I am having a bit of trouble with brush sizes compared to when I used photoshop. Using photoshop I could just click on a new brush size and shape as I was drawing. In GIMP it looks like one has to manipulate the size every time. And if you're to say use the eraser tool, it has to be manipulated to a desired size and then all over again to go back to drawing. Is there a way to save brush sizes and then just merely click to continue on?
I'm using a tablet with gimp and I want to be able to set the brush size for the paint brush and also for the eraser, separately. What happens now is that I'll set the paintbrush size to 10px, paint for a little while, turn the pen over to erase and the eraser will now be at 10px. So I'll adjust the eraser size to something like 50px, erase, turn over, and now the paintbrush is at 50px. Grrrrrrr... I tried creating new brushes for both the paintbrush and the eraser, but there's no brush size option. This is my first time using gimp so I'm probably missing something.
Well i've, been a gimp user since quite a time now, and always loved it over photostop for doing all my work except for the one i love most, and thats digital painting. My problem is the scaling of the brushes, ive tried everthing but at the end i don't feel satisfied with the behavior of how gimp scales the brushes pixel per pixel at time, its very slow working on large canvas, i know there's the scale more shortcut but its not quite precise and swapping between the normal scale shortcut with the scale more is a pain in the ass, at least for me because i barely use the keyboard so i rely heavily on my intuos 4 medium tablet using the touch ring for scaling, so my questions are:
theres no way to have a similar brush scale behavior similar to the one in photoshop ? like it doesnt matter if im very zoomed in or very zoomed out, the brush scales fast and precise
I dont remember where i read about this other shortcut called increase brush size relative, that is like a more precise way to scale the brush size but my problem is why it does nothing after assigning a key to it ? well it does, on the bottom where zoom percentage is located,to the right ive seen that it shows the selected tool, and when i click the assigned key to the command i said before it shows Brush Angel 0.00. why? im not trying to rotate the brush im trying to scale it, maybe is a bug i dont know.
I was wondering if there is a shortcut for the brush size on gimp.
When I use photoshop with my tablet I can use my secondary of my pen button to quickly change size. But in gimp for mac it's a nightmare (secondary button doesn't acces brush settings) to change quickly brush sizes. Specially as a painter.
I'm having an issue when I go back and forth between my paint brush tool and my eraser tool. Ever since I got 2.8 installed, the brush size is the same for all tools. When I had 2.6, if I was working with my paint brush and had it at a small brush size, then turned my pen over to the eraser and I would have that tool's brush size to be much bigger. I wouldn't have to keep on adjusting the size every time I flipped my pen. Ever since I got 2.8, I've had to keep on adjusting the brush size because the brush size stays the same, and doens't stay set for each tool. I'm using windows 7, am using an intous4 tablet and pen, had installed the latest wacom update, the latest gimp obviously with what I believe to be the binary and source code.
I cannot edit the brush size. I've tried going in and editing it...to no avail. No matter what it says, the size remains the same...big. I tried resetting everything. No luck. I tried uninstalling/reinstalling about four times now.
I use gimp 2.8.4 on a tablet with pen.The brush size that I usually use is ranging from 1-25.I prefer to change the brush size by dragging the slider, but using thetablet pen to click the brush size slider bar is really not easy to controlit to 1-25. (see attachment slider.png)Can I setup the the maximum value of brush size slider to 25?
in the tool options ... the brush size slider bar thing...
so ive been doing alot of pixel work... and i HATE how the brush size slider, if i click in the middle of the sizer bar slider thing... its like 500 pixels....
is there a way to adjust the range of this bar? in preferences or something?? i cant find it..
it is SOO annoying and would speed my workflow by like 200%
i want the slider to be like 1px - 50px .... not 1px to 1000px .... its insane... and then when i click up and down arrows it goes by .01
I was trying painting with gimp and there is a shortcut in gimp to change the size of the brush/opacity my moving the stylus like you can on photoshop or sketchbook pro.
ALT+ctrl on a mac
This would be an incredible time-saver for us artists and not very complex. If not I will suggest this feature to the gimo developers.
I need to do some shading work in Gimp, and for this it would be very nice to have a quick way to change my brush size. Luckily there's a note in the gimp docs on how to program the mouse wheel to do this:
[URL] .....
My laptop only has a touchpad with a little scroll area on the side, but I can't think of a good reason why this should be any different from a scroll wheel on a real mouse. Unfortunately, though, following the documentation doesn't work.
In fact, as far as I can tell, the input controllers dialog does nothing at all on my system--I've looked at the settings for the all of the 'active controllers,' and none of the current settings there match with the actual behavior of Gimp as far as I can tell. It also worries me that the controller names are so generic--they're listed as 'Main Keyboard' and 'Main Mouse Wheel' rather than mentioning a synaptics touchpad, and my tablet doesn't even seem to be listed.
