I am working on a plugin for adobe illustrator CS6 by using adobe CS6 SDK. By using this plugin I need to add a Me nu Item In File Menu of Adobe Illustrator.
I have used the following code for this: ______________________________________________________________________ ________ SPBasicSuite *mBasic = message->d.basic; AIMenuSuite *sAIMenu; mBasic->AcquireSuite(kAIMenuSuite,kAIMenuVersion, (const void**)&sAIMenu); SPPluginRef plugin;
When writting scripts to Photoshop I can use the app.runMenuItem() method to acess commands in the menus. For example: app.runMenuItem (charIDToTypeID("ZoomIn")) will run the Zoom In command.
Does Illustrator have any such method (or accepts anything like action description) to enable us to acess it´s menu items? For example acess Expand comnand, or Object > Live Paint > Make..
I have been going crazy trying to get my custom scripts to appear in the "Scripts" menu item under "File" in Illustrator CS4. I've tried placing them in Presets > Scripts, I've tried creating a folder under "Plug-Ins" called "Scripts" and placing them there, and several other places in an attempt to find anything that will work, but so far nothing has. I've also tried deleting the Illustrator Prefs but that didn't work.
illustrator scripting but have some knowledge in indesign scripting using javascript.In Indesign we can disable menu item thru menuActions.. Is there any object available like that to disable a existing menu (eg. File>Save).
I use the clone stamp and the brush tool regularly. Each of these tools provides a Mode: dropdown list to select from in their menu bar.
The drop down options I use most frequently are Lighten and Darken. I would like to create short cuts to Lighten and Darken, such as Ctrl+Shift+L (Lighten) and Ctrl+Shift+D (Darken).
The tools panel menu bar does not appear to have a selection list in the Keyboard Shortcuts dialog box.
Just installed the 4.4 update. No desktop shortcut or start menu item. Found the program with Windows Explorer (Win 7 64 bit) and manually added a shortcut on the task bar.
This has been an issue since at least CS4. If you add a script to your actions via "Insert Menu Iitem" (not sure if it's for all items or just scripts) and close Illustrator, those actions disappear. Apparently, in CS6, Adobe has completely ignored improving including scripts to Actions, which really makes automation powerful. As awesome as CS6 is, that part is pretty lame.
Is there a way to add a keyboard shortcut or marking menu shortcut for visibility? It would be really convenient to be able to shift-click several objects and toggle the visibility of them. I have a mouse with numerous buttons that are mapped to commonly used IV features, but I cannot find a way to map a visibility toggle.
I am trying to create list item and SetNotifyProc to a method. In this method, I am trying to get selected list item entry and display the text somewhere else. But AI is crashing when retrieving the entry. What is the proper way to retrieve selected entry?
Here is my code
void ListItemNotifyProc(ADMItemRef inItem, ADMNotifierRef inNotifier) { IADMList list = sADMItem->GetList(inItem); // <-- is this correct? IADMEntry entry=list.GetActiveEntry(); // <-- is this correct? ADMUnicode *outStr=new ADMUnicode(); sADMEntry6->GetTextW(entry, outStr, 5); }
what is the method to select a behind item with a keyboard short cut in Xara Designer Pro 7?
So for example if I have a rectangle in the front and selected, and a circle exactly behind which would like to select, it was maybe with TAB as I remember.
I have developed a script that act on the layers individually so it would be great if I could add a new command in the layer context menu (the one that has Blending Options..., Duplicate and Delete Group, Copy,Paste and Clear Style and add or remove colors from the "eye" icon, etc...
I know that you can add the script to File/Scripts submenu but if I had access to it directly from that context menu, it would be much better. I have seen a script that adds a new top menu item to the menu bar of the ESTK so I am hopeful it can be done something similar in PS.
I am trying to create an action to create a new layer by copying the bg layer, add a layer mask to the new layer and then start the Tilt Shift filter. All works until I go Insert Menu Item and choose Blur>Tilt Shift. It just doesn't get added to the action. Other menu items do work. I'm assuming this is an oversight in the implementation of CS6?Can't see that that can be the case.
I'm trying to create a nave menu and in doing so, create a single graphic style that can achieve my end goal. I can get what I want by using a seperate shape, but that defeats the purpose of the single graphic style. I thought I could achieve the look using an effect under Effect>Pathfinder
But that doesn't get the result I expected. Below you can see both what the graphic style currently looks like, and what I want to add to it (the gloss) hopefully within the same graphic style. Is this possible?
I've been using LR3 for over a year - current version 3.6. For no apparent reason, the 'Make second copy' menu item no longer shows in the import panel. Imported files are copied to the location specified the last time the item was available. I've looked in all of panels, but don''t find any way to disable the second copy function, or to manage the second copy function. I'm running MAC 10.6.8.
step 1: I'm writing a word and then i'm using the effect ‘create outlines‘ in the type menu.
step 2: after that I'm using the filter ‘round corners‘But not all corners are round after that. I've problems with the letter ‘S‘. Just 2 corners are round and the other two are unchanged.
See attached. It now take 4 pen actions to get the safe titles overlay on and off. And before it was one pen movement. So before it was aptly named quick off. Now you should rename it. Slow off. Or "waste of time" something that matches function.
I vote for reinstating the quick off operation from 2012. And I checked, there is no quick off in the hotkey editor, so I can't streamline the usage with a user key.
I've had this problem in 2011 and 2012 on 2 different machines, but haven't seen it on the bug list, and have seen a post saying the hotkey combo for 'add menu item to shelf' is the same it's always been - Ctrl-Shift-Alt, then selecting menu item.
But when I press that, the menu item executes, but no shelf button appears.
I use this combo - a lot- to make custom shelves per project or need. Frustrated it no longer seems to work.
Add a new menu item "Edit->Copy Flattened" which allows one to copy the selection from ALL the visible layers, instead of just the currently selected layer.
I have a list of menu items. I want them to change color when the user rolls over any of the six menu items. I want to write a function so it would be
var = menuTarget; (this is the item the user is currently mouseovering how do I define this?) menuTarget.mouseover(function(){ $(this).css("color","red"); }) menuTarget.mouseout(function(){ $(this).css("color","green"); })
I have developed a script to perform some Custom action in Illustrator. I want to make this script run from a a File Menu Item so it can be invoked easily. Is there a way to customize Illustrator to add a new menu item or modify the existing menu tems functions. For example if the script needs to be invoked when the user click "Save" is there a way that could be done.
For as long as I can remember, across all versions of Autocad, I've had problems picking the right item on the popup menu for object snap (shift-right click). It frequently picks the item below the intended one, i.e. it will pick Parallel rather than Perpendicular. Trying a second time works every time. This problem has been so consistent that I don't believe it is user error. The item is highlighted, after all. There is no way I'm repeatedly missing it. Is it possible to calibrate the mouse in Autocad?