GIMP :: Disable Rotation Guides In 2.8?
Jun 30, 2012
I normally edit with the grid turned on. The rotation guides that show up while using the arbitrary rotation tool clash pretty badly with the grid and disrupt my workflow. Is there a way to turn them off?
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Jun 20, 2013
I've just rotated an artboard to portraight from landscape, then selected all the guides and transform rotated them 90 deg. With this method all the guides need to be readjusted for corrrect positioning
Is there a way to reorientate the artboard with guides in place?
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May 27, 2013
What I mean:
Draw an ellipse. Skew it with mouse.
Draw a rectangle to allign with ellipse's outer dimension by Alignment Guides (not by Align and Distribute command).
Now the aligned side of the Rectangle must be tangent to the ellipse BUT it's not! To verify, try to search an intersection point. Draw a Guideline and snap it to the rectangle's aligned side. It must be intersection point between Guideline and Ellipse but there isn't...
CorelDRAW X6
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Feb 13, 2008
I have a number of vertical and horizontal guides to be placed, at different points. Is there a better way of placement rather than zooming up on the ruler area, watching the Nav coordinates and dragging and dropping? I'm really looking for a method which will I can key in the actual placement coordinates in some way, and the guide will jump to this point?
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Apr 14, 2011
How to create my own cropping guides in GIMP, is this possible? The guide shows a central cross, or a thirds, or a golden thirds, over the selection that is being cropped.
I would like to create 2 different passport ones, adhering to the rules of the 2 countries I am a citizen of. With 5 in the family, and 2 passports each, it comes up often.....
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Oct 1, 2013
I don't want my images to default to "snap to guides." I have guides up on most of my files because I use them for spacing my comic; I work from a template so I can have consistent sizing. But I only rarely ever want to snap to those guides.
Yes, I can turn off the snapping, but I have to do this EVERY F***ING TIME. Open a file I've been working on already? Gotta disable the snapping. Open a new file? Gotta disable the snapping. Restarting GIMP because it just crashed? Gotta disable the snapping. Every freaking time for each freaking image. Gimp won't save the setting to the file nor to my preferred settings.
How can I get GIMP to stop setting the guides to snap by default?
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Aug 16, 2013
Im looking for the gimp equivellent to photoshops View>extras. If there is one. I need to open a jpg file with guides in it, but they do not show up when I open the file.
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Jun 25, 2011
When I open a rectangular photographic image (JPG) and rotate it 90 degrees, the canvas remains the same and the ends of the photo are cropped. I there a way to rotate the whole shebang so this cropping doesn't happen?
Telling the canvas to resize to the picture doesn't seem to work for me.
Gimp 2.6.11 on Linux
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Nov 16, 2012
I have drawn a 9" circle on a 11" x 11" canvas. I would like to create 45 "tic marks" around the circle at 8 degree intervals. How to use rotation to accomplish this goal?
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Nov 3, 2011
I rotated some pixels, but afterwards when I do something else, the pixels become unrotated. I tried saving the image, but that reverts the rotation, too. Why won't the pixels stay put?
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Oct 23, 2012
I have many scanned images of my collection and need to automate the process of rotating the image so that it is "square" and then cropping to remove unwanted background.
I have learned GIMP enough to do this manually with the rotate and crop tools but I have 1000s of images so how to automate this process.
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Jun 30, 2013
Is there a way to find out the position of a layer after you move it from the starting point of 0,0 and 0 rotation?
I'm trying to line-up two images and the bottom layer is the reference image so I move the top layer in the x,y direction and rotate the layer until it looks good. But instead of saving I want the new x,y location along with the rotation number to enter into an Imagemagik bash script.
I'm using GIMP 2.6.11, but will update to 2.8 if necessary.
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Jun 30, 2013
Is there a way to find out the position of a layer after you move it from the starting point of 0,0 and 0 rotation?
I'm trying to line-up two images and the bottom layer is the reference image so I move the top layer in the x,y direction and rotate the layer until it looks good. But instead of saving I want the new x,y location along with the rotation number to enter into an Imagemagik bash script.
I'm using GIMP 2.6.11, but will update to 2.8 if necessary.
