Illustrator :: CC - Live Corners And Snapping Disappeared

Mar 21, 2014

I am using Illustrator CC and recently I have noticed that I can no longer snap and aligh objects to each other (with the automatic highlighted green color, which shows you the center, intersect e.t.c). As well as the Live corners aren't present, after pressing Direct selection tool nothing changes. None of the settings were changed, at least I was ticking snap to function back, but it didn't change anything again.
why I just can't see the Live corners? I was also able to see the green lines between shapes before, but now it isn't working at all. I am running it on Windows 7.

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Illustrator :: Cannot Enable Live Corners In CC

Jan 22, 2014

I'm excited to use the new Illustrator Live Corner Feature but for some reason using the Direct Select tool does not bring up the live corners on any shape I make. I am using Illustrator CC 64 bit on a PC runnign Windows 7.

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Illustrator :: 17.1 - Live Corners Disappear After Scaling Shape

Feb 15, 2014

The Live Corners feature is welcome in Illustrator 17.1, but I find that it works inconsistently. One issue that I've isolated is that scaling a path makes the live corners disappear.
To reproduce:
Create a rounded rectangle
Select the path
Click the direct selection tool to verify that Live Corners are present
Click the selection tool
Scale the rounded rectangle (say drag up from the scale point in the middle of the bottom side)
Click the direct selection tool - where are the live corners?
Is that a bug? Is that a design choice?

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Illustrator :: Live Corners Widget Disappears At Small Sizes?

Feb 18, 2014

I often need to create icons at small sizes 6-12 (pts) so that it's easy to copy and paste into InDesign. On small corner areas, the widget disappears. When I scale the vector drawing up, they appear. I can work on them larger and just scale them back down in but was wondering if there was a setting or something to get them to show at the smaller sizes.

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Maya Modeling :: Make Live Snapping To Polygon Face Center?

Apr 29, 2011

I'm using the Make Live feature on a low poly object to create new objects. For example, using the live object as a shell to create new polygon with the "create poly" tool. It seems to only want to snap to the center point of each face on the object.

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Illustrator :: Disable ALL Snapping?

Mar 1, 2011

It seems there is no way to stop illustrator (CS5) from snapping to the edge of the artboard.  Even if you hide the artboard, it still snaps to the invisible artboard.
is it possible that the brilliant folks at adobe missed this one and there is no way to disable this snapping to the artboard?

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Illustrator :: Objects Not Snapping Together

Nov 20, 2012

I'm having an issue with CS6 where my objects don't want to snap together. I have snap to point checked but it still won't work. Also when I hover over point or intersections it doesn't say "intersections" or "center" or etc beside my mouse.

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Illustrator :: CC Free Transform And Snapping?

Sep 1, 2013

It seems that in CC the Free Transform tool does not snap to grid when resizing (for example) a rectangle. If I have "Snap to Grid" turned on, it only is taking effect with new objects getting drawn. Am I understanding this correctly? If I draw a rectangle, and want to reshape/resize it to fit the grid, how do I do this? It's a bit embarrassing asking this question, but CC seems to have changed some things from CS6.

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Illustrator :: Why Text Snapping Together In Paragraph

Dec 15, 2013

Why are text snapping together in paragraph?

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Illustrator :: Two Circles Snapping Paths On Tangent?

May 16, 2013

I draw a circle and then want another smaller circle to snap to the path. This would produce 100% accurate smooth curve.
I added a line that snapped to an anchor point I added on the large circle. I was hoping to snap the smaller circle to the anchor point, but how can you do this without guessing where to add anchor points on the circle? What if I want to change them?
Right now I have snap to point on and snap to grid off. Align to pixel grid is also off.
method for drawing and conecting tangents?

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Illustrator :: Path Snapping To Half Pixel?

Jan 10, 2014

I'm currently designing a transit diagram in Illustrator CC, but I'm having some trouble with snapping. I'm working on a grid with snapping on, with 10px stroke paths. An example of my problem is as follows: I have a 90 degree path laid out and I go to make a 45 degree diagonal off it using the shift key, but the end of that new diagonal ends up on a half pixel. See the picture below:
You'll see the end of the path on the right is at X 630.5 and Y 185.5. I'm working on a 10px grid with 10 subdivisions. How can I make it so it snaps to whole pixels only, this is really infuriating!

