Illustrator :: Exporting As Smart Objects
Oct 16, 2012
I create various maps masterplans and often need to end up in photoshop Previously worked around the psd export feature. But I have found that most effective way for me is to export a flat file to photoshop then copy the individual layers from ilustrator into photoshop as smart objects effectively rebuilding the structure of the ai file in photoshop.
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Jul 27, 2012
i wanted to copy a few objects at once to photoshop and i was hoping it would bring them in as seperate smart objects.... instead it came in as one smart object. is there a way to bring in a few layers at once as smart objects? i know i can export as psd but it rasterizes
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Mar 4, 2013
When we import something from illustrator or indesign as a smart object, for some reason the objects width and height will not keep their dimensions in proportion.
When the asset is first imported as a smart object it says the width and height are exactly 100%. However after that if you try to change the dimensions they will be out of proportion, usually the width will be 100% but the height will be out by about 1% to begin with. When you scale up, the percentages fall further and further apart. See image attached.
This has become a real problem for our workflow as the creative director insists we must correct every layer which has this issue by typing in the sizes manually, but then this doesnt always fix the problem either depending on which version of photoshop you are using.
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Jun 24, 2013
When we try to open smart objects from within Photoshop CC, they're looking for Illustrator CS6. On machines where Illustrator CS6 is uninstalled we get errors. All the file associations in Bridge are correctly set. Is there a way to change the file associations for smart objects?
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Jul 18, 2013
After placing an Illustrator file in Photoshop as a Smart Object, then double-clicking the object in Photoshop to edit it, the only swatches that remain in the Swatches panel are global ones. All the other swatches have been removed. (This is with the embedded file that opens; the original is unaffected.)
I assume this is by design, but any way of preventing it from happening, other than tediously changing every swatch to global before doing the embedding? And yes, I can always re-load the swatches afterwards, but that's also an extra step I'd like to avoid.
This is all CS6 in Windows 8.1.
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Jan 4, 2014
In AI, smart guides indicated "intersection" when I am drawing a path or moving an object to align to the intersection of two guides, when I release the mouse, the object I am moving/drawings jumps slightly off the intended alignment intersection. If I continue to try to move it to align, it jumps to the other side or back to where it was but will mot match the intersection.
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Dec 20, 2012
Often after making vectro pictures in illustrator i use exporting to Photoshop like a SO. But i can't realize, why after exporting some elements like a blur or transparent mask is losing?
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Aug 18, 2013
I have created nearly 25 smart collections in a hierarcy for my workflow ... do we have any command in order to save them all together and later recreate them with their names, rules and in their original hierarcy?
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Mar 5, 2014
i am a photographer who shoots on the road and has a digital tech/retoucher that is away from the location. with lightroom 5, i was excited to export my catalogs with smart previews at a fraction of the size to send out to the digi tech for editing. the plan was for him/her to then send back only the catalog files which i could apply to the original master files and export finals for the client. i assume this is possible, but am having trouble dialing in the workflow.
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Nov 17, 2013
Is there a way to have an image automatically go in to a smart collection when exporting to a specific folder? I have a folder on my desktop that I export every image I want to upload to flickr. I'd like very much for these to also be added to a smart collection.
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Jan 7, 2013
I recently upgraded to CS6 Master on Mac Mountain, and noticed that smart objects in Photoshop don't open in their respective applications. For example, when I double-click on the smart object, they open in Preview instead of Illustrator. How do I prevent Preview from opening smart objects? How do I make smart objects open in the application in which they were created?
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Dec 13, 2008
Ok, so the title of this post sounds confusing. First off, I created a graphic in Illustrator CS3. It is to be used on a web page created in Dreamweaver CS3. I want to be able to streamline the editing process by using the Smart Object linking feature between Dreamweaver and Photoshop CS3.
Obviously, the problem is, I cannot link the Photoshop source to Dreamweaver because the source is not a Photoshop file, it is in Illustrator. The obvious solution to that is to export the Illustrator file as a Photoshop file. The problem with that is, I want to maintain the source in Illustrator and make edits in Illustrator.
So, my solution was to place the Illustrator file in Photoshop and make the Illustrator file a Smart Object in Photoshop. Then link that Photoshop file to the Dreamweaver page. So, basically, Photoshop is just the link between Dreamweaver and Illustrator. It works well! I click the little edit button in Dreamweaver abd it calls up the file in Photoshop. Then I double-click on the Smart Object layer in Photoshop and the source comes up in Illuistrator.
Now, here is the problem. To add to the confusion, I maintain versioning in Version Cue. So whenever I change the Illustrator file, I check it in to Version Cue. The Illustrator file I linked to in Photoshop is the local file on my computer. This file is syncronized with the version of the file that gets uploaded to Version Cue. This may sound complicated, but to see how I did it is pretty straight forward.
My assumption was, when I double clicked on the Smart Object layer in Photoshop, I would get the local copy of the Illustrator file to edit. But, that wasn't the case. Problem is, I got a temp file of the Illustrator graphic and NOT the original source file I linked to in Photoshop.
I can still edit the temp file and have those changes automatically made in Photoshop and then update the image in Dreamweaver. BUT, when I got to check in the new edits of the Illustrator file to Version Cue, it wants to create a new file and not rev-up to the new version of the original file. That's because the file I'm checking in is NOT the original file, it is a temp file.
