Illustrator :: CS6 JPEG File Saved Looks Distorted When Uploaded Onto Internet
Feb 7, 2013
Made a simple type and shape design with a solid backdrop. When I tried to export via save for web to jpeg with high settings, it came up online with subtle but visible alterations. Behind my shapes are speckled like dust, it looks super low quality.
I tried using ps to save instead, I even tried removing the backdrop and remaking a whole new document and just moving select items over, then recoloring..which was not the best attempt but same result.
I'm not exactly sure what her color settings should be to avoid this. Im working at 6500 x 6500 right now. Here's a visual of the up close issue. All over its less quality. And Im saving at top jpeg settings in RGB. I really don't want to tell her she has to begin all over again.
I am new to Illustrator. I have designed a new logo using Illustrator CS6 to the best of my knowledge. I now need to create business cards etc for printing but when I save it to jpeg it becomes very distorted after the file is uploaded to the printing site. Even if I cut and paste to another artboard it become distorted as well.
Every-time I save something in PSE 11 that has text or graphics, I feel like the clarity is not even remotely close to what I was seeing in PSE. The whole thing often has a blurry/pix elated look to it. I am sure that any graphics are large files for clarity and in PSE 11 they appear very clear and sharp, I am usually saving in .png The resolution is 300.
What can I do to make sure that they save crystal clear and sharp so that once they are uploaded (to somewhere like Facebook for a timeline cover) that they don't loose that sharpness to text and graphics that I see in PSE? What is the best format to save in? I don't have this issue with pictures I am editing, it seems to just be stuff I am making.
Shooting with a Nikon D70 in Raw mode - tweak in raw - looks good - open in PS CS2 - still looks good then save for web and the colors wash out dramatically(unacceptable). What gives?
if I can on account of the file being raw and the jpeg looking like yuck.
I have previously imported some raw (.raf) files into Lightroom and done my adjustments - i then saved as jpegs and took all files out of the lightroom dashboard.
I now want to go back into a raw (.raf) file that I have re-imported into Lightroom, and apply the same settings that I did previously to the jpegs before.
Obviously, on re-importing the raw files, they have reverted to the original settings and not the jpeg settings that I saved at.
I am trying to print a photo on my Canon MX870 that has been edited (cropped and a few slight lighting changes) in Elements 9 , the colours look good on the screen but when I print it looks different, . I have the colour settings from the Edit menu set to "always optimize for printing". The file information shows the camera data as colour space sRGB.
I am using canon inks (all full) and canon matte photo paper and I selected the matte photo paper on the paper type in printer settings.
I have printed good photos before on this printer (I think using photo gallery) but was not using photoshop elements at the time. Does it make any difference if the photo is saved as a jpeg file or a pse file?
I'm having some problems properly opening an Illustrator Template file in CS3 that I saved when I was using CS5 (I use CS6 now). My co-worker uses CS3 and can't open the template I made using CS5. I haven't found an option anywhere to be able to downsave the template file to an earlier version. allow my co-worker to open the template file without having any compatibility issues?
I've always in the past brought a logo file that a graphic designer provided into Illustrator and then exported a psd so that I could bring it into Photoshop on layers and get the exact size, etc that I've wanted and since Illustrator CC I've not been able to do this with any .ai files that I've been given. It always gives me this message after I've gone through the process: "Photoshop file could not be saved" no matter what the settings are. This means I have to use the eps file that was provided which is not nearly large enough and when I try and resize it ... what a mess
When I save my AI file, it saves in the correct color scheme but when I go to look at it on a different computer, the color is off. The blues are greener etc.
I have filled a dot in the "I" of a logo with a radial black gradient to represent a ball. When I save as a pdf, the once gradient ball turns to solid. I tried saving the file in ai first and then saving that file to pdf, but that produces the same results. When saved as a jpeg for web, th eimage is perfect. Must be something I am missing in the pdf settings...?
When a raw file badge shows that the file has been changed, I use Metadata Save to File & for the large majority of my images, the badge goes away and Metadata Status Changed does not show the file. For some of my files, however, the Save to File command doesn't work properly. If I am only displaying files with changes, the file briefly disappears, then returns. Even if I go to Windows Explorer and delete the xmp file, then again Save metadata to file, it pops up again with the badge saying it needs to be saved. I'm using Lightroom 4.3 64 bit on Windows 7.
I uploaded a lisp file into AC 2012 and it shows that it uploaded sucessfuly. However when I go to run the routing i get the error message 'error: bad character read (octal): 4'.
I have an Adobe Illustrator CS6 document with body copy set using 6.5 pt. Helvetica Neue LT Std. - Bold Condensed & Light Condensed.
After saving the file as a PDF in Illustrator using the [Smallest File Size] setting, closing the file, and opening the newly saved PDF in Illustrator - the 6.5 pt. text is now 5.53 pt. with a vertical scaling of 117.65%.
