Illustrator :: Save For Web Generates A New Images Folder?

Jun 18, 2013

Is there a way to shut off the automated new "images" folder Illustrator generates when Saving for Web with slices? I have image folders inside image folders inside image folders. I can't seem to find a preference to turn this feature off. I am using Illustrator CC on a Mac running OS 10.8.4

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Photoshop :: Create Web Gallery Which Generates Watermarked Images In CC?

Jun 29, 2013

Adobe informed me that web gallery creation is no longer available in Bridge CC.  I was told to download Lightroom for this capability.  When I tried to do that, I was told that my operating system 10.6.8 is not compatible.  I use 10.6.8 to use third party software.  Will Adobe return this feature to Bridge? 

If so, add a watermark feature (such as the one that Dr. Russell Brown created for CS6)  Also, include more html5 galleries or galleries that will appear on multiple kinds of devices. 

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Illustrator :: Save For Web Not Remembering Save Folder

Sep 26, 2013

I'm using the save for web function to save a large number of files (not batch saving)usually, when I open a file and start saving for web, it will remember the folder that I most recently exported to, and by default open that folder for that file, until I "save for web" into a different folder.
Out of seemingly nowhere, the save for web seemed to "forget" this folder (and any other folder I tried to save to), and now defaults to the "Documents" folder, causing me have to click through to find my intended destination folder. I'm on CS5 & Mac running Mountain Lion. On my work computer (exactly the same, Mac + Mountain Lion) I am using CS6 and have not encountered this issue.

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Add Folder Under Recent Places To Save Images

Oct 22, 2013

How to add folder under recent places to save images?

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Illustrator Scripting :: Deleting Used Symbol Generates Error

May 31, 2012

I'm having difficulty writing a script that deletes all of the symbols in the document (as opposed to just breaking links or expanding which I apparently cannot do). app.sourceDocument.symbols.removeAll();When it reaches a symbol that's used in the document somewhere it spits out this error: Error 1200: an Illustrator error occurred: 1346458189 ('MRAP')

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Illustrator :: Save To A Specific Folder

Jul 10, 2013

I am new to both iMac and Illustrator, and cannot find a way to save .ai files to a specific sub-folder.
The options available in the Save As dialog box are Devices, Favorites and Recent places. If the folder I want doesn't show in these categories I end up saving to the desktop and moving the file in Finder.

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Illustrator :: Last Folder Used For Placed Images?

Dec 17, 2012

I recently upgraded to Mac OSX 10.8.2 and Ilustrator 6.  Now everytime that I go to palce an image or to relink an exiting image(s) rather than to take me back to the last folder I visited it takes me back to my Desktop and I have to renavigate the folder structures to get to the images I want to use.  I've looked in both the Illustrator and Mac OSX preferences to see if there's a box I need to check to make it return to the last folder. 

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Illustrator Scripting :: Open SVGs In A Folder And Save Them To One Multipage PDF

Mar 24, 2012

I'm using Illustrator for work and I love it, I never needed scripts yet. Now I have couple houndred svgs coming in per day, I would like to have a script that opens every svg one by one in the selected directory and add them to a pdf as pages of the same size and than save it.
How many files I could put in 1 pdf this way?
I'm using Illustrator CS5 on Win7 x64.

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Illustrator :: Why Save Selected Slice Always Creates Image Folder Every Time

Nov 15, 2013

I know in Adobe PhotoShop you can save each image indivdually  without an image folder being created.

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Lightroom :: How To Copy Imported Images Or Folder To A Specific Folder On Hard Drive

Dec 3, 2013

When importing something off of a DVD or CD how do I direct Lightroom to copy the imported images or folder to a specific folder on my hard drive? It seems to default to MyCatalog but leaves the location on the CD rather than copying it to the drive. If I remove the CD the images is reported as missing.

When I go to the top of the screen for importing I can change the source but the location info on the right is not active or changeable.I am new to lightroom and coming from Photoshop Elements background.

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Lightroom :: Unable To Locate Folder / Images After Failed To Move Folder

Feb 24, 2014

I was in the process of moving a folder inside or LR. I might have clicked and moved it twice since it was very slow. LR wasn't able to complete the move and gave me an error message. After I clicked "OK" on the error message, I wasn't able to find my folder/images from the old or new location. I did a spotlight search on my mac, but I wasn't able to find them anywhere. Where has my folder/images gone? I tried to locate them without any success.

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Illustrator :: How To Save Slices As SVG Images In CS6

Jun 10, 2012

Since the Save images as SVG has been removed from Save For Web in CS6, is there a way to save slices as SVG images in illustrator CS6?
I tried the Save As menu but it only allows me to save the whole artwork instead of slices.

