CorelDRAW X6 :: Pushing Objects To Layers Before Exporting To PSD?
May 27, 2013
The issue is that I have 3 machines I have designed with more that 80 parts each that I wanted to pull into Photoshop (they will be part of a web site) with layers so that I can texture them further. Is there a way (script or built in) that will put each object onto its own layer? Creating layers and drag/drop is going to kill my project time.
I found one plugin that is meant to do it but errors out in CorelDraw X6 x64. Scatter to layers, was the name I think. I'm sadly completely useless at any thing code related so I can't even edit the one I found to fix the errors.
This isn't an error but just a cross compatibility issue. Corel should look at adding the "treat objects/groups as layers" in the PSD export dialogue.
Having issues with exporting files to an .eps format - using "selected only" some of the objects that I have selected do not get exported - ie. they are missing from the .eps file altogether.
On top of that, most of my colours get washed out to a grey scale - I do work in spot colours.
I was hoping this feature would be added in X6, and in retrospect I should have asked about this before they released X6 :S
When exporting to PDF in Corel it would be great if there could be an option to get rid of the layers. The problems with layers in PDF it uses a lot more resources and when I combine 20+ PDFs together it barely opens on slower computers. Also, my clients can see what my layer names are in the PDF and I would prefer if they couldn't.
I am drawing pictures for the Second life game. I need that the file I export to be exactly 512 X 512 pixel, and TGA format. Of course, the objects in the picture are small, and don't use al the 512X512 space.But even when objects don't use all the space, I need my "small objects within the 512X512 size file.
Although my picture is, in corel draw 512 X 512, when I export to TGA , I have no the good results.I use yhe File/export/menu and define TGA Bitmap for format.
On the following menu,
if I click on "Maintain original size", Objects remains with original size, but the file size is reduced to fit around the objects..
If I click on "Maintain aspect ratio",, I can fix the size file to 512X512, , but the objects are streched to fill the 512X512 file.
The only way I found to avoid resizing is adding a 512X512 transparent object on the background, but I wonder if there is a better way to do it.
Long of the short of it is, when I export a vector graphic as eps format it is changing my pantone colors to black. Not just 100% black but like 2% Magenta, 4% Yellow, 95% black. When I export rgb or cmyk objects, not a problem. It only has issues when it involves a pantone colour.
I have never had issues with this from the past 8 years I have worked with CorelDRAW. This was also something that just randomly happened, no computer upgrade, no major software changes, nothing.
I am currently running Windows 7 64bit with CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5.
I came across this site a few weeks ago and was happy to see that a community like this existed. I am new to CorelDraw and have been playing around with it because my friend just bought a Roland GX-24 vinyl cutter and I wanted to make some designs for it. I, however, am overly experienced with Photoshop and not enough with CorelDraw, but would like to balance that out.
I came across my recent predicament when I exported my CorelDraw image into Roland CutStudio and it wanted to cut all the underlying curves from each layer, instead of the black and white image as it appeared. I wasn't surprised this happened because I couldn't figure a way to join/ merge the curves before I exported, but I was still hopeful that it might cut the image as it appeared.
This first object is a blade layer and as you can see from the picture, when selected, its curve goes right through the other spiral object. How can I merge these curves? As it stands right now, I can't even figure out a way to select the two of them at the same time, let alone join the curves.
....and vice versa in this picture, the spiral object when selected goes right through the blade
....and in the foremost layer of the image when selected, the curves also continue through the spiral
Here is a picture of the current layers for this whole image. The front layer I paint bucket filled numerous portions of it with white so it stuck out above the bottom two other layers, so all the fills make it a group of 161 objects, and the next layer is a group of 2 objects which are the spiral and the blade from the first 2 pictures.
My question is how can I merge or join all the curves in the entire image, essentially flattening the whole image as it appears?
I have finished my works using only one layer( a bad habit I know) and now I need to export them as PSD, and as You know it needs Layers so it can be editable on Photoshop.
