GIMP :: How To Navigate Through Open Files Using Keyboard

Feb 13, 2013

How do I navigate through open files using the keyboard? I've tried ctrl tab, ctrl f6 - nothing seems to work

I've tried googling for keyboard shortcuts and 'how to navigate open files keyboard' and I can't find anything .

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GIMP :: (too Many Open Files) Error When Saving Or Open

May 6, 2013

I'm using Gimp 2.8.4 on a MacBook Pro.

I have been working on an image file for several hours now, and as a result, there were MANY files open (probably over 30).

I attempted to save the file, and recieved the following error message:

"Could not read the contents of [folder name] Too many open files"

I then closed each of the open files except the file I was trying to save, but got the same results.

The same error message pops up when I try to open a file as well.

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GIMP :: 2.6.11 / Win 7 - Can't Open PNG Files

Apr 7, 2011

I just installed GIMP 2.6.11 on Windows 7 64-bit, then tried to open a .png file.

Alas, instead of the image, I was surprised to see an error message box stating:

"Opening C:UsersmePicturessnapshot.png failed: Unknown file type"

I have GIMP 2.6 running perfectly on Windows XP (32-bit) and never had any such problem.

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GIMP :: Open PDF / PSD Files?

Apr 19, 2013

I only just found out about them when I was looking for some textures on Tumblr and I believe they basically change the color of an image, if I'm right?

How can I use them?

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GIMP :: Cannot Open PNG Or JPG Files

Mar 18, 2013

I recently upgraded GIMP to version 2.8.4. I just attemptes to open a PNG file and the open dialogue box stayed up and the file never opened. I tried with a JPG file and had the same result.

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GIMP :: 2.6.12 Does Not Open PDF Files?

Feb 10, 2012

Was working on a project this morning which is originally in a pdf file. The previous gimp opens it fine. updated to the latest and greatest gimp and now it opens the pdf file but only shows empty layers! No graphics at all. I reverted back to 2.6.11. It works fine again now. Is this a bug or is there some setting I am not aware of?

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GIMP :: Can't Open EPS Files

Oct 27, 2013

For some odd reason all of a sudden my GIMP will not open a ESP file! This is one of the two error messages I get:

Plug-in crashed: "file-ps.exe" (C:Program FilesGIMP 2libgimp2.0plug-insfile-ps.exe)

The dying plug-in may have messed up GIMP's internal state. You may want to save your images and restart GIMP to be on the safe side.

The second one is:

Opening 'C:UsersJLSDesignPicturesJosh's Gimp Workmonsterhead_ps15.eps' failed:

Procedure 'file-eps-load' returned no return values

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GIMP :: Can't Open PDF Files

Sep 29, 2012

I can't open PDF files on GIMP 2.6. I'm using Windows XP. What can i do?

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GIMP :: 2.8.6 Very Slow To Open Files?

Aug 19, 2013

I've recently updated to 2.8.6. I've noticed that opening files is extremely slow. Once the file is open it works fine, but it takes way too much time, even just opening folders. I use the program for photo editing.

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GIMP :: How To Open Files In A Stack

May 11, 2011

I'm editing hundreds of files that I can't batch process. I'm opening them in groups. GIMP is making me crazy by opening the files in a scatter over the desktop which requires extra steps in moving windows around in order to make my edits. Is there a way to open files in a stack instead?

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GIMP :: Attached Files Will Not Open

Nov 12, 2013

I am trying to view questions here and you know the "attached files'' that you have to click on in order to view? I am unable to open them. Instead of it opening it downloads a blank icon on my desktop. I tried with different browsers and the same problem.

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GIMP :: Can't Open Any File Type Except PNG Files

Jul 8, 2012

i can't open any file type except .png files.i think cause is from libjpeg and when i compile gimp didn't install and i has to compile with --disable-jpeglib or like this switch.

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GIMP :: Unable To Open Canon CR2 Files

Sep 19, 2012

I just updated to 2.8 and now can no longer open up Canon .CR2 files .

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GIMP :: Unable To Open / Manipulate PDF Files

Sep 22, 2012

I can't open PDF files on GIMP2.6 and manipulate it. Before, it was possible, but now don't. I don't know what changed on my computer.

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GIMP :: Will Not Open Files If Foreign Characters In Path Name

Mar 3, 2012

I am using Gimp 2.6.11. I have had the same issue with all older versions.

