Illustrator :: Inserting Another Page Of Same Format Into AI?
Dec 17, 2013I am using ai. The file has multiple pages. How do I insert another page of the same format?
View 2 RepliesI am using ai. The file has multiple pages. How do I insert another page of the same format?
View 2 RepliesI have just upgraded to Videostudio Pro X5. I am starting a project and would like to upload the videos and photos as my first task.
I have some video footage on a dvd and when I try to upload it I get a message saying:
"unable to open file / file format mismatch"
It has been a while since I have used this program and my brain is slowly trying to remember how it all works
This was very easy to do in earlier versions of Illustrator, but now it seems like the only option is to make a separate artboard for each page tile!
View 1 Replies View Relatedhow to get the page count of a multi page PDF file? I know you can then open each page using the PDFFileOptions (pagetoopen). But I need to know up front how many pages there are to loop thru to open each page and process each page.
View 8 Replies View RelatedIn the past two days, two-page PDFs that I save out of CS6 are printing with the second page upside down. I have tried resaving the documents—didn't work. Tried saving the documents as individual PDFs and combining the PDFs in Acrobat—didn't work. I have had my colleagues print them, and the second page is upside-down too. When I print two-page PDFs that I saved last week or longer ago, I have no problem at all. It just seems to be happening with recently saved PDFs. I didn't update any software on my computer between saving the PDFs that are printing correctly and when this problem began.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI am inserting text onto a box layer. The box is rotated. When I rotate the text to fit into the box, the letters go slightly out of line and rotate seperately. I tried to save the text as a jpeg file and then rotate the object, but the same thing happened. The letters are no longer lined up.
View 4 Replies View RelatedInDesign has a great feature where the filename can be inserted as variable text which will automatically update whenever the filename is changed. Is there a plug-in for Illustrator which can do the same thing?
View 4 Replies View RelatedToday, my illustrator cs6 suddenly can't be saved in EPS format, prompts can't save illustration, can't print illustration.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI often find myself saving illustrator files in both ai and pdf formats. Since pdfs can be re-opened and modified in illustrator i wondered if i could stop saving in .ai
View 5 Replies View RelatedI want to use an .eps on my website so need to convert it to .jpg but File/Save As does not have the .jpg option.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am looking for modern AI file format specification. In some old topics I saw that all specifications later than this one URL>.... Are they still being in secret? If so, are there any tools from Adobe that can be used in my application to parse AI files?
View 3 Replies View RelatedFaced with a problem: illustrator CS5 refuses to save the file in eps. format. Ai. and pdf. formats saved, but eps. - no. I don't no what to do? Win 7, Adobe Suite CS5.5
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a CS5 document with two artboards. Can I save the artboards to separate files? The File | Export command doesn't support the AI format and the "Use Artboards" option is disabled when using the File | Save As command.
View 6 Replies View RelatedWorking on Mac OSX 10.8.2. Read in forum to remove FXGFileFormat.aip from plugins folder -- moved the plugin to desktop and moved file from plugins to trash???
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm on Illustrator CS5 and are trying to export my artwork to a PDF format in such a way as so others with illustrator cannot open the file and access its layers and pull out the artwork etc.
I click File, "Save a copy", choose PDF I thought that is what unchecking the "Preserve Illustrator Editing Capabilities" would do it, but when I uncheck it I still have access all the layers when I open the PDF.
Is there another setting I am missing etc? I've tried saving the artwork as a jpg, and doing print export to PDF but I just cant get the same crispness at the optimised file size like I was when doing "Save a copy".
Am I missing a setting or, do I need to do something else to the artwork before saving the PDF?
Can I convert a pdf file to a dfx file format?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have loads (gigs) of .png textures that I need to use in Illustrator CS6. But it will not let me import them using hte texturizer. Is it possible to use .png textures in CS6, if so how do I import .png textures into CS6?
