Illustrator :: Script To Modify Multiple Files?
Oct 24, 2013
This script is supposed to open, modify, save, and close all files within a chosen folder.
There are a couple problems with the script The files are "legacy" .eps and .ai, so a save dialog pops up. I want to save the file and move on, suppressing dialogs if possibleOnly the first file is opened If I comment out the line inside the for loop that runs the convertToUncoated() function, all of the files will open. If there is a way to upload the test files I'll gladly do that.
#target illustrator
* Author: Jeff Hines
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Oct 21, 2013
I have a user that is attempting to open multiple files at once in IllustratorCC. When you select multiple files and right click -> open, it only opens one file. If she double clicks a file while there is a file open in illustrator, nothing happens. The only way she has found to open multiple files is to go to file->open->browse to location for each file. This is quite time consuming. Is there anyway to enable being able to quickly open multiple files similiar to how older versions of Illustrator did?
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Nov 12, 2013
I have around 300 Illustrator ai files I need to convert into PNG. They need to
have transparent background (not white)be 500x500 pxbe centered in the image (all of them aren't squared: if it's rectangular, it needs to be centered) How do I achieve this?
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Mar 14, 2013
I have more than 50 geometries in my Gmask module, now I want to change all color to 0. Select all geometry and change the value doesn't work. I know I can always invert it in the next node, but I just wonder if there's any button that I missed.
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Jun 24, 2013
How can I print mulitple different .ai files onto one page in Illustrator CS6? I have all of the files organized by Arrange Documents>Tile All in Grid and I would like to print the files in this format so that they can all be seen at once when printed out onto one page.
Some background is that I have 16 different cad drawings that I have converted and edited in illustrator. I'd like to basically make a contact sheet with all 16 drawings so that they can be reviewed on one sheet of paper after printing. But each drawing is in it's own unique file, and I have not figured out how to put them all onto one page for printing.
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Nov 6, 2012
Any lisp routine on how to change "Drawing Properties" (fields via Mtext) on multiple single drawing files?
There are several instances where we would need to take a project to create another one and simply change the title block description.
As of now, we are opening each drawing (there could be hundreds) and modifiying the drawing properties on each drawing to change the customer name and other project descriptions.
These are not attributes, but fields. I've researched alot on here and couldnt find anything.
The drawing is attached.
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Jul 11, 2013
If one can select multiple layers to modify i.e. scale, rotate, transform... or is it only possible one layer at a time?
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Feb 11, 2013
I have 30 Illustrator pdf files created in Illustrator 10 that I would like to transform into one Illustrator CS6 file with each file being a separate artboard. I would like to import them all at once and not have to do it one by one.
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Oct 25, 2013
I work at a small company with multiple designers (5 of us) where 3 of us work remotely. We use dropbox to manage our files so that everyone has access--we keep client files in specific folders and stock media in a shared folder.
Currently whenever we open a file that's been edited by someone else, we have to go in and individually relink the files. Some would prefer to embed the files, however this can increase filesize by 60-400mb. Our current files total in at around 500gb, so I don't think that's a viable option.
4 of us are on Macs, 1 on Windows. 1 has CS5, 3 have CS6 and one has CC.
My question is this: If we all have the same path to dropbox (or the same path to the file, either way) will Illustrator be able to automatically find the files?
Eg. X:/Dropbox/...
If so, will it work cross platform?
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Jul 27, 2013
Illustrator CC
I am having a difficult time trying to create a new swatch libray of patterns from multiple png files. The way I am doing this is very slow and repetitive and seems silly for a tool as advanced as the latest CC suite including illustrator.
