GIMP :: Cutting Holes Through Layers?

Apr 8, 2012

I am trying to make transparent holes in layers so I can design cornhole boards to overlay in Google Sketch. When I cut out the selected area, I get a background color but I can't make it transparent. Obliviously, I don't have my layers setup correctly. I've spent days watching youtube tutorials but still can't make it work

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Illustrator :: How To Create Holes Through Multiple Layers

Aug 8, 2013

I'd like to use boxes to punch holes into the layered artwork below them. I want the result to look exactly like this image, but with the white boxes being transparent holes.

This seems so simple, but I can't find any combination of layers/pathfinder tools/compound shapes/or clipping masks that will produce this result. No matter what, I end up losing part of the artwork (usually the topo lines and the black bar).

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Photoshop :: Cutting Through Multiple Layers?

Mar 20, 2008

I have a photoshop file (cs3) with around 50 layers, all different textures. I then have one layer on top, three white rectanges - my 'cutting shape.'

What I want to do is select the rectangle shapes, and then cut through all the layers at the same time, (creating holes in the textures) rather than doing them one layer at a time.

The amount of images I will need to cut this shape out of could rise to 400, so I need a solid method. I have played around with batching indivdual files, but for various reasons, I need all the layers to be in one file.

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Photoshop :: Cutting Multiple Layers?

Jul 25, 2006

I have a car... I want to take the door out with Free Transform, but the door has 2 layers on it... How can I transform multiple layers at the same time?

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GIMP :: How To Make Text Holes In A Shape

Nov 6, 2013

I would like to know how to make text holes in a shape. For example, a black square with the word "Allez" on it will cut through the black square revealing the color below it.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 :: Registration Marks On All Layers For Vinyl Cutting

Aug 3, 2011

Using CD x4.I cut directly from Corel.  I was trying to do a simple 2 color vinyl job. I put reg marks but they are only on one layer. I tried copying but they weren't in the same place as the other layer.

Is there a way to get the Reg Marks to appear on all layers properly ?

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GIMP :: Cutting Vinyl Letters And Shapes?

Aug 10, 2012

We bought a JaguarIV plotter for cutting clear bra, but I was thinking that we could also use it to cut vinyl graphics. I have been watching some tutorials about paths and I'm getting quite good at manipulating curves and such. But I don't know if I can output to the plotter from GIMP. I tried just sending it as a print job, which I've heard you can do from Corel and Illustrator, but it didn't work.

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GIMP :: Cutting Image (car) And Pasting To Background?

Nov 29, 2011

I was refererred by a member who speaks highly of the support here in this forum. One of the things i need to learn is how to go about cutting an image, like a car and laying it on a background. I figured out how to outline the image but creating a background and actually inserting the cutout escapes me. I work for a classic car dealership and i take the photos for the ads. I need to be able to create a nice background that i can insert every auto into, in exactly the same place.

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GIMP :: Cutting Out Background - Color Mapping Method

May 25, 2013

I have attached two images of a young girl. One image (the original) is the one with the busy background. The second image is the one that I have cut out. Now with the pattern I have inserted behind her, the image seems quite acceptable, but if it as a plain white background, there is still some areas around the hair strands that contain the bluish background. Also to get to the stage of my image, I had to delete some of the whispy hair strands to make it look acceptable.

My question is, do you think it is possible to cut this out any better. This was done using the Color mapping method, but I have tried a number of other methods, but cannot seem to keep the hair strands visible and still end up with some color contamination around them. Do you think you could try this image and see if it could be done better.

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GIMP :: Avoiding Edge Blur When Cutting Out Selection?

Feb 3, 2013

when I try to cut out a freeform selection, it blurs the edges around the remaining image. Since I want to be able to piece together the images later, I want to avoid this. How?

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GIMP :: Cutting Blonde Hair From Busy Background

Aug 2, 2012

Any method in GIMP that can be used for cutting out flowing "Blonde" hair from a Multicoloured background using the "Channels". It seems that it can be done using Photoshop, but there do not seem to be any tutorials around for GIMP. There are heaps for cutting out dark coloured hair from all sorts of backgrounds but nothing to cut out flowing blonde hair from a multicoloured background.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Cutting All Components Of Image Using Cutting Master 2 Plugin

Aug 1, 2011

I have downloaded an eps file, which I need to cut. I use a graphtec ce5000-60 cutter, and a plugin called cutting master 2 in order to use coreldraw.

when i select application launcher and choose cut / plot, it opens cutting master. when i do this, it only shows the 2 outer lines of the logo i need to cut. I have attached a screenshot so you can see exactly what I mean. I have tried lots of things to recitfy this, but as a complete beginner with this software, I really dont have a clue. 

