Edge Animate CC :: Getting An Animation To Start / When Scroll To It On Page

Jul 23, 2013

I have made an animation in edge, which I have then added into my Muse site. Is there anyway I can make the animation start when I scroll to it within the page.

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Edge Animate CC :: Animation On IPad Flashes At Start?

Oct 24, 2013

i have several Edge Animations embedded in a Webview which is running in an ipad app.
the animations are triggered by a button to start (although the same error occurs using autostart...), when they start they show a white or a black "Flash" (depends on the given background).
I´ve tried setting the background to transparent, but that doesn´t solve the problem.
The animations themselves are nothing fancy, no .svg´s for example. Just moving pngs, mostly.
Everything else runs very smooth on the ipad, except that start-flash.
(you can image how hard it is to do a websearch containing "Edge Animation" and "Flash" ).
 UPDATE: I forgot to mention that the Animations DONT show that behavior when tested in Safari on the Desktop-Computer.

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Edge Animate CC :: Collision-Detection With CSS And JQuery - How To Start Animation

Jul 25, 2013

I want to have some kind of collision-detection within two symbols. So when one symbol collides with another there will appear be text like "squash" or something.
I haven't found anything about collision-detecting in edge animate, but I thought I could handle it with looking for the same css-parameters of both symbols. Obj1 is moving to Obj2 on a motion path. Now I want to have a Text, when it reaches Obj2.So I tried it like this:
var positionobj1 = sym.$("obj1").css("left");
var positionobj2 = sym.$("obj2").css("left");
if (positionobj1 == positionobj2){

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Edge Animate CC :: Loading Page / Iframe And Animation At The Same Time?

Apr 13, 2013

I have a main page with a container (named BoxPlay) and a button. And I have an other page (page2) with severals animations on it : animation 1, animation2...
I would like to load the page2 but directly with one of his animations.
Code of the button :
var container = sym.$("BoxPlay"); 
container.append('<iframe id="currentPageHolder" width="'+container.width()+'" height="'+container.height()+'" src="pages/GallerieHomePage/GallerieHomePage.html" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>');
How can I specify to load also animation 1 or animation 2 ?

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Control Playback Of Animation Based On An Anchor In Web Page

Jul 12, 2013

Need to control playback of the animation based on an anchor in the web page. When the anchor comes into the browser viewport, it would trigger play, pause or stop.
And ... to control the flow/direction of the animation playback based on scroll direction.
The setup:
I would like to have the playback direction for Edge animations placed in a web page, to follow the web Surfer's scrolling direction.
Scrolling down or right, Animation plays forward.
Scrolling up or left, Animation direction plays backwards,
But, that's not all ... I would like to combine the scroll direction sync with ... Anchors
Image if you will:
Multiple Edge animations are placed at various positions on a web page.
Autoplay for each is turned off.
Wish to individually control the playback functions for each animation. - Start - Stop - Pause.
Wish to trigger their playback relative to when an associated anchor (becomes visible / invisible) is inside or outside, of the browser view port.
Sounding complicated?
I put up a web page diagram to illustrate the functions. [URL]....

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Edge Animate CC :: Browser Scroll Value

Apr 7, 2014

I have a task to control sym timeline with a browser scrolled. If my animation "enclosed" and I use "overflow: scroll" it works - the Stage.scroll works. But I need to to have my animation not enclosed and with overflow:hidden, this means that my Stage don't have own scrolled bar and my browser scroller is not trigger this action.
I think that usage of JS API can solve my task - window.onScroll starts the calculation function and move results "inside" my animation as sym.stop(xx).

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Scroll The Stage

Mar 28, 2013

I want to divide the stage to 4-5 sections vertically or horizontally and by pressing buttons  to navigate/scrolling the stage in these  sections.

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Edge Animate CC :: Scroll Event Not Firing?

Apr 3, 2014

I'am trying to get a parallax type scroll to work.
I have my browser small enough so scroll bars are displayed.  I have set the stage's overflow to "scroll".  In the Stage "scroll" action I have the following:  console.log("scrolled"); 
But it never fires when I scroll. 
I've added a similar "click" action to a rectangle on the stage and that works.

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Edge Animate CC :: Scroll Certain Number Of Pixel Up / Down Based On Button Click?

