I am using Lightroom 5.3 on Win7 x64. I am having problem during hierarchy in key wording.As shown in A, sometimes it does auto completes but as shown in B many times it doesn’t and manual entry is needed. People have mention on adobe forum it shouldn’t be working but its working sometimes.
I'm in library mode and trying to add the same series of keywords to a group of about 60 photos. All these photos are highlighted at the bottom of my screen but one photo appears to be highlighted more brightly. I've typed in a group of keywords in my sidebar and then clicked enter. I thought that action should tag all 60 photos with the same keywords but it doesn't. Only the brightly highlighted photo gets the keywords. Surely there has to be a way to tag multiple photos with the same keywords all at once. I've watched Cris Orwig's video on Adobe and am following the same steps he demonstrates but the keywords are only tagged to the one photo.
I've been using Bridge for a bunch of years. I have a large amount of photos. They are all keyword in Bridge. I've created a hierarchy of keyword that works quite well and evolve naturally.I have approx 16-17 TB data distributed on 7 NAS servers. Works quite well.
The big pain with Bridge is that it isn't a very coool photo-database. LR on the other hand cool work like the photo-db. LR can reference photos on NAS servers and it has search mechanism and can function as photo-db.
I have a large bunch of photos with assigned keywords. Can I import these pictures in LR and have the keyword along?
What's the difference and purpose of Keywording and metadata such as title and caption, crator, sublocation , label etc? Where & how is the information used? Where does it appear?
How an I save the lightroom keyword hierarchy to the JPG?It seems that the metadata flattens the hierarchy and saves each node in the hierarchy. I had thought that LR would store with pipes between each node.
Is there a plug-in method to accomplish what I wish to do?I have no desire to preserve side-car files.
With every version of Lightroom including LR5.3, I've continually had a problem with keywords moving out of order in my keyword hierarchy every time I export images to another PC for example or another folder on the same PC. It makes a mess of my keyword list as well as creates more work putting them all back in place.
Importing keyword hierarchy from notepad txt document not working as in Lightroom 3...
In Lightroom 3 when write hierarchy in notepad everything in {...} does not display in Lightroom Keyword list but is automatically exported as keyword tag. This is not the case in Lightroom 4.
On below test hierarchy which i have included as a screen cut
When you tick on Giant Golden Mole in Lightroom 3 for instance, the latin name (Chrysospalax trevelyani) as well as the order (Afrosoricida) and family (Chrysochloridae) is automatically tagged. Only the latin name appears though in Lightroom 4 !!
Why oh why when I export any image from one folder to another do I end up with most keywords applied to that image written to my hierarchical keyword list as a new 1st level keyword and not under the parent keyword as they should be? I've tried everything. I'm using Windows 7 64 bit, with the latest LR 3. Export Synonyms, Include on Export, Export containing keywords are all checked with all the keywords and I've unchecked the Write Keywords as Hierarchy in the Export dialogue. With every export I have to clean up my keyword list and I'm at wits end with wasted hours.
I have Lightroom catalogue of approximately 3000 images, all of which are keyworded. Up until recently, it was possible to have a hierarchy of keywords and now I want to contstruct one from the flat list.
I have build a comprehensive keyword hirarchie for my underwater pictures that I would like to keep in sync accross different catalogs e.g. that means if I add an other species to the hirarchy in catalog 1 I would like to see this species also in the keyword hirarchary in catalog 2.
I have things cataloged in folders by country then by year, then date. If I try to add a folder I am directed to my Lightroom folder and everything is in order, ie Lightroom/Asia/China/2008/ 2008-6-16. But I can't see that on the right side of LR.
I want a new catalog with small jpgs and the hierarchical keywords. But I seem to be able to get each part of that individually but I can't seem to get them all at the same time.
If I select images and export them with "Write Keywords as Lightroom Hierarchy" checked, then import those new jpgs into a new catalog, my keywords are a flat list without the hierarchy. I tried exporting my keyword hierarchy as *.txt then importing it into an empty catalog so the hierarchy already existed. When I imported the new jpgs into that catalog, the keywords still came in as a flat list appended to the hierarchical keyword list.