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GIMP :: Adding Back White Space After Using Cutting Tool

Mar 29, 2012

I cropped an image using the Cutting Tool, now rather than recreate the image with more height, I'd like to see if I can add some more white background space to the bottom of this existing xcf image (s0 I can add some text) after the fact.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Cutting Solid Into Two With Non-planar Cutting Plane

Aug 2, 2012

Is there a way to cut a solid into two pieces using a non-planar cutting plane?  I have been tasked with calculating the volume of concrete damage in a chute block.  I have a sketch of the damage on the chute block.  I created the chute block as a solid and then drew the damaged area extents using plines.  This created non-planar plines.  Is there a way to get this to work that will allow me to see the volume of the concrete damage?  I need an easy way to do this, there are 50 chute blocks all the same size but with varying degrees of damage

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GIMP :: Layers Turn Into Text Layers?

Jul 2, 2013

my gimp 2.8.6 makes majority normal layers turn into text layers..

Even if i "discard text information" from layer..and then save it as .xcf it doesnt work! Same layers appear as text layers when i open that .xcf Its not a big deal but it really slows me down when im working with layers..

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GIMP :: Revert Layers Back To Layers?

Jun 20, 2013

I merged my layers down to scale to proportion and I thought I was done with the project, so I saved it and exported. I then learned that I did something incorrectly, so I went back to the project only to remember I merged the layers and I don't know how to undo that. How do you revert the layers back to layers?

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GIMP :: Cutting Hole In Image Of TV Screen To Insert (layer Over) Image

Jul 25, 2012

I am making a video in Nero Vision 10 and need to cut out the screen of a tv so that I can layer the TV over an image/video so it looks as though it is on the screen. I enclose a screenshot of the project. 'Transform-tools-crop' only cuts in straight lines so I wonder which device I should use which can cut out an odd bespoke shape? You can see in the uploaded image from the project how the image currently cannot fill the frame without covering it.

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GIMP :: How To Keep Layers As Layers

May 17, 2013

I'll add a layer It will have ants around

I'll move it around and position to where I want it

Question 1: how do I get rid of the ants? I've googled on how to deselect, but can't can't find an answer

Question 2: I don't know what I do... but by selecting other tools or just clicking around like mad - the ants go away. Yippeee! Except... damn! The layer has now gone into the background and I can't move it around any more

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GIMP :: How To Put Layers Into Groups

Jun 27, 2013

how I can put my layers into groups now, but there are a few problems I've seen pop up.

First are foremost, when I disable the visibility on a group, if I use the move tool it will select layers from that group that were visible before the group was made invisible. Seriously, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever that I would ever want to move an individual layer that I can't see. This clearly is a glitch and needs to be fixed.

Second of all there is an issue with a layer's mode when it is in a group. For example, if a layer is set to multiply, if it is set in a group it will only multiply on layers within that group. Now this I can see a good use for, but honestly, it is not how I usually want to use layers. I'm not usually trying to separate the actual graphics in my image, I'm just trying to organize my massively long layer dialogue into something more useful. It's great to collect different aspects of my image and keep them all together. But basically every time I need a multiply layer or other effect, I need it to effect the whole image. To keep it effecting an entire image I have to make two separate groups, each above and below the layer, in order to organize my image.

Now, since there is certainly an advantage that could be given by not having such layers have any effect outside of their group, I can't argue that the feature should be removed. However, I do think it would be fantastic if a property could be added to a layer group that would allow for such layers to effect the image outside of the group or not.

The third thing I have to say about groups is linking. First of all, as it stands, when I activate linking on a layer group it has absolutely no effect, making the option redundant. However, what would be useful is if I could link an entire group to itself and then move every layer within a group in tandem.

Often times I want to move several groups of layers around so I can arrange a composition. For a simple example, maybe I have several images of characters, each built with a layer for flats, lighting, textures, etc. And to arrange the composition I want to move the whole character with all its layers to one spot, then grab another character with all of its layers to another spot.Conventionally, there are only two ways I can do this. Either I flatten each of those groups and move them as single layers, destroying my ability to alter them with any level of convenience, or I have to manually link every layer for that character, move it, un-link every layer, link all the layers in another character, and repeat.But it would be so much nicer if I could link all the layers within several groups, and move each group as a whole without moving any other layers.

