Illustrator :: How To Print A Color Separation PDF
Oct 10, 2013
I need to know how to print a color separation pdf from Illustrator cs 6. I am using Adobe Acrobat 9. When I hit the print command the file just disappears to who knows where.
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Jun 3, 2012
I'm having problems with printing a color seperation. I'm working with CS5 and it won't allow me to print seperations to a pdf-file. I tried to print to an Adobe PostScript file, but also this won't allow me to select the Separations (Host-Based) or In‑RIP Separations Mode as that option is greyed out.
I followed: [URL]
I made sure all colours are in cmyk and already unsuccessfully checked google for solutions, but i'm sure that i'm just missing a simple option.
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Mar 12, 2013
how to print a color seperation with half tone using photoshop cs6 or cloud suite with a canon mp970 printer with no postcript function
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Apr 20, 2006
if i can do CMYK color separation in photoshop?
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Aug 29, 2013
Yesterday CD upgraded itself as I turned it of to go home from work, when starting it the day after all seemed to be as it was util I should print out a color separation. Suddenly I now have to check every color that I want to print out, the only color that doesn't need to be checked is black(cmyk black) all pantoen colors have to be checked.
Why is this changed?
Can I set it up so all colors is to be printed as default?
Also having some trouble in exporting to EPS, when exporting all seems fine, but the file appears to be empty, the next exported files seems to be fine thou. First export is always empty.
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Sep 9, 2004
For a long time I have been struggling to find a good workflow for what I would call "multi channel color separation". What I want is to reduce a full color RGB image into an image with only a limited number (e.g. 5-8) well-chosen colors, for instance to use as set of masks for screen print. (I'd also like to use this as an effect in itself, mimicking a typical 'screen print' or 'litho' effect on an inkjet print)
The idea is to create a set of monochrome layers or spot color channels. Colors are to be selected by myself (so not necessarily RGB or CMYK). Each channel/layer has to be a continuous tone that I transform myself into a dedicated half tone screen (e.g. with the Andromeda screen filter).
Till sofar it is clear to me. My issue is: How to separate the image in the predefined set of colors?
I can not just select a color range: I can adjust a "tolerance" but that is too general. I need the pixels of with a specific hue but with the full range of lightness (e.g. all the purple pixels that range from dark/medium purple to very light purple). The dark colors can be made dark with a black channel. I'm not sure how to deal with the saturation range.
An approach that gives sometimes a result that is to some extent acceptable is to transfer from RGB mode to an Indexed Color mode and use a custom palette. However, this does not give much control on the halftone screening process.
I envision for instance an approach of filling a layer with a solid given color, select in one way or another only those parts that correspond to the original image and subtract that layer somehow from the image. This process is then to be repeated for each color. Up till now I have not been able to figure the right options to do this. But maybe there is a better way to do it.
One final wish: it would be great if the process can take into account that some layers in the final print are (semi-)transparent. In my opinion this would exclude just selecting a color and deleting de pixels.
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Oct 24, 2012
I am trying to learn about color separation for silk screening.
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Jun 6, 2011
Well as much as I do design work for customers for tee shirts,I never had to do color separation, for the screens.I’m wondering how do you do this? ( how do you separate colors in corel, for screen printing) .
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Mar 16, 2014
I am unable to save .pdf versions of color separations. I followed the tutorials (changed all colors to cmyk or spot colors, selected the printer adobe post script, changed the output to Separations (host-based), desected the colors I didn't want on the separations), but something goes wrong when I save. When I click save, I am given no option to save the separation as a .pdf. The program seems to be unable to save the separation as any sort of readable file. In the drop down box where it should provide a .pdf option, it merely says "All Files." If I save my separation using this option, then Illustrator creates a file unreadable by Acrobat Reader.
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Jun 24, 2013
I have an AI CS6 file (CMYK) which I can not print in color. When I save as a PDF file and print it using Reader it prints out in color. My other AI files print in color without a problem.
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Feb 15, 2012
I'm trying to print color separations as a Postscript file from Illustrator CS5 and the halftone areas keep showing up as grayscale instead of the specified frequency and angle. I've tried usiing multiple PPDs and options but I'm having no luck.
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Mar 28, 2013
I need to print a document with partial UV-spots, and cannot figure out how to make my Illustrator document ready for print!