I tried selecting the images and importing as a new catalog, which gives me a new catalog, but the new catalog has the original raw images.
I'm working on a quick little plug-in with the Illustrator CS3 SDK and am having some troubles inserting a single entry into the hierarchy list. I have confirmed that my suites file is correctly calling in the ADMHierarchyListSuite5 class and am able to do everything I try to do in the following code except for add a new entry.
I set up a quick test with the above if else statement to pinpoint that that is where the problem originates as it always exits on signal 671. I'm building this in Visual Studio 2008.
Ex : if we have 10 joints in the scene i want to select the whole hierarchy with script Or if i select 1st joint, then i want select remaining child joints with the script(listRelatives Or listConnecttion).
I do web development and I am attempting to see if I can ween off Photoshop for what I do, (mainly cutting up images) is there a way to have Gimp view a PS file and include the hierarchy of the layers that are originally laid out in Photoshop?
The message sez to download the photos, but this has already been done, so no new photos are downloaded. Also I cannot initially see all my subfolders, and need to right click and select show all subfolders each time.
I'm using Maya 2011 and I'm noticing, there are transform nodes in the outliner hierarchy for my skeleton. Should these be deleted? Some of them delete cleanly and some of them delete taking the bone with them. ???
I uninstalled Lightroom, because it was too slow on my computer. It put a lot of library files and directories in My pictures folder.
When I use a backup program (SyncbackSE) to backup my pictures, it starts to scan all the Lightroom library files and it takes forever (hours and counting). Even though Windows cannot find the directories (with hidden and system files shown). I want to completely delete the Lightroom directories, because now I can't backup my images anymore. It is a pain in the dark places.
Before, I could do a Command-E to open in Photoshop, do a Save As (to the Desktop, for instance) and it wouldn't get put into Lightroom. Now when doing a Save As from Photoshop, the edited file gets put back into Lightroom. What am I missing?
I uninstall this program and I did delete every word of Adobe Lightroom from my registry many times. Reinstall the program again hoping to start fresh and new but still most of the keywords are there. I am really thinking to do a major surgical operation to my PC by formatting my hard drive.
I just ordered a mac to put in a spare office and according to my LR5 retail box it has both the win and mac version on the DVD however when I view the files on the disc I only see a 64 & 32 bit windows .exe even when i view "all hidden files and folders"
So i was wondering if there's a reason I'm not seeing the .dmg on the DVD, If I download the .dmg I can see the .dmg file on my pc so i was curious why i can't see it on the dvd. the dvd is 1.2 +GB but the "visible" files on the DVD equal just over 800MB
I am basically just trying to find out the logical reason why it looks this way before my mac computer arrives because I keep asking myself if I have a bad dvd or is there a simple reason why I can't see the .dmg on the dvd.
There's no way this is possible is there? I only just discovered how to add more than 5 rows, but can't figure out the filename display in the advanced settings.......
I was just reading an article at CNET about DNG in Lightroom 4 and it appears that Adobe quietly ushered in several improvements such as fast load previews. What I'm not entirely clear about though is whether that will only apply to newly created DNG files or to existing ones as well.
Adobe updated the spec on DNG formats for Lightroom 4 according to this article and I'm wondering about what this might mean in the longterm to DNG files that were converted in the past and whether old ones can or should be updated to the latest spec.
It took so long to learn Bridge and PS, that I was never going to bother with Aperture or LIghtroom, but well know photographer was praising Lightroom at seminar, look dazzling, so I got it. But with CS3 incorporating much of it, what the point of having it? Are there indispensible things that Lightroom does for you that CS3 will not? I'd like to hear.
I've been messing with Adobe Lightroom, and its a pretty slick app. One issue I seem to be having though, is my metadata. I have applied metadata (IPTC) to all of my files, and I'm supposed to be able to search on it (they all have my name as the creator)