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Apr 14, 2012
i'm trying to make an object have a rotation animation.. i did this by making duplicates and rotating them different angles. When i save it and play the gif, it shows each frame show up and overlay one after the other. I want to only show one frame at a time. How do i do this? Here:
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Aug 27, 2012
I would like to know if it is possible to do this in gimp:
or this:
clone and rotate the cloned source:
if its possible, how do I do it?
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Apr 10, 2012
I am working with literally hundreds of images. All of them either are now or will be jpgs. All I need to do is open them up, resize them and then:
1. Cut the canvas size down only on the Y axis and center the image
2. Increase the canvas size up on the Y axis and not center the image which requires then sizing the resulting single layer to image size
After that, I need to save it as a different file name and close it. That's it. No other functions, no other options, no other possibilities exist. This is the ONLY way that this job can be done, these images must end up in this format and size.
Again I am doing this to hundreds of files. I am being slowed down a LOT by all the foolish YAPs about "JPG can't handle this blank layer do you want to export, blah blah blah" and of course "You're saving as a jpg so what quality do you want to use?"
Speed is my concern. I don't care about the options because I don't have options for this project. I just want to get it done. All this clicking the chain to break the link between X and Y and then mousing to the Resize button and then hitting Enter twice but only if I sized the canvas up and using the layer options to resize it if I sized it down if extremely time consuming. I want to use the keyboard as much as humanly possible...all this mousing is creating carpal tunnel and the tabbing to buttons is stupid due to the 5000 tab stops on each popup.
Some of this I can accept...I suppose. But is there any way to disable the popups for the JPG warnings when I save? Again I am not wanting to discuss why I should be saving in XCF or the disadvantages of using JPG or anything else. I just want to disable the popups that are slowing this project down significantly.
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Jul 15, 2013
When I use a tool (Eraser, Crop, Move, etc.) in GIMP, there is a little semi-transparent icon that shows near the bottom right of the cursor representing the tool I am currently using. Is there any way to disable this? I have been doing a lot of precision erasing and this really gets in my way.
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Jul 18, 2013
Is there a way to disable confirmation dialogue pop-ups such as "are you sure you wanna replace the existing file?" and "are you sure you wanna close this without saving it?"
Is there also a way to avoid being prompted every single time I save a jpeg, to precise the jpeg quality .....
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Jul 13, 2012
I would like to know which tools to improve the border of a small image after rotation. Something like sharpening.
The picture is around 25px wide. When magnified, it shows like this :
The original image pure red and pure white.
The white line, that is a ~1 px from the border is at some points too much polluted by the red color. And the red color is locally too much polluted by the white color.
There is also some aliasing that I want to remove.
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Apr 6, 2011
I need to do a small bit of horizon straightening on an image which I have.
Using the rotation tool is fair enough.
Under clipping I select crop to result.
In the rotation dialog i enter the angle ( -.7 )
When I click rotate, it goes through the motions of a status bar advancing (green bar), but when it is finished doing its thing the image vanishes entirely, and i'm left with what looks like a transparent background.
If in clipping, I select 'Adjust', it rotates fine but I have to crop the result manually to have the image 'square' with no transparent angled edges.
How the rotation tool works? I'm using Gimp 2.6.4 on Windows Vista.
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Jul 15, 2011
When setting up a simple FK control curve on say the wrist for example, many times the control curve isn't exactly perpendicular to the local rotation axis of the joint movement, so when we position the control curve to be perpendicular to the joint - it has a rotational value added, but the rotational handles are lines up with the rotational handles of the joint that we want to move.
Freeze Transformations: then the control curves rotational handle go back to being skewed (out of alignment with the joints)
We want to Freeze transformations before constraining the curve, but we'd really to keep those rotations control handles to remain aligned with the joints rotational handles. This will make it an exact control when animating - grab the rotational handle of the curve, rotate it, and the joint will move exactly in the proper direction.
how to get the rotational handle of any control curve to run perpendicular to the shape after freezing transformations?
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Jul 27, 2012
I am making a template file having title block with fields. I use this template for creating layouts and sheets using Sheet Set Manager and the fields will be updated from the data of SSM. Now i would like to add a dynamic north block to my template. The block could be rotated (i have this block in file itself) and rotation angle could be inserted. Now how can i add a custom field to SSM so that i could set a rotation angle for the project and thus every new layout or sheet created using the template has the north block rotated with the angle mentioned in SSM.
Here is the file...........
