Clear the selected object Fit the Artboard to the Selected Object Save for Web and Devices
I can get it to clear and save but I'll be darned if I can get the Fit the Artboard to the Selected Object to register in the recording of the action. No matter what shortcuts I use, menues I use it just won't record it. Is this just a thing Illustrator won't do or any I just missing something?
I do those 3 things listed above ALL the time and it would be nice it I could make those 3 things into 1 action, then add that action to a hot key on my tablet.
I need to export with artboard. Illustrator automatically adds a number to my original file name. It won't even let me replace the old file. It is extremely annoying and makes flow with other programs really hard because they can't auto update, since the file name changes. When you have multiple files, you can't be manually renaming all the time.
When saving for web or exporting an artboard is there any way to pre-populate the save file name dialog box with the artboard's given name. It would save having to re-name the file and make good use of that metadata.
I all, I'm working on a file that I have setup as 1045 px by 154 px. When I export this file to jpeg, png or bmp the file become over 4000 px wide. This is likely an easy thing I'm missing.
I've made this small script to test a few things, before moving on to the bigger stuff (some of it have been cut out, since it's not important):
var exportOptions = new ExportOptionsJPEG(); var type = ExportType.JPEG; var fileSpec = new File(dest); exportOptions.antiAliasing = false; exportOptions.qualitySetting = 70; exportOptions.artboardRange = "3"; app.activeDocument.exportFile( fileSpec, type, exportOptions );
I'm trying to export artboard #3 as a JPEG. But it doesn't work.
According to the scripting reference guide, most of the "ExportOptions"-functions support the artboardRange-parameter, but alas - JPEG does not.
Is there another way to do this? Right now I'm only getting all the artboards into a single JPEG-file, which is not what I'm searching for
I've created an image that has some bleeds and needs to be saved as a JPEG for web display. If I just export it (or save for web and devices), the off-artboard stuff shows up in the saved image (which, of course, is bigger than the artboard). I've created a mask layer that masks the visibility of the excess artwork within AI and the saved file, but the off-artboard area occupied by the masked artwork is still there in the saved image. How can I non-destructively hide this stuff during saves, saving just the artboard?
I recently upgraded to Illustrator CS6, and suddenly clients have been remarking that the file sizes are wrong or there's "a ton of white space around the logo." I checked it out, and sure enough, it appears that whenever I export a file, it does not crop it to the image boundary like it used to, even if I had manually adjusted the artboard to fit closely around it. After a bit of trial and error, I discovered that I have to click "Use Artboards" on the Export dialog each time. The super annoying part is that it doesn't STAY checked, AND it adds a number to the end of the file name. So I often forget to check it (not used to the extra step in workflow), and if I make a modification to the file, I can't just export over the previous version. It requires me to export it, go find it in finder, and manually delete the extra number off the file name. The extra steps are adding way too much time when I'm saving out many files. I'm about ready to go back to my previous version just from this alone.
Is there an easier way to do this? It seems like the addition of this feature would only cause extra problems...
When I record a save for web action that exports my artboard in 3 file sizes. 100%, 200% and 400% it works for the first few files.
Then suddenly after a while the first export changes its width and height from 100% to 111%, but not just 111% width and height equally. No it pulls it out of proportion too.
When I manually enter 100% again it all pops back to the correct aspect ration.The 200% and 400% still behave as expected.
If I rerecord it it starts working again. But that defeats the purpose.
1.) I dragged out vertical and horizontal guides from the rulers and then created a new art board. The new art board now has the horizontal guides carried over from the first art board. How can I have separate guides on each of my art boards? I am using art board rulers.
2.) Is there a way to layout vertical and horizontal guides on an art board and copy them over to a new blank art board?
I have a big artboard with a simulation of a webpage, and a smaller artboard within it, where I'm designing the artwork, so that I know how the big picture will look. In the end, I intend to export the contents of the small artboard. The problem is that whenever I click by accident on the small artboard, my view of the web page gets off-centre.So in short, If I could just lock the small artboard, that would solve this annoyance. For now, I have two options: either delete the artboard and set it back in the end (it's got to be perfeclty positioned though) or, quite practically, just create a custom view with a shortcut that I can use instead of the "Actual size" one (Cmd+1).
I have a AI CS6 file with 16 artboards. I need to 'save for web" a jpg of each artboard. Is there a way to automate this, by setting up an action - or is there any way to do this? I'll be having to do it frequently.
I have a bunch of artwork that I need to fit to artboards that need to be the same size, basically I'm looking for something similar to "Fit to Frame" in Premiere/After Effects.
I'm designing some business cards, which have an 1/8" bleed, along with elements that hang outside of the border of the card. Is there a way in Illustrator CS3 that I can say, "hide everything outside of the Artboard" so I can see what the finished product will look like?
I know I could print them out or output to PDF and see it without the non-Artboard items, but these approaches seem clumsy and labor intensive. I'd like it if I could have some sort of "cropped view"--where everything not on the Artboard is hidden--to work in.
I'm finding that when i add a second artboard to an existing ai, then save and close, it has disappeared on reopening.
I have both pieces of artwork (one for each page), but 1 of the artboards will have disappeared. Irritatingly the remaining artboard sits between the 2 pieces of artwork - in the wrong position for both!!!
I am struggling with the "sAIArtSet->MatchingArtSet()" in restricting it to find the artset from the selected artboard only.
One way is to iterate through the found art set and compare art's artboard index with the index of the selected artboard. Wanted to know if there is some internal SDK suite which does this iteration in a more optimized way ?
I need to get rid of the black border around the artboard. The two images show my drawing lined up with the art board and then inside the artboard. The dark gray is not the artboard.
As you see, the artboard has a black border. I need to get rid of it. It shows up in my project when my color key is green. The black won't go to transparent.
is it possible to make a new document and instead of having it shaped like a rectangle/square, to have it shaped like a octagon? I'm making a square shaped business card, but I want the right side of the card to have a zig-zag pattern cut out on it.
I have setup a display panel with 4boards at various sizes. (Spreads). I now need to make a PDF but as artboard spreads as this is needs to be shown like this for sign off.
We currently use CS3 in our Art Dept at the sign company I work for. Sometimes designing/layout for some projects can be a pain when they go beyond the max artboard size constraint in CS3. This is especially true in my dept which does all the large format digital printing. I find myself having to switch back and forth between some of my sign software, which has almost limitless area for design and layout. Not that we can't work in scales but life would be so much easier if we could do things in full scale. Now to the point, does CS4 have larger artboard size than CS3?
Is there a way to size without Illustrator CS6 rounding up? example, I need my document to be 3.625 x 2.125" to output a file to a printer and illustrator keeps rounding up to the third decimal 3.63, Is there any way around this? I found going back to CS3 works but all my files have conversion issues opening that far back.
I am on a pc (windows 8) using illustrator cc and trying to save from an .ai file to an .svg file. I've also taken a previously saved svg and manually fixed the artboard, then saved. Still resizes the artboard. I've done this multiple times with sucess, but after updating the software last week, the artboard is expanding when I save. I thought I must have changed a setting, but don't think so. I've read lots of posts and tried all kinds of settings but here doesn't seem to be a solution out there. Wish I could go back to the older version!
The first time it happened, I uninstalled AI and did a fresh install which fixed it for a short time. When I save a PDF out of AI, it does not save to the artboard constraints. This is a screen shot of my AI document which has 2 pages.
When I save as PDF, this is what the file looks like:
(Pg 1)
(Pg 2)
After the original file has been saved (incorrectly) I can open it and save it again and it will be fine.