Illustrator :: How To Change Color In A Selection Not Globally
Jan 29, 2014
how do I change color in a selection and not globally? My company uses Freehand currently and there is an option to find and replace color in a selection instead of the entire document. I need to figure out how to do this in Illustrator as we will be switching over shortly.
I often use a photoshop template to create work and was wondering id there was a way to select all items that use a particular swatch color and change them to another swatch color? Right now, I have to find each instance I use that particular color and change them one by one to the new color and was trying to find a better way to do this.
Somehow I've turned off the color selection so that I don't have a color when I select a part of a drawing on a layer. The drawing area stays black whether I have selected it or not and I don't know how to turn back on the color.
how I can turn on the color again so that when I select a line it changes from black to red or magenta or whatever?
Is there a way to change plot settings globally in LT? Somehow, all my layouts got changed from Landscape to Portrait on a job I'm working on and I am changing them all back one by one. And there are a lot of them!
Working in Illustrator CS5 on a Mac. When choosing a color in the palette, the preview showing up is different than what is in the palette. If I hit "OK" the actual color chosen is the one in the palette, not the preview window... Including some pics for reference. In my 10+ years of using Illustrator, i have never seen this.I am using a Dell monitor on a mac... not sure if that would make a difference.
Is there a way to change my mleader block attributes globally? For example, the tags in the drawing file are 200 series numbers, I want to make them 300 series, but keeping the same tens and ones digits (212 > 312).
I have shots from a trip done with two different cameras, however the time stamps are different by one day and one hour. I would like to globally change the creation date and time on one of the cameras in the Metadata, or perhaps change one and sync with the others.
How can I globally change the CELTSCALE of all objects in my drawing? Using PROPERTIES, I can change one element at a time, but when I choose multiple objects in the drawing at the same time, PROPERTIES does not allow me to change their CELTSCALE to (say) "1". Also, this doesn't appear to be possible using the CHANGE (Properties option) command either. The latter only allows the LTSCALE to be changed (not CELTSCALE).
I'm attempting to create an easier way to change layer colors of nested linework by selecting the linework and having the ACAD index color dialog box appear to select the replacement color.
defining the "ic" variable;
(defun c:clc (/ ent ent_data ic ent_lay) ;change layer color(setq ent(nentsel)) (setq ent_data(entget(car ent)))(setq ic ;index color(cdr(assoc 62(ACAD_COLORDLG))))(setq ent_lay(cdr(assoc 8 ent_data)))(command "-layer" "c" ic ent_lay ""))
in control bar, far left color pull down, I can change fill but AI will not "let" me select the stroke to change that. Is there a trick AI now requires?
Used to be X would pick the other one; if fill was front, X would make Stroke be front and vice versa.
I'm new to illustrator scripting (but not to javascript or programming. I have an AI file that has multiple layers. each layer has several items that are supposed to be of same color. I have an array of HEX values.
I would like to loop over all items in a single layer, select them and change their color to some given HEX. Once that works, I will run on all HEX entries in array and save each variation in a separate PNG file.
For the first part i wrote some script (see below), but i do not see any change in the file after i run the script. No errors and no change. I run the script once i select all items in a specific layer.
My code:
function hexToRgb(hex) { var result = /^#?([a-fd]{2})([a-fd]{2})([a-fd]{2})$/i.exec(hex); return result ? { r: parseInt(result[1], 16), g: parseInt(result[2], 16), b: parseInt(result[3], 16)
I have a question regarding illustrator. Let's say I have a circle with blue fill and red stroke. And I place an image in the illustrator file. Now I want to change the red stroke of my circle to let's say a purple color by sampling the color from the image.
How can I achieve that with a eye dropper tool? Every time when I try to sample a color from the image, the whole circle will change to purple instead of just the stroke? I have tried multiple key combination, shift, alt, ctrl but they all don't work.
I have this problem with my selection tool i use to scale with my selection tool now all of a sudden i cant scale it gives me a block you can drag the object around but you can't scale the object for a fast scaling.. where do i change the setting of the selection tool back to scaling an object..
I have been continually annoyed, when creating a vector mask-heavy document, with trying to select vector mask points by dragging a rectangle only to find that it instead selects a layer higher up which has a larger vector mask.
The only workaround is to manually select the points of my mask or to drag a rectangle from outside the canvas, meaning I have to zoom out or scroll to the edge - sometimes annoying if I am zoomed in quite far.
I know that the move tool can be set to automatically select a layer, depending on what part of the image is clicked, but why is there not an option to turn this off for vector editing?
I am using Adobe Creative Cloud - Illustrator CS6. I am having an strengh issue here while I want to copy an image (Rasters From imported Maps) and paste it to new doc the image original color change to chaeper color! As you can see from the following image:
I'm using Illustrator 6 on Windows with the latest SDK.My plugin changes the colors of paths and text.I have a single word of text specified as a spot color, it comes though in the code as a kTextFrameArt...I am using the following code to change the text color, but it has no effect,
//textArt is a AIArtHandle ATE::TextRangeRef textRangeRef; AIErr err = sAITextFrame->GetATETextRange( textArt, &textRangeRef ); if ( err == kNoErr ) { } [code]....
In order to change the color of the artwork I got file>document setup, I tick the simulate color paper option in the transparency oprions of the window. From there i choose the color of my choice.
Suppose for example that the color of the artwork is red, then if I have a vector object which is white, then, its color appears to be red, as that of the artwork.Why the above happens.I want to have the artwork a color other that white so that I can draw white objects in it.Here is an image/example where the artwork is orange and the icon is NOT white as I want it and expected to be:
When I'm opening an Illustrator cs file for a while back in Illustrator cs5, the colors change. When I try to open the cs file (eps) in Photoshop cs5, the colors change too. What setting am I missing? The document color mode is set on cmyk. Is it something inside of color settings?