For whatever reason, GIMP refuses to open any file that contains non-English characters. For example, if I try to open a file called GoranDragićDunk.png, it will tell me there is no such file or directory. Changing the file name to GoranDragicDunk.png fixes the issue, so it's clearly to do with having Ć instead of C. Now, the problem is that it also does this if the foreign characters are found anywhere within the path, so that it will not open C:\My Files\NBA\GoranDragić\AwesomePass.png either because it contains the Ć within the path name.

Now, I know that older versions of programs such as Adobe Acrobat had this same issue, but it was fixed years ago. Am I the first person to notice this with GIMP? It shocks me that such a simple thing has not been fixed yet. Would I have to install a foreign-language version of GIMP?

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GIMP :: Unable To Open Files By Double Clicking

May 14, 2013

Running Mac os x Mountain lion (latest release 10.8.3 I believe) and Latest release of Gimp (just installed last week 2.8.4)

If I double click and open a file (file format doesn't matter, jpg,tiff, xcf etc) the file opens gimp and it opens correctly.

However If once gimp is open I try and double click on another file it pops up an error "The document "text.xcf" could not be opened. Gimp Cannot open files in the "Gimp Image" format.

If I then close gimp and double click that same file it opens gimp and the files opens as normal.

It doesn't matter if i'm logged in as administrator or a regular user. I've tried downloading the program and copying it back to the app folder again.

Perhaps I need to wipe out the GIMP folder in ~/Library/Application Support ?

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GIMP :: Open JPG Files With Japanese Text Characters ALWAYS Fails

Jan 5, 2013

I have a jpg of a Pokémon picture that the filename is Japanese character text, and Gimp ALWAYS give a "failed to open '?????????????.jpg'" error message when opening files containing Japanese characters!!! I can put Japanese characters using the text tool into a picture using gimp so I KNOW it knows the Japanese charset, but that error message ALWAYS occurs with images with filenames containing Japanese characters.

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Premiere Pro :: CC - Keyboard Shortcuts Won't Open And Settings Won't Sync

Apr 4, 2014

1) The keyboard shortcuts panel won't open so I can't change them.

2) My settings refuse to upload to CC no matter what I do. I've tried deleting the stored settings from my CC account. I've tried signing out of CC via the help menu in PP and then signing back in again. I've tried clening the media cache. Restarting/rebooting/opening new project etc etc.. all steps suggested in other posts but nopthing seems to work.

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GIMP :: How To Add Own Keyboard Shortcuts

Feb 13, 2013

Is there anyway I can add my own keyboard shortcuts?

For example, I want to save an image as a jpg The only way I have found is to 'Export' (Is this the right way?)

The problem is that after getting the File menu (alt F), there's no way of getting to the 'Export' option by one key stroke (I suppose you can always press the down or up arrow - but that doesn't count - takes too long)

Is there anyway I can create my own keyboard shortcuts?

If not, maybe I'll try AutoHotkey

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GIMP :: Use Keyboard Shortcuts

May 15, 2012

I would like to be able to use Keyboard shortcuts in Gimp. I see only a very few. Can I make shortcuts for things I use regularly? I need shortcuts especially for levels. save,deselect, hide selection outline, and some tools--

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GIMP :: Keyboard Does Not Work?

Jan 6, 2013

recently I installed GIMP on my Lenovo S10-3t netbook running Gentoo Linux, and for some reason I haven't been able to get the keyboard working at all. I have tried resetting everything to default, and reinstalling GIMP, but to no avail.

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Illustrator :: Disable Keyboard Shortcut For Open Adobe Bridge?

Sep 11, 2013

Is there a way to disable the keyboard shortcut which opens Adobe Bridge from Illustrator? Often when I'm working quickly I accidentally hit this (option command o) instead of (shift command o) to outline type. It halts everything to open Bridge, which I never use. Is there any way to disable this command?

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GIMP :: Can't Use Keyboard Without Activating Hotkeys

Oct 28, 2013

So I open up Gimp after installing the new Maverick operating system on my iMac, and now for whatever reason I can't use my keyboard without it activating the hotkeys.. So If I'm trying to rename a layer or even save my project, the only letters that I can actually type are the ones that have not been assigned a hotkey. Basically I have a bunch of new files named "vvv" or "ggjg" filled with layers that I can't organize by name, which is slowing me down considerably!