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Illustrator :: Cannot Disable Snapping To Artboard Edges

Aug 2, 2012

I'm creating SVG icons, and due to the removal of SVG as an output format for Save for Web, I've switched to having a series of 16x16 artboards for my icons. Problem is, no matter what snapping features I disable, my artwork still snaps to the artboard edges when I move it around (regardless if I use the mouse or the arrow keys). This makes it impossible to align artwork to such a small artboard, and it also seems like pixel snapping shuts off, causing mis-aligned artwork.
Failed solution:
View menu >> Snap to Pixel disabledView menu >> Snap to Point disabledView menu >> Smart guide disabled Transform palette >> Align to Pixel Grid disabled 

Set Keyboard increment to 0.5px, which will round up to 1px in Pixel Mode. Keyboard nudging now behaves as expected, but mouse behavior is still erratic.Use the Free Transform tool. It behaves slighly less erratically than the Selection and Direct Selection tool.
Steps to reproduce:
Create a new document, 16x16 pxVerify that you're in pixel modeCreate a 14x14 px squareTry and position it in the center of the artboard using the mouse or keyboard incrementsObserve the artwork snapping to the edges of the documents, or bypassing snapping altogether.

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Illustrator :: Why Can't Use Live Paint

Oct 7, 2013

I'm working on I've drawn a dragon using the pen tool. Now I want to use the live paint tool, however, after I select my dragon it won't let me "make" the live paint. I also can't expand, not sure if that's related.
I tested another simple drawing and was able to both expand and use live paint, so it must be something weird that I've done to my dragon.
I have a trial version of CS6. Also attaching a screen cap.

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Illustrator :: What Does Live Text Mean

Sep 3, 2013

I came across the term "live text", which I am not familiar with. My search gave no results.

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Illustrator :: Anchor Point Snapping To Specific Angles

Aug 12, 2013

In Illustrator CS5 my anchor point handles are snapping to specific angles,which I don't want. I have to turn off Smart Guides to freely adjust the handles.
Under preferences, Smart Guides, I turned off the custom construction guides, but even this did not correct the issue. I love using Smart Guides and I thought there were just in face that 'guides' and provided no snapping.
I also tried turning off 'snapping to point' to see if that was creating an issue, but no dice.
I can provide my system settings in case:
Mac OSX 10.8.4
16 GB memory
Illustrator CS5
Wanted to ensure I was not missing a feature I couldn't find or research before trying to reset my preferences.

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Illustrator :: Objects Seem To Be Snapping To Place - Settings Disabled?

Jun 28, 2013

I've got a bit of trouble with Illustrator that I assume has a really simple answer but I can't seem to find the preference for it. My objects seem to be snapping to place but, as far as I can tell, I have all those settings disabled.
Things to note:
View > Snap to Grid > Disabled
View > Snap to point > Disabled
Preferences > Selection and Anchor display > Snap to point > Disabled

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GIMP :: Save Rounded Corners On Image - Extra Bits At Corners

Apr 11, 2011

I put rounded corners [from the decor part] onto my image, and when i saved it, it came up with these extra bits at the corners; which make the image actually rectangle. How i can get rid of them? i just want the plain round corners. =x


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Photoshop :: Make Rounded Corners - But Background Has Color And Shows Square Corners Of Palette?

May 15, 2011

I know how to make rounded corners. But the background has color and shows the square corners of the palette.

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Illustrator :: Patterns Are Live And Moving In PDF

Sep 24, 2013

illustrator cc. mac os x leopard
i have a layout that i made into a PDF to show my client. the layout has a pattern and when you view the PDF, the pattern moves around as you Zoom in and out of the pdf. i have never experienced this before.
i tried saving with different settings to different versions but they all do it.
i have layers off, and illustrator editibility off.
edit: the pattern only moves when viewed in Preview. still i don't understand shouldn't be doing it.

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Illustrator :: CC Live Paint - Gap Detection

Jul 8, 2013

In Illustrator CC every time I click Merge Paint I need to go back to Live Paint > Gap Options > and reset Gap Detections to "Paint stop at Small Gaps". Despite I set "Paint stop at Small Gaps" as my default many times now, it seems that Illustrator CC  does reset it automatically to "Custom Gaps" and therefore Merge Paint doesn't work correctly. A nightmare, I am forced to use Illustrator CS6!

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Illustrator :: Cleaning Up After Doing Live Trace?

