I’m trying to figure out if there is a way to scale a “border” around a rectangle or square? Or, put another way, keeping an image the same size, but enlarge an inner rectangle or square without cropping the “border.” To try and add context, imagine a bezel used for an arcade machine. A border with a cut-out in the middle to view the screen. Imagine you wanted to preserve the information on the bezel border, but increase the size of the cut out.
I would like to add more to the white background to make it bigger without having to stretch it and distort the image.
I want to place a circle shaped outline border around the original image with a set border thickness and color and be able to crop/remove the portion of the image beyond the outline, changing it from a square/rectangle image to a circular image.
If I am not able to change the drawing to have a round outer border from square, how can I make the outer parts past the newly created circular outline transparent?
I'm trying to crop a rectangle that is slightly off square, so the cropping rectangle is either clipping part of the image or not enough of the empty space. Is there a way to clip a non-rectangular area?
The images are actually parts of a map as a specific projection, and need to be clipped non-rectangular so they match up.
With Gimp you can round the corners of a square or rectangle using two functions: the problem is that doing so all four corners will be rounded, while I am interested in only the two upper corners. Here's an example of what I would do.
Recently upgraded to Gimp 2.8 for the single window mode (which worksbrilliantly in Ubuntu, especially with the HUD).
But the Rectangle Select Tool has a new - but odd - behaviour. When I drawa selection, and then add to that selection, a new "square" is position atmy cursor. (See attached screenshot.) This didn't happen in 2.6 and is abit irritating because it disorientates me slightly, especially if I'mworking quickly.
Is there a way to turn that off (or revert it to the 2.6 way)?
I used the free select tool to free select an area of an image that is not a square (odd shape), how do I make that selection a perfect square if pasted to new image or new layer??? rectangular would be fine too...
The pickbox keeps turning into a rectangle and not a perfect square. It's width is less than its height. This keeps happening and is annoying. When I close AutoCAD 2012 and then reopen the drawing its a square, but soon turns into a rectangle.
I would like to have all the photos on my site to be same size and square. However, a number of my original photos are rectangle. Is there a way to change the rectangle photos to square photos?
Our computer is used by several people and somehow the rectangle marquee tool lost its square corners and now only shows rounded corners.How to change the marquee tool back to the square corners?
On my website, especially when pictures are side by side, I try to make all the same, i.e. square. To me it looks better. I have a picture that is rectangle and obviously cannot resize to a square - distorts the picture. I know there is a way to copy the rectangle picture into a square picture frame which allows the picture to be square while not distorting the rectangle size.
But I don't know how to do this. I have watched a video on this but still not clear how to do it.
I have Photoshop CS and I am not sure how to create a rectangular box (in the corner of a photo) with a black border of about 3px, and the inside of the box should be colored in an orange-yellow gradient.
Then I want to create another rectangular box (in a different corner of the same photo), again with a black border of about 3px, and the inside of the box should be a straight white.
I have tried it using the rectangular marquee tool and then going to Edit | Stroke (3 px), but the border itself is colored orange/yellow. I click the gradient tool and that part seems OK, but I end up with an orange/yellow gradient framed by a yellow border - and not a black one.
I know how to do it in Fireworks, but want to use PS to achieve the task ... so basically want to create an empty box, circle or whatever shape with a border x pixels wide.
The way I do it right now is to make a black rectangle, then fit a smaller white rectangle inside it, and delete the overlapping black area, that leaves me with just an outline of whatever width I choose.
I want to draw a semi transparent rectangle using the rectangle tool. i do this, and set the layer opacity to 40 or so. the rectangle goes transparent but the very edges of hte rectangle seem to be less transparent, as if they are drawn in with a white pensil. how do i create a rectangle with no edge?
how to do it in Fireworks, but want to use PS to achieve the task ... so basically want to create an empty box, circle or whatever shape with a border x pixels wide.
The way I do it right now is to make a black rectangle, then fit a smaller white rectangle inside it, and delete the overlapping black area, that leaves me with just an outline of whatever width I choose.
I just want a one point thick border rectangle with nothing filled. I tried using the rectangle marquee and stroke. Doesn't work. I tried the rectangle tool and rasterized, it disappeared.
I have a rectangle (looks like a label border) showing up in my room tag. It's a simple tag taken from the OOTB room tag family. I'v re-edited the family, checked the parameters and values. All label borders are off, but this one looks like its either part of a separate, invisible label or a separate rectangle that I can't find to delete.