Since the link option on a layer group doesn't do anything anyway, it seems reasonable to me that enabling it should have that exact effect. Using the same example, if I have each character in its own group, I activate the link option on all of those groups all at once, and then I can grab a layer on any group and that whole group will move, but not any other layers.Even if it automatically linked all the layers in that group to all other linked layers, it would still be much easier to activate and deactivate the link on just one group each time I move that one group, rather than each individual layer.

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GIMP :: Layers Will Not Toggle

Dec 25, 2012

GIMP example.docx (Size: 141.1 KB / Downloads: 31) I just found about GIMP several days ago. I really like the features that are offered and cant wait to dive in and play around with it. However, I am getting a bit discouraged because it is not working on my computer the way it does when I visited some u-tube videos. So far I have a problem with the layers. I selected, new, added two layers, therefore I had three layers to work with. When I would toggle between the layers the picture didn't change at all, the screen only allowed me to view the last picture I imported. So, I thought I would hide the third picture and work with the second to see what would happen. I scaled the second picture and it scaled them all (note: the pictures where not linked). I have uninstalled and reinstalled the program and it still did the same thing. I am working with Windows 7 if that makes any difference?

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GIMP :: How To Scale Several Layers Together

Sep 17, 2011

How can I scale several layers (objects) together?

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GIMP :: Can't Select Other Layers

Jul 28, 2011

I was rotating a layer in GIMP but now I can't get off this layer/select other layers.

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GIMP :: Can't Seem To Rearrange Layers

Jun 30, 2011

I've tried multiple images and file extensions, but it seems as though I can't rearrange my layer order anymore. Is there a reason this would happen, or is there a keyboard shortcut I can try?

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GIMP :: Separate Layers To PNG?

Oct 6, 2012

How to separate layers in gimp and save them in png format, theres a function for this in photoshop, so how do you do this in gimp? Basically i designed a template and i want to be able to click any layer and save it in png format but its not letting me, or how to save all layers automatically?

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GIMP :: How To Duplicate Several Layers Together

Sep 17, 2011

How can I duplicate several layers together ? (in one layer manager)

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GIMP :: Can't Move All Layers At Once

Jan 3, 2012

Although I'd like to move all of my layers at once, because I resized my canvas..

I can't even get one to move. What am I doing wrong? I followed these instructions.


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GIMP :: Line Art - How To Do Layers

Sep 2, 2013

I don't draw line art but I borrow the free ones and color them, and I was wondering how I do layers because I have tried before and it just isn't working, and I need them because it makes it makes it easier to do. I have been managing without them.

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GIMP :: How To Rename Layers

Sep 17, 2011

I am new to GIMP and would like to know how change the name of a layer.

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GIMP :: Cut And Paste Various Layers?

Feb 10, 2013

It is my first time using Gimp and although i have figured everything i needed by myself, but i have a doubt, well im adapting a bunch of sprite work from one rpg maker engine (unknown name) to RPG Maker VX ACE, i have no problem there , the thing is that now i have 3 images that are exactly the same except from the color scheme and i was wondering if it is possible the put all them on a canvas and cut and paste the 3 layers at the same time on another canvas, something like this:

3 - - - - - - - * - -
2 - - - - - - - * - -
1 - - - - - - - * - -


3 I I I I * I I I I I
2 I I I I * I I I I I
1 I I I I * I I I I I

And after that i "pell off" each layer and get 3 pictures.

3 I I I I * I I I I I _ 2 I I I I * I I I I I _ 1 I I I I * I I I I I

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GIMP :: Cannot Open Layers

Apr 10, 2012

I've had GIMP for quite awhile but I haven't been able to use it effectively for any projects simply because I cannot open, use, or view the layers dialog box.

I've tried Windows > Dockable Dialogs > Layers - this does not work. And I've tried using the shortcut, Ctrl + L, this does not work either. I've also tried uninstalling/reinstalling GIMP, but this hasn't solved the issue either.

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GIMP :: 2 Layers - Mask One Through The Other (PNG)

Jun 20, 2013

I have 2 layers and I want to mask one through the other. I've attached a png showing what I want. Here is what I am doing:

- select the text layer
- menu -> "Layer/Transparency/Alpha to selection" (now the outline letters are selected)
- select the background layer
- hit delete button
- no change in image

If I do the following steps, then the entire background is cleared:
- select the text layer
- menu -> "Layer/Transparency/Alpha to selection" (now the outline letters are selected)
- menu -> Select/Invert
- select the background layer
- hit delete button
- background image deleted

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