Jul 21, 2013

I believe ScrollTop jquery works for scrolling certain number of pixels but how to use it in edge?

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Edge Animate CC :: Stay Centered On Browser Window When Scroll Timeline?

Nov 4, 2013

I have a Symbol that i would like to stay centered on the browser window when i scroll my time line. is this possible?
My stage is 2000px wide and 100% tall

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Edge Animate CC :: Two Edge Animations On HTML Page?

Apr 4, 2013

I followed the adobe tutorial to manually create an html page in order to have two edge animations on a page but it doesn't work well. The second animation starts but not the first one (I can see the first frame only).

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Edge Animate CC :: Removing Preloader From Start Of Project?

Feb 26, 2013

removing a preloader from the start of a project? I tried going back into properties>preloader and deleting it from the preloader stage, but when I publish it is still there.

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Edge Animate CC :: Next Page Effect

Oct 6, 2013

How to make next  page effect with adobe muse or edge animate ? URL...

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Start And Turn On Symbols From Buttons On Main Timeline

Mar 5, 2014

1. I have my timline. There is a button. I have made a symbol. This symbol should not be visible at the start. If I click the button it should make the symbol visible and start it.
So... What is the code I should give my button? Should the sybol be on the timeline? Should it be turned off or should I just turn off autoplay?
What I have so far is:
The symbol is in the timeline. It is set "on" and I can make it play with:
So far so good. My problem now is that the symbol should be over my button. So it is not possible to press it. So logically the symbol should be turned "off" (then I can click the button under it) and when I click the button the symbol should turn on and then play. So actually what is the code to turn it "on"?
2. I have a button in a symbol. Can this button controll the main timeline. It should for example got to frame Number 30 on the main timeline. Is that possible? What is the code I have to give the button?
I tried so many stuff and it wont work. I am new to edge and java script etc.

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Edge Animate CC :: Selecting Elements On The Page?

Jul 7, 2013

There are several elements on the page. When there is one group or element on a page, i find it difficult to select other elements.
 i know hiding the element would allow me to select other elements. But I need to see other elements when working on the image.

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Edge Animate CC :: Keep Image (logo) Centered To Page?

Oct 12, 2013

I'm trying to centre an image to the centre of the browser using the responsive settings. My problem is that I can centre the image, but as soon as I start to scale upwards or downwards the Logo isn't staying in the middle of the browser.

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Edge Animate CC :: Landing Page With Adobe Animated

Feb 28, 2014

how to create awesome landing page in adobe edge animate cc..and awesome circule count town timmer.

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Edge Animate CC :: Make Menu With Page Highlights?

Jul 16, 2013

Is there a way to make a menu in Edge Animate so that when you are on a certain page, that page is highlighted on the menu? I want to make it a server side include <!--#include virtual="/menu/included.html" -->

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Edge Animate CC :: Incorporating A Custom Cursor On A Page?

Mar 19, 2013

I have been trying to incorporate a custom cursor on my website. Nothing too exciting, I just want the normal cursor's tip to glow over the page so I designed it and saved it as a png but I am having trouble making it work.

This is an example I have been trying to recreate, but with no luck [URL]....

I can't figure out what I am doing wrong, even when I try to recreate that example, the cursor doesn't show up.

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Add Animation To Muse

Apr 17, 2014

How do I add animation to Muse?  I wish to bring a png file into an existing background.

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Edge Animate CC :: Delete After Animation?

Oct 20, 2013

I create a child symbol on the stage animate it and store the varible in the window
var infoscreen = sym.createChildSymbol("_01", "stage");
window.infoscreen = infoscreen;
I put a Btn_inside the symbol and want to delete it. But first -  I want to fade out the symbol. I dont know how to do this. So the animation has to be complete before delete, but how?

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Speed Up Animation From Js

Apr 14, 2013

Is there a way to speed up animation? For example I have 5 sec animation. I want to play it normally (5sec) and play it reverse for 2 sec.

