I have create a small Edge Animate animation that I'm trying to add to our home page. After getting everything running and working properly in IE9+, Chrome, Firefox and Safari I moved it from the development environment to our live site. Then I viewed it on an older machine running IE8 and the down level stage worked great, but it disabled a jquery image slider and a little custom jquery script I wrote to polite load an embedded youtube video. The only cusomization I did to the edge files was to remove the loader for the included version of JQuery so that it would run the on I call from Google instead. This prevent intial conflicts between already existing jquery elements on the page.
I followed the adobe tutorial to manually create an html page in order to have two edge animations on a page but it doesn't work well. The second animation starts but not the first one (I can see the first frame only).
I'm trying to centre an image to the centre of the browser using the responsive settings. My problem is that I can centre the image, but as soon as I start to scale upwards or downwards the Logo isn't staying in the middle of the browser.
I have made an animation in edge, which I have then added into my Muse site. Is there anyway I can make the animation start when I scroll to it within the page.
Is there a way to make a menu in Edge Animate so that when you are on a certain page, that page is highlighted on the menu? I want to make it a server side include <!--#include virtual="/menu/included.html" -->
I have been trying to incorporate a custom cursor on my website. Nothing too exciting, I just want the normal cursor's tip to glow over the page so I designed it and saved it as a png but I am having trouble making it work.
This is an example I have been trying to recreate, but with no luck [URL]....
I can't figure out what I am doing wrong, even when I try to recreate that example, the cursor doesn't show up.
I have a main page with a container (named BoxPlay) and a button. And I have an other page (page2) with severals animations on it : animation 1, animation2...
I would like to load the page2 but directly with one of his animations.
Code of the button : var container = sym.$("BoxPlay"); container.append('<iframe id="currentPageHolder" width="'+container.width()+'" height="'+container.height()+'" src="pages/GallerieHomePage/GallerieHomePage.html" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>');
How can I specify to load also animation 1 or animation 2 ?
he problem im having is that the google map will not start at the target address when I place the code for it in creationcomplete. It only loads properly when I place the code in a trigger on the timeline . Although it loads slow when in a trigger.This is the code im using in the creationcomplete and in the trigger.
this is what it looks like when I place the code in creation complete..you see the map is thier but it doesnt start at the target. It doesnt start at the right address..This is what the map looks like when I place it in a trigger on the timeline.you see it loads correctly on the target address.
This is a tricky one, but it may just be that I don't understand the syntax,
Situation:I have an Edge Animate composition that is acting as an interface and container into which other content is embedded using an iFrame. I have several functions in Stage > creationComplete, and for one of the embedded content pieces, I want to include a button that calls one of the Edge functions.
Challenge: I have read about referencing elements within Edge when it is the Edge file that is embedded on an HTML page, but I cannot figure out how to reference Edge in the reverse.
I have tried these options where headerselect(page) is my function:
Need to control playback of the animation based on an anchor in the web page. When the anchor comes into the browser viewport, it would trigger play, pause or stop.
And ... to control the flow/direction of the animation playback based on scroll direction.
The setup:
I would like to have the playback direction for Edge animations placed in a web page, to follow the web Surfer's scrolling direction.
Scrolling down or right, Animation plays forward.
Scrolling up or left, Animation direction plays backwards,
But, that's not all ... I would like to combine the scroll direction sync with ... Anchors
Image if you will:
Multiple Edge animations are placed at various positions on a web page.
Autoplay for each is turned off.
Wish to individually control the playback functions for each animation. - Start - Stop - Pause.
Wish to trigger their playback relative to when an associated anchor (becomes visible / invisible) is inside or outside, of the browser view port.
Sounding complicated?
I put up a web page diagram to illustrate the functions. [URL]....
I have two compositions on a page and I identify them within the AdobeEdge.bootstrapCallback. As soon as the user scrolls to the first animation I want to start it with an external call (compId.play()). If this is the only composition on the page it does work correctly. But as soon as the second one is added to the page it doesn't play at all. If I trigger the first animation via the console (e.g. compId.play(1000)) the animation jumps to the 1000 ms mark but then it stops immediately and doesn't play on.
I am trying to create a page in Adobe Edge that loads a video without any controls (play, slider bar, volume, full screen) and then displays a replay button after the video finishes which will start it from the beginning.
Currently I am able to load the video file and have it play to the end and stop, but I can't seem to get a replay button working. I also can't find a way to disable controls on the video so they do not show.
Here is the code I am using to load the video:
// insert code to be run when the composition is fully loaded here $("#Stage").css("margin","auto") sym.stop();
As you can see, I tried a few ways of disabling the controls, and I also tried adding the replay function to the button itself, but neither of those worked. controlling the video control display and replay function in Adobe Edge would be very useful.
The Elements window in Edge Animate seems to be unstable. When I right-click in the field to modify an asset, Edge often crashes with the resulting error message:
Edge Animate - Exception An error occurred. Please save your work and restart Edge Animate.
how I can control another Edge animation and/or html element of a single page from a custom Edge animated button? For example, I created an animated tabbed buttons in Edge, then I want to animate a different Edge animate once I clicked on a button in the other Edge animation. I want to add multiple Edge animation in one page instead of one big Edge animation. This is partly because the design of the page is done is Muse with the parallax effect.
