GIMP :: 2.7.3 Docks Not Moving?

Aug 1, 2011

I have ubuntu natty and gimp 2.7.3. Whenever I click the docks they won't move.

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GIMP :: Toolbars Removed And No Recently Closed Docks?

Jul 28, 2012

Yesterday, before I got the problem, I got the toolbox AND the other toolbox, on the left and right, excactly as how I got it in the first time I got GIMP. But the next day, all I see was a blank screen on the GIMP, I check the "Windows" menu, go to the "Recently closed docks" and said "empty", it got erased completely on the tool only. The grid level, my other files, ect. is there, but the toolbox is completely erased for no reason.

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GIMP :: Moving Selected Area Versus Moving Selection / Moving Whole Image

Mar 22, 2012

I want to select part of an image with just one layer. Say I just flattened the image and have to move one part of. I select it with the rectangular select tool. It seems intuitive that I could then just move what I selected, but when I drag the selection, the selection itself moves without moving what is inside the selection.

If I then remember to click the move tool and try to move what's in the selection (seems to work sometimes, maybe when there's multiple layers?) the entire image moves.

The only way I can move part of the image over is if I make a selection and then cut it (ctrl X) then paste it.

How am I supposed to move part of the flattened image, is there a way I can set it to default to "When I select something, I can immediately drag that selected area around."

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GIMP :: Moving Selection Contents

Dec 27, 2013

I am using GIMP 2.8 on a MacBookPro with OSX 10.8.

I want to cut and move a selection (and, if at all possible, preserve and then enlarge the selection rectangle to perform a subsequent cut and move operation.)

I've got a graphic, let's say it's a 10x10 pixel square in black. What I want to do is to add a vertical column of white pixels in between every existing column of the image.

What I thought to do is the following: first, enlarge the canvas to twice the width of the image, so 20Wx10T (original image on left, blank extension on right). Now select the rightmost column of pixels and move the contents of the selection one pixel to the right. Extend the left edge of the selection rectangle 2 pixels to the left, to include the newly "blank" column and the next column of the image. Move new selection and contents one pixel to the right, and so on, until the expanded canvas is filled and there are 'blank' columns between every column of pixels in the original image.

However, I am unable to find a way to move the selection and its contents. I've tried every combination of secret handshake I can think of, but none work. I'm able to move the selection and essentially duplicate it in another location, but not by cutting it and moving it somewhere else, leaving the initially selected area blank.

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GIMP :: Moving The Drop Shadow?

Aug 16, 2012

Upon inserting a .xcf drop-shadowed image into another .xcf image - by selecting Open As Layers - it inserts fine, but when I select the Move tool to move the image, the drop shadow doesn't move with the image. I tried selecting the drop-shadow layer from the layers - channels, paths area, but when I do that, and then try to move the drop shadow, instead of the drop shadow moving - when I select it, the entire background moves.

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GIMP :: Moving A Selection From One Image To Another

Jan 29, 2014

I need to assemble multiple images in an illustration program (inkscape or illustrator for example). So I want to cut and paste several regions from different images, but I want them to all be exactly the same size. What I had been doing in photoshop was just dragging the selection from one open image to the other and that would preserve the size so I could copy again, but that doesn't seem to work in GIMP, or rather, nothing I tried seems to work.

How can I get a selection to be identically sized between different images without actually moving any part of the image itself?

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GIMP :: Moving A Layer Around The Canvas

Jun 15, 2013

I have my background image, with some text which I created. I wanted to add some external images into the canvas.

When I open the image as a layer, it imports fine. But when I attempt to move it (holding ALT), it stays in the same place.

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GIMP :: Moving Certain Part Of The Image?

May 22, 2012

Ive copy and pasted into an image and i thought i got it where i wanted so i saved it and exited the program. But then i realised that the image i pasted was a few pixels off. I have been trying to select a portion of the image and move it to where i want it but cant find how. Ive selected the portion and clicked on move then selection but it moves the selection area not the image within it.

