GIMP :: 2.6.11 / Win 7 - Can't Open PNG Files

Apr 7, 2011

I just installed GIMP 2.6.11 on Windows 7 64-bit, then tried to open a .png file.

Alas, instead of the image, I was surprised to see an error message box stating:

"Opening C:UsersmePicturessnapshot.png failed: Unknown file type"

I have GIMP 2.6 running perfectly on Windows XP (32-bit) and never had any such problem.

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GIMP :: (too Many Open Files) Error When Saving Or Open

May 6, 2013

I'm using Gimp 2.8.4 on a MacBook Pro.

I have been working on an image file for several hours now, and as a result, there were MANY files open (probably over 30).

I attempted to save the file, and recieved the following error message:

"Could not read the contents of [folder name] Too many open files"

I then closed each of the open files except the file I was trying to save, but got the same results.

The same error message pops up when I try to open a file as well.

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GIMP :: Open PDF / PSD Files?

Apr 19, 2013

I only just found out about them when I was looking for some textures on Tumblr and I believe they basically change the color of an image, if I'm right?

How can I use them?

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GIMP :: Cannot Open PNG Or JPG Files

Mar 18, 2013

I recently upgraded GIMP to version 2.8.4. I just attemptes to open a PNG file and the open dialogue box stayed up and the file never opened. I tried with a JPG file and had the same result.

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GIMP :: 2.6.12 Does Not Open PDF Files?

Feb 10, 2012

Was working on a project this morning which is originally in a pdf file. The previous gimp opens it fine. updated to the latest and greatest gimp and now it opens the pdf file but only shows empty layers! No graphics at all. I reverted back to 2.6.11. It works fine again now. Is this a bug or is there some setting I am not aware of?

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GIMP :: Can't Open EPS Files

Oct 27, 2013

For some odd reason all of a sudden my GIMP will not open a ESP file! This is one of the two error messages I get:

Plug-in crashed: "file-ps.exe" (C:Program FilesGIMP 2libgimp2.0plug-insfile-ps.exe)

The dying plug-in may have messed up GIMP's internal state. You may want to save your images and restart GIMP to be on the safe side.

The second one is:

Opening 'C:UsersJLSDesignPicturesJosh's Gimp Workmonsterhead_ps15.eps' failed:

Procedure 'file-eps-load' returned no return values

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GIMP :: Can't Open PDF Files

Sep 29, 2012

I can't open PDF files on GIMP 2.6. I'm using Windows XP. What can i do?

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GIMP :: 2.8.6 Very Slow To Open Files?

Aug 19, 2013

I've recently updated to 2.8.6. I've noticed that opening files is extremely slow. Once the file is open it works fine, but it takes way too much time, even just opening folders. I use the program for photo editing.

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GIMP :: How To Open Files In A Stack

May 11, 2011

I'm editing hundreds of files that I can't batch process. I'm opening them in groups. GIMP is making me crazy by opening the files in a scatter over the desktop which requires extra steps in moving windows around in order to make my edits. Is there a way to open files in a stack instead?

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GIMP :: Attached Files Will Not Open

Nov 12, 2013

I am trying to view questions here and you know the "attached files'' that you have to click on in order to view? I am unable to open them. Instead of it opening it downloads a blank icon on my desktop. I tried with different browsers and the same problem.

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GIMP :: Can't Open Any File Type Except PNG Files

Jul 8, 2012

i can't open any file type except .png files.i think cause is from libjpeg and when i compile gimp didn't install and i has to compile with --disable-jpeglib or like this switch.

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GIMP :: How To Navigate Through Open Files Using Keyboard

Feb 13, 2013

How do I navigate through open files using the keyboard? I've tried ctrl tab, ctrl f6 - nothing seems to work

I've tried googling for keyboard shortcuts and 'how to navigate open files keyboard' and I can't find anything .

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GIMP :: Unable To Open Canon CR2 Files

Sep 19, 2012

I just updated to 2.8 and now can no longer open up Canon .CR2 files .

