With Word and Xcel it's possible to assign the save (and open) feature to point to a folder of your choice in "Preferences". Everytime I save a photo I have to go through a laborious proceedure of opening a dozen folders before I get to the one I want. Does Photoshop CS have this feature somewhere?
I am currently working on the schematics of a quite big document and I am using Illustrator. I work on the .ai version of the figures but I want to save them in a very quick way as pdf files with personal setting (super compression, no preview...). What I am doing now is that I have my .ai file open, and when I want to save a pdf version of it I go to "File" then "Save a copy" then "Type: pdf" and I enter a name, I click on "Save" and a window pops up with some options. Here, I select a personal preset and then click on "Save pdf" and I am happy with the final saved pdf.
The thing is that it is a quite long process when you have to do it several times per figure. I tried to automatized it through a script (or action) but the available options are quite limited (it is hard to make Illustrator understand that if the current file is myfig.ai, I want a myfig.pdf and that I want to save it in the working folder). Under "File", I also tried the "SaveDocsAsPdf" script but once again, I have to select the folder where I want to save the figure and so on. Maybe I missed something. Any efficient way to save my figures as pdf by clicking a the F9 key (for instance).
In Word and Excel it's possible under Preferences to point to a specific folder for both saving and opening files. Is this possible under Photoshop to do the same as it's taking me ages to find the correct file when wanting to open/alter/save multiple images.
I use 'Save as .jpeg' ALL the time (Photoshop CS6, Mac ML), and it really feels like I should just be able to press one button (a shortcut) and the name/quality dialogs don't appear and it just saves a .jpeg into the folder that my original .PSD/file is in.
So basically:
- Press one button to save my open .PSD/file as a .jpeg - Automatically save it in the same folder as my .PSD - Save it as '10' quality in the jpeg settings - No dialog boxes, as soon as I press the button, it saves it - if there's already a .jpeg of the same name, it creates a '-1','-2' etc.
I've tried using 'Actions', but it seems to save it wherever my original Action folder was - it doesn't change to whatever the current folder the .PSD is in...
I often save drawings in DXF format elsewhere on another server for the sheet metal guys to be able to open them and work with them. It is a completely different folder and server than where my working folder is (and Vault as well). Is there a way to get that folder as a shortcut on the left where it shows my working folder? Difficult to drill down through all the necessary folders every time I save a DXF 100 times a day.
I'm using Illustrator for work and I love it, I never needed scripts yet. Now I have couple houndred svgs coming in per day, I would like to have a script that opens every svg one by one in the selected directory and add them to a pdf as pages of the same size and than save it.
I'm trying to put particle flow presets from Max 2012 so it'll show up in 2014. I put them into the ParticleFlow Presets folder, but notice the defaults have .pfp name, and the old ones are .max files. How to get the old ones to populate into the dialogue for 2014?
When I open Elements 9 in Folder Location the images displayed are not those in the highlighted folder. Similarly if I select another folder I see another selection of images from elsewhere in the structure.
I have a preset that allows me to export my photo to a subfolder of the original folder. In my case it's simply called jpg export. This allows me to do all my edits when the shot is in it's original "Date taken" folder and all my edited shots from that folder show up in the jpg export folder when I run the preset. My issue is that the jpg shows up in BOTH the original folder and the jpg export folder. I know it's operator error but what's wrong with my settings? Under Export Location I have Export To: Same folder as original photo (this is the reason for my problem but I am not sure what to change it to) Put in Subfolder: is checked and the folder is called jpg export. Add to This Catalog: is also checked.
I cannot remember, if I can save a shape layer as a background preset? I have a my preset folder. I created to save multi effects as a preset. I want to save a shape layer with a gradient on it, as a background layer. Albeit a simple 'to create' I want to know how and if I can save it as a preset. To import as I see fit.
I'm having a problem throught CS6 with the Open, Save, or Save As dialog boxes not opening for a period of time after clicking on the desired functions. It can take over a minute just to get the Open dialog box up to browse for a file. Eventually, the dialog boxes open, but during the time that it's trying to open, the program is unresponsive. It is happening with all of my CS6 programs. I have unistalled and reinstalled with no fix. The programs are updated.
AND/OR a open tab recovery cache or way to extract the images that get lost during a crash of PDN.
Number two on my list behind your fantastic new layer functionality that I had been dreaming about for three years. I NEVER close PDN. The ONLY time it closes is once every week or two when the 20, 30, 50 tabs that I have open, finally overwhelm my system. I bounce back and forth so much that there is no way to continuously save them as I make changes cause it would jack up my workflow by taking up too much time.
No way around it, this is just how I work. It would be lovely if PDN was able to, similar to After Effects, popup an error box saying it was about to crash and did 'you" want to save the session. Especially, now, with 4, as while it is a super duper version upgrade, the crashes were daily, with me, and I couldn't keep losing that much data. Sophie's choice, for me. The old layer window or daily crashes.