The online print center guides me to: create a 'seperate print channel' for the specific elements in my document i want covered, with either a '5th color or a special color' set for 'over-print and 100% color'.
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Jan 11, 2013
URL....I have a green vector background in illustrator and then I placed psd image over it and created PDF for press and under Color bitmap images I selected no compression.After viewing image in Acrobat all seems ok, I even checked with picker, but after I send this to printer (xerox in thsi case) I end up with this: Both .psd and .ai are in CMYK color space. For this particular case I could use mask to cover up that transparent space but my original project has shadows which I cannot mask by vector :S.
how to set color profiles or whatever is neccessary to avoid this issue. One thing I was using was, opening PDF in Photoshop and flatening all. Problem is that sometimes I need vector files and cut lines for cutter. Don't want to have bitmap, if I can have a vector? Also when I flaten image I do get same CMYK values in photoshop (with picker) than I have in Illustrator on vector object, but when I print this they don't match at all.
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May 11, 2013
Can't print the illustration. The Color Management settings are inconsistent.
I keep getting this message everytime I try to use any of the print script examples in the adobe javascript reference guide. I also tried the script from this thread: [URL] .... and got the same error. I'm using a windows 8 machine but got the error on vista as well.
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Feb 3, 2012
I'm having an issue with Autocad LT 2010 where when I xref in my title block which has our company logo in color, the logo will only print in black and white. If i open just the title block and print it, it will then print in color. I only seem to have this problem when the title block is xref'd in. I downloaded the 2012 demo version of AutoCadLT and it prints just fine?This has just started happening when my computer was upgraded to Windows 7 64 bit.
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Jul 10, 2013
Just upgraded from an HP DesignJet 800PS to an HP DesignJet T2300PS. Everything is printing BW, not color. Using AutoCAD 2013 and acad.ctb plot style.
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Mar 20, 2007
I was wondering what is the best way to save a photoshop file such as a business card or stationary labels so they "KEEP" their color you see on screen.
I am already building in CMYK mode. My Client has a nice gray scale scheme but I am worried that the print shop will mess up the colors.
How do I create a custom set of colors and adhere to that scheme throughout the clients stationary and media.
ie. Cards, Labels, Signs, etc.
Is there an option to print a color scale along with the image, sorta like when you calibrate your printer?
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Nov 5, 2006
I need help with separating a grayscale image into dark and light channels. Specifically what I am trying to do is take a grayscale image and divide it into two (or more) channels representing the lower and upper percentages of black. I am doing this so that I can create a black and light gray spot color separation. In screen printing, the lower values of gray tend not to come out and get dropped when burning the film onto the screen. Additionally with dot gain being what it is in screen printing (30%+), it is advantagous to split the gray channel into two channels with only the upper half (50% or more black) into one channel, and the lower half (less then 50% black) into another channel. I have tried to eliminate both upper and lower halfs without altering the other half but can't figure it out. To explain another way, imagine completely elimimating 50% black or more from the histogram without altering the 49% and lower values or compressing them, and then again in reverse, keeping the 50%+ and completely eliminating the lower half.
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Aug 13, 2013
My company is exporting Postcards in Illustrator CS6. What we do is have a large data set imported into the Variables applet and use the Actions applet to record and export action and play it through the whole data set. We later combine the PDF files and print them as a batch.
My question is: Is there a way to create an action that will automatically print the data set while avoiding the print dialog box? It will make the process simple and move faster.
Also, what are your was of creating postcards? Catalogs?
How do people create a catalog with over 60 pages and keep the file size low?
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Jan 5, 2012
I've created a doutone in Photoshop, saved as a eps and placed it in InDesign (all CS5). The file will separate correctly in Photoshop but the second color will not separate correctly in InDesign. Can't find anything addressing this issue.
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Mar 28, 2009
I want to produce three positive transparency (C M Y) "films" that I can lay on top of each other over a white light for demonstration purposes (to simulate the behaviour of a slide film). Obviously each film has to be printed in its own colour (Y, M, C).
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Feb 20, 2014
I have a Samsung Laser printer. THe passive USB hub went bad yesterday, and I re-installed teh printer drivers. Everything prints fine from my on-line E-mail, Microsoft Word, etc. However, when I attempt to print from Adobe Illustrator I get a "Print to file" WINDOW that comes up, I never got this before I don't want to print to file (!!!!). I want to print to the printer.