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GIMP :: Use Keyboard Shortcut To Select Different Tools

Mar 6, 2012

I like to use keyboard shortcuts in GIMP to select different tools or to nudge an image, but I frequently click on the layers window, which causes keyboard shortcut commands to then be directed to the layers window. So whenever I click to select a different layer or do anything with layers, afterwards I always have to have to click on the image window again to regain use of my editing keyboard shortcuts.

Because of this, I also often forget that layers window has focus and end up messing up my layers with key-shortcut commands intended for the image window. Is there some change I can make to my workflow or keyboard bindings to avoid this problem?

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GIMP :: Stop Responding To Main Keyboard

Jul 23, 2011

Just got my Wacom draw tablet working with GIMP....but now I have a whole new set of issues GIMP will not respond to either the Wacom pen or mouse then stops responding to my main keyboard and main mouse ., lets me draw a little on one layer and then just stops working. Today when I tried to configure the tablet settings in the tool box it didn't read the tablet at all. And yes the tablet was plugged in. I think I am starting to hate GIMP.

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GIMP :: Keyboard Shortcuts Disappear From Tooltips?

Aug 27, 2013

I'm using Gimp 2.8.4 on Kubuntu 13.04.

When I change to single window mode, the Shortcuts disappear from the tooltips of the tools window (ie. 'E' for Elipse, 'Shift+B' for Bucket etc). The tooltips still work, and I can still check them on the tools menu (alt+t). But it would be nice to be able to see them on the mouseover tooltip. If I close Gimp and reopen, the shortcuts show up again on the tooltips. But if I change to single window mode again, they will disappear one more time.

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GIMP :: How To Set Keyboard Shortcut For Brush Opacity

Sep 8, 2011

How to assign keyboard shortcut for brush opacity in GIMP...

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GIMP :: Click Function Into Keyboard Shortcut?

Nov 23, 2012

Any way to make the "click" function into a keyboard shortcut in gimp. I use a mouse, but the clicking interferes with my strokes (I like to hover my mouse gently. This way is faster and more presice for me.) I ould like to know if I can use a key like backslash or "v" to replace the clicking action when using brushes.

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GIMP :: Keyboard Shortcut To Switch To Next / Previous Tab

Aug 30, 2013

I have Gimp 2.8 and I am using Single-Window Mode. I have about 15 images open at the same time and I am doing repetitive tasks on each of them. I made keyboard shortcuts to do the tasks themselves but I still have to use my mouse to go up and click the next tab to start work on the next image. It would save time if there were a keyboard shortcut. I see that under the Windows menu I can use Alt+1 through Alt+0 to select any of the first 10 images, but I have 15 open.

I wanted to know if there is a keyboard shortcut to just switch to the next tab or the previous tab.

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Photoshop :: Using Tab Key Navigate Through Fields On Mac?

Jan 17, 2013

I've been working in Photoshop for about 8 years now. Most of my time using the program was on a PC at my old office. At home and at my new office though, we're Mac based. The only feature I miss about the PC version of PS is the functionality of the tab key. On a PC, you can use the tab key to navigate through any field in a dialogue box (i.e. in the Image Size dialogue, hitting the tab key will scroll through the fields moving from left to right, and then down to the next line continuing the left to right movement). On the Mac however, it only allows certain fields to be accessed using the tab key.

I have searched, The only answer I've come across is in the keyboard settings of the Mac, and it's an option to allow the tab key move the focus between all fields/controls. I have tried this option and while it works with every other program on my Mac, it does not change anything in Photoshop.

This may seem like a minor gripe, but when going through repetitive actions in PS and using my keyboard to navigate almost everything else, it puts a pretty big kink into my workflow to not be able to do this.

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AutoCad :: How To Navigate Around Program

Sep 27, 2012

I use Autocad 2011 to read and modify drawings supplied by my client for the design and installation of ducting. I was going along nicely although slowly due to my transition from Visual cad. These are two completely different program and Autocad seems incredibly complicated until you start to learn a few commands and figure out how to navigate around the program.

Anyway, I have had about 20 hours with the program and am on the bottom of the learning curve when for some reason, the method of working suddenly changed, I am not aware of making the changes and cannot see how to change back.

First off, if I drew a few lines and then wanted to delete them, I simply selected each line and pressed delete. This was the same for most commands, I would select the items and then click the command.

Now, I have to click the command, then select the items and press enter. The main problem with this is that to delete anything, I now have to select "cut" or "erase", select all of the items and then press enter.

What I want to do is select the items and press delete but the delete key no longer works. how to get back to using my delete key.

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