Illustrator :: Keeps Freezing Whenever Save Document That Includes Path

Nov 15, 2012

For the last few weeks everytime I'm working on a document in illustrator cs6 that includes paths, I go to save it and it freezes, I try and copy it and it freezes.

I've got an Intel Core Processor @ 2.00GHZ and 8.00GB RAM, I don't have any other program open at the same time so I don't know why this keeps happening.

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Illustrator :: CS6 Freezing With More Than One Document?

Apr 6, 2013

I have always had multiple files open at a time when using illustrator but all day today the program has been freezing everytime i open more than one document. I am able to use the program now if i only have one file open but it freezes as soon as i open the second file. I have restarted my computer twice and i have closed every other program on my computer. I have a macbook pro and i save all of my illustrator files on an external hard drive.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Biggest Path-item In A Document?

Sep 17, 2013

is there a way to determine the biggest item in a document using javascript?

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Illustrator Scripting :: Change File Path For Links In Document?

Apr 14, 2010

changing the file path for links in an Illustrator document?
For example, let's say my Illustrator document is stored at: /Volumes/Storage/Projects/Client/AAA001/designs/
and I have placed 2 linked visuals:
When I open the .AI I noticed that the reference to the visuals is under a %DocumentFiles section:
%%DocumentFiles:/Volumes/Storage/Projects/Client/AAA001/visuals/retouc hed.psd
I need to replace "/Volumes/Storage/Projects" with "/Volumes/Projects". (There are some more complex replacements I need, but let's start here.)

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Illustrator Scripting :: Cycle Through All Path Items In Document And Convert To Outlines

Dec 28, 2012

Is it possible to script the menu item Object/Path/Outline Stroke?I need to cycle through all the Path items in the document and convert them to Outlines.

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Illustrator :: Keeps Quitting Even When Save New Document?

Mar 19, 2014

Illustrator keeps quitting even when I save a new Illustrator document, it quits when reopening it.

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Illustrator SDK :: Save Document As PDF Through Plugin

Nov 13, 2013

We can save the Ai Document as PDF through :

1. Save As -> PDF
2. File -> Scripts -> SaveDocsAsPDF
But I have a case where I need to save document through my plugin.Can we save the currently open document as a PDF file using the CS6 SDK ?

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Illustrator :: Can't Get Document To Save PDF With Bleed Area

Jan 22, 2013

I can't get my document to save a PDF with the bleed area, it shows the cropmarks but not bleed area. Also in my Object tab I do not have the option of Crop area.

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Illustrator :: How To Create Crop Marks To Save A Document

Oct 24, 2013

I recently u[graded from a very old Illustrator version to CS6 and I noticed the crop tool is missing. It used to be really easy in the old version to drag the crop tool around the area in question and crop marks would be generated automatically. Then I could save and print just that area only. Now this tool is gone and I am having trouble with finding a way to define the area I want to save or print. When i generate crop marks and then save, all i get is a file with plenty of white around it that also shows the crop marks....

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Illustrator Scripting :: Save Document On Network Location

Sep 19, 2012

I am working on a plugin application, in that saving Image files on a specific location by using JSX file.I have done with that but it works only with local drive.I want to save that file on my Network Share by using JSX.

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Illustrator :: CC Crashing Upon Attempting To Start New Document - Even Save A New Workspace

Sep 3, 2013

in fact didn't know I had the time to be either.Creative Cloud is a great idea, pity it has been used to release under cooked software. The upgrade to CC has cost my department hours and hours of chargeable/billable time.URL....

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Illustrator Scripting :: Assign Values To Artboard And Save Within Document?

Oct 14, 2013

Is there any chance to assign values to an artboard?
I've experimented with “tags”, but they only work for pageItems. (if the item which includes the stored data is deleted, the data is also deleted)
It is simple data like v1=true, v2=false, … I want to assign. And it needs to be saved within the illustrator document.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Dynamic Save File Path

Jan 14, 2014

So I deal with a lot of files each day that need to be saved according to their lead code, meaning that there is a folder that holds thousands of sub folders that have the same name as this lead code on a server.
So since I have the lead code in the file name I'm trying to use that in conjunction with the file path to tell illustrator where to save it with Javascript. Also the idea of a dynamic save path is useful.
Here's what I've got so far, it's not working yet but I feel like I'm close.
Dynamic Save Path////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#target illustrator
[Code] ......

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Illustrator :: Line Path Disappears On Save File?

Jul 31, 2012

I created a circle and positioned a line segment on top of it. When I preview or save the image, the line segment doesn't appear. Here is an illustration of the problem.

