I have used Photoshop for a while and right now I am trying Paint.net, there are a few things that I really do not understand.
1)When I create a font layer and wish to come back to it later on by modifying the font size or font type, I have to delete the layer and then redo type it again which I find totally useless. When you make a menu for a restaurant for example, the last thing you want is to delete the layers and replace them each time. If Paint.net works this way then I cannot see how it is possible to use it on a daily basis.
2)When I wish to crop something, it is impossible to select certain area of the cropping that have been selected by the magic wand. How to remove already selected portions of the magic wand? Sometime it may choose a tiny portion of the picture that you do not want to crop at all.
3)Choosing a layer on click.
This is a huge problem, we have on the right side of the screen a multiple layer dock, in photoshop for example, when you click on the graphical work, the layer is auto selected, in Paint.net I cannot find this "must have" function.
4)Creating a rounded picture without the need to cut the corners to get to a final rounded banner or whatever we are trying to achieve.
How can you create a rounder banner in jpeg for example(no background). At the moment I can only crop a picture from a square canvas and save it as png(foo background transparency), but how to create the same picture in jpeg? The canvas is always square.
My digital camera takes pictures with lines across the picture is there any good way to remove them???
These were originally straight lines but I applied a transformation on the picture to make the picture frame I took a picture of a perfect rectangle...
I'm a total newbie to Gimp. I want to remove a couple spots on a jpg picture of mine. I've read and watched videos that say to open the picture, click on the healing tool, then press ctrl and click at the same time and pick a good area on the picture. Then after that, you can click on the spots to remove them. I try to do all this and it won't work. I get a plus sign and/or a circle with a line through it.
What does that mean? How on earth would I know how to fix this? I got it once yesterday but I don't know what I did. It seem to change when I changed the size of the brush but it was probably something else that changed it. It's probably something so simple.
I would like to add more to the white background to make it bigger without having to stretch it and distort the image.
I want to place a circle shaped outline border around the original image with a set border thickness and color and be able to crop/remove the portion of the image beyond the outline, changing it from a square/rectangle image to a circular image.
If I am not able to change the drawing to have a round outer border from square, how can I make the outer parts past the newly created circular outline transparent?
I am creating a brochure for my company using X4. The brochure is 8 1/2 by 11 and the color goes all the way to the edges. When I print I get a 1/4 border all around the brochure. I've tried everything I can think of to get rid of it.
I found these awesome icons that I use with a desktop prog called "avedesk" but when use them with a dark background that white border ruins them, i was wondering Is there a fast way to remove this white border around the image ?
When I remove the background of an image theres always this white border thats on it. Ive filled background in another colour and cropped the image but the white border is always there. How do i remove this?
I have adobe photoshop 7.0, and I want to use for some basic things, but even after searching I'm unsure if and/or how it can be done. Basically I want to "cut out" part of a picture like a cookie cutter, and then place it on a different background. For example, if there is a picture of a lion at a zoo, I want to isolate the lion, and paste it on a african sahara backdrop.
I'm not looking to do anything fancy, its just for a personal project, but I don't even know what terms to search for in the help section of photoshop. I've always had trouble finding how to do this and I don't know why because has to be one of the most common procedures in graphic design. Is this accomplished by using a mask or what..?
I have created a solid white image on a "transparent background." The problem is it comes with a small black border around the image. How can I remove it? I'm hoping to put it on a t-shirt - almost like it's screened. I've attached a copy of the gif.
how to do this, but ive hit some kind of digital design "block" i guess, and i cant think how to even draw right now, but yesterday i put a border using feather and then something else...and it made a nice curved edged faded white border around my pic, now i cant remember the stupid thing that i did after the 5px feather...
Actually, i'm looking for a way to blend into transparency at the border of a picture. Watch the attachments - i created a sample (of course with paint.net ).
The white border only shows up when i color in a part of the picture, not when its all white and black. I've tried the feather tool but it didn't work. It never happened before when i made my other pictures, it just randomly started!
What I need to do is find an easy way to remove the white spacing around an item and have the item displayed tight to the edges.
For example: I need a quick and easy way to turn this into this
With the intention of then being able to resize the image to the exact dimensions I require before then resizing the canvas size to create the exact amount of white spacing between the tops and bottom of the image.
How can I save my picture with the border information to a file? I want to be able to my picture with the border so that I may paste it on my FB page and other places. I am using Elements 9.
I have a sweep that follows the shape of the path sketch, but the sweep itself is made to the right of the sketch. How can I get it to fall directly on the path? I have attached a picture of the sweep as well.
HP Z400 Workstation Intel Xeon @ 3.33GHz 12.0 GB RAM Windows 7 64-bit Inventor Pro 2014
When I try to copy and paste a graphic into another illustrator file I get the message: "Can't paste the objects. The requested transformation would make some objects fall completely off the drawing area?" Do I need to change a pref setting? I'm using illus cs5.
Is there a relatively simple, automated tool in gimp to apply one picture's environment lighting properties to another picture?
So for example if i cut out an object from one picture that has pretty warm lighting environment, and put it in a cold light background it will look pretty out of place obviously, and this is what I would like to resolve.