Ok, I'm in Illustrator CC and using the Object>Pattern creator to make new patterns. but I seem to be unable to figure out how to save those patterns to be able to open them in other documents.I have gone to 'Save Swatch Library as ASE' but then it says swatches with gradients and patterns will not be saved.
I have tried to 'Save Swatch Library as AI' but it still doesn't seem to save it anywhere.How do I save a pattern I create to be able to open that pattern in a different document later?
I've gone nuttier this time. I just installed Illustrator CS6 onto my MacBook Pro OS 10.8.2. I want to set up a default opening page but this time, it's not a clear path to do so. How do I set up an opening page with a new font, rulers, empty fill etc. as the default page without having to search for a template each time I open a new page? Where does the default page to go now? etc.
I have tried CS5 & CS4 and when I open the program and attempt to open or save an .ai file, the program completely crashes. My system specs are as follows:
It was working perfectly fine over the weekend and then Monday I open illustrator and try to open a drawing I was working on and it closes on me everytime. Now I can't open or save files without it closing itself. I would uninstall and reinstall it but i lost my code. I have to make vector images for a couple of clients of mine!
I have a bunch of patterns I created in "another program" I no longer use, but would like to have the patterns for use in photoshop. Can I open a jpeg of these patterns in PS and save it as a PS pattern?
I'm using a pattern in a design for a print ad I'm working on. I'm working at 300 DPI in CMKY mode (16 Bit) and the pattern I'm using isn't being reproduced correctly when the file is saved in any format.
I've changed various settings, tried working in RGB etc at different bit rates, but it hasn't affected the final output. I've used patterns in designs pretty regularly and don't remember having encountered the problem before.
I use PS CS4 for photo editing and digital scrapbooking. For the past few weeks I have had some issues opening layered psd files of digital layouts that I have saved. They save properly but when I open them there is nothing but a black document with a red stripe going across the top. Can someone please help?�Here are a few screen shots of what I am getting. In the first one you will see that the thumbnail is an actual image of the document and the second one is a screen shot of that document when I open it.�ETA: This does NOT happen all the time. I have successfully saved and opened some psd files since having this issue for the first time a few weeks ago. I just can't seem to pinpoint what has happened prior to the psd file not opening properly. �
Whenever I go to save a drawing or open a new one from AutoCad, a command box shows up asking me to manually type in the file name and file path of the drawing I would like to open or save. Before I could do it as most programs do (Microsoft word, excel, etc.) where I can browse for the file via folders. Has this happened to any of you before and what do I need to do to get it back to normal?
i have a layout that i made into a PDF to show my client. the layout has a pattern and when you view the PDF, the pattern moves around as you Zoom in and out of the pdf. i have never experienced this before.
i tried saving with different settings to different versions but they all do it.
i have layers off, and illustrator editibility off.
edit: the pattern only moves when viewed in Preview. still i don't understand shouldn't be doing it.
I was in my Adobe Illustrator class earlier in college and our professor taught us how to change the colors for our patterns under any swatch. For example, the orange polka dot swatch I switched it to hot pink...we did that using the direct selection tool and changing the fill. I did the same thing on a Mac at our school (we have a Mac lab for all the Graphic Communication classes) and it worked fine but when I tried doing the same thing at home with my Windows PC it didn't work. How can I switch and play around with the colors for pattern swatches on a Windows?
I am attempting to create a seemless pattern in illustrator cs5 with a logo a customer provided. I have looked through several tutorials and read most everything I can about the process but seem to be running into a strange problem. I make the pattern like all the lessons say with a rectangle with no fill or stroke set behind all the elements I want in my pattern. When I deifne the pattern it doesn't just include the objects inside the square but also the parts of the elements that leave the square. If I am understanding everything correctly thats not how its supposed to work. I am using illustrator cs5 on mac os x. Here is a screen shot. Back ground square really has no stroke or fill. I am only coloring it in so you can see the example.
how the above image was made. It looks to me like a pattern was created and then has somehow been bent to follow the shape of the lizard.I've been searching all day for a technique to make this work but so far have come up with nothing.
