I used the paint brush on white back grount and made two big blobs of mixxed up squiggles on each side of the page. Then I went filter > blur > radial blur 100% x 2.
That makes the ripples, but I can't remember how to make the splash in the middle!!!
After the steps I cant remember I did render > sketch > chrome
I work for a small non-profit and we don't have the resources to use the sort of freelance designers I would love to use, so I have to do a lot in-house. Recently I saw an effect that I would like to replicate.
It's a small image but you can see that it's a picture that's been blended with a cool blue effect. I would like to do this, but am not sure how to get there.
I came across this BLACK EYED PEAS poster a while back and thought the kind of half tone fade in the background was really cool and well done but for the life of me I can't figure it out? I'm pretty sure its not a gradient mask cuz the dots actually get smaller towards the bottom....I'm know its not that hard....right?
I am building a highlight video for my son who is a wrestler. I had the idea at the beginning to zoom in on one of his sr pics towards his eye. I want a the video to start in his eye but as zooming is complete it will end up full page video.
I'm very new to Paint.net, I use it all the time, but I'm trying to expand my knowledge on the program. After looking through many topics, I couldn't find one on making cool borders. I'm trying to make a beveled border within a certain size, but the option I currently have on paint doesn't really do it for me.
I've been using this as my desktop background for a few months now but I just noticed that I have no clue how I would acheive this effect. The effect I'm talking about is the red burst in the center. I know how the lettering and the symbol in the center was done but I'm not sure how to do that burst that looks so cool.
I'm trying to figure out a way to "knock-out" text from an opaque layer to reveal the background image beneath it. Essentially (I'm guessing), it would have the background image, then an opaque layer, then text.
I need to figure out some way (using masking?) to have the text be on the opaque layer and then knock it out like a die-cut so that it creates a hole in the opaque layer (where the text was) and ends up revealing the background layer beneath.
how they made the attached image. I like the way the two shades of green curve down from the top right corners like that. I have created a rounded curve and have messed with the gradient but unfortunatly have had no luck.
how to make the text effect. The font for "once" is neutraface, and for "upon a time" it is Nanum Myeongjo (bold) If It is also possible (but that is optional), do you know how to make the same background or this kind of dark background... But in another place : mountains, lake... Or to make the forest ?
how to make a effect of foggy glow looking landscape picture. I tried the guassian blur with gradien fill, but not quite the same as I wanted. I wonder if PH can do the job with buying the other plugin filter.
I have had a request for a wallpaper similar to this dont worry this is just a mock up but I cant find a graffiti font that makes it stand out. preferably a solid face font. the job is very specific to have graffiti font. So if you know any that are not on dafont.com let me know. She has browsed the web looking and is not happy with any.
Ihow one can make a brush like this (the white dotted lines), so when you drag your brush in photoshop, they are spaced out nice like this (instead of doing it individually). If anyone knows how to do this, or know of places with brushes like these.
I just switched over from paint.net actually. Anyway, one of my favorite effects I made in paint.net was a gradient bars effect (as seen in this image):
Now, I really want to know how to make this in Photoshop .
I'm making a project on Visual Basic and what I'm trying to make is two pictures:one regular of a button with a nice frame.the second is that same button only having the effect of being pressed and pushed down.So I will program in VB that when the user presses the button it makes the effect of like a 3d pressed button.
I have made this button so far:and I would like to add it this frame (don't mind the other buttons):I'm using CS5 and my operating system is windows 7