As an alternative, is there a website that offers free .psd textrues for personal use in CS6. I am currently re-creating a a map with poor pixelation and I need a lot of natural (stone, dirt, rock, marble, etc..) textures and building textures for a medieval atmosphere.
I just installed Illustrator CS6 and find out that I literally have to manually checkmark "Use Artboard" when exporting to png format EVERY time I export an image.
I often use my illustrator models for animation for powerpoint presentations, so 1 artwork can easily be animated into 30 png images.
Is this a really bad joke from the developers side, or am I missing something?
PS: In CS4, you can just checkmark "Use Artboard" once every session (ie. every time you open Illustrator).
I am under the impression that the default / ONLY DPI setting when saving as the .SVG file format is 72 in all CS# versions of AI, however does AI have the ability to save in any other DPI settings, (72/90/150/300) & if so, how can I use them?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am working with Illustrator CS6 and I have to prepare a file that will be printed as a 6 foot x 1.5 foot banner. Actually, it will be several banners; the same design but only the name of the organization will change. I have everything on different layers in the .ai file.
I've done the artwork as an .ai file, everything is a vector, there are no rasterized images in it at all.
The problem is, I'm not sure the best way to save the file to send to the printer. So, do I save the .ai file as a pdf, a pdf/x-1a, pdf/x-3 or pdf/x-4? Should I convert the text to outlines? There's a symbol in the artwork that includes text, does that text have to be converted to outlines as well?
Or should I just send them a file any which-a-way and see how the proof comes back?
I am working with couple big shapes on my document, and some of them are so big that they out of my document borders. It is quite annoyes me because I always looking at my work and when I see thing I dont need outside working area is disturbes mes. What to do so I could hide them ?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have two pages in Illustrator and I want to create a 2 page PDF file. In CS3 there was a multiple page PDF selection I could make in the save dialogue box of my Illustrator file. That feature is not there in Illustrator CS5.
View 13 Replies View RelatedI have a folder of 350 two page pdfs. I need to change a fill colour on both pages from (RGB 232,234,226) to (250,244,224).There are no original files to work from (these are .qxp files, and I can't open them in CS6).
Is it possible to batch process the lot, without losing the second page?
I want to put 2 .pdf pages on one page. I used to do it with Illustrator (CS5) and it worked just fine up until now, but now (when I import .pdfs) Illustrator gives prompts like:
"The font Arial is missing. Affected text will be displayed ..."
Is there any way of eliminating such prompts with those .pdfs?
How do I cut a page in half.
I have an 11x17 map produced in Illistrator.
I need to cut the page in half, roads, background ect.
I need to make a seperate map out of each half.
I am trying to convert a dwg to eps format for use with Adobe Illustrator. I've tried exporting as eps and using conversion software but the output is incomplete and of poor quality with both these options.
View 7 Replies View RelatedIs there an easy way to convert a jpg. or tiff image to a Illustrator format?
View 12 Replies View RelatedAt my old job, when I exported sketches, it would automatically go to jpeg as jpeg was on top of the list. Now, I have to scroll through a lot of different formats looking for the jpeg format and of course, this takes up valuable time.
I make tech sheets in Illy at my job and need to export just about everything I do in jpeg format, for the benefit of others. I tried looking through the menus, but haven't found the answer yet.
I recently finished an illustration using both the drawing and pen tool in Illustrator. I have exported the file as a png and have been asked to convert it into a vector format.
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow do I change the color of an image in EPS format using Illustrator? Once I do this how do I change the format of the image from EPS to something I can select onto a website like JPG, JPEG or PNG? I plan to print the image onto a T-shirt.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm new to Ai, and I'm working off of a 2 column end movie credit scroll with a space between them.
The formatting/alignment is fine and I simply need to replace the names in each column. However, the text is not behaving how I'd like it to. When I type text in the left column, I'd like the text to move to the left, but when I type it goes to the right (into the middle space), pushes the text in the other column to the right and messes up the formatting.
Is there a setting or way to make the text go to the left?