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GIMP :: Moving Part Of A Photo?

Nov 28, 2012

I have a photo where branches above the main image intrude too much.

i would like to move them up to the top of the picture.

So far the only way I have found to move them leaves me with a white space that I need to fill in.Is there any other way to do it.

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GIMP :: Selecting Layer And Moving It

Nov 17, 2012

I am having a hard time trying to add a logo to a picture. I open the picture, then I open the logo as a layer and it pops into the center of the photo. Problem is, I don't want it positioned in the center, so how do I select it and move it around to where I want it? Even when the layer is highlighted I can't figure out which tool will let you grab it.

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GIMP :: Moving A Signature On A Print

Mar 26, 2013

I have watched another person move a signature from one location to another and then clone the area where he took it from. This was so that I could crop a painting for print to fit a certain size and needed to. It will happen quite a bit for me, as artists sign fairly close to the bottom edge generally.

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GIMP :: Moving Layers In PSD File?

Oct 9, 2013

I'm trying to move text in a PSD file that I opened in Gimp. I've recorded a Screencast video here, (removed link because image is not quite ready to be shared with the outside world;-) which shows what I'm trying to do.

Basically, I have a line of text which is several layers deep that says "IS THE NORM". I need to move the word "the" over to the left a little because it's a little too close to the word "norm".

However, when I select it and Cut, nothing happens. I tried locking the layer, even though I don't really know what that means - just saw it on YouTube and figured I'd try it - but no luck.

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GIMP :: Make Moving Fire

Apr 22, 2007

To make this you will need a very basic understanding of the workings of GIMP, as well as have GAP.Download GAP here. This has been made after many tweaks and changes from this tutorial, anything related to that tutorial on this tutorial I give him credit for (This includes the main method of fire creation and the colors) I also give much credit to ccbarr for finding a way to keep an even and never skipping fire :)

First create a new 500x100 transparent image.Then set the foreground color to #ff8400 (orange) and the background color to #000000 (black).Then select the gradient tool on "The GIMP" window, use the gradient 'FG to BG (RBG)' and make a gradient from the very bottom to the very top of the Background layer.

Now, make a new window (File -> New). Use the parameters 500x200.Go to Filters -> Render -> Clouds -> Solid Noise and use the following settings on the Layer you just created.

Now Create another Layer just like the last one, but this time named "Upper Flame".Do another Solid Noise, Filters -> Render -> Clouds -> Solid Noise, using the following Settings.

think it makes it look better. Select the upper flame layer and go to Layer -> Colors -> Colorize and click on the 'Hue' bar, and send it about halfway between the middle and the right side, to give the fire a redder look. For the reddest effect push that bar all the way to the right

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GIMP :: Moving Selections From A Drawing To Another Page

Nov 8, 2013

I have an existing drawing (A3 size) which loads with a mottled grey background for some reason (looks fine when printed).

I want to select a couple of small rectangles and put them on another page. Perhaps another possibility could be if I could save my selections as separate files (if this were possible) then I could use the "Open as Layers" method which is well described in this forum.

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GIMP :: Slowdown / Freeze While Moving Image?

May 21, 2012

I am using Gimp for years now, and few days ago I have updated to latest 2.8 version. However, since the update (more like clean installation than update) to 2.8 I am experiencing extreme slowdown while moving image around with middle mouse button (wheel) or with the button on my tablet's pen. The image gets thorn apart a Gimp freezes for about 10-15 seconds. The thing is, this only happens with 2.8 version (never happened with 2.6) and only while I am using middle mouse button (wheel), or the button on my tablet's pen, for moving around. If I use "Navigate" cross at bottom right, I can move the picture without any tearing and slowdown/freeze.