A client has asked me to re-size all their photos to a 4:3 aspect. How can I add this to an existing pre-set I have for this client? I know I can choose the 4:3 aspect each time and then sync but that's 3 or 4 clicks and whereas if I can add it to an existing preset, it's no extra clicks.
I've imported my first set of photos, but it looks like the folders are automatically saving them into ones by date. I need to customize my folder structure, but I cannot figure out how to do that once the photos have been imported.
I'm using the save for web function to save a large number of files (not batch saving)usually, when I open a file and start saving for web, it will remember the folder that I most recently exported to, and by default open that folder for that file, until I "save for web" into a different folder.
Out of seemingly nowhere, the save for web seemed to "forget" this folder (and any other folder I tried to save to), and now defaults to the "Documents" folder, causing me have to click through to find my intended destination folder. I'm on CS5 & Mac running Mountain Lion. On my work computer (exactly the same, Mac + Mountain Lion) I am using CS6 and have not encountered this issue.
Found one more problem with Save For Web in Photoshop CS6.
1. New Document 2. Choose - Save for web 3. In dialog window Photoshop CS6 offer to save in - os My Document Folder 4. Ok, every time I don't really need to save in os folders - I save files to my folders. So, change folder ...for example to disc D 5. Create another New document 6. Choose Save for web 7. And.... - Photoshop CS6 offer to save my file in os My Documents AGAIN !!!
So, in fact it's real uncomortable!!! ...if I save different files for web frequently ....I need every time change My Documents....it makes me nervous.......Here - compare with CS3: CS3 remember "old" folder location even at another session (for example - after reload os)
Is there any fix this problem?
p.s. Testing on: OS - windows 7 64 bit cs6 - 64 bit extended cs3 - 64 bit extended
PS CS6 and Win7/64...We just finished shooting a 3 day conference for 600 people, that involved many break-out sessions. Our folder tree of all the finished TIFFs is organized by day, then by topic, and then by break out. All in all there are 75 folders in the tree, with close to 700 TIFFs.
The client wants both hi-res and lo-res JPGs (not the TIFFs).I have a very simple droplet that will convert a TIFF to JPG, but works only on a given folder, and outputs to a generic folder (so I have to copy these back).
Is there a way to create a droplet that will
(a) walk the source tree and convert the TIFFs of each folder to JPG, as well as
(b) Have PS create a matching tree to deposit the JPGs into the corresponding folders?
I know there's an option to include all folders when doing the conversion, but (b) is the critical element so I don't have to do this in a folder-by-folder basis.
I cannot for the life of me figure out how to save in a specific folder desitnations when using Actions and Saving For Web with CS6 PS for Windows. It ALWAYS defaults to last folder used. I am not Batch Processing, just using Actions on one image at a time. I have 3 of these actions.
Action one is for "Thumbnail" folder, Action two is for "Full" folder, and Action three is for "Large" folder. All these actions are doing is saving for web into these folders (path displays correctly in Action script). HOWEVER after I successfully use Action one and save into the Thumbnail folder and move on to Action 2, it wants to save back into Thumbnail AND NOT into Full folder. In short I now have 3 actions saving to the same folder even though my recording designated 3 different locations.
cannot crop and rename a photo and save it to a folder. Instead of the photo I get a blank icon that looks like a page with one corner folded down. The new name is below the blank icon. If I try to save it again I get a message that the name exists do I want to replace it? if I do, I get a second icon with no photo image.
When I open a folder in CS4, I get no preview. I'm running a mac with 4gigs of RAM on Snow Leopard 10.6.8. Do I need to upgrade just to get preview? Why aren't there any forums left for Photoshop CS4?
After installing PS cc I built up my own swatches, saved them and see that they were listed in the Swatch menu - seperated in the menu from the standard swatches with some seperator lines.
Yesterday I wanted to save a swatch for a friend, and changed the save folder to the desktop.Today i wanted to make an update to my own "super"-swatches, but when I try to save it defaults to the desktop again.
Now, after fiddling about for a while, I've found out this:
• My "super"-swatch is saved here: /Users/[myname]/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop CC/Presets/Color Swatches/...
• The swatches placed here becomes seperated from the standard swatches by seperator lines above and below (which is nice).
• I've ruined the save folder default position, as I can't navigate to the hidden Library folder
This means that I can't update my "Super"-swatch and I can't save any new swatches that will be seperated from the standard ones.
how to navigate the "save to"-position into the Library folder again - or just reset the save folder default position?
I have about 1000 folders all that have a file inside called; sample.jpg. I need to resize each of them and I have to use the Save For Web option so that these files are as small as possible. Save As makes the images too big. My plan was to make an action and batch process the files. It's easy enough to open all the documents, within the root directory, that are called, sample.jpg, by using the finder search features, but what I can't seem to do is get the Save to Web option to recognize the image's source folder. If I create an action, I see that the location I used when I created the action, is hard coded, so all I'm able to do is overwrite the same file, over and over again.