Illustrator :: Extra White Space After Exporting To JPEG?
Oct 24, 2013
After exporting an *.ai file to jpeg using 150 ppi and 5 for compression, I have extra white space below the artwork. This has happened in two files after exporting.
I have created a back and front for a business card and although it is 3.5" x 2" in illustrator, when I export it as any other format (tiff, jpg, bmp, etc) for some reason it saves this huge white area around it. The backside of the card (with all of the info) saves with just a little white bar at the top. The colored side of the card saves where it has a massive white space surrounding it.
The colored card does have some clipping masks and a transparency (for the background). That is all that I could think would possibly mess it up....
How do I get rid of the white border around my images when I export? I have tried making a clipping mask but for some reason when I export to a picture format I get this weird white uneven border around the images that wasn't there before I exported it.
How can i remove the white space from this JPEG image (attached to this post) so that I can overlap it with another image without the white space showing?
The image is actually saved as a rectangle with the white space on the top right hand corner, where it curves.
When I export an image from CorelDraw to a jpeg, or png, (or probably anything for that matter) and try to use it in my web design program I get the little 1 pixel wide white line. WTH? I then have to take it into corel photo paint and erase that one pixel line, in order for it to be gone.
I've used Corel Draw since version 4 I think and this problem has existed in every version Corel has put out. I like the product, I find it easy to use but this glitch is maddening.
I am new to X4 and cannot seem to get rid of the white background when I export a vector to a jpg file. This is probably a no brainier but I have tried setting the page background to none and a few other things but to no avail.
When exporting from CS6 to jpeg there is a light outline that appears around the jpeg when it is placed on a coloured background on a web page. How can I remove this outline?
I've designed 2 artboards (basically two halves of one image) for a competition entry. Pieces can only be submitted in jpeg or png at 5mb max and using only one file. I've designed it at actual size (approx 4000x1000 mm). I have managed to reduce it and save the whole image as a png file (with a white gap dividng the two panels) I'm now thinking this is amateurish and the required bleed setting may have been lost. So,
1. The correct way to crop artwork to each artboard and export artboards to one jpeg or png file. 2. Maintain bleed settings around each artboard.
When I export from Illustrator CS5 with "Use Artboards" checked it adds a "-01" to the end of my file name before the extention. I'm assuming that its because its artboard #1 or something. It happens with the all or the range button checked. It doesnt show the -01 when you are saving the file name. This is pretty annoying because I have to go back and re name the files when this happens.
I've wrritten a plug-in to export the layer as jpeg.everything is fine except that the current document becomes unsaved after exporting the layer.
I want to know that it use to be so or I'm wrong anywhere?
the process which I followed ---
1-) Created an empty Artset and filled it with layer contents. 2-) Then Rasterize the Artset. 3-) Then created a data filter containing the path where to export. 4) Then used AsJPEG( ) to create jpeg.
The image above is for a website which has a colored background. The image will be exported as a PNG file so that the background is transparent. I am unable to eliminate the space above 40th. It seems the bounding box around the character can not go past the artboard area. Is there a way to crop in Illustrator or do something to the character so that it is flush at the top on the artboard area?
I seem to be having a problem to where there is white space between objects and no matter how many times I intersect paths I still have white-space between objects. Obviously if you are making some sort of illustration, even a pixel worth of white space could prove to be problematic. we are seeing white space between the blue and purple objects.
I have an A3 sized times 3 artboard file that I want to save out at 300ppi so that I can print it at A1 without losing much quality. I do this every couple of months this will be the 4th time or so. Each time I run into this same problem and kind of just fudge my way around, but I'm not having as much luck this time and can't move forward to printing.
each sheet is a series of 20 coupons or so like seen above but when i export to jpg some of the coupons come out like this:
the white layers (there are two) both go transparent and the background paper image leaks through. as you can see in the after shot, in the upper right, some white is preserved (the shadow in a link file, but the white under 408 is an illustrator shape)
I've tried changing the white to 1%k or 1%c 1%m 1%y 1%k and things. usually fiddling with it like this in serveral random ways gets it to work eventually.
I'm creating some geometric images in Illustrator for an animation in After Effects. I have four triangles that are all aligned to make a square. However, there are small white spaces between each of the triangles, so when viewed at actual size, there's a white X through the centre of the square.
How can I align the triangles exactly so there is no white space in between?
Say I draw a simple square in Illustrator CS6 then export it to a PNG using Save for Web. The preview shows 1px thick of white space on the right side. Sometimes it's on 2 sides or more.
No other hidden elements are around the image. Clip to artboard in not clicked.
I am just starting to learn Illustrator and am having an issue with filling an object. I am creating a box and when I fill that box the top acts as if there is a straight path even though there isn't. Also the right side of the box cuts only fills diagonally.One with the paths, two with the incomplete fill.