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GIMP :: Unable To Open / Manipulate PDF Files

Sep 22, 2012

I can't open PDF files on GIMP2.6 and manipulate it. Before, it was possible, but now don't. I don't know what changed on my computer.

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GIMP :: Will Not Open Files If Foreign Characters In Path Name

Mar 3, 2012

I am using Gimp 2.6.11. I have had the same issue with all older versions.

For whatever reason, GIMP refuses to open any file that contains non-English characters. For example, if I try to open a file called GoranDragićDunk.png, it will tell me there is no such file or directory. Changing the file name to GoranDragicDunk.png fixes the issue, so it's clearly to do with having Ć instead of C. Now, the problem is that it also does this if the foreign characters are found anywhere within the path, so that it will not open C:\My Files\NBA\GoranDragić\AwesomePass.png either because it contains the Ć within the path name.

Now, I know that older versions of programs such as Adobe Acrobat had this same issue, but it was fixed years ago. Am I the first person to notice this with GIMP? It shocks me that such a simple thing has not been fixed yet. Would I have to install a foreign-language version of GIMP?

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GIMP :: Unable To Open Files By Double Clicking

May 14, 2013

Running Mac os x Mountain lion (latest release 10.8.3 I believe) and Latest release of Gimp (just installed last week 2.8.4)

If I double click and open a file (file format doesn't matter, jpg,tiff, xcf etc) the file opens gimp and it opens correctly.

However If once gimp is open I try and double click on another file it pops up an error "The document "text.xcf" could not be opened. Gimp Cannot open files in the "Gimp Image" format.

If I then close gimp and double click that same file it opens gimp and the files opens as normal.

It doesn't matter if i'm logged in as administrator or a regular user. I've tried downloading the program and copying it back to the app folder again.

Perhaps I need to wipe out the GIMP folder in ~/Library/Application Support ?

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GIMP :: Open JPG Files With Japanese Text Characters ALWAYS Fails

Jan 5, 2013

I have a jpg of a Pokémon picture that the filename is Japanese character text, and Gimp ALWAYS give a "failed to open '?????????????.jpg'" error message when opening files containing Japanese characters!!! I can put Japanese characters using the text tool into a picture using gimp so I KNOW it knows the Japanese charset, but that error message ALWAYS occurs with images with filenames containing Japanese characters.

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GIMP :: Can't Open Network Folder When Open / Save Documents

Sep 18, 2013

when i save my documents in gimp it doesnt show the network folder.i used to save my documents in shared folder which is in the another PC

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 :: When Open Some Files Which Takes Long Time To Open?

Aug 27, 2011

I have CorelDRAW X4, when I open some file(s), which takes long time to open, even which file size is smaller or bigger.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Cannot Open Files With (open) Command

Jan 25, 2013

About a month and a half ago, after a microsoft update, I cannot open .cdr files from the file/open list.  When going to file/open, the programs hangs up, cannot even use "cancel", and have to go to Windows Task Manager to shut down the program.  All is well until I try to open a file from file/open. 

I can import .eps, and everything else seems fine.My work around is to open from My Documents --Which works fine.  Just is a silly little aggravation.

I have uninstalled, reinstalled, repaired, etc....all the normal fixes.

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GIMP :: Open First Image And Then Open Other Two As Layers

Jan 23, 2014

I'm using Gimp 2.8.6.Try as I might, I'm still trying to figure out how to effectively 'merge' 3 shots of the same scene taken at 3 different exposures (using the exposure bracketing feature on my camera).The idea is to end up with the equivalent of an HDR image.

I assume that I open the first image and then open the other two as layers . .

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Photoshop :: Unable To Open Files From The File OPEN On MAC

Jan 21, 2009

I am unable to open files from the file "OPEN". I can open from Bridge or open recent document, but not from just File, Open.

My operating system is Mac OS X.

