GIMP :: How To Use Picture With Red Background
Jun 28, 2011I'm relatively new to GIMP and how to use my own picture with a red background, as in this pic. [URL]....
View 2 RepliesI'm relatively new to GIMP and how to use my own picture with a red background, as in this pic. [URL]....
View 2 Repliesor how to position a picture in a specific location within a background picture.
View 3 Replies View Relatedhowever i want to edit a few pics of mine but i don't know how to open a pic in a gimp background ..i mean how to cut and paste and image from one gimp document to another...
View 6 Replies View RelatedThere are trees in the right of my picture that I want to spread across the entire background. I can't find anything that tells me how or if I can do it[/font]
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm new to Gimp and to here and am amazed to find a product like this for free I have virtually no experience with editing programs like this.
I have a portrait picture of someone but I don't like the background and would like to edit it without changing the picture of the person?
Is this possible with Gimp?
How would I do this and is it easy?
I'm trying to change the white background on a picture of myself to be transparent. When I use the "Color to Alpha" tool, it works, but when I paste the photo into word/powerpoint/etc not only does it turn the white background 100% transparent but it also makes the whole image slightly transparent.
How can I make the white background disappear without making the whole image transparent? I want to use color to alpha because if I simply use the magic wand tool and delete the white area there is still some white showing through my hair.
I just want to cut out/lasso an item in a pic and not have a black or white background..just the item itself..
I have *picked a photo
*click layer
*chose transparency
*added alpha channel*
*cut/lasso item out
*selected invert
*pressed delete on keyboard
*pressed select and none
I then get this picture which looks perfect right???
But when I copy and paste it or open file in paint or anywhere else it ends up like this? I want just the cut out and not the background too but no matter what I do the stupid thing comes with..
I used to work in Photoshop and GIMP, but then became sidetracked. I've forgotten half of it. I used to make siggies for others all the time, although I really was guessing my way through some of it. I knew I could do better.
Anyway, I figured it'd be wise to start with a really basic question. I'll use the pic below as an example.
In a pic such as this one, how would you go about seamlessly blending the edge of the picture with the background? (All I did so far was have 2 separate layers; the picture of the hottie, and then behind it of course was just the template where I tried to match the pink from the hotty pic).
I'm also curious about just blending 2 or more photographs together to create a collage. I've done this before, but I know I made it harder and more tedious than it had to be. So.... would a collage have to be done a little differently.
I used to go about all this various ways way back when, but like I said... I've forgotten half my little tricks which I know really weren't the correct and easiest route to go about it.
Okay so I'm trying to take the white background off of a picture using the select a color on white, but it takes out a lot or the fur and eyes(it's a picture of a cartoon cat) How can I remove the areas of can from the selection without removing the pieces of cat too.
It's creative commons, so I guess I can post screen shots...
The cat is from [URL]...
A general idea of the selected area
What happens when I take out the selected area
So how can I take the pieces of the cat out of the selected area so when I try to delete the background I don't get an invisible cat?
when i go into the editor and pull up a picture and blue background appears behind the picture and circle enters the screen. how do i get out of this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI used to use MediaStudio Pro to create picture in picture especially where the picture starts small and grows to cover the entire background video clip.
I looked for and found a video filter which I thought would allow me to do the same. However after viewing the 'help' for the filter and trying just about everything I could think of I cannot achieve what I want to do if start with a video clip and then have another video clip appear (very small) in one area of the background video and then slowly grow larger to eventually cover the background video clip.
I can make the picture in picture appear and grow larger but it covers the entire background video clip with black effectively covering it no matter what size my picture in picture is. I looked for a chroma key to cover the black out but could not find it.
Is there a relatively simple, automated tool in gimp to apply one picture's environment lighting properties to another picture?
So for example if i cut out an object from one picture that has pretty warm lighting environment, and put it in a cold light background it will look pretty out of place obviously, and this is what I would like to resolve.
What I want to do, is take the path tool, make a pattern around a picture (which is rectangle) placing it on a picture of a board like this...and then pull the picture horizontally, and vertically, to make it circular, to fit the perimeter of the board. If I understand it correctly, when you use the path allows you to make an image round (from rectangular) is that true?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI can find tutorials and plugins and such to convert a picture into a cartoon picture... but is there a plug in or way to go from cartoon to RL (real life image photo)???
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm making background image for myself, and i know how i want it to be, but i cannot do it with my skills.
I have this "base" image that is 1920x1080 and i have to place there several (10-12) photos.
i want those photos to be different sizes and rotations and i also want them to have white border and some shadow.
I want those photos to be like in this image that i found from Google: What is the best and fastest way to do this in a gimp.
I was asked to cut out the background from a logo to make it transparent so the logo would look nice on a variety of backgrounds. I've been given a good quality jpeg file.
What I did was I selected (by colour) the background (white), inverted the selection, copied it and pasted as a new image.
It's all fine (the logo itself doesn't have any other elements) but there's still some whiteish/greyish outline around certain elements of the logo.
If I were to do it manually, it'd probably take ages. What would be the best way to accomplish it?
I am trying to add a background to a picture,so i get a background picture, save it to my pictures on comp, i open it up with paint, its very small, i enlarge and its all distored and blurry and i cant resize it right.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI took a portrait type of picture with a flash. The people are ok, the background is to dark. How can I lighten the background.
In the past when I took pictures for our awards, I used the blur method because I didn't lie the busy background. The background style on these pictures are ok. I just have a picture that I want to lighten the background.
I'm an exotic automobile photographer in the Houston area, and I edit tons of photos of mine a day. New challenge, me trying to change a background. I'm having trouble doing so.
How to change the background behind the green Ferrari in the picture? I was thinking in the middle of a rural road or something similar. Making it look very realistic as if it was there.
Remove the background of this picture...and make it transparent... Im using this for xat avatar Its really nothing but I really want to have this picture without a background!
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow to replicate the background of this picture. The concrete/wall texture is easy but the multicolor vignette is a little harder . Also the text is just 3dified in Photoshop right?
thesoullounge. se/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/justblaze_2nov_sthlm_webb.jpg
Is it possible to some how take out my pic only , meaning leaving the backgroung behind.
I tried doing it through Magic wand but it did not work. Or is it possible I change the background of the pics like make it white?
I have a picture where I'm standing in front of a dark curtain with many shades of green.
I want to remove this background and only have white
in the background.
I want to use a picture as a background with text over it. How do I fade the picture in Photoshop CS so it looks like the background on websites? I want the text to stand out with the faded picture behind it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there tutorial or any way to create background that same or alike in the picture?.
Plugins or what the background style called?
How to use this powerful program, I have two questions in the meantime -
1 - How to take a pic with a white background, and make it transparent.
2 - How to take that pic with the transparent background, and enable a shadow around the pic itself, not the entire square frame.
How do i blend a picture into a background? It's like this. I make a picture of an anime char and the background is all gray or white, but when i put it onto the background, the gray or white part of the pictures shows up and blocks the background a little? How do i Overlay the background onto the picture gray background? For example:
Picture 1 is what happens, but I want to learn how to do it like Picture 2.
i have been trying to cut the white background out of a picture. But when i select the picture after cutting the white background out of it and putting it on a black background the picture surrounded of a part of the white background.
<--- this is the picture cut off the white background.
<--- this is the picture when i put it on a black background
I just started using, and while I love it, I am functionally useless with it as of now. I am making a pair of shoes on another website, and I need this image as a picture for the shoe, but no matter what I try, the image always saves as a white background, when all I want to save is the picture itself WITHOUT the white background.
Attached Thumbnails
I have made some adjustment to the picture. How can I improve the mountain in the background.
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