I used trace to do a trace of my image. I then used live paint to paint chunks of it. When I hovered over each bit, it would come up with a thick pink line and would fill in that line. So all was going well, I got everything the colour I wanted it, etc. I tried to export my image to a PDF and the purple lines that were so useful to me when I was doing live paint still showed up, but showed up as a white outline. I read forums and tried everything-deselected the keep ability to edit in illustrator and create acrobat layers from top level layers. But every time I try to open it in preview on the mac, the purple lines are still there. I can "click off of them" within illustrator, ie-select somewhere else on the page and it makes them go away, but even if they aren't showing up when I save it, they still show up on preview. I can't print it out like it is now!
I have been watching MANY videos, but just cannot seem to figure out how to color the B&W photo I imported into Illustrator CC. Do I need to do something in Photoshop first? I was able to trace the image but from there I am lost.
Is there a way to remove the white space in my picture? I do *not* mean transparency. What I need is for all my coloured dots to be shifted closer together to be more compact.
I have been using CS6 for about a month now, and all of sudden I started having an issue with alignment (and sometimes with distribute evenly command). Basically, anytime I try to use align center or edge (horizontally or vertically) with any object(s) and guideline, objects as well as guideline that I selected disappear from the artboard (white space) -- so I zoom out to get the entire workspace (gray area) view, I find objects ending up somewhere way beyond the white space and the guideline at the very top of the workspace if I used align center horizontally, or the guideline being at the very left of the workspace if I used align center vertically. I made sure that align to: selection is selected, but it appears that it yields same results whether I choose align to artboad, or align to key objects. I use CS6 on my computer at home, but I haven't had any issue with this yet.
My question concenrs this photo: [URL] ... (this is my own photo by the way). Just so you know what I mean with 'sky' later on: you're looking at balconies.
I want to extend it on the left so I can make it a desktop wallpaper. However, the original photo does not extend far enough to allow me to just crop differently. How can I, using GIMP, fill up the new space so that it looks like the sky that's already there?
ALL users of Draw who use it for web-design. If this is intended to be this way and understanding that it's a pain for most users why not just offer the option of having it cropped automatically in the export dialogue?
Which exporting method/format do you use to export your CorelDRAW projects? I'm talking about exporting web projects for Web purposes so the default colors of my doc are RGB, the default resolution is set to 300 dpi.
I tried many combinations, but the only way to get EXACTLY the same image as on my screen, is to do a "print screen" and then paste it on any photo editing program with no background, and save as JPEG.
I calibrated my monitor with Samsung's Natural Color Pro, and I added the created profile to "RGB profile" in "color settings" (so I don't use the standard sRGB profile).
Another information, I exports my projects to .JPG format, maybe I'm wrong? I use .JPG because the results are acceptable and the exported file size is low compared with other formats.
First of all I don't use the "export" option from the "file" menu anymore, because after a few attempts and combinations with this option, the results were just AWFUL, even when I opened the .JPG file on the same computer on which the project was created (so in theory it should be OK on my screen but not necessarily on other computers with sRGB, or custom calibrated profiles). I think it is because CorelDRAW embed my "Samsung Natural Color Pro ICM" profile, which won't display the image correctly on computers with other color profiles installed.
That's why the tool I use to export is "export soft proof" in the "color Proof settings", clicking "preserve RGB numbers", also in .JPG. With this option I have the possibility to embed another color profile, for example sRGB or even AdobeRGB to the project, and the results are acceptable but... they STILL look slightly different from what I have dispalyed on my screen. And here I think the main reason is "background color" option. I cannot uncheck it, or set to "no background", and I have noticed that the chosen color influences the look of my project. So with white color background it will be a little "washed out", with black it will be to dark etc..
With .PNG format I also don't get satisfying results, I tried with different settings combinations, still the colors are washed out with no saturation, maybe I didn't figured out yet how to set it properly?
Finally, I can get a perfect result (in that sense that as far as I can see, it is identic with what I have on my screen in CorelDRAW) with .BMP format, but first I don't know if this format is compatible and adequate for Web purposes, and second the files are pretty big after such conversion, even after decreasing the resolution to 96 dpi.
I know absolutely nothing about DTP, and I recently got these product shots of on a CD that are all in EPS format (with a little blue "WARP" on the thumbnail). Anyways, when I fired them into iView Media Pro so that I could catalog and batch manipulate them, I made some thumbnails that automagically had transparent backgrounds!
You see, I was planning on lassoing each of the products from their background myself, but it seemed to be already done for me... except I can't figure out how to export them as jpegs in Photoshop. Every time I use "save as" the backgrounds are also included. If I open the files in something else like Fireworks, the backgrounds disappear... unfortunately FW doesn't allow batch processing of EPS files, so I am going to be forced to open and resave all 120 of these pics if I don't figure out a way to do it in PS.
I am currently designing a logo for our company in AutoCAD. We use this logo for drawings, shirts, invoices, proposals,....etc. The logo we use was drawing by hand and is very choppy when blown up. This doesn't look good when we send the logo to make shirts and decals. I finished the logo in AutoCAD, which looks very smooth and perfect but when I try to export it in either PNG or JPEG format the logo looks choppy when zoomed in, unlike AutoCAD where it looks smooth no matter how much you zoom into it.