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Edge Animate CC :: Embedded Google Map Won't Display Properly On Page

Jan 17, 2014

he problem im having is that the google map will not start at the target address when I place the code for it in   creationcomplete. It only loads properly  when I place the code in a   trigger on the timeline . Although it loads slow when in a trigger.This is the code im using in the creationcomplete and in the trigger.
var container = sym.$("container");var map = '<iframe width="'+container.width()+'" height="'+container.height()+'"   frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=7120+Boul       +St+Laurent,+Montreal,+QC,+Canada&aq=0&oq=7120+boul+st&sll=45.534114, 73.617124&sspn=0.006907,0.016512&ie=UTF8&
this is what it looks like when I place the code in creation complete..you see the map is thier but it doesnt start at the target. It doesnt start at the right address..This is what the map looks like when I place it in a trigger on the timeline.you see it loads correctly on the target address.

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Edge Animate CC :: Rollover And Rollout Animation

May 8, 2013

I am using the rollover and rollout features to get a slide up and down kind of button panel.  However when I rollover each of the three section (it's divided into three panes) it gets really twitchy and won't do the roll up and down smoothly are do it at all. URL....

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Edge Animate CC :: Opening URL Only After Completing Animation?

Dec 11, 2012

I have this button that, when clicked, opens a new URL - window.open("http://www.xxxxxx.xxx", "_self"); - after playing a 1000 ms animation. The problem is that it changes to the new URL too soon, before completing the 1000 ms. I tried a setTimeout, and it worked great, but it's not so elegant as it depends on the user's computer/net speed...

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Edge Animate CC :: Starting The Animation With Scrolling?

Jul 14, 2013

How do I make my animation play when someone scrolls down where the animation is located?

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Edge Animate CC :: No Animation In Browser / Just Blank

Oct 27, 2013

I created a simple banner with a couple of basic animations. I never even touched any code. Only basic images are used, no triggers, no symbols.If I preview within Animate, everything works fine.
As soon as I hit ctrl+enter to preview in my browser, everything just stays blank. I checked in multiple browsers, all have the same result with no errors in console.Autoplay is turned on.

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Make A Loop On Animation

Sep 28, 2012

I am a graphic designer and I work on w7 64.I find the latest version of Edge Animate.I saw several tutorials, amongst those showing how to make a loop on an animation. I proceed as explained in the preview on my browser (Chrome), the animation runs, but no loops.In fact, I tried other interactions and other triggers : nothing of these works there!

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Edge Animate CC :: Masking A Circular Animation?

Nov 18, 2013

I need to create a mask that will hide the elements as they rotate out of a free-floating window. I have an animation currently that sits in a circular window and plays when the page loads. The screen shot below is from the page in Muse with the .oam file playing. The images are PNGs with transparent backgrounds so the animation plays over the background images. 

What I'm trying to add is an iris effect I've animated in Edge Animate. I haven't been able to hide the edges of the vanes in the iris during animation. I've tried to cut and paste code that I've found on this forum and others but I don't know much about coding and I haven't had any success. This screenshot is shortly after the animation starts to play as the vanes rotate out of the window:

Basically, I need to mask the iris animation to keep the images from showing outside the circular frame. I've found that the clipping tool in Edge only does square or rectangular masks. I have a PNG that I can use as a mask but the coding has really got me flummoxed. The mask:

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Edge Animate CC :: Starting Animation From JavaScript

Dec 10, 2013

I just made my first edge animate project and made a progress loader animation. Works well.When i placed the code in the site the animation was always on, so i've hidden the item in css
#Stage { display:none; }
When my animation is needed i'm making is visible however the animation has already been started in the background so wont begin the right place. I'm wondering should i stop the stage autoplay in the config and then start the animation in JS? If so how can i go about starting the animation via JS.
I've been playing around with  AdobeEdge.bootstrapCallback but cant seem to get it to play.

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Edge Animate CC :: Animation In HTML (WIX+Dropbox)

Jul 30, 2013

I created an animation for a landingpage on my website(built with wix.com).
My problem is, that wix.com has got no folder-organisation or upload-function and my Edge animation has *.html, *jscript and *.jpeg/*.png files.
In a Wix.com-forum, I've found a response, that said, that I should use external storage-websites for my files.I did so and put these files in my dropbox/public folder, copied the open links in the *.html file like this:
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge"/>
<!--Adobe Edge Runtime-->
    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"

But, when I copy the code into my wix-page-html-app (for not-wix-user: a small field to insert html-code),nothing happens...

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