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Paint.NET :: Batch Single Folder Path Location Save / Save As

Dec 4, 2013

AND/OR a open tab recovery cache or way to extract the images that get lost during a crash of PDN.
Number two on my list behind your fantastic new layer functionality that I had been dreaming about for three years. I NEVER close PDN. The ONLY time it closes is once every week or two when the 20, 30, 50 tabs that I have open, finally overwhelm my system. I bounce back and forth so much that there is no way to continuously save them as I make changes cause it would jack up my workflow by taking up too much time.
No way around it, this is just how I work. It would be lovely if PDN was able to, similar to After Effects, popup an error box saying it was about to crash and did 'you" want to save the session. Especially, now, with 4, as while it is a super duper version upgrade, the crashes were daily, with me, and I couldn't keep losing that much data. Sophie's choice, for me. The old layer window or daily crashes.

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Illustrator :: Embedding Images Save As Window?

Mar 7, 2013

when I try to embed images (that are already placed), the "save as" window automatically pops up. is this some new feature, or do I have a glitch?

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Illustrator :: Save Takes MUCH Longer With Images Placed

Sep 13, 2013

When I have images placed in Illustrator, even just a few small ones, Save takes much long that it can be 20 seconds before I even see the progress bar, and after that the saving actually happens.
Is there a way around this, or are we stuck wtih mind-numbing save times when we have raster elements placed in Illustrator?
CS6, OS X 10.8.4

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Illustrator :: CC Producing Pixelated Images From Save To Web?

Jan 8, 2014

The recent Illustrator CC produces pixelated images job when you choose Save for Web. How to fix this or why it just started happening? CS 5 did not have this issue.
Settings:JPEG, Maximum, 100%, Art Optimized

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Photoshop :: Program In CC That Generates Thumbnails To Archive

Jun 18, 2013

I have full app access and am hoping one of the CC programs will do what I want. I currently use Crash Plan+ to back up all my pic/vid files. I have no complaints except when I want to use restore I can only see file type/name but not a preview. So its hit and miss when trying to restore a generic file name photo/vid. My question is, is there an Adobe CC product that I can use to generate separate thumbnails that I can generate and save to a file that has all the files in a given folder. That way I can just restore the thumbnail file for that folder and see what files are in it with preview pics and find which files on the CrashPlan+ restore console to download. That way I can restore a much smaller file with views of all pics vs having to restore a whole folder of 25+mb files just to find the one I want.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Database Link Only Generates One Record?

Jul 21, 2011

I have been working on some drawings when I linked up to a database that I had recently generated.  I wanted to link some polylines to an external MS Access database so that I would have the additional object data available in the drawing.  I attached the Access database, then created a link template on the key field (key field is called PipeID).  I then used the "mapod2ase" command to generate the links based on the link template.  However, when I went into the object properties to check on the data, the only field that came up under the link was the key field (PipeID).  I have tried re-linking a number of times, but each time I only get the key field in the object data.  I can open the table itself from the task pane, and it shows all of the fields, and the links work because the highlighting feature works as normal, but the data is not showing up in the properties.

I was thinking that I may have reset some sort of system variable on accident, so I made the same sort of link to an older table that I have used before.  When I link to this table, all of the linked data shows up in the object properties.  The only real difference between the two access databases is that the one that works was made in Access 2000, and the one that is not working was made in Access 2007.  Is there some sort of problem when linking to the newer versions of Access?  (see this post:[URL]

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AutoCAD Inventor :: CalculateStrokes Generates COM Exception

Nov 28, 2012

Here is my C#

private void Button1Definition_OnExecute(NameValueMap context)
// get current document
PartDocument oCurrentDoc = m_inventorApplication.ActiveDocument as PartDocument;
PartComponentDefinition oCompDef = oCurrentDoc.ComponentDefinition;

[Code] ....

The line:

body.CalculateStrokes(.1, out VertexCount, out SegmentCount, out VertexCoordinates, out VertexIndices);

ALWAYS generates a COMException 0x80020005 (Type mismatch). I am trying to figure out if my paramaters are wrong...

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Photoshop :: Cannot Save Images From CC As Dialogue Box Opens With Cannot Save Image

Sep 9, 2013

I cannot save images from Photoshop CC as a dialogue box opens with "cannot save you do not have write access

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Create Sheets Generates Duplicate Point Groups

Aug 7, 2012

C3D2012. We have a master C3D template that includes a number of point filters (let say 20 of them) and a number of layouts (again, let say 20 of them) to accommodate our two sheet sizes. 

Here is the issue that I am running into, when the Plan Production tools use a layout to create plan and profile sheets from the same master template that is used to initially create the file, the whole process will duplicate each point group 150 times for every group (see attached).  So, what I ended up with is 20 point groups X 150.  In my example, I ended up with 3000 duplicate point groups.

The end result is a file that is somewhat unusable do to the number of point groups.  The other issue is now that all of these point groups are in the file you are unable to delete them all at once without "crashing" C3D.  So you are left to deleting a handful at time.  It is also best if you turn UNDO off while you do it.