I know the fact that I should import all the objects in single Layers, ie creating thousands of Layers for all the work, new layer for each object I import.
But is there any option for easy extraction of objects into single layers, one click option or much easier than going individually through each of them?
If not available, this type of option would work for CorelDRAW or any vector program, be really more effective and stay in touch with the requirements of the industry, especially when it comes, on creating vectors for web or apps.
My object manager all of a sudden decided to not show the objects on the layers. If I click the "eye" on the layer it will show or hide, but the names of the objects on the layers are not listed under the layer name.
If I right click on the layer, it has the check beside visible, printable, and editable. I have Corel Draw Graphics Suite X4.
I thought with normal you would not get any effects, but in fact, if you boost contrast on adjustment layer and keep at normal you get huge saturation boost -- unless you change to luminosity. So normal is not neutral?
Fro example when i release to layers in illustrator i than can use separete objects in after effects to animate it. In xara i find one option is to export separate layers as png. Is kind a way to go but not when i have my entire document with hundreds of objects on one layer.
I create various maps masterplans and often need to end up in photoshop Previously worked around the psd export feature. But I have found that most effective way for me is to export a flat file to photoshop then copy the individual layers from ilustrator into photoshop as smart objects effectively rebuilding the structure of the ai file in photoshop.
I am losing objects when I export to pdf from InDesign. Even if I make a simple file with one object, if it is over a certain size it will not export? This has just started recently, it also happens in Illustrator. I am using a mac.
I often produce graphics in CorelDRAW, export it as en eps file and insert it inside a MS Word document as an image and finally convert it to pdf. This way my vector graphics (often linedrawings with or without fill) usually is preserved in the final pdf document. I can zoom in and the lines keep on displaying perfectly sharp. This is important, since it easily looks bad when thin lines are turned into bitmaps, even when watched from a distance.
Now, in some graphics I created today, I had a circle with fountain fill and outline (symbolizing a sphere) put behind a filled rectangle, which had a uniform transparency applied to it. In the resulting pdf file, the 'sphere' was turned into bitmap. Inside CorelDRAW everything was vector graphics, but something was loast in the process. what happens with the graphics in the different steps in the process and eventually could explain a workaround to make everything look as vector in the final pdf file.
I am exporting a design for 3D printing, and it includes multiple objects. If I save each part as a separate STL file, and assemble them in my 3D printer software (Object), the alignment of different parts is lost.
If I save it as a single STL file all the objects are grouped, and I cannot select them individually to assign them different properties.
I am using Autocad 2012 student version, and it does not allow me to select any option at the moment of exporting the files.
I have a PSD file with several layers that I need to convert into separate graphics for a webpage. I wanted to save all the individual layers as png files so I used the "export layers as file" script which took several hours and didnt finish over night. The PSD I'm working with is quite large, over 100 layers, 40MB. I tried to trim down the time by only converting visible layers and removing icc, but it's still taking forever. Is thier a faster way to do this process? I also tried the old copy, create new file and paste but for some reason the copy option is grayed out when I have a layer selected..
I took a .psd file (made by my coworker) and redesigned it. The problem is: he organized his layers so badly...made unnecessary clones. The design is a landing page for a website, now I want to send it to my web developer but he's a linux guy.
So on gimp he can't work on my .psd so well because of color formats. He asked me to cut all the images and turn them to .png. Hence I needed to run File> Script > Export Layers to files once that done I got too many similar .png as you can see (consequences of bad layers organization?)
Do I need to delete unwanted/similar images to make my web dev work easier? Last thing I saw that -in the export layers to files panel properties- transparency and trim boxes was checked and I set it to PNG24.
When exporting files to layers is there a way to get rid of the prefix (_0000_ , _0001_ , _0002_ ...etc.) after exporting?? I obtained a script from someone on this site before for PS7 which did not do that.