I am working in cs6 for Illustrator and Photoshop. I would like to make a rounded rectangle with an inner border. The area between the two borders I would like to add a decorative paper that I created in Photoshop. The large center remains white. I've tried clipping it, but apparently did not do it correctly. How to accomplish this?
I use the default page very unusal way by keeping the width & height with max. page size. I need your favour as if i want to A4 page border i am going back again and choose a4 page and double click on the rectangle to achieve it and again i choose by max. page.
create a a4 page border, or any preferred size for executing them using shortcut while keeping my max. page size.
I'm trying to create a solid-color rectangle with rounded edges (feather of 5px). This seems like it should be simple, but I'm having a problem: I use the Rectangular Marquee tool to create the rectangle and then the Paint Bucket tool to fill in the rectangle. When I do this, the edges of the rectangle are fuzzy. I would like the edges to be hard (not fuzzy). Under the Paint Bucket options, Anti-alias is unchecked, the Mode is Normal, and the Opacity is 100%.
I notice that when I try to create a rectangle without rounded edges, the border is not fuzzy. Why does it become fuzzy when I try to create a rectangle with rounded edges?
When I create a straight path, the controls to scale the path are along the path. But once I click off it then try to skale again, a square-shaped bounding box appears. How do I get rid of the square-shaped bounding box in order to scale a path from its ends like when I first created it?
I know this is very basic but I can't find a simple way to do it. How do you draw just a simple thin square or rectangle black outline on a white background?
I have tried:
1) Using the square outline under "custom shape tools" but it makes too thick of an outline.
2) Just drawing the 4 sides with the line tool at 2-3 pixels but that is too hard, trying to get each side the right length and properly oriented to make the square.
3) Using the rectangle tool (and the rectangle marquee tool) to make one black rectangle, then using it to make a white rectangle inside the black one in order to make the black outline. But that is also too hard - trying to get the inner white rectangle the right size so that all the black borders it creates are the same size.
Can someone please explain how to make a simple thin outline? Seems there ought to be a simple way to draw a square/rectangle, but I can't find it.
When "show transform controls" is checked and I have a layer selected, a white border shows at the edges of the layer with small boxes at the corners and midpoints. Hovering above one of these boxes changes the cursor into the "scale arrow." Traditionally, clicking the border with that arrow and holding down the mouse button allows you to scale down the layer by dragging the mouse.
In Photoshop CS5 (and perhaps other new versions), clicking the border and holding the mouse button has no effect. Dragging the mouse reverts the pointer into the "selection arrow" and drags the image across the screen instead of resizing it. This is because when you click on the border, it suddenly expands into a larger area. Only by clicking once and then letting go can you move your mouse cursor to the newly defined edge and then scale down the image. This is incredibly frustrating and adds a second, unneeded step in the process. Because I instinctively try to grab hold of the border as is, I usually wind up dragging the image by mistake.
When I'm editing pix, and need a quick large solid brush for a couple seconds, (1-inch dia), I slide "scale", but it's nearly impossible to manually rest scale back to default without restarting Gimp...
Can there be a dot-button beside scale that auto-sets scale back to default..? and/or a timer on scale changes that resets scale back to default after ten-seconds..?
I set a border up to be 24"x36" and it appears to be slightly outside the dotted lines for paper space when I x-ref it in. I also noticed on my plots that 3'-0" is measuring close to 3'-1" which means I have screwed something up.
I have the plot settings set to "Extents", "1:1" and I am using the Cute PDF plot driver.
Instead of creating a border that is 24"x36" do I need to create one that is exact to the printable area to make it the right scale? Not sure what the printable area is or how I figure it out though. Lost.
I haven't used AutoCAD for seven years and when I did use it, it was for mechanical engineering purposes. Now I am using AutoCAD LT for architectural reasons. I've signed up to my local night school to get back into things.
I am making a location plan for a planning permission application to the local authority. I bought a 4 hectare or so location plan from the Ordinance Survey. I've drawn in the location of the proposed building and changed the relevant site boundaries to red and blue.
Now I want to use two layout tabs with a drawing border at a scale of 1:1250 and 1:1500 respectively. The existing scales appear to be in imperial units.
I have a square selection that I'd like to map into a circle of equal size. I see apply lens and map object...sphere, but neither of these seem to do a proper job.
The algorithm I'm after would basically take the pixels of the square and map them onto their new locations within the circle so that each pixel moves inward toward the center until it reaches its appropriate location along the the line from the origin to its radius.