InDesign :: Is CC Compatible With Arabic AXT Fonts?
Feb 20, 2014
I have previously laid out a book on InDesign CS5 using an arabic AXT font and my client came back to me with a few changes in the text. I have recently downloaded CC and when i open the file the type is highlighted in pink and the error mentions it's a glyph issue. The font is installed correctly and works fine in illustrator.
would be able to identify arabic fonts also. theres this one font, i want to post it, but i wouldnt even know if u guys would know what it is. is there a website for foreign font identifying?
I have a CS6 file (created and last saved by IDD CS6), but my InDesign has been updated to CS8, and when I try to open the CS6 file, I'm told it was last saved as CS9--which I don't have yet--and it can't be opened. How could the file have converted to a version of ID that I do not have? The properties information for the file specifies that it is CS6.
I have installed Corel Draw X5 on a machine running XP Home (SP3) that more than matches the minimum specs required.
Have been a user of Corel Draw since version 7,8, 9 and 12.
When I type text using any True Type Arabic fonts in Corel Draw X5 the text just appears as blank squares. If I apply an outline to the text then it appears fine but if I then try to edit the text it goes back to appearing as blank squares. (Square are not filled, just outlines). This happens when typing text as artistic text or paragraph text.
It is the same in the drop down list for selecting a font when previewing a font it just appears as blank squares.
I do not have this problem with Corel Draw 7,8 or 9. All my Arabic fonts appear fine in these earlier versions of Corel Draw and in other software. This problem first arose with Corel Draw 12 but I learn to live with it but am very disappointed it is still happening in X5.
On another note X5 appears to be not fit for purpose due to the number of problems I am and other users are having with it.
We have a customer that sends us drawings with Arabic fonts that we sometimes need to edit and insert Arabic fonts. Is this possible in the English version of AutoCAD? If so, how do we go about loading Arabic fonts?
Arabic Fonts Jumbled in Autocad. When i see in autocad it look very clear, when i see preview also, it is very clear.When i plot drawing, it is coming Fonts Jumbled.
I am trying to link fonts that are missing in adobe 5.5. When I go to print it says fonts font missing. I have the fonts, the designer sent me, but I am not sure where do I go to link them.
When I preflight and package my InDesign CC file for the printer the fonts are synced front CC fonts, but don't go into the Font File. Instead there is a document named AdobeFnt16.lst.
How does my printer get access to the fonts? In the preflight they show "protected" and don't collect in the font folder.
When I open a file using Indesign 5.5, it is absolutely perfect. When I drag it to Indesign CC, it tells me that there are fonts missing. Then I cannot update those fonts because they dont appear. My font management software (Suitcase Fusion) is completely up to date.
In our workflow, we have a few users who are doing design work on Windows installations of IinDesign CS6 (2 in WIndows 7 and 2 in Windows 8). On all four systems, we have noticed that when we open files from packaged folders that contain the Document Fonts folder, that InDesign slows to an excrutiating crawl, which makes working on the document near impossible. We've narrowed down this behavior to the AdobeFnt14.lst file that seems to be a result of InDesign opening the file using the fonts in that folder without being told to. Deleting that file will temporarily fix the problem, but InDesign recreates it when you open the corresponding document and then you have to delete it again.
We use Universal Type Cient for our font manager, but as far as I know, we didn't install any font auto activation plugins.
Other than deleting the font folder, we've not been able to figure out how to stop ID from trying to automatically load the fonts. We'd love to just turn that "feature" off so that we don't have the hassle. I'd rather have fonts missing and turn them on using our font manager, than have ID slow to an impossible crawl whenever we open archived files. How to stop ID from automatically loading fonts from a document fonts folder?
I'm using InDesign CS 5. It's on a MacBook Pro runiing OS 10.9.1.
I have a document that was sent from a client. The client's doc was in ID CS 6. I have used the Find Font command to change ALL of the the fonts to one font, Alegreya Regular, an OpenType font from Google. I saved the doc and Quit ID CS 5.
When I copy and paste from the old document to the new one, the text appears as Futura. I have deleted all instances of Futura from the old file, and there are not any style sheets with Futura in the old file. Why does the supposedly-deleted formatting persist, and how can I get rid of it for real (and forever)?
Im working with a clients file and being told Im missing some fonts. There is text ALL OVER this thing and it will be a major headache to see where the font problems are located. When I open a file like this in InDesign where a font is mssing, its highlighted in large pink boxes that stand out real easy. Does Illustrator have a similar feature?
I am finding missing fonts when I publish a PDF document from InDesign CC file.I tried to install the custom fonts in my system, but the installation is not getting completed.
I am using the fonts like, Akzidenz-Grotesk and Helvetica family fonts.
I want to see "resent" fonts when choosing, be able to type letter to get down the list quickly, group similar fonts, etc. Maybe have a magnifying glass attached to cursor to see fonts better.... Why have this not been done?
never knew there has a font folder in the user profile for Gimp until I wiped my user profile and moved all patterns, gradients, brushes, etc I have been putting in the program folder to the user profile folder because I read on here that it is better to keep all that stuff in the user profile folder of Gimp... my question is, what is the difference between installing your fonts into the system and placing them into the fonts folder in Gimp (besides all programs being able to use them)?? I've been installing all my fonts into the system I wanna use in Gimp... is it better to use the font folder in the Gimp user profile or to install them into the system?
how to get Gimp to only showfonts from the user/fonts file rather than the vast amount of system fonts.
I think you should read the original mail again. Hint: "system fonts not shown" is not the problem, but the desired outcome.I have accidentally read a "not" into the original mail, thus it became "to get Gimp to *not* only show fonts from the user/fonts file"
The configuration to check is the fonconfig settings then, for example the the global, system-wide fonts.conf file. It may contain references to the global font directories, for example /usr/share/fonts/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts. URL....
If you comment those out, then you can (and have to) add all font directories in GIMP's settings, for example.
Once I installed windows 7, while I WAS using PSE 9, I had the tiny font problem. I stopped using PSE for 2 years. I just installed PSE 11. Though better, the Font is still way smaller than I would like. Maybe it's just tougher for seniors? Can they not make the font adjustable? I was told there is no way to increase the size of the font?
I am working on this, and I typed this arabic word in photoshop, normally with other fonts i have no problem typing, I don't normally have this problem with any other fonts, but with this one, everytime I try and type,
The one on top is normal, the one on bottom I tried messing with the horizontal spacing but it just shows a white space where they are supposed to connect. Any help would he really appreciated. Also, This is the first time this happened with me, so I don't think I need the ME version because I do this all the time, just with different fonts,