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GIMP :: How To Stop Background Layer Moving

Jun 13, 2012

I'm creating a drawing with multiple layers, but I keep dragging the background layer by accident. I've tried selecting the layer I want to move before dragging with the move tool, but this doesn't stop it. I've tried selecting the chain in the layers toolbox, but this just locks the layers into one group which gets dragged off the edge of the canvas. Is there any way to render the background stationary?

I'm using GIMP 2.8.0

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GIMP :: Moving A Selection With Lots Of Layers

Dec 10, 2013

I just started using GIMP the other day, and it's great; I've already gotten the hang of layers and moving stuff around! But sometimes, after I put together a part of an image using multiple layers, I'd like to move that part somewhere else to give me more room or to put it next to something else. Is there a way to do this without going through each of the layers, selecting the part, and moving the part to its destination layer by layer?

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GIMP :: Moving Text After Adding Along A Path

Nov 16, 2012

I'm creating text along a path and then stroking the outline and adding a gradient fill - this is all fine. The problem comes when I want to move it, as once the text is added along the path, it often doesn't follow the path until the end so I'd like to centre it on the page, or maybe move it vertically a bit to fit around other stuff as I add to the image.

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GIMP :: Moving Things Around Without Losing Their Scaling

Nov 22, 2012

Ive figured out how to scale images and remove their backgrounds, but when I go to paste them in a new location I lose their scaling.

What I'm trying to do is put multiple pictures (the items are scaled to actual size, which is important) onto a single 8.5 x 11 page.

So, I've taken some of my pictures, opened their files scaled them to where they need to be, and then removed the backgrounds. I saved that as a new file.

How would I then take those files and place them, with the scale I made them, into something that is this 8.5 x 11 page size.

When I try to do it now, it doesn't keep the scale.

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GIMP :: Moving Content Of Layer Like In Photoshop?

Aug 16, 2013

I'm trying to learn Gimp so I can use the art I made with it in my games later on but as a formal Photoshop user I feel like that I have a hard learning curve.

I'm trying to move things on my layer without effecting the layer boundaries (just like the way move tool works in Photoshop).

I know that this is possible using selecting the part I want to move on my layer, then holding Ctrl+Alt and dragging with my mouse, then it creates a floating layer what I have to convert to layer in the layers panel.

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GIMP :: Moving Layers With Arrow Keys

Dec 31, 2013

why does a layer move more slowly when using the arrow keys on the keyboard if the layer is a 'floating selection'? my Gimp moves layers MUCH more quickly when using the arrow keys if I go to 'to new layer' first! is this a problem or to be expected?

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GIMP :: Moving / Resizing Whole Group Of Layers

Jun 16, 2011

I suggest having the ability to group layers, such that operations performed on the group would act on all the layers in that group simultaneously. This would allow making a whole bunch of items (each on their own layer), then moving/re-sizing/whatever the whole group of layers.

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GIMP :: Moving Floating Layers - Only Outline Will Move (2012)

Mar 3, 2012

After pasting a new object in order to create a new layer, in thelayers menu there should be Floating Selection ("pasted Layer") like Burnie wrote. Forme, I right-click the "pasted layer" and select "New Layer", and the pasted object showsup as a new layer. From there, I make sure I deselect everything (SELECT > NONE), andthen use the move tool (making sure the cursor is over the pasted object) to click onthe object in your new layer in order to move it.

You can move it first too though (then press ctrl+shift+N to turn itinto a regular layer). I find that quicker, but whatever floats yourboat. Layer. Whatever.

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GIMP :: When Move Mouse Over Image - Brush Cursor Is Not Moving?

Sep 17, 2013

When I move my mouse over my image the brush cursor is not moving and it will not let me click on my image (with the mouse) the crosshair/cursor will follow it, however the brush will not, nor will any other tools, my wacom tablet however works fine.

I thought it must be something to do with GIMP accepting input but its not going as of yet.

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GIMP :: Change Brush Size Opacity By Moving The Mouse

Jul 30, 2013

I was trying painting with gimp and there is a shortcut in gimp to change the size of the brush/opacity my moving the stylus like you can on photoshop or sketchbook pro.