This PDF is for client review purposes - on screen or laser print - not for reproduction. We try to keep the file size as small as possible to make downloading and e-mail attachments manageable.
In this case, my client is opening the PDF in Illustrator to double-check the text point sizes for legal & regulatory purposes.
If I save the same Illustrator file as a PDF using other settings like [High Quality Print], the text size is unchanged.
I was able to repeat the issue using Helvetica LT Std in place of Helvetica Neue LT Std.
I have attached some screen shots for reference.
Illustrator Source screen shot
Acrobat PDF screen shot
I found this older thread from 2011 where someone had the same issue - but was never resolved: [URL] ....
I have CS1 i have saved a JPEG pic to PSD and when i upload it for an assignment the pic isn't aywhere, if i go to My Pictures it is there as a PSD file, even if i have saved the original to JPEG it wont open, i have altered the pic using LAB (converting a pic to balck and white).
I'm running LR4.3 and CS6 on an iMac. I open a raw file in LR4, then open in CS6 from Lightroom. Edit a little, save as a jpeg, close, and the file does not come back into Lightroom. Either in a folder or in the collection. TIF and PSD come in... but not jpeg.
So I try to import the image. It does not show up in the folder as a non imported image... or at all. Then, I open my hard drive from Finder, go into the folder and there it is.
I ran into this issue when saving black and white pictures from Raw file. Camera RAw 7.3 opens normally just like always and lets me save picture in color.It lets me save picture in BW, but the JPEG tha comes out is corrupted file that looks like this (see below):
When i try to open that corrupted JPEG in Photoshop 6 I get an error message saying:"The embedded ICC profile cannot be used because ICC profile is invalid. Ignoring the profile. "
When I have a file in Illustrator that I want to save as or export as a PDF or JPEG whenever I save it the colours shift and the quality drops.Most noticiably black boxes goes to a muddy brown when saved to JPEGS, but I have also noticed tones in Photographs change quite a lot when saving as PDF.
I have tried to tweek every type of setting there is. higher resoulution, compression, sampling, down sampling, PDF preset, print quality etc.but nothing seems to sort it out. PDF's arent as much as a problem as the JPEG but the only way I have managed to get a PDF up to a reasonable standard is by wacking everything up so there is no compression or downsampling which makes ginat files I cant email....
Im sure the problem probably lies within the combination of each of these together but I cant seem to find out what that is. Also brown in the seat base has gone more orange and the whole picture has generaly lost quality.
I am using following code to convert AI file to JPEG
function exportFileToJPEG (dest) { if ( app.documents.length > 0 ) { var exportOptions = new ExportOptionsJPEG(); var type = ExportType.JPEG; var fileSpec = new File(dest);
but ir crope the document to the size of the image and resize the ArtBoard to the size of Image.
I want to convert the Existing ArtBoard Area only , i dont want to crope the image.
I have noticed a common trend among my .JPEG saves from Photoshop, they all seem to appear darker than when they were originally viewed and edited accordingly in Photoshop.
I don't know much about Color profiles and such, I have gone through the settings briefly, but do not want to mess anything up!
I've used photoshop to paint for many years (I'm a production artist for children's television) and never had this kind of thing before. It could be a total coincidence, but it seemed only to get like this since I upgraded to Production premium CS6.
I have the newest Nvidia drivers, the latest photoshop and production suite updates. I've tried turning off GPU acceleration and I've calibrated my monitors and cintiq several times using the Spyder 3 Elite calibration tools. I've created 8bit, 16bit and 32bit images and the problem persists no matter what. Other stats:
Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.0.1 (13.0.1 20120808.r.519 2012/08/08:21:00:00) x64 Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 280M
This is a 16bit image saved as a jpeg, but still a relatively accurate example of what I see in photoshop. In fact it looks better here. It was created using a low opacity brush with hardness set to zero.
When I export from Illustrator CS5 with "Use Artboards" checked it adds a "-01" to the end of my file name before the extention. I'm assuming that its because its artboard #1 or something. It happens with the all or the range button checked. It doesnt show the -01 when you are saving the file name. This is pretty annoying because I have to go back and re name the files when this happens.
I have created an image on illusrator CS6 and am ready to save it.
I have saved it as a pdf format and the image stays as a sharp vector image and not blurry at all.
But I also want to keep the image as a jpeg. So when I go to export the image from illustrator CS6 as a jpeg, the end result comes out blurry and not sharp anymore, but more jagged on the edges of the image.
Is there anything I can do to keep my file as a jpeg with it staying as a sharp crisp image?
I shot some images in RAW, edited them in Photoshop, saved them as JPEG before sending to a client. When the client opened them on her computer there were two problems:
1)they came out dark, and 2) when she tried to upload them to her blog on the WordPress platform, she said they completely lost all the editing I had done.