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Photoshop Elements :: Can Save JPG Document Into Non Photo Document File

Nov 23, 2013

I inadvertently saved a document as a jpg and wondered if there is any way I can convert it to a document file that is handled more easily with a file that is other than a photo file?

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Illustrator Scripting :: Open Save File Dialog With Default Path

Oct 8, 2012

I want to open a "Save File Dialog " with some default path.Like when user run that script I want to open  a "Save As" dialog box with default path "/Volumes/<shared name>/<folder name>/.. ."I am using File.SaveDialog(prompt, filter);
but it doesn't open to the location by default that I want to open.

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Illustrator :: How To Save Custom Artboard Setup With Custom Document Profile

Nov 1, 2012

Is there a way to save a custom artboard setup with a custom document profile in illustrator cs5? I do technical illustrations and our page size is odd (7.19 x 8.96. It the size that our Framemaker layout is set to.). I have a custom document profile that I use, but I use the grids all the time so that my callouts are spaced out evenly around the art. I would like to have a way to set the artboard up so that the grid will align to the center of the artboard everytime I turn them on. Right now they always start from the top left and when I center art in the center of the page, the grid spacing isn't the same on each side of the art. I just want to be able to open my document profile, turn on my grids, have them start from the center, and I can get down to business. As it is now I have to go into my artboard settings and manually adjust the grid to the center. Small annoyance, but it still annoys me. I have tried to save it a few different ways, but nothing has worked. Maybe there just isn't a way.

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Illustrator :: Save Page-tiled Document As Multi-page PDF In CS6?

Apr 4, 2013

This was very easy to do in earlier versions of Illustrator, but now it seems like the only option is to make a separate artboard for each page tile!

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Paint.NET :: Batch Single Folder Path Location Save / Save As

Dec 4, 2013

AND/OR a open tab recovery cache or way to extract the images that get lost during a crash of PDN.
Number two on my list behind your fantastic new layer functionality that I had been dreaming about for three years. I NEVER close PDN. The ONLY time it closes is once every week or two when the 20, 30, 50 tabs that I have open, finally overwhelm my system. I bounce back and forth so much that there is no way to continuously save them as I make changes cause it would jack up my workflow by taking up too much time.
No way around it, this is just how I work. It would be lovely if PDN was able to, similar to After Effects, popup an error box saying it was about to crash and did 'you" want to save the session. Especially, now, with 4, as while it is a super duper version upgrade, the crashes were daily, with me, and I couldn't keep losing that much data. Sophie's choice, for me. The old layer window or daily crashes.

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Illustrator :: Why Does Mac Keep Freezing With Shortcuts In CS6

Sep 24, 2012

I'm on an OSX Lion machine (10.7.4) with 7GB of memory.
I have the following shortcuts in Illustrator:
Cmd +Shift + = : To export a file
Cmd +3 : Select the same fill color
Cmd + 4: Select the same stroke color
Cmd + . : Rotate
Cmd + , : Reflect an object
It doesn't matter which shortcut it is what will happen is that Illustrator and my Mac will freeze up not allowing me to force quit the program. This will happen randomly and the only way around it is to restart the mac and restore default preferences via Cmd + Option + Shift when opening the program.
I have tried re-installing the suite and it still happens, so I'm wondering is it the specific shortcuts I am using or is it the computer? I only ask because Illustrator has no issues when everything is defaulted, however when I add the shortcuts this issue will happen.

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InDesign :: Can't Save Or Save As Document

Feb 17, 2014

Original file was generated in Adobe InDesign CS6 as (16) 8.5" x 11" - exported this to high res print ready PDF. I need to manually paginate this 16 page document to 11" x 17" printer spreads so I can set up addressing with XMPie.Placed PDFs into InDesign CC (vsn 9.2) on (8) 11" x 17" sheets - saved as a new file name but it won't save - it looks like it's processing for a minute, then just stops and doesn't save.
Made an 8 page 11" x 17" template without placing the PDF and saved it - and it saved successfully. Once I place the PDFs - and try to save or save as - it does the same thing, processes for a moment before stopping and not successfully saving (the * is still next to the name at the top of the document bar, and if I close it asks me if I want to save changes.)I'm on a Mac, OS/X 10.8.5, I've restarted the machine, and tried again and ended up with the same issue.

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Illustrator :: CS6 And Graphic Styles (Freezing)

Nov 14, 2012

I'm on a Mac and have Illustrator CS6. Whenever I try to open up Graphic Styles, it freezes.I deleted preferences and even did the disk permissions repair, then restarted. Nothing. I tried to create multiple types of documents too (print, web, etc), but whenever I try to open styles after creating that document, it freezes.
These are the vanilla default graphic styles..It might freeze for other tools, but I'm not sure, haven't gotten that far in the investigation.