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Maya :: Won't Open / Save Files / Open Certain Menu

Jun 7, 2012

I recently installed a student version of Maya 2012 on my home computer so I didn’t have to work from college for a project, but I have run into some issues.

Not sure what is going on with my Maya but it won't open files unless I actually go to it in the browser and double click on the file. Even once I have done that I can only save over it, save as doesn't work. I also can't create or set projects. There are probably more problems but these are the ones I noticed/really need.

This is what appears in my output window:

Could not find maya.utils._guiExceptHook.
Invalid Python Environment: Python is unable to find Maya's Python modules
Python Environment:
PYTHONHOME = C:Program FilesAutodeskMaya2012in
PYTHONPATH = C:Program FilesAutodeskMaya2012in;C:/Program Files/Autodesk/MayaPlugIn2012//scripts;C:/Program Files/NVIDIA Corporation/PhysX for Maya/Maya 2012/scripts

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Illustrator :: Won't Open AI Files After Upgrade To CS6 But Can Open Them In Fireworks

Sep 26, 2013

Cannot open .AI files, I have run all the updates but still having to use Fireworks to open AI files.

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Illustrator :: How To Open Files As Layers In Open File

Mar 1, 2013

I'm working with both Photoshop and Illustrator CS6 on a mac. I'm creating a graphic. The background is a (cartoonish) mouth and I finished it a couple of days ago. (It's an Illustrator file.) I've been working on the letters to go inside of the mouth, (Once I'm finished it'll look as though they're being crushed.) I scanned and edited small wooden letters in Photoshop, and now I would like to work with them with the background in Illustrator. I understand how to open a Photoshop file in Illustrator, but I don't want to open the document as a separate Illustrator file. Is there a way to open a file from Photoshop as a second layer?
Some of the letters repeat as well. Will I have to create two files for this, or can I open the same file twice?

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Lightroom :: Scrambling Raw Files - Affected Raw Files Open Fine In Other Programs?

Mar 27, 2014

After many years of using LR this is the first time I've encountered this issue (see 1st screenshot below). LR is scrambling my files. The affected raw files open fine in other programs, including adobe photoshop cc (see 2nd screenshot).

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Photoshop :: Unable To Open Files Or Create New Files In CC Trial

Oct 15, 2013

After getting no support from your phone support line. I am writing here in hopes that this issue can be resolved. I cannot open files or create new files in Photoshop CC trial.

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GIMP :: Transform 200 XCF Files Directly Into PDF Files?

Aug 31, 2011

I'm looking for a way to transform 200 xcf files directely into pdf files.

I had some try with convert command, but my 300ko xcf file becomes 20.0Mb pdf file

Is it possible to use gimp directly from CLI ?

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GIMP :: How To Open XCF File

Jan 23, 2013

I will do absolutely ANYTHING to restore this picture. I've been working on it for hours. I thought I learned my lesson from working for hours and not saving, but apparently my lesson might now be to save in 8 places while working.

I was working on a drawing, saving as I went, and my laptop shut off unexpected as I was saving. I thought it saved before it shut off, but when I came back on, it wouldn't open the xcf file. The preview still shows up, and the file is still 1.37MB. Is there ANY way of redeeming my drawing? Any other programs I could open it in or way to fix it?

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GIMP :: Won't Open Images

Aug 31, 2012

When I go to the open menu and navigate to a jpg image and click "OPEN", nothing happens. The open dialog stays but the buttons are greyed out.

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GIMP :: Saved As RAW Now Cannot Open?

Jan 15, 2013

I recently scanned in an old photo and thinking I was being clever and losing zero quality, I saved it as a "Raw Data Image" using GIMP.

However, I cannot open it now, GIMP doesn't recognise it, and when I select Raw Data Image in the File > Open dialog, it just shows a garbled image and some sliders/numbers for me to play with.

Can I save my image, or will I have to scan the photo again (after spending months talking the owner into letting me borrow it and scan it in the first place!)

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