I was wondering if there was any good recommended tutorials or good readings on how to make patterns(seamless) in illustrator for use on other designs?
I am trying to create a seemless pattern using a customers logo in illustrator cs5 on a mac. I tried to place the logo and then create the pattern. When I drug the pattern to the swatches panel nothing happens. Similarly when I go to edit> define pattern it is unavailable.
I then tried to embed the file and go from there but that created new problems. The graphic had clear bounding boxes surrounding it which I think threw off the pattern. Is there a better way of doing this?
(1) When I go to open files, raw or jpeg, I now need to enter a value for 'enable' on the open dialog. That never was necessary before.
(2) When I go to save as jpeg, the file type defaults to eps. And even when I change to jpg, I get a dialog about eps options.
The only way I found to get around this was to convert my files to 16 bit. That certainly shouldn't be necessary.(I'm using Photoshop CS6 on a Mac running Mountain Lion)
I try to open a file from inside Photoshop CS2 on my new Windows Vista laptop, if I try to change directories by clicking on the directory list on the left side of the open window, I get an error: "Adobe Version Cue - The operation could not be completed. There was a problem with the selected file or folder. It might have been moved, renamed, or deleted. - Error Code -6640" I does this while saving too, which means I have to save files, then go back into Explorer and move them manually.
Whenever I open an image in Gimp, it's just a little off colour. Then when I save it as an image file (usually png), it's even more off colour than what's displayed in Gimp. For example, if the image starts out with a grey background of 808080 (RGB Hex Value, 16-bit), in Gimp it's 7F7F7F, and when I save as a png, it's 6E6E6E (honestly, how does that make sense under any circumstances?). I've tried every combination of settings under colour management, to no avail. Once, I managed to get Gimp to display the correct colour, but when I saved it as a gimp file, and re-opened it, it was wrong again.
I would like to create seamless greyscale patterns in AI CS6 by using typical Vector-Tools, Gradients and Transparency.Output however needs to be 16Bit/Channel RGB - 256 greys are clearly not enough on the Gradients, they would lead to nasty artifacts in the intended field of use explanation here.I realize that AI is 8bit and that internal Image-Conversion from Vector clearly was no option.The underlying question for me is - does AI also internally work with just with 256 shades of grey in its gradients too?Or was there theoretically a way to pass smoother Vectors over to PS which in contrast to AI can save 16 bit Gradients?All I tried thus far (importing AI though Clipboard as Shape-Layers/Smart-Objects) yielded unusable results for what I'm after.
I am creating templates and need to know how to do this mesh/polka dot type pattern. It seems extremely simple, but I can't seem to figure out how to pull it off in Illustrator.
Found these lovely patterns - a concentric circle 'zig-zag' design, and a 'bank-card' style wave in an Illustrator template - but how they were made? URL....
I have a new Mac (2x2.4GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon, 12GB Ram, OS X 10.8.2) and the latest version of Photoshop (13.0.4) installed.Besides the general slower behaviour sometimes, opening and saving files with 80+ layers is unacceptably slow..This is like going back 10 years compared to CS5.5
CS5, window 7, 64 bit. Inexplicably, CS5 just stops working with PNG & GIF format files. Bridge says it's missing a/the java plug-in. Huh? Java is up to date at OS level.
I work in Ai to build patterns from multiple shapes and colors. At some point in the process, I use the clipping mask to crop away the parts of the build-out I don't want to see/use. Then I copy that cell/tile I want to use, and build repeated pattersn. When I bring all of these tiles together - even at 6400% - no matter how close I get the tiles to each other's edges - flush or even slightly overlapping - there is almost always a white line demarking the edges. Sometimes 3 of 4 edges appear in a centered-x/y axis, but there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it and I can not reverse engineer the cause.
I have hidden my edges. There is no stroke on a box. Even the clipping path has been checked and does not have stroke. What's going on here? This is a huge stumbling block for my business.