GIMP :: Unable To Scroll Upwards

Jan 25, 2014

I seemed to have accidentally pressed something and now I am unable to scroll upwards, only down.

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AutoCad :: Unable To Get Scroll Wheel To Pan

Mar 5, 2013

I just got a new computer, with acad 2012 and now I can't get the scroll wheel to pan .

I use a Logitech MX 3200 mouse/keyboard set.

I have upgraded the Logitech Setpoint software, changed the scroll wheel to "middle button", set MBUTTONPAN=1 in CAD, and still no go -

If I press the wheel down and hold it ABSOLUTELY still I get the PAN-grip symbol but as soon as I move the mouse it disappears.

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Photoshop :: Slanting Text Upwards At Roughly 40 Degrees

Nov 24, 2013

I have some text that I want to slant upwards at roughly 40 degrees. Reading other threads it is suggested to select the text and then use CTR+T and then rotate the text which works to get the degree but the text gets rotated and I need the letters to be "left justified" if that makes sense, what I mean is that the text has to be in an upwards direction.

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GIMP :: Scroll Multiple Layers On Same Image

Apr 5, 2011

I have been trying out gimp and i'm getting the hang of the basics but what i would like to know is how can i scroll multiple layers on the same image,

i have been using the 'move path' function and i can get one layer to scroll but how do i add more layers to the image? i want one text layer to scroll horizontally and then another different text layer to scroll vertically but at the moment i only get one or the other.

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GIMP :: GIF File - Animation To Scroll Image

Sep 13, 2013

Is there an option in GIMP to make a .gif file and animating it so that images scroll?

Here is an example:


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Lightroom :: Exporting A SlideShow Of 140 Pictures Takes Upwards Of 15 Minutes?

Jun 3, 2012

I am using windows 7 home edition and lightroom 4.1, and since the installation of the new version things slowed down.

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GIMP :: Unable To Add New Text

Jan 3, 2013

I am clicking on a layer in GIMP, and when I click on the text tool, this dialog pops up"CONFIRM TEXT EDITING" "the layer you selected is a text layer but it has been modified using other tools. Editing the layer with the text tool will discard these modifications. You can edit the layer or create a new text layer from its text attributes."

with 3 options, Create New layer, Cancel, and Edit

however, no matter what I click, it doesn't let me create new text anywhere.

ALSO, it seems to jump from the layer i selected to another layer whenever I click "EDIT."

What is weird is that I was able to create new text prior to this, but not anymore. I am editing a photoshop document, but it's now saved as XCF. Also, it's gimp 2.8.0

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GIMP :: Unable To Use Photoshop Elements?

Jan 28, 2014

I just "upgraded" (sic) to Mavericks and my beloved Photoshop Elements no longer works. Until I can afford to replace it, I'm trying ... emphasis on the "trying" bit ... to make do with GIMP.

do I simply select something from one graphic and then copy it to another? Every single time I close the outline with the selection tool, the damned selection disappears! What is THAT about? Why does it do that? I just want to select an area of one photo, copy it and then paste it into another.

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GIMP :: Unable To Export Image As JPG

Mar 17, 2013

I encountered an interesting problem yesterday while trying to export an image as a jpg. I've outlined what I did.

I had a jpg file of dimensions 150wide X 100 high. Lets call this small.jpg . I had another jpg image that was much larger. Let's call this large.jpg . I wanted to change the size of large.jpg to have the same dimensions as small.jpg.

For convenience, I pasted the large.jpg onto small.jpg and then used the resize tool. When I clicked on export I got the following error-

Saving `large_to_small.jpg` failed

JPEG image plug-in could not save image. I could have sworn that I've done this before and it worked. So I wasted a lot of time trying to `fix` GIMP.


1. Don't paste onto a pre-existing image. Create the canvas size you require then paste the image then resize and export.