What it seems I must do is open all the png files in Illustrator, creating multiple workspaces, drag one png file into the swatch window, then save that window as a library, close the existing window to reveal the next png file, open the user library I just created, drag the next image into the currently active swatch window, then drag the previous swatch/s from the user library into the current active swatch window, resave and replace the user defined swatch library (now with two images in there)fromthe updated current active swatch panel/window, close the existing workspace to reveal the next image file, and then repeat the process again, slowly building the user defined swatch library up by adding one image at a time and then adding back into the Swatch panel the previously built up library of swatches again one at at time. (you can select all from the existing user defined library and drag over into swatch panel, but this creates at least one duplicate on each cycle for as soon as you click on the first swatch in the library, it adds itto the current swatch panel and then when you select all swatches to drag across it includes the first swatch and copies it again)
This is a very slow process to build up a swatch library. For some reason you cannot drag swatches directly into the user defined library you have created, only into the active swatch window for each workspace. I searched the web and forums for answers but could find none. There must be an easier way, just can't find it.
Ideally, the best option would be a swatch window option that allows the import directly from a list of selected files in the finder.
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Jul 19, 2013
I created a action in Illustrator CS6 (on a PC) which opens PNG files, scales them onto a 8.5 x 11 page, saves them as a PDF into a output folder on my desktop and then closes the page. The action works great and does exactly what I had hoped for.
Here is my issue: I now have a need to do this on multiple files at the same time. Using the Illustrator Help menu, I found out about Batch processing. The tutorial says that a batch can be run on a single file or on a folder of files. Bingo! That's what I want. Problem is, I can't get it to work.
After setting up the batch with the following settings: (note: I didn't use a destination folder because I have the action saving the pdf into an output folder on the desktop).
According to the help page, it said to use Override Action "Open" commands which Opens the files from the specified folder and ignores any Open commands recorded as part of the original action. I thought this is what I needed to open all the files in the folder, because when recording my action, I had to use the open command to open a png file. It wouldn't just let me choose a folder. If I don't have the open command in the action, nothing happens.
My main issue is getting multiple files from within my input folder to open when running the action. The only file that opens is the file that I recorded while creating the action. If I remove that file from the folder, nothing happens at all.
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Feb 6, 2014
I have about 300+ product labels that are in Illustrator, and some of them have an incorrect rich black color swatch. What I have been doing is going through and changing the color pallette to change them manually. Essentially going to the instance of black and changing them to regular black.
Is there any sort of script that can do this? The files are in CMYK.
Otherwise I have a lot of monotonous file editing to do.
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Nov 4, 2013
Is it possible to have a script that would split up an Illustrator file that contains a number of groups of elements into individual files... for example, here is a download link for a file that has different types of moustaches and I want each moustache as an individual file... I have hundreds of Illustrator files like this that have 4, 8, 15, 20 or more illustrations all bunched onto the one file that I need to split up. I'm using CS4 [URL]....
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Nov 26, 2012
I recently had a power failure while working in AICS5 on Mac OS 10.7.5. When I restarted, AI reopened and tried to open every file I've worked on, in the last month or so.
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Nov 14, 2011
I tried to find a way how to export my artboards into single file to the multiple files - each file one canvas. Do I have to manage it separately?
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Aug 27, 2013
Is there a way to use symbol libraries so that editing 1 symbol will ripple through and change several .ai files?
Our office has several people, working on several .ai files which all share symbols in common. We all know how to edit a local symbol and have it ripple through 1 document and change the artboards. We know how to save a library of symbols to share with others in the office. What we don't know is how to edit a symbol in that library and have it update everwhere.
If we can improve our process we can turn 1 day of work into 1 minute. I wish it worked like links in InDesign.
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Feb 11, 2013
I have 30 separate illustrator pdf files (one page each) that I would like to make into one Illustrator CS6 file with 30 artboards. Is there any way to do that without having to import one by one?
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Apr 5, 2013
I have about 500 files that I need to change one line of text in. Example. File name is XXX 001, the line of text is the file name so it would read XXX 001. XXX 002... etc. up to XXX 500. Is there a way that I could automate it opening, changing this line of text, saving and closing?
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Jul 26, 2004
am using PhotoShop for web development but mostly for digital photo manipulation.