ALT+ctrl on a mac

This would be an incredible time-saver for us artists and not very complex. If not I will suggest this feature to the gimo developers.

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GIMP :: Transform A Layer Without Moving Its Layer Mask?

Dec 14, 2012

Long time gimp user, but for basic tasks only. Now I would like to get my hands dirty a little more. I'm trying to setup a workflow that involves CAD, Inkscape and GIMP. Basically I did some architectural drawing in CAD, used Inkscape to clean up and convert DXG into SVG, so that I can use paths into GIMP. I did a script that for every path creates a new transparent layer with a layer mask using the path, so I can add fills and textures quickly. Now to the problem: say I want to add a texture from another image, i paste the image into the appropriate layer, then I want to transform the texture a bit (scale, rotate and perspective). the result is that the layer mask is transformed, too. I tried to disable the mask during transform, but didn't work.

Is there a way to workaround this? maybe some layer mode instead of layer mask?

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Photoshop :: Moving From CS6 To LR5

Jul 23, 2013

Is there an easy way to go from CS6 to LR5 and then back to CS6?

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Photoshop :: Moving CS4 From PC To Mac

Jan 8, 2013

I have CS4 on a PC.  i understand one is allowed to have Photoshop on two computers at the same time with the one license.  how do i get my CS4 onto the new Mac laptop i just purchased ?

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Photoshop :: Moving From CS5 To CC

Sep 19, 2013

How do I access my CS5 plugins from my nes CC photoshop app?"

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Lightroom :: Moving 4.3 From PC To Mac?

Jan 19, 2013

I am running Lightroom 4.3 on a PC Vista 64. All images are held in a seperate folder called "images" within the main Lightroom folder.
I have just purchased a new shiny iMac 27" This has a big Fusion drive and an external 2TD Firewire drive attached to it.

On the Mac I want to change my workflow a bit. I want to only keep my latest images I am working on (Say 2013 images) on the Internal Fusion drive and the keep all my 2011-2012 images on the external firewire drive.  I also want to make sure all the setting, maps etc from my PC are exaclty duplicated on the iMac
To accomplish this I am intending to physically move my folders"Images", "Settings" and the files .Ircat, irData from the PC to iMac.  Hopefully this will completly duplicate my PC setup on the Mac.  I wont move the Catalog Previews folder as I assume I can rebuild that.
Then I was going to greate the Archive empty folders on the external drive.Then within Lightroom on the iMac Move the 2011-2012 images to the new external location.Finally I would create a ne catalogue for the 2013 images.
I hope then archive images are on the extrernal drive accessable in LR by its own catalogue and the new/future images i hace on the Fusion drive with a nice small catalogue.I can then easily switch catalogues in Lightroom to the Archive catalogue (on external drive) or stay on my slick current catalogu(on Internal fusion drive) When I want to archive say 2013 in the future I just move the actual images to a new folder on the external drive fromwithin LR the export the catalogu Will this Work ? or should I just use and rename the catalogue the fresh install has done on the iMac and export the PC catalogue to the iMac then move the images to new folders on the external drive.

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Lightroom :: Moving Between 3.5 And CS5

Feb 7, 2012

I have LR 3.6 and CS5 12.0 running on Mac OS X 10.7.3. I use LR to store and tweak all of the photos I take (raw) with my Nikon D700.I am looking at a photo in LR. I want to jump into PS to do some clean up work. In LR I use the "Edit in..." menu option to open up the photo in PS. Then I do some quick clean up (healing brush, etc.). When I save the image in PS and look at the result back in LR I notice that the *overall* image has changed! Thus, the act of cleaning up my image results in changes to the entire image for some reason. The changes might be overall sharpness, slight tint changes, etc.
what is the right way to move between LR and PS so that I don't modify the entire image each time?

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