Xara :: Select Behind Item With Keyboard Shortcut In Designer Pro 7?
Mar 16, 2012
what is the method to select a behind item with a keyboard short cut in Xara Designer Pro 7?
So for example if I have a rectangle in the front and selected, and a circle exactly behind which would like to select, it was maybe with TAB as I remember.
I like to use keyboard shortcuts in GIMP to select different tools or to nudge an image, but I frequently click on the layers window, which causes keyboard shortcut commands to then be directed to the layers window. So whenever I click to select a different layer or do anything with layers, afterwards I always have to have to click on the image window again to regain use of my editing keyboard shortcuts.
Because of this, I also often forget that layers window has focus and end up messing up my layers with key-shortcut commands intended for the image window. Is there some change I can make to my workflow or keyboard bindings to avoid this problem?
I'm using Photoshop CS4 on an old PPC Mac (10.5.8). For some odd reason, I can't make (or find) a way to make a keyboard shortcut to select something other than the default button in a multi-button dialogue box. (i.e. , "Save", "Cancel", "Don't Save"). "Save" is the default, but I have to grab the mouse if I want to select "Don't Save".
I'm working on something where I had the text conform to a curve. Now I would like to make the curve path in visible, and I was able to search for instructions on how to do that except that I'm finding them mystifying. I read "you can select a single item inside a group with Ctrl click," but when I go to the group in the layers gallery, the text and curve are treated as one item, and I see no way to separate the two.
I'm currently using Xara Designer Pro 6.1,way of creating shortcut keys for 'select next frame' and 'Select Previous frame' functions for animating, I find this an essential tool for animating.
Alternatively, is there a Script or another solution?Lastly, does a later version of Xara Designer overcome this problem?
Is there a way to add a keyboard shortcut or marking menu shortcut for visibility? It would be really convenient to be able to shift-click several objects and toggle the visibility of them. I have a mouse with numerous buttons that are mapped to commonly used IV features, but I cannot find a way to map a visibility toggle.
What is the easiest way to open/import SVG files in Xara Designer Pro?
It's funny you can export as SVG but I cannot find SVG format when importing graphics.
My current workaround is to open SVG files in Illustrator, select, copy, jump over to Xara and paste as enhanced metafile. But what if I don't have Illustrator?
When ever I export to PDF from Designer Pro 7 a graphic ends up in the PDF file that isn't any where in the Xara doc. It happens on most files exported from Xara but not all. It also happens on both my laptop and my desktop PC. I'm pretty sure it used to happen in WD6 so it may stem from there.
I've attached a PDF exportd from Xara, you shouild hopefully see two black.. um.. cartoonish feet / foot prints. God knows where they came from, I must have imported them at somepoint. You should also notice they only appear on the first page of a document.
I've tried searching for just outlines in Designer pro but nothing.
Is there an .INI file or cache file I can clear?
I haven't tried a re-install yet as it happens on two PC's so can't see it being that.
does the new xarapro have a linked feature for placing 300 dpi images into a 50-60 pages? If not, is it even possible to have that many pages with those numbers of large size pictures? Just wanted to know if others have done such a thing. Also if possible, can a large document be divided into number of xara files and then exported as pdf and put together in adobe acrobat to make a large output for printers?
I noticed that when exporting a trifold to PDF, that a transparent PNG file contained in the design, actually has an opaque background, not transparent. I have used Commercial Printing as the export mode and played a little with custom settings.
I'm currently using Win2000 and photoshop CS. When I'm going to use shortcut, there is no response at all. After I check the keyboard shortcut preferences, it's normal. What's wrong with my computer?
When you're cropping an image in Fireworks (or any other type of selection box) you can use the keyboard to move the box around, increase or decrease it in size horizontally or vertically all using the keyboard using CTRL + SHIFT + (arrow keys) in 1px increments.
The UI method to pan down the viewport (e.g. Front view) is to use the hand tool and drag. This much we all know. However, I am drawing a shape with the line tool and, because it will be a large shape with many vertices, I am zoomed in and need to continually extend my line out of the viewport. I can't zoom out because I need to see the detail. Is there a keyboard shortcut for this panning? Obviously I can't use the hand tool without letting go of my line.
In Photoshop, the viewport pans with you if you extend your lasso tool (for example) way outside the viewport. Max does not do this..
Is there way to assign keyboard shortcut to do same thing as holding left mouse button over the ViewCube and movng mouse? E.g. hold Ctrl + MMB (middle mouse button) and move mouse.
Reason i dont like Alt + MMB or Ctrl + R (orbit view mode) is because it rotates view around the center of viewport, cube does same when no object selected, when object selected cube rotates view around that object!
Its such a time waste to look at cube then move mouse to it aim exactly at cube ... with keyboard modifier all needed to do it to hold button.
If I type some text, then select the 'Selector Tool', then use the middle 'bounds handles' to resize.I would expect the text to be stretched.But, what I get is resizing in both horizontal and vertical directions. As if I was using the corner 'bounds handles'.
It works as I would expect in Designer Pro X.Is there a setting I've missed somewhere?
i am just testing Designer Pro X 9 (have Pro X) and when trying to locate PS Plugin folder, i get the window "currently no 64Bit (8bf) support" "choose the 32Bit Version". I have Av. Bros. plugins, which are also available in 64 Bit.
how do you change the tool bar buttons to small buttons? The options are all greyed out! I am old but not that blind yet. This is a work stoppage, and abandon software problem for me.
I noticed that animated gif that I put into other web builders load fine, show cleanly.Yet when put into XDP6, the same graphics get a ghosting effect.In other words, after letters have cleared the screen, a remaining unintended outline remains. The graphics are clean in previews, viewing directly, using other web builders, or on other sites built with other software.
Today I visited the New Features page for X3D7 and had the same issue with the gif on that page too. (attached screenshot for reference)I am using win7/64bit, 8gb ram, hi-speed internet connection, don't have anything set in the browser and no browser "helper" that is adjusting image quality. This problem is only seen in Internet Explorer, not Firefox.Is there a setting in XDP that needs to be adjusted so this doesn't happen?