GIMP :: Remove Grid That Popup While Using Rotate Option
Jul 30, 2012
Gimp 2.8.0. Mageia2.
When using the rotate option in transform tools a very annoying grid pops up. This has never occurred before. It appears to be useless as it rotates with the image. How can I remove it?
When i pick points from the drawing using the ID command i recieve a long and meaningless coordinate which is useless to me when setting out. How i can rotate my drawing so that firstly its aligned with my grid and secondly give it the same coordinates as my site based local coordinated grid?
I cannot stand it when I make a new layer in Illustrator and the color hint becomes yellow. This usually happens on the third new layer into every project. I can go in and manually change it from yellow to the ten plus other colors, but I just want yellow completely out of the list. It's awful to look at, and I think every other color is easier.
When I press the control, shift or alt key, a small tooltip pops up on screen to tell me which key I'm holding down. It disappears as soon as I release the key. How do I disable this behavior, so I'm no longer notified by such a small popup tooltip regarding the keys I'm holding down?
I've been looking in the preferences, but I couldn't find where I can toggle off this behavior.
I frequently use ROTATE with the reference option, which is a very useful tool. Just wanted to do this again, but instead of the usual 4 point picking process I am asked to "Specify the reference angle" after choosing "reference". Never came across this before.
Did I unintended change some settings? It´s the first time I use ROTATE after reinstalling my AutoCAD a few days ago.
I've noticed when you tilt things using Rotate/Zoom the edges and some finer details can get quite jaggy.Pretty much like in Shape3D unless you check the AA option and raise the level up to 4/5. Then all the creases are ironed out and detail is kept Is it even possible to put an AA option into Rotate/ Zoom ?
I'm having an odd issue in Adobe Illustrator. When I create a shape and go to rotate it by selecting the object and hovering near a corner, I'm expecting my selection tool to change to the arc with arrows indicating that I can rotate the object. This isn't happening, the arc is not appearing and my selection tool is turning into an anchor point selection tool.
I am working through an AutoCAD training book and on one exercise it tells me to use the Snap Rotate Option and select points A as the new origin and point E as the rotation angle. The problem is that I can't find this Snap Rotate control anywhere.
In the Photoshop Elements 11 editor I have a landscape picture that I want to either free rotate or custom rotate but both options are grayed and I can't figure out how to enable them.Â
I've been looking for an option to change the size of the grid (32 x 32, 64 x 64, that sort of thing) but I can't seem to find it, I also can't find any option to snap to grid.
Implement the option to change the transparency grid colors, even if it's only a simple toggle between dark/light grids. It would work when drawing light objects.
I am using LR 4.2 (on Mac) and have been using LR since 2.0. Yesterday all the badges on all my photos disappeared in Grid View. I didn't change any prefernce settings, or update that I am aware of. When I go to View > Grid View Styles> Show Badges, that option is checked, however it is grayed out. On the Mac that usually indicates it is not a viable option. Â I've restarted the program but the problem remains. how to bring back badges?
I was thinking of something like photoshop can do. Have like a 32x32 pixel grid, then within that 32x32 square a 1x1 pixel grid show up? Of course a different lin maybe dotted?
I've spent a day and a half coming up with a way to make this dynamic damper block work. Now, I need to fig out how to get every other blade to rotate 90°. I have attached a file with my block and an example of what I need to make it do. I’m running AUTOCAD 2009 LT if you need to know.
Ive just spent 20 minutes polygonal lassoing round an image and after I'd closed the lasso shape I found I'd accidentally set feather on 34 rather than 1.
Is it possible to remove the feather option at this point, or better still change it to 1, or am I going to have to re-lasso it all again?
I've tried adjusting the feather number but that doesn't do anything.
as an alternative to using the magic wand to remove a color to transparency (which leaves fine detail, say in a line drawing, in a very sorry state) i saw someone use the multiply function in layer options to remove all white from a greyscale image leaving black lines over transparency. neat,
When I have a photo that has come out portrait rather than landscape which is a normal case the rotate function seems to cut off some of the two sides of the photo. If I want to rotate it what I call correctly I use Gnome Image Viewer.
I download a few new brushes but i cant rotate them. they stay the way i downloaded them... is there a way i can rotate them... double click the brush i wanted and brush editor pops up but says "READ ONLY"... i do see an angle position but its not movable so cant rotate it.
Is there any way to just rotate a rectangular image? I have often scanned in something that's not square, it's often a brochure that's taller than it is wide. But when I scanned it, I had turn it sideways to get the whole thing visible to the scanner. So it scans completely, but now I have an image of it that's not "up is up"-- I have "up is right" or "up is left." But now I have to do all this junkbutter: 1) Look at the canvas size, 2) make the width & height equal to the larger of the two, 3) use the Rotate tool to turn the image 90 degrees, then 4) do some magic to move the image to start at the upper-left, and 5) crop it back down to get rid of the blank space on the bottom. YUCKY! Is there some magic tool I haven't found yet that will rotate, move and crop all in one step? I just want to turn the entire image on it's side without any other fuss. Is that possible somehow? I have to assume it is, but I sure couldn't find it...
I can find image rotate easily enough. But I can't find any way I can rotate it a few degrees. I frequently scan stuff in and it frequently needs 1 degree or such to straighten it up. I used to do that with Paint Shop Pro. Surely Gimp has the same functionality?
I am looking for a way to rotate a image, but not the normal clockwise rotation, rather a spin rotation. I have tried the the transform tool with slight success . imagine looking at a front view of a wheel & tire that needs turned slightly.
Is there a way in gimp to rotate a 2D image (e.g. BMW%20M3%20-%202002%20-%2003.jpg) about the Y Axis? I tried GMIC but that rotates the layer in 3D. I would like to create a view of the front of the car or any any in between.
In a discussion today, a group of us were trying to figure out why whenrotating layers that don't have 100% opacity, go back to totally opaquewhen you try to arbitrarily rotate the layers? Is that an expectedbehavior? Such behavior makes it difficult to align layers.