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Illustrator :: Freezing And Appearance Not Working?

May 28, 2012

For some reason to time I need Illustrator to be perfect and it fails on me ON EXAM WEEK.
I used it yesterday perfect for a good 3-4 hour session. I get on today and I notice that clicking on my groups and paths freezes it for around 5 seconds then works again. Isolation mode also takes a while to go in and then come out and when I minimize it it takes longer to open back up again (10 seconds).
That is also not the only problem
I'm trying to copy the appearance from one group to another by dragging the swatch in the appearance panel. When I apply it to an object that object turns invisble but I can still see the path it just has no fill or stroke

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Illustrator :: CS4 Freezing When Loading Print Option

Sep 25, 2009

Computer Specs:
Dell Dimension 3000
Windows XP (SP3)
750 MB of RAM
Pentium 4 (2.80 GHZ)
40 GB HD / 20 GB Available
** Security patches up-to-date.
Illustrator Version:
CS4 v14.0.0
When I am go to "File > Print" the print screen begins to load and then completely freezes. The default printer is set to "Brother GT-541". This is a digital garment inkjet printer. If I switch the default printer to something else, the print screen will load without issue. If I then change the destination printer in the drop-down menu to "Brother GT-541" it will freeze. Once Illustrator is frozen, I need to force quit in order to get back into Illustrator.
I contacted the company we purchased the Brother GT-541 from - to see if they were aware of any issues. There were none - but they explained that they have no customers who use CS4, most all of them use CS3 or prior. They advised that I update the Brother GT-541 printer driver, which I did - and it turned out to be no luck.

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Illustrator :: 3-D Effect Freezing When Clicking Preview Box?

May 9, 2013

i am trying to do my online assignment for Adobe Illustrator.  I am using the 3-D effect and everytime I click on the preview check box, it freezes up.  Which is very frustrating, because that effect is used alot in this chapter.  If it is a computer memory problem, how do I fix that?

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Illustrator :: Create Single Path To Type On Not Compound Path From Many Paths?

May 11, 2012

I have some negative space I created(black area, see first image) that I want to fill with type, not just a simple fill.
Basically I want to create the negative space from a bunch of small minus signs(-) that need to line up as they go across. If I type on each path one at a time as the text doesn't line up that way. This needs to be one continuous path. (see second image)
Unfortunately if I add them together, it creates a compound path, which you cannot type on, unless I am mistaken? So I need them to be a path, not a compound object.

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Illustrator :: Reduce Anchors Points In Segment Path Without Altering The Path?

Aug 31, 2013

In illustrator, is there a way to reduce anchors points in a segment path without altering the path?

Is there a better and more efficient way to reduce anchors points than using the pen-minus tool?

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Illustrator :: CS5 Keeps Freezing / When Try To Render Artwork Using 3D Revolve Effect

Dec 9, 2012

I am designing my band's album cover and it features pill capsules.  I can create the object with ease, but when I click on "3D Revolve" and then hit "preview" it says "Rendering Artwork" and instantly freezes at halfway. how I want to get this done asap.  I have tried the Alt+Ctrl+Shift trick that I have heard of, but that doesn't work either. 

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Photoshop :: How To See Document File Name With Full Path When Hovering Mouse Over Title Bar

Apr 1, 2013

Using PS CS6, Windows 7 x64.
I was under the impression that when hovering my mouse over the document title bar, I would see a tooltip showing the full file name, including the path.  This isn't happening and I'm wondering if there is a way to do this.  I know I can click File > Save As, or Ctrl+Shift-S to see the full path, but hovering over the title bar would be easier.  (What I am seeing now in the tool tip is the file name, % magnification and which layer I have selected.  Basically, the tool tip is just showing what's in the title bar without hovering.)

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Illustrator :: Convert Text Path Back Into Line Path In CS 5?

Jan 9, 2013

I've tried every permutation of copy and paste; I renamed the path to path. It looks like a path when I add stroke, but it does not behave like one.  I can't cut it or join it to any other path. It remembers it's text path status. I'm running OS X 10.7.5.

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Illustrator :: Convert Text Path Back To Regular Path?

Mar 20, 2014

I accidentally converted a path to a text path. I searched the forum for how to convert it back to a regular path. The answer I found said to select the path and hit Command+C+F. This gives me another text path! I now have at least 6 copies of the path in my files but they are ALL text paths and none are visible with a stroke.

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