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Mar 28, 2009
I want to produce three positive transparency (C M Y) "films" that I can lay on top of each other over a white light for demonstration purposes (to simulate the behaviour of a slide film). Obviously each film has to be printed in its own colour (Y, M, C).
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May 24, 2013
I'm trying to save a PSD containing vector Smart Object to be separated as a Spot PMS.
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Jan 12, 2012
I want to create objects and export them out into a JPG or PNG. My question is, can I create the artwork as a whole (multicolor/object artwork), having different objects on different layers and export all the layers to created into multiple PNG/JPG files ... with one click?
For example, when someone does screen printing on tee shirts, they have a 3 or so color graphic. I would need to export each color individually as a raster image (Export one, then export again, and again and agian blah blah blah). That would be needed to create mulitiple silk screen frames.
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Mar 21, 2012
I'm trying to set up a sliding/no separation contact within and assembly for FEA purposes. I want to eliminate all moments (torque) between two pieces while still allowing one to impart force on another. When evaluating constraints, I'm seeing moments are infect being passed through. The guide mentions this contact for planer and cylindrical objects but makes no reference to spherical surfaces.
Is it possible to accomplish this type of a contact on spherical surfaces?
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Dec 25, 2013
I have tried this feature with mixed results. Scaning 2,3 or 4 pictures of different sizes, changing angles using an HP8600 Multifunction device. I have tried both scannig using HP software and directly with Elements at 200, 300 and 600 dpi. Elemets will sometime split off one of the pics but is not reliably sepatating them all. What ca I do to improve my results? I have a lot of pics to scan and really don't want to do them one at a time.
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Mar 30, 2013
I upgraded from CS5 on XP to CS6 hosted on Windows 7, 64 bit. Images loaded into my new CS6 system from my camera or the web display and print perfectly. I am using the same printer for CS6 as I did for CS5, an Epson 3800.
However, when I open and print older CS5 generated images using CS6, the images print with what appears to be reversed grey tones and off color but the monitor displayed colors appear just as good as they did on CS5. In summary, images generated in CS6 print ok, but images generated under my old CS5 system print with off colors using CS6 but display ok.
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Jul 3, 2012
I can't convince my Corel Draw X6 to print in color. Even the print preview is in B&W. I've been using Draw since version 8 and I never encountered this problem before. Do I reinstall my printer's driver? I upgraded to X6 only recently - did I miss something in printing setup?
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Feb 4, 2013
I have a model dwg that is in color, once I place in paper space it is still in color, but once I pdf document it only pdf's in black and white.
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Feb 12, 2003
I was getting great photo prints from my Epson 870 = colors matched what I expected well enough to satisfy me (it doesn't take much! )
But recently, everything I print FROM PHOTOSHOP has a pinkish cast. I wish I could say "I've only changed one thing" between "when it was good" and "now it isn't" but there is too much water under the bridge for that. I CAN tell you that I installed Epson's "PIM II" system trying to solve an unrelated problem, realized it didn't solve it, and de-installed it. I believe the problems happened after that - but even if I could point the finger at it, I'm not sure I'd know what to do.
I've been trying to eliminate variables, so I gave up on photographs I simply wanted to print, and created an image from scratch I want to use anyway. (I plan to use it when I shoot photos to confirm exposures, set white balance, etc.) This document was created in 8-bit RGB and assigned the "working space" profile, which I have set to sRGB IEC61966-2.1. This is the same profile I have been using, that I have assigned to my photos, etc - - and prefer not to screw with because it has worked for me in the past. The document has some grays I created using R=G=B, and a range of colors including pure R, G and B. You'll see in a moment.
Now - when I print this doc from PS, it gets a very pinkish cast - especially in the black-to-white gray bars. However, they look fine on the screen, and I verified their pixel values with Apple's "digital color meter" app. My monitor, by the way, is an Apple Studio Monitor, and the system is set up to use the Apple Studio Monitor profile as the colorsync profile for the monitor.
But here's the kicker. When I open and print this same document using Apple's "Preview" app, and the same print settings - it prints properly!. I conclude from this that the problem is somewhere with PS, not with the printer or other system settings.
This image (about 200K, jpeg'd, but not enough to not make the point) is a screen shot showing the same doc open in PS and Preview, along with my PS color settings dialog. I DO see a slight color difference in the way PS displays the file (particularly the blue square) - but the difference in printouts is considerably more severe.
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