editing between A & B, but LR4 tries to import them back onto the internal disk (upper portion of folders) and created the ?2012 folder.
I am running LR 4.2 on both machines, just havent installed the latest update yet.

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Lightroom :: Folder Of Edits Move From 3.6 To 4.2?

Jan 3, 2013

I have a folder in Lightroom 3.6 that I edited after I had already moved to LR 4. All of my actual image files are on an external hard drive. The folder of edits in question is not in my LR 4 catalog. What is the best way to move that folder with all the edits and virtual copies from 3.6 to 4 and then link the edits to the images on the external drive?

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Lightroom :: Transfer RAW 4 Edits Into Photoshop CS4?

Mar 25, 2013

I know how to "edit in" Photoshop... but, ever since my upgrade to LR4, the file transfers un-edited. In LR3 it would transfer with the LR adjustments. 

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Lightroom :: Missing Edits / Ratings

Sep 18, 2013

I recently copied all Lightroom folders/catalog /etc to a larger hard drive.  Upon opening Lightroom for the first time since the move, almost all of the edits made in Photoshop and/or 3rd Party programs are gone and with them the ratings for those photos. Where are these photos/ratings stored and are they retrievable.  Again, I copied ALL folders and catalog to the new drive.

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