2. If you do happen to paste an image onto another for resizing. Close all the files except the current one you are working with. Now choose select all and copy then go to file >>create>> from clipboard. The new image should be of the same dimensions. Export.

One thing I should mention, even though there was an error, the image large_to_small.jpg was created (file size 0 bytes). As you would expect, the jpg file couldn't be opened in GIMP.

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GIMP :: Unable To Find The Brush

Jun 6, 2012

A couple days ago, I was making some images, and I looked up a tutorial on how to make a watermark [URL]....... I did everything it said, but I could not find the brush.

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GIMP :: Unable To Toggle 2nd Image

Jan 20, 2013

I resized two images, made a new page canvas, copied and pasted both,opened grid. I can only move one image, can't toggle to other. Layerstack commands are all grayed out, except "reverse layer order" which does nothing. Pg-up/dn keys do nothing. "Align" does nothing.

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GIMP :: Unable To Click On The Canvas?

Dec 27, 2011

I don't seem to be able to click on the canvas in GIMP. I installed a tablet(Wacom Bamboo) and assumed that the pen wasn't working correctly until I realised that I couldn't click with my mouse either. The mouse and tablet work fine in other programs. It didn't have the problem until I installed the driver for the tablet(I think). I can use any feature that doesn't involve clicking on the canvas(adjusting curves, scaling, changing the saturation, etc.), I just can't do things like make a selection, or use the paintbrush.

I'm using GIMP 2.6.11 on Ubuntu 11.04.

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GIMP :: Unable To Clear Selection

Apr 9, 2012

However I thought I will learn by experimenting and loaded a JPEG image. The image has a white border. I wanted to remove the border so selected it with magic wand and tried the delete command. Nothing happened! I tried to google around and came across floating layer. Checked this too. Saved the image as GIMP image opened but the border refuses to leave the image. How can I remove this border and make it transparent?

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GIMP :: Unable To Get Handles From Paths

Jun 27, 2012

I can't get the path tool to give me handles. I create a path with two points and when I grab the segment and drag it the anchors move with it. This used to work fine where the anchors would stay and the dotted lines and handles would pop out and I could manipulate the handles. I recently reloaded my system so has something changed? I'm using the latest stable Debian and it looks like Gimp 2.6 is loaded.

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GIMP :: Unable To Set Up Parametric Brush

Nov 14, 2013

I am unable to set up parametric brushes that work correctly with a keyboard shortcut. At first when I assigned the keyboard shortcut to increase or decrease the parametric brush radius, as explained here Setting up GIMP for Artistic work, nothing happened when I pressed my new shortcut. Finally I, for reasons beyond me pressed the "reset size to brushes native size" button and it worked....sorta. It seems to work only within a limited range.

For instance. I reduce the radius all the way down to 1 then "magic size reset button" which sets size to 3, then I get a small brush. However when I increase size past 2 for the radius it doesn't increase further(the actual brush on the screen, the numbers change but that's it) until I press the size reset button. It's really frustrating because I can increase the radius using the keyboard from 2 to 9000 but I'm only getting a 2 pixel increase on the screen, unless I do the size reset then it jumps. I'm using Gimp 2.8.4 on windows 8 also set up to use a wacom tablet.

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GIMP :: Unable To Use Pencil / Paintbrush

Dec 9, 2013

Other tools seem to work fine.

New File, 50x50 px, RGB, 72ppi
Paint Bucket, Lasso, Magic Wand, all work. Pencil, Paintbrush - nothing.

If I open an image, I can select it, duplicate it, color pick, paint bucket and all of the functions in the dropdown menus seem to work, but no drawing or painting.

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GIMP :: Unable To Save Transparency?

Feb 21, 2013

It seems I'm unable to save a png (or gif) with transparency.