I have been able to duplicate this in multiple files; however, from the same master template.  As a test I did create separate templates (which are pretty bare bones) for the plan production and all works well.  Therefore, there is either an issue with C3D and Plan Production and point groups or it is our template.

I would really like to nail down (as best I can) what is generating the 150 duplicates/ point group name to see if there is a way "around" this.

Currently, I am unable to share the template, but it shouldn't be too difficult to re-create.  Take any template, add some point groups to, add a plan and profile sheet to one of the layouts, create a new file from this template, finally create plan and profile sheets from the layout in the very same template.

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Photoshop :: Save As Default Folder

Jun 27, 2008

Is there a way to set a particular folder as default for when you "save as" files?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Derived Geometry Generates Unstable Environments With Multiple Crashes Per Day

Aug 24, 2012

Working in assemblies with multi-solid parts or parts with derived geometry generates unstable environments with multiple crashes per day. Some crashes don't even prompt a crash report. This has been going on through multiple versions of Inventor up til 2012 which I am currently using now. Has or will this ever be addressed?

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Photoshop :: Script  Save In Current Folder

May 2, 2013

When making a scipt in photoshop  ( let's say resize and save) the box ask for a folder where to save

If you want to run automation  you have to say which folder where to get the photos (including or not sub-folders)  and a folder where to save

how is it possible to save in the current folder without telling which folder ?  just save !

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Photoshop :: CS6 - Save For Web - Don't Remember Folder Location?

Aug 4, 2012

Found one more problem with Save For Web in Photoshop CS6.
1. New Document
2. Choose - Save for web
3. In dialog window Photoshop CS6 offer to save in - os My Document Folder
4. Ok, every time I don't really need to save in os folders - I save files to my folders. So, change folder ...for example to disc D
5. Create another New document
6. Choose Save for web
7. And.... - Photoshop CS6 offer to save my file in os My Documents AGAIN !!!
So, in fact it's real uncomortable!!! ...if I save different files for web frequently ....I need every time change My makes me nervous.......Here - compare with CS3: CS3 remember "old" folder location even at another session (for example - after reload os)
Is there any fix this problem?
p.s. Testing on:
OS - windows 7 64 bit
cs6 - 64 bit extended
cs3 - 64 bit extended

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Photoshop :: CS6 / How To Preserve Folder Tree With Save As

Jan 26, 2013

PS CS6 and Win7/64...We just finished shooting a 3 day conference for 600 people, that involved many break-out sessions. Our folder tree of all the finished TIFFs is organized by day, then by topic, and then by break out.  All in all there are 75 folders in the tree, with close to 700 TIFFs.
The client wants both hi-res and lo-res JPGs (not the TIFFs).I have a very simple droplet that will convert a TIFF to JPG, but works only on a given folder, and outputs to a generic folder (so I have to copy these back). 
Is there a way to create a droplet that will

(a) walk the source tree and convert the TIFFs of each folder to JPG, as well as

(b) Have PS create a matching tree to deposit the JPGs into the corresponding folders?
I know there's an option to include all folders when doing the conversion, but (b) is the critical element so I don't have to do this in a folder-by-folder basis.

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Photoshop :: Can't Save For Web In Specific Folder Using Actions?

Apr 30, 2013

I cannot for the life of me figure out how to save in a specific folder desitnations when using Actions and Saving For Web with CS6 PS for Windows. It ALWAYS defaults to last folder used. I am not Batch Processing, just using Actions on one image at a time. I have 3 of these actions.

Action one is for "Thumbnail" folder, Action two is for "Full" folder, and Action three is for "Large" folder. All these actions are doing is saving for web into these folders (path displays correctly in Action script). HOWEVER after I successfully  use Action one and save into the Thumbnail folder and move on to Action 2, it wants to save back into Thumbnail AND NOT into Full folder. In short I now have 3 actions saving to the same folder even though my recording designated 3 different locations.

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Photoshop :: CS5 / How To Save Files To Their Original Folder

Dec 8, 2012

How can I save files to their original folder. And YES  I have checked " Save As to Original Folder" in the Preferences.

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Photoshop :: How To Save/open From A Specific Folder

Jun 8, 2006

In Word and Excel it's possible under Preferences to point to a specific folder for both saving and opening files. Is this possible under Photoshop to do the same as it's taking me ages to find the correct file when wanting to open/alter/save multiple images.

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Photoshop :: How To Open/save To A Preset Folder

Jun 8, 2006

With Word and Xcel it's possible to assign the save (and open) feature to point to a folder of your choice in "Preferences". Everytime I save a photo I have to go through a laborious proceedure of opening a dozen folders before I get to the one I want. Does Photoshop CS have this feature somewhere?

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AutoCad :: How To Change Save To Folder Using Command Bar

Aug 19, 2013

I have AutoCAD 2010 on a 2002 Windows XP Professional system. I do not know what I did to cause it but when I do a "save as" using the button, I no longer get a window. I can only save through the command bar. I cannot seem to change the save to folder using the command bar so I really need to get the window back.

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