I have found a couple of PNG files that I thought would transparent but were not. How can I transform an existing png file that has been used to modify the boarder of pictures for rough edges..... The png file is not transparent and has a lot of internal noise/distortion that keeps the "magic wand tool from being able to clear out the middle are in one fail swoop?
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May 26, 2013
how to convert multiple selections to multiple layers or multiple files with one go?
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Oct 5, 2013
Is there a way to allow user to select multiple files inside the file dialog using scripts? So not just something like "*.ai" or "*.eps" but where the user can actually use their shift key to select a batch of files inside the file dialog and then the script would process each one.
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Jun 12, 2013
Mac OS 10.6
Illustrator CS6
Illustrator CS6 hangs (spinning beach ball) when saving files to the computer's local HD while having multiple server share points mounted.
I am NOT opening or saving the file to or from a server. The server is mounted so that I can move my saved file to it once complete.
Unmounting the servers fixes the problem and Illustrator CS6 returns to being normal (not causing a spinning beach ball).
This is repeatable, not intermittent.
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Aug 12, 2013
I try to open mulitple ai files through palette dialog but it fails on Error:8702, there is no document. But if i change to var win = new Window ("dialog", "Batch"); the open file works well.
var txtSourceFolder = win.add("edittext",undefined);
var btnOk = win.add("button",undefined,"Run");
[Code] ....
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Dec 19, 2011
How to make the following script for adding serial numbers apply to multiple files in a selected folder?
var docRef = app.activeDocument;
with (docRef) {
var docName = name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf('.'));
var artRight = visibleBounds[2];
[Code] .....
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May 25, 2012
I am using Coreldraw but in the past I have been able to create the following Macro to do the following
(1) open a file called C:ArtworkC67PSML.cdr
(2) change the text in one field from "Recorded in Ireland" to "Recorded in China"
(3) remove all guideline fields
(4) export the cdr to pdf format and save as new file C:Artwork2C67PSML.pdf
But I would very much like to be able to run the macro on all CDR files in the c:/Artwork folder, how I could amend my code (shown below) to do this ?
Sub Rings()
Dim doc1 As Document Set doc1 = OpenDocument("C:ArtworkC67PSML.cdr") Call TextTranslate ActivePage.Layers("Guidelines").Editable = True ActivePage.Layers("Guidelines").Shapes.All.CreateSelection ActiveSelection.Delete ActivePage.Layers("Guidelines").Activate
[Code] ......
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Dec 12, 2011
I've recently installed AutoCAD LT 2007 on a new computer running Windws 7 64 bit. I've been able to modify/customize everything except my .pgp files.
I've found them under C:/Program Files (x86)/AutoCAD LT 2007/User Data Cache/Support/acadlt. Once I've gone through and made my changes, and attempt to "X" out of the dialog box, I'm prompted to "Save" changes. I choose "Save" and am then told the "acadlt.pgp already exists. Would you like to replace it?". I select "Yes", and am then told "Access Denied"...with none of my changes being saved.
I've learned about an "unsanctioned" workaround...running a "run as XP" patch, but I'm having trouble finding out details/feasability of this solution. Additionally, I'm curious if I go this route, will all my programs now run as if on XP?
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Dec 22, 2012
I have PSE 10. I'm trying to change a layout to customize my output. I'm the admin but I get the following error when trying to save a change. "You don't have permission to save in this location. Contact your admin for permission". I checked the file properties and the only box not checked is the special permissions which is grayed out. I see info saying this is how you modify the layouts but not sure why mine isn't accepting.
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May 24, 2013
In older versions of Illustrator, I used to be able to make a selection of multiple objects and give them a stroke or other attribute. Now it says “Mixed Appearance” and I can't do anything to the selection. How do I modify a multi-selection if it says “Mixed Appearance?”
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Jul 28, 2013
I want to wrap a text and Photoshop logo on a bottle and then rotate it so the image can be seen from different sides
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Nov 8, 2013
I just can't add neither modify brushes in the brush palette. The little pencil in the bottom right corner is barred and I can't figure how to free it.
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Oct 31, 2012
How do I modify the text in an existing logo?
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