I did take a class for it in college so I know the basics, but still learning. I am trying to create a very basic animation where I have 2 assets that begin off the stage on either side. I would like the elements to slide in from the sides and meet in the middle with about a 20px overlap. I tried setting a keyframe for both elements at 0 seconds and setting the X translations to -2000px and 2000px and then setting another keyframe at 5 seconds and changing the X translations to 48% and 52% respectively. This got me the desired effect, but only because I have such a large monitor. If the browser window is resized or the screen is smaller, the effect does not stay the same due to using percentages to center the elements.
is there a way to animate elements to the middle of the screen without percentages(maybe by using margin:0 auto or something)? Or is there a way to accomplish what I am looking for so that the positioning of the elements is the same regardless of browser window size?
In Elements 11 it was announced that selecting difficult shapes like hair for cutting out people etc was a new feature.I actually now know how to do it now because I have a tutorial from Digital Photo Magazine, It didnt feature in the new guided edits or "How To" videos (Why not?)
I'm working on a small banner type ad for someone. The ad has the word "FREE" that turns on and off about every 1/8 second using opacity and placing the elements in different places on the stage - works fine.
However, is it possible to take one element (the "free" text) and have it randomly run at different places on the stage (jQuery I suppose)? My only reason for this is to learn something new and clean up the stage that currently has 30 elements, all duplicates!
Many users forget or even aren't aware of the fact that they can't have duplicate names for elements. Or in a long list of elements, they don't oversee which names are already in use. So they try to change the name, but it does not 'stick' (the name reverts immediately to what it was).
Of course it should be (or become) general knowledge and a good care that duplicate names won't occur, but just like with the prompt that warns for unallowed characters (spaces and all), it would be nice to prompt the user that there's a duplicate name.
I've been experimenting with different ways to control the appearance of my symbols and elements.
I've seen multiple examples where people would add custom styles to the head of the html document created by edge. I've tried this, but no matter how I tweak it, I can't seem to get it to work. I've tried adding it to the existing edge runtime <style> tag, creating my own <style> tag (both before and after the edge runtime) and then adding the CSS into that, but to no avail. I have tried adding the class to both symbols and elements on the stage using both jQuery and that class form field next to the element name. I've also made sure to close out of the project before I add my styles, just in case that was the problem.
I feel like there might be some edge animate terminology/notation thing that I'm missing, because it seems like it should be a pretty straightforward process.
I have managed to make some animations to include them in Adobe DPS for Ipad. Right now I have a doubt and I don't know how to solve it.
This is a map of Europe with some countries. I want to start the preentation bringing them one by one to the forefront by enlarging them and then reducing them again. ("Here comes Germany, Now, France..." and son on).
No big trouble. But the rub is that, as each country is in its own layer, some of them enlarge all right but some others are partially hidden by their neighbours when enlarging, as they are under those, in a lower layer. All the countries has been arranged in Illustrator and imported as SVG into Animate layers.
The question is: Is there any command to force an element in a layer to act, move or go 'forward' even if it is under the other one?
I've placed my Edge animation in an iFrame.I would like to be able to trigger the animations in the Edge file, by clicking on links in the parent document.
I created an HTML FORM, then loaded it into Edge Animate.
Now, that I have it there, I created a Div, however, I cannot place the form fields on top of the DIV.
It goes behind the DIV, and does not give me the option of appending it to the FRONT.
I sent the DIV to the Back, however, the Form Fields still remained behind the DIV.
How to work with imported HTML Form Elements within Edge?
I think that I might have figured this one out.However, you loose some of the properties, doing it the way that am trying it right now.Will post back my findings later on.
What is the maximum number of elements I can have in the timeline? I believe I have about 92 elements now and when trying to add another element it shows up at the top of the elements panel, but isn't showing up at all in the timeline?
I have tried converting some elements to symbols or grouping elements but still the new element I've added to the stage is not showing up in the timeline. I am not EVEN done adding more elements.
I can't seem to figure this out, and i'm at the end of my limited HTML and CSS knowledge. I created an animated background in Edge to use on my site, but the elements that should be hidden beyond the 1500px stage just sit there and are visible if you resize your window. i attempted to customize it with a #stage id and overflow:hidden but it did nothing.
my website is [URL] and if you resize your window past 1500px, or scroll over to the right, you can see one of the images just waiting until it is activated. i'd like to hide everything past the 1500px mark but i can't figure out how to do that.
the Edge Runtime script is in the head, including the <style> for .edgeLoad and .updateBack elelments. the <div id="stage" class="updateBack"> is the first line of code in the html, then the tag is closed and i have my main container.
I'm doing a chemistry animation and need a custom mask similiar to below:where a student presses down on one of the arrow buttons and this animates the numbers upwards until they let go of the button.
Is there an easy way to do this in Edge?And how would I go about controlling the numbers upward movement with the pressing of a button?