I want to convert a white background to a transparent background so I perform the steps below but unfortunately the exported image still has a white backgroud. I've tried exporting to gif but that doesn't make a difference. Here are the steps:

1. I first add Alpha Channel

2. Select color to alpha and select white (this gets rid of the white background but now my image looks ugly as all the white is gone and it's partially transparent so I perform the next steps to add the white back to the image)

3. Duplicate the layer

4. On the second layer I add a layer mask and initialize it to white

5. On the second layer I use the bucket to color it all white

6. With the second layer selected I meticulously erase the white background knowing that if I accidently erase too much it wont be a big deal - it will only begin to expose the ugly image that.

7. I'm happy with the image so I merge the layers

8. Export to png and I make certain the "Save color values from transparent pixels" is unchecked

why the image I see in GIMP is losing the transparency when I export?

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GIMP :: Unable To Draw On Tablet In 2.8?

Oct 20, 2012

I had to restore my laptop to factory settings, which means I needed to re-install GIMP too. So I went to download GIMP on the site, and 2.8 was the only version there so I went for it. Installed my tablet too, with driver. GIMP recognizes the tablet, but whenever I try to draw, I get a semi see-through line, instead of a bold one - and there is no change in this when I change the pressure on the pen. When I used it before, it always changed the opacity of the brush in accordance with the pressure on the pen. But I don't know how to change this in GIMP now?

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GIMP :: Unable To Find Imported PDF

Sep 30, 2012

Just downloaded GIMP on Vista and tried to import a PDF file that I need to work on. I got the file into the Import (?) window, clicked on Import and the program whirred away for a while but I can't see or find the file - there's just a blank window.

How can I find my file to work on it? Do I need to load it into GIMP in a special way?

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GIMP :: Unable To Overwrite Images?

Sep 16, 2012

Ever since transferring all my files to a new computer, I have been unable to permanently overwrite any images opened in Gimp 2.2 nor 2.6. Worse, any image or even folder created through Gimp does not show up in the Windows directory folder. (but, strangely does if viewed through Gimp itself...)

The images are still changed from the last time were I last left off, but on rare occasions, usually after altering Windows User Controls, the images revert to the appearance of when they were uploaded to the computer(around 12/17/11 according to the files). Luckily, they revert back to my last known save (Yesterday) if a System Restore is initiated.

The images in question are .GIF images and they were imported from Windows Xp to 7.(whom I highly suspect is the problem) The Gimp version I use is 2.2.

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GIMP :: Unable To Merge Layers

Jun 11, 2011

Whenever I work with layers to try and achieve an effect I want, I have 2 or more layers. Then when I try to merge them to get the desired effect, "nothing happens!".

The other layers in the layers menu disappear and my picture remains unaltered, it's like whenever I draw in GIMP, all that editing is seen on my image, but when I try to merge my layers to get say, a glow effect, nothing happens to my image. It's like I didn't do anything. So frustrating!

Basically, what I do is this:

1. I create a new image.
2. I beginning stages of my image on whatever I want to do.
3. I create a new layer (or more than one, doesn't matter) to tinker around to try and achieve a certain effect (doesn't matter what effect I'm trying to achieve, always has the same results).
4. Then when I'm done tinkering around, I go to "Image--Merge Visible Layers"
5. Nothing happens. The multiple layers I had in the layers box vanish, but the effect I was trying to achieve is not merged with my image!

Layers are useless to me because I can't use them, yet I need them to achieve the things I need to have in my art. I am not looking for how to merge two images together in one, I want LAYERS not images.

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GIMP :: Unable To Place PNG In PSD Image

Apr 14, 2012

I have a psd image containing a number of layers, and a png image with a transparent background. I want to place the png image in the psd image but I'm not having much luck. If I copy and paste the png image, all I get is a selection outline, not the image itself. I created a new layer for the psd image before pasting, but obviously I'm doing something wrong.

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GIMP :: Unable To Import Images?