Feb 27, 2013

I did a live trace and it did pretty well. The image I traced was fairly simple. But I ended up with a lot of extra pieces in what should be a solid color. I've tried Select > Object > Stray points, but that didn't work. I have large area that I want to be one solid piece. Within this area, there are lots of little "pieces" that are the same color... How do I merge them all into one piece? I tried "Unite" in the pathfinder, and that didn't work, either.
In case I'm not being clear, basically, I want to do what the "smooth" function does in Photoshop... but in Illustrator.
I'm using CS6 on a Mac.

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Illustrator :: How To Use Live Trace With Images

Sep 20, 2012

Is it better to use Live Trace with images that have no color and are just black and white and to apply all color in AI with Live Paint bucket or can you get good results with images that have color when using Live Trace?

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Illustrator :: Why Does Snap To Pixels ON Kill Smart Guides And Guide Snapping

Aug 27, 2013

Seems like both should still work when snap to pixels is on... but they don't.  Any reason for this?    

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Illustrator :: CS5 - Live Paint After Tracing / Before Expanding?

Sep 22, 2012

In CS5 there was an option to use the Live Paint Bucket on a newly traced image and there were also gap options to close gaps when doing this. I do not see these options in CS6. Where are they?

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Illustrator :: Cleaning Holes Out Of Live Trace

May 31, 2013

I have done a live trace of a somewhat complex GIF that I want to simplify into black silhouette. What I have is a black object filled with dozens of irregularly shaped closed paths within it. I want to get rid of these, and was thinking I could just choose "ungroup," then select all closed paths except the large one enveloping them and delete them. I'm obviously misunderstanding something, though, since Illustrator sees what I have as one object already. The only way I'm able to remove all those little white shapes is to delete their anchor points one by one. There has to be a better way . . .

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Illustrator :: Any Way To Rotate And Scale Type Live?

Aug 6, 2013

I'm using cs6 and I want to rotate and scale individual letters.  Whenever I try to do it I am only altering the text box.  Is there any way I can do the same thing with the text itself without rasterizing it?

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Illustrator :: CS6 Live Trace Negative Image?

Oct 1, 2012

We have recently updated our office Adobe Creative Suite, and are now using Illustrator CS6 to clean-up hand drawn sketches.  When we run any sort of trace on a simple, black and white line drawing, the trace results in a negative image:  the white background turns black, and the outline of the sketch is white.  We have tried checking the "ignore white" box and several other settings changes.  Initially, for our first few times using the new suite this didn't happen:

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Illustrator :: CS5 Live Trace Stuck At Tracing?

Sep 30, 2012

I'm trying to "Live Trace" an image and AI says "Tracing" in the layers pane and just sits there forever. See image below:

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Illustrator :: Live Paint Within Pattern Area In CS6

Jun 15, 2013

I am having some issues trying to live paint whilst in the pattern area of CS6. I have created a pattern which I would now like to colour. I am able to colour some areas like the spots on the plants head, but no ther gaps inbetween. Normally when not in the pattern area I can merge live paint and work with all the spaces but I cant do this for some reason. I need to work with the pattern whislt in this mode to ensure that the design is correct.
"The selection contains objects that cannot be converted. Live Paint groups can only contain paths and compound paths. Clipping paths are not allowed."
Whilst I ma here I am also having a bit of trouble with the oattern swatch. The pattern has been designed for a printed interior wallpaper. In the below image the blue box (follow the green arrow) is the full pattern repeat set at a 1/4 drop. I need that full square rather than a swtach. So effectively I need a 'Tile' that I can then ready for print. The reason for this is that it will be printed on wallpaper (52cm x 10m) and each roll needs to match up either side (with a 1/4 drop)
is it possible to 'grab' the pattern in the blue square?

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Illustrator :: Dividing Shape For Live Paint

Oct 23, 2012

I have the following image above where I'm trying to add color to different aspects of the drawing. For instance, I'd like to be able to add color to the hair (ie the eyebrows and hair on top of his head) and I'm using live paint to do this. The problem is, some of the live paint areas spill into each other, ie the hair spills into the outline of the head, etc. So I'm wondering, what is the best way to go about dividing these areas so live paint recognizes them as two different entities? What I've been doing currently is drawing a line segment, and then using divide below, however this gives me unpredictable results sometimes and I have a hunch there is a better way.

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Illustrator :: Live Trace Crashing Program?

Sep 18, 2013

Out of the blue, whenever I use live trace, it crashes my Illustrator and I have to force quit. I have tried all different sized jpegs, big and small, force quit.

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