I have imported an avi movie into Imageready, and now every frame of the movie is on a single layer.
Now I'd like to know, if there is a way (action?) to export every layer as a single jpg. My goal ist to add filters to every single jpg (with batch processing) and render them into a new movie.
The 'Export layers to files' script is extremely helpful to me. I would like to be able to add a logo to each layer before it is saved which I cannot figure out how to do. The script saves the layer as is so an adjustment layer type solution does not work. I took a look at the javascript and I don't know enough to start calling other .psd's merging and closing them in the middle of the script.
I get what I need to do by loading up the saved jpg's after running the script and running an action on them to add the logo and resave, but this is a bit of a pain when there can be a hundred plus layers.
I am using CS6. When exporting layers to files in Scripts, I get an error message Error 519: Server Interface error. 'No component returned from CreateWidget'
I would like to export to dwg using my own layer standards. I see that you can load settings from file. it looks for a .txt file. how do I create a layer standard into a .txt file? is it something I need to do in CAD? how do I create an "export layer file (*.txt)" based on my office standards layering system
I have scoured the net for any Script-Fu or Batch to do this, and only find old code that is no longer good for gimp 2.6. For some absolutely insane reason (as far as I am concerned), gimp has failed time and time again (since their inception) to actually make it available to export multiple images at the same time. I literally have 300 layers, and for me to crop them all and save them as images would take an entire day.
Why hasn't this been made available? Is there any code or anything I can use to accomplish this task in Gimp 2.6? Photoshop allows it, and has since its inception! Why not Gimp? Is it that difficult to create? Are there really no plugins to do this?
I have created a layout in Illustrator (CS6) and seperated the individual images I require into named layers. My intention is to export as a Photoshop file (keeping all the layers), then using 'Script' in Photoshop to 'Export layers to files..', so I can get automatically save all the elements in the layout as individual transparent png.
When I export the files as Photoshop a warning comings up saying that 'some layer have been merged' and then when I open this file in Photoshop, all but a couple of text layers have been merged into 1 layer. I think it's something to do with the transparencies set in Illustrator but don't know how to resove this.
If it can't be resolve in the method I am using at present, my only other option is to switch off all but 1 layer in Illustrator and export this layer as a png, but as I have many elements to the layout (including on and off states) and this is just one layout page of many, this manual way of export the files will take me forever!
I can stop these layers from merger into one layer when exported to Photoshop, then any way I can automatic export the layers I have set up in Illustrator, as transparent pngs in a simular way I can in Photoshop.
I've wrritten a plug-in to export the layer as jpeg.everything is fine except that the current document becomes unsaved after exporting the layer.
I want to know that it use to be so or I'm wrong anywhere?
the process which I followed ---
1-) Created an empty Artset and filled it with layer contents. 2-) Then Rasterize the Artset. 3-) Then created a data filter containing the path where to export. 4) Then used AsJPEG( ) to create jpeg.
the code above shows how I managed to export a artboard with all layers to PNG-File. My question is, if there is a faster way to combine all layer before exporting, maybe a way without the "temporary layer" (Rasterize(...)-method)?
When I export with the standard-export-button in Adobe Illustrator, it runs fast and with all layers.
I want to print the file with these layers selected individually, so that if I have two text layers "Cow" and "Dog", I get two similar images with different text.
How would i automate this? It would take a lot of work to select each layer and save the files individually.
I used to export layers by deleteing the ones I didn't want, then exporting as an illustrator file, then undoing all the layer deletions.
Recently I had to switch up so that I call another plugin which inserts information into the file I'm working on. Then that plugin sends control back to the original to do all the ai file exporting I mentioned above.
Somehow after I get controll back I cannot undo the layer deletions. Does it have something to do with the "nested plugins" notes in the contexts sections of the undo documentation.
I have to confess I don't fully understand these "contexts". Also if there's another way to export a layer of a file other than deleting all the other ones.