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Jan 13, 2014
To summarize: It seems that compounding a path resets the rotation of the gradient to it's original degree of rotation.
Detailed version:
1. Create a shape.
2. Add a gradient fill. Note it's degree of rotation. Let's say it's set at 10°.
3. Now rotate the shape by any means (transform or rotate tool). Note the gradient degree of rotation has shifted the same amount as the shape was rotated (if it was rotated 50°, the gradient will show at 60°).
4. Make it a compound path.
5. Instantly the gradient shifts back to it's original degree of rotation of 10°.
It appears that when rotating a shape with a gradient, the rotation of the gradient is locked to the rotation of the shape. But when making it a compound shape it releases that lock and "remembers" it's original state. But that is only true as soon as you make it a compound path, but if you no go ahead and rotate it just a bit using the cursor (as opposed to selecting transform > rotate), the gradient will switch back to how you would expect it to rotate in the first place...
Workaround would be to make it a compound path before rotating the shape at all.
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Jun 29, 2013
I wish to impose an image on to another. a foreground image onto a background image. Hence for the foreground image I need the background (of the front image) to be transparent (alpha) which Ive done following this tutorial: [URL] .....
Note: the back colour is pure white (#FFFFFF)
However the issue arises that one of the people in the image is wearing a light blue shirt, hence when i follow the tutorial, it makes his shirt semi-transparent.
After much looking around i found this in the docs: [URL] ........
Which states: "It will attempt to preserve anti-aliasing information by using a partially intelligent routine that replaces weak color information with weak alpha information. In this way, areas that contain an element of the selected color will maintain a blended appearance with their surrounding pixels. "
However I dont want this, what i wish to happen is that anything is pure white is changed to alpha, and anything NOT pure white is left as is.
Hence it my understanding through the document quote above, the solution is to disable this ant-aliasing function as described in the quote
How can i do this?
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Aug 19, 2011
When saving as a .png file, there is an option to enable/disable "save resolution". What is this option for? I've tried Googling, but no luck due to many unrelated search results.
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Dec 7, 2013
I have a cheap mouse and quite frequently while using the free select tool, one click will result in Gimp automatically connecting the current points to the beginning of the path. my mouse is to blame and I experience mouse issues in other programs too... mainly one click will result in double click actions.
so I was wonder how/if I can turn off the feature where double clicking would connect the path of the free select because I kinda have to refrain from using the free select tool because I don't get very far before it connects itself to the beginning.
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Sep 21, 2011
I want to rotate a drawing in my paper space, but without rotating it in model space. So that I still can work on it easily in model space.
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May 15, 2007
I have a North Arrow that I would love to make into a dynamic block. I would like to be able to rotate the N that represents where the north direction is. But while rotating the N around the center of a circle I would like the letter itself to stay un-rotated. It seems simple, if I rotate the letter around the axis of a circle 90 deg, I would like the letter itself to rotate -90 deg on it's own axis. Of course this is easy to do manualy, but how do i do it so that rotation 1 automaticaly triggers rotation 2?
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Dec 13, 2012
using AutoCAD 2009 (vanilla)
I got too smart for myself today in bringing an old drawing up to current standards...Everyone seems to want their block attributes to be zero - I have blocks where the attributes are best when they match the rotations of each blocks.
I have an old drawing that was rotated (as it should be) at approx 2deg.
I used a lisp routine to global edit all the blocks that needed to be at zero. BUT for some reason (and after hundreds of blocks were corrected), I noticed I now have two blocks that should NOT have been in the set have had their attributes rotated to zero....and the attributes should be at the same rotation as their block's rotation.
Because those two blocks have a fixed tic mark, I can click on the mark to see what the block rotation is, then rotate its attribute to that rotation, but I have hundreds of blocks! One-at-a-time sucks....
Any chance there is a GLOBAL way to edit an attribute rotation to match its own block's rotation?
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Feb 17, 2013
last couple of documents I've been working on,I've been needing horizontal and vertical guides (no problem) but why is it when i close the file (saved all work) when I open the file to continue the guides have to be redone. Isn't there a save guides option in CS6
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May 14, 2006
Is there any way to paste guides, or, putting it another way, can I take an image, add guides, erase the image, keep the guides and paste in another image? Everytime I paste in another image I lose the guides. I want to know where I am in the second.
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