Mar 30, 2012

I heard many good things about Gimp so I downloaded it, eager to begin editing my photos. But for the last 30 minutes, I have been unable to even upload an image to begin editing. I've tried everything, but no matter what, my images will not "drag and drop" like they're supposed to. I am getting more and more frustrated by the second. I read it might be the fact that it's a "jpg" file,so I tried renaming it, as suggested, still, no luck! I'm using a Mac Os X 10.6.8

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GIMP :: Unable To Organize The Patterns

Oct 30, 2012

I cannot seem to organize my patterns. I save patterns under specific group names, i.e. Leather Fabric (1), or Denim Fabric (1), but when I refresh my pattern window, those patterns may or may not be grouped together. When they are not grouped together they scatter all over the place, which is very frustrating. I have not figured out how to group categories of patterns, I guess...or even if it's possible.

Another thing I am curious about is the initial patterns supplied with the GIMP program. Can we delete those? I used to be able to black them out and save them that way, or drop a different pattern in and save that, but I don't seem to be able to do that with the newest version of GIMP.

With the newest version of GIMP, another issue I'm having is saving patterns. I can no longer go to SAVE AS....and save a pat file. I have to go to EXPORT. which seems weird to me.

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GIMP :: Unable To Edit Layers Outside The Canvas

Jun 9, 2013

why are we not able to edit layers outside the canvas?

I often create images were the canvas size is fixed (e.g. display resolution). I then add layers to it that are often larger than the canvas. I would now want to select the superfluous parts of the just added images (e.g. to make them transparent), but I can't select parts of the layers that are not on canvas!

I also can not see any layer content that is off-canvas. A workflow I'd prefer would be copy everything somewhere (not necessarily inside the canvas) and then align it layer by layer, which is hard when one can not see the content of the off-canvas layers.

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GIMP :: Unable To Refresh Patterns / Brushes

May 3, 2013

I get this error EVERY TIME I refresh patterns, brushes, Gradients etc!!!

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GIMP :: Unable To Open TIFF Images With 2.8

Aug 31, 2012

I'm trying to work with TIFF images got from Image Pro Plus butGIMP 2.8 doesn't open them, I found that's a problem related to Image ProPlus because misses some tags. Also, I tried with ImageMagick using:

convert "prueba 1.tif" "prueba 1.png"
convert "prueba 1.tif" "prueba 2.tif"

The first works fine, just with some warnings, PNG image was createdsuccesfully.

The second doesn't work and in any case if I do:

convert "prueba 1.tif" -identify


convert: incorrect count for field "DateTime" (27, expecting 20); tagtrimmed. `prueba 1.tif'.
convert: prueba 1.tif: unknown field with tag 40001 (0x9c41) encountered.`TIFFReadDirectory'.
convert: prueba 1.tif: unknown field with tag 50288 (0xc470) encountered.`TIFFReadDirectory'.
convert: prueba 1.tif: unknown field with tag 50291 (0xc473) encountered.`TIFFReadDirectory'.

Original image got from Image Pro Plus: [URL]

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GIMP :: Unable To Make GIF Animations For Presentation

Sep 13, 2013

I am trying to make animations for my presentation of my master thesis. I have seen a couple of video tutorials where they just import the images as layers. My problem is that when I do this, all the layers seem to stack up together, so when I create the gif, the animation consists of the first layer, then the second one "on top" of the first one, then the third with the previous two, and so and so forth.

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GIMP :: Unable To Locate Brush Folder

Apr 25, 2011

I am trying to locate the brush folder on my computer. I am unable to locate any type of folders for gimp. I download gimp straight from the website.

I am trying to make s water mark and use it as a brush that is the reasoning locating the brush folder.

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GIMP :: Unable To Get Print Of Images On A3 Paper

Oct 27, 2010

I am using an r1900 Epson a3 printer. I am trying to print my images on A3 paper however no matter what settings i change they always appear as a4. I have change the scale, fit to canvas and page set up all with no effect.

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GIMP :: Unable To Change Settings For Any Brush

Jun 10, 2012

I am unable to change the settings for any brush because they are all grayed out. It's like this for my custom brushes, too.

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