Illustrator :: How To Make Starburst Effect
Dec 24, 2013How would you go about producing this starburst effect in Adobe Illustrator or photoshop? [URL] ....
This might be contributing to a memorable digital Christmas Card.
How would you go about producing this starburst effect in Adobe Illustrator or photoshop? [URL] ....
This might be contributing to a memorable digital Christmas Card.
Does anyone know how to make a starburst effect with a transparent background.
I've attached a .jpg with a white starburst where the background is black. Is there anyway to leave only the white starburst with a transparent background?
I am looking for information on how to make a "realistic" starburst so that I can place it behind my red light bulb lens to make it look it is REALLY bright with light rays spraying out to the sides...
I have attached a .png file of the image I am tyring to apply the starburst to... I don't know where to start.....
I have to recreate a "starburst" for a graphic and am not sure how to do it and where to start.
Attached is an image of the type of starbrust I am trying to recreate.
Or Illustrator "brush"? Using Illustrator CS5 for the PC.
how to make this effect below show in the green box.See how it is lighter in the middle....darker around the looks like the bonnet of a machine.I have tried a gradient but nothing works.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to put a special 3D effect on a font. I don't know how describe it, thus here is a link where you can see it: [URL] .....
I already know that the font is Agency FB. I don't care about the camouflage look or about the shadow. I'm just interested in the 3D effect. How can I get this effect with Illustrator CS5?
how to make this effect - on the arrow where it says BUY 10 BAGS GET 1 BAG FREE*.. see how it rolls under the page.
View 2 Replies View RelatedOn this website is a logo for Okinawa, it has a stroke twisted into a ribbon. [URL] ...
View 5 Replies View RelatedI need to make some text with the reference image, what effect I should use for that dotted splash look.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am trying to make a shape made from the blob tool made into hafltones. I do not want it as a gradient, just equal sized halftones throughout the shape. Is this possible?
When I do it using Effects/pixilate/color haltone it makes multiple colored halftones, whereas I just want one color. And when I change the channel's it comes up with similar results.
when I got to stage 8, I got stuck somehow. I selected the whole image and clicked crop, but when I clicked clt-alt click on starburst layer, and following by the clt-shift-I,there was a warning that popped up saying no pixels selected. I am stuck at here and have tried all ways countless times. Cld someone kindly help me out or are there any images to follow the tutorial at step 8 so that I can better understand it? What is the starburst layer?? The black one? Or the transparent one!!
View 5 Replies View RelatedCtrl/Cmd-Click the 'starburst' layer, then press Ctrl+Shift+I (MAC: Cmd+Shift+I) to invert the selection. Create a New Layer and fill the selection with white, then Deselect. Now fill the Background layer with black. And you can now delete the original black layer with the transparent starburst on it; the one we started with. You can now also give your new white starburst layer a proper name - "starburst".
I hit Ctrl-Click (I don't have a Cmd key), but nothing happens. I make a new layer, try to fill it with white, nothing.
Any innovative approach to creating the starburst effect like the effect in the image above? Blend tool? Clone, rotate, repeat?
I'm making some graphics to be printed on a car. I have some lines with outer glow on them, but Illustrator won't render these unless I use 72DPI in raster effects reslution. I would like to go higher, but it won't give me anything. Guessing it's to heavy for Illustrator maybe? Is there anything I can do about this? I'm making my graphics in 1:1 scale, but I do it in a lower scale since it's just vector art anyway, however how would that effect my glow? Since it's a raster effect.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI created a 3D drop shape and need to totaly change the colors (from red to yellow)... I use illustrator CS5
View 4 Replies View Relatedhow to make the text effect. The font for "once" is neutraface, and for "upon a time" it is Nanum Myeongjo (bold) If It is also possible (but that is optional), do you know how to make the same background or this kind of dark background... But in another place : mountains, lake... Or to make the forest ?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to make a handwriting effect in the sky, as if a pen were writing a name across the sky. Is there a way to do that in VSX4? I've been looking at the effects and don't see a way to do it, so far. Or, does New Blue FX have something like that? I thought Bluff Titler had it, but you actually have to get a different program to do the handwriting, then use Bluff Titler so it's 2 programs instead of one. I've found Cool 3D Production Studio online but can't tell whether or not it does it.
Is there a paint effect or brush that would scroll words across the screen?
I'm using X5.
I would like to create a certain zoom effect, but I can't get it done. I'm working with graffiti photo's. I want to show a wall with several different pieces on it. After a few seconds, a photo showing just one of those pieces appears in an overlay. It is placed at the same spot where its background-twin is located and its resized to match its appearance. That small overlay now has to grow in size so it eventually fits the entire screen. It is however important that, during this 'zoom effect', the background photo remains visible.
I have tried to work with the Picture-in-Picture effect from NewBlue, which sounded like the solution. I managed to get the entire thing done, except for making the background visible during the effect. The resized overlay picture is surrounded by a black screen that covers the background photo and I can't figure out how to make that black surface transparent. It ís possible to make the entire overlay transparent, but that also affects the black color in the photo, which obviously messes it up.
How do I make this wavy 3D effect?
View 9 Replies View Relateda reflection effect like in this picture.
How can i do that reflection effect. I cant do it because the picture is not parallel to X axis. it has got little angle so i cant do reflection.
I want to make same thing to my photo, I played with blur, and artistic poster edges and got close,
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want to make something that look like layer effect, but I only want the effect to be on part of the edge, not the whole edge, like this:
View 4 Replies View Relatedhow I can make the kind of messy paint effect that is in these three images:
View 4 Replies View Relatedtrying to make those screenshots the way they are on there.
They seem to of been tilted in a way that the front end of the screenshot seems closer to the screen then the other end.
They also have a rather nice glow around the edges of it.
how to make a effect of foggy glow looking landscape picture. I tried the guassian blur with gradien fill, but not quite the same as I wanted. I wonder if PH can do the job with buying the other plugin filter.
View 9 Replies View RelatedMaking a uniform for a game and I need to know how to make a wrinkled effect.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAny easier way of doing "letterpress" text effects in At the moment I'm using 4 layers:
1: Background layer#404040
2: Round Rectangle layer #A0A0A0
3: Text 1 layer #000000
4: Text 2 layer #404040
Making the font size for Text 1 and Text 2 the same and then just slight shifting the position of Text 1 layer to give a tiny shadow.
How to make a effect like the text in the picture?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI just switched over from actually. Anyway, one of my favorite effects I made in was a gradient bars effect (as seen in this image):
Now, I really want to know how to make this in Photoshop .
I'm making a project on Visual Basic and what I'm trying to make is two pictures:one regular of a button with a nice frame.the second is that same button only having the effect of being pressed and pushed down.So I will program in VB that when the user presses the button it makes the effect of like a 3d pressed button.
I have made this button so far:and I would like to add it this frame (don't mind the other buttons):I'm using CS5 and my operating system is windows 7
I am trying to make a zooming effect in an animation and can't seem to figure out an easy way. Essentially, I would like a layer (.jpg or text) to start off small and then get larger as it gets "closer", essentially me zooming in on it. Is there a relatively easy way to do this in animation in Photoshop CS5?
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