I'm always cropping pieces of a large composition, then saving, then undoing and repeating. I noticed that GIMP has an understanding of layer size. If I could only save the image based on the layer size, I wouldn't need to crop every time, then undo. It would just know!
Aside from the redundancy, sometimes changes are made after cropping and saving and I am unable to return back to my original document size after exhausting undo's. Which means that everything else in the image is gone.
I'm currently in the process of organizing my music collection with album art. I found a great site with high quality images[URL] .... and would like to resize pictures to 600x600 within the range of 200-300KB. Is there a way to automatically do this without changing the quality percentage by trial and error?
First I pick out a foreground color, then a bg color. Now there is already a nice gradient in the blend box below the toolbox. Is there any way I can just save that? It's all I really need but in a larger size. I could just take a screen shot of it and then edit that with Gimp, but it seems like there must be a way of doing that within gimp.
I have contacted Adobe about issues with Photoshop brushes recently. My issue is that the brush size is smaller than the circle that represents the brush. In other words, when I hoover over the area that I want to paint or erase with the circle and then click, the painted or erased area is smaller that the circle. It's really frustrating when fine tuning an image, you never know how close you are to what you want to correct. This is only visible when you zoom in quit a bit. I worked with an Adobe tech for over an hour and he could not simulate the problem. Then he finally asked if I was using a retina display, (he was not).
for some reason when I change brush size by the pallette or the [ keys I only see the cross hairs with a dot in the middle. I've tried ctrl, alt shift to reinsate all settings but still do not see a visual representation of the brush size.
I have Photoshop CS6 and Elements Premiere 11 and both were showing estimated file sizes properly up until a couple of weeks ago, and both stopped at the same time. Using Image, Mode I have verified on both that the images I am trying to save are 8 bit and not 16 bit images. I am on Window 7, 64bit.
I have a PSD file (16bits/prophoto RGB) with some layers. I combine the layers to ONE and change the bit depth to 8 bits. Then I do one of two things:
(a) I save the file for the web in JPEG 90% high-quality and with sRGB ... filesize 340 602 (b) I change the color profile to sRGB and save the file as JPEG in the highest quality (10) ... filesize 174 549
I am at loss here. How on earth is it possible that the second file is almost half the size as the one saved for the web?What effect causes this? It is very easy to save for yhe web but as long as the JPEGs are that bigger it's no option.
When I make the brush size for any tool bigger part of it will disappear. Only the small brush sizes are shown as complete circles. This happens with all tools that use a brush size. If I make the brush bigger or zoom into the document only a small part of the brush size will be visible. This part of the brush is placed inside a square. The edge of this square cuts the cursor off at the bottom and right.
If I move something with the move tool and it's a bit fast, the same square size will pop up, dividing the object into squares.
The first one makes it impossible to work in Photoshop since I can't use big brushes (with either pencil, brush, erasor): I can not see the cursor when the brush is big or if the document is zoomed in. If the document size is 100% and the brush is big the same thing happens.
Working on a brand new workstation. XP 2002 SP3. Intel Quad corre Q9550 @2.83 Ghz. I.98 Ghz 2.98 GB RAM. Graphics card NVIDIA Quadro FX 1700. Extra hard drive 1 Tb.
When I use a brush for anything and I want to increase or decrease the size by using the bracket keys the brush will not increase as large as it did in CS3 and part of the circle disappears leaving a half circle at best. Is this due to some plug-ins that I have from NIK or FixerLabs?
How do I make cursor size the same as paint brush size in CS6? It isn't and it makes selecting more difficult. Preferences>cursor does not seem to fix.
I'm using Photoshop CS5 with a Wacom cintiq, and the brush size is stuck at 1 px, it won't change size no matter what -even if the brush size is set to 1000 px, the brush will paint a scraggly thin line...
I've changed brushes/ opacity/ flow/ pen pressure/ restarted photoshop/ restarted computer/ shut down, etc. It doesn't changeIt works just fine in the mixer brush tool, but not the regular brush tool..
I have my preferences set up for my cursor to show as brush size, but suddenly my brush shows up as a tiny dot no matter what size I change it to (I've gone all the way up to 5000 pixels with no effect when using the brush, healing brush, and clone tools). My image is 1402x996 pixels at 200ppi. I've tried zooming in with no effect. I'm probably missing something obvious, but I can't think what.
I was practicing using the Elements 10 Spot Healing Brush, and it was working fine. I closed out of Photoshop so I could go view some more tutorials. When I opened it again, I was unable to see the physical size of my brush..in Spot Healing or in Clone. It registered as a number in the upper bar, but I could not see the brush size as before. I had been using the brackets to raise and lower the size before I lost the ability to view the physical size.