Does anyone else use a workflow like this? If so, how do you do it?
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May 20, 2005
A lot of the hype about CS2 has been around the Vanishing Point tool; Certainly it's cool, and it's probably the easiest feature to awe an audience with. But I think there is a new tool that is waaay more useful: Smart Objects. This is a feature that Adobe has done a terrible job of advertising and explaining—looking at most descriptions of it, it seems to be relevant only to those who often import work in from Illustrator or other apps. I use it just within Photoshop and I'm totally blown away by its power.
What exactly is it?
Smart Objects allows you to take a layer or group of layers and treat them as a single unit—a unit that you can scale, warp, and transform in any way you like without losing any of the data from the orginal layers that make up the "smart object" set. This smart object can be duplicated as many times as you want, and then it is possible to edit the master smart object and see all the changes applied at once.
Here I have a set of four layers—the white shape, the green square, the red circle, and the blue squiggles, which I have combined into a smart object. I then duplicated the smart object and applied different transformations to each one.
Now I double clicked on one of my four smart objects, and in the sub-document that opened, I moved the green square layer up, and added a new layer with a black yin-yang. I saved and closed the subdocument, and all four instances of the smart object in the main document updated with my changes.
The other cool thing that smart objects allows you to do is undo a transformation without losing any of the original resolution.
In this image, I took a raster graphic, duplicated it, and put one inside a smart object and left the other a regular layer. I transformed both of them the same way, and they looked identical. But when I transformed them each again, to try to regain the original shape, the smart object looked significantly better.
How to get smart objects
Select one or more layers in the layers palette, and ctrl-click or right click and select "Group into new Smart Object." Now, you are free to transform and duplicate this new object however you wish. (Note: To duplicate a smart object so that all instances update together, duplicate it in the layers palette as you would any other layer; to duplicate it so it is independent, use "New Smart Object via Copy" in the Layers Menu.) Now, when you wish to edit the original set of layers, double click the Smart Object in the layers palette, and it will open them in a new document. Save and close it when you want your changes applied to your main document.
Smart objects are an incredible tool to add to the arsenal of "safe photoshop practices." Always use adjustment layers, not direct adjustments; always do everything on separate layers; save important history states; use vector art for clean, scalable shapes and text; and convert layers to smart objects before transforming them. (There are certainly more, but these are the ones that jump to mind.)
A little sidenote:
This is a little animation I did using smart objects and the new Warp transformation. It's fairly ugly, but the point of it was to demonstrate another use of Smart Objects. I won't go into how it was done here,
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Apr 7, 2009
I have created a smart object in cs2 to help me create a webpage, but when I transfer the file to image ready it says it does not understand the smart object. When I go back to photoshop it has turned my smart object into a flat image that can not be altered anymore. Can anyone help me or give me some advice with this please. I know its an older version of photoshop, but it dosen't make sense that they have not made the two programs compatible for smart images.Â
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Sep 25, 2008
I am using version 8.0.
I now want to transform my layers into smart objects but don't know how to do this.
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Aug 13, 2013
I use to copy over a layer into a file. as a smart object, transform it. Then if I needed to replace the image. I would double click and the contents would open as a .psb file. I could then replace the image and save it and it was updated in the main comp file.
Now, if I double click I just get Camera Raw? If I choice edit SO same thing. Replace content lets me choose another file, but I don't have the open .psb which I could work on before saving it back.
What am I doing wrong now to not get the .psb to open and edit?
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Jul 26, 2012
after resetting photoshop prefrences i noticed one problem, after resetting i cant select smart objects such as UI Kits or even text objects when i select the move tool and try to select it it doesnt select and show box around it why ?
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Aug 15, 2013
Inside the Camera Raw 8.1, Inside the Workflow Options, I Checked the Box for Open In Photoshop as a Smart Objects.I noticed Inside the Camera Raw, Open Image box turn to, Open Object box. I click on open, and It opened the Image as a Smart Objects Inside the Photoshop.
If I make any changes to the Image, and If I Double Click on the Smart Object, It will Open In Camera Raw again which Is good.I also noticed If I do any changes to the Image Inside the Camera Raw to the Smart Object after clicking on Open Smart Objects I see the changes Inside the Photoshop also. But If I do any changes to the Image Inside the Photoshop,and later I Double Click on the Image the Image opens Inside the Camera Raw, without any changes.
The Smart Object Image Is still a Raw Image ?I know If I open a Raw Image Inside the Camera Raw, and If I click on Done, the image is still a Raw Image, which Is good, and If I click on Reset Bottom, It will reset It back. If I only change the White Balance and Click on Done and go back to the Camera Raw again, and I choose As Shot, the Image goes back the Original Raw file.But If I do other changes such as the exposure, any color change, and click on done I can never go back to the original..
In the past month I been working with the Lightroom, and I noticed if I open a Raw image Inside the Lightroom, and do any changes to that Image,, any time I can click on the Reset and the Raw image goes back to its original.I don't think we can do this with Camera Raw can we ?
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Nov 13, 2013
In Photoshop CC, smart objects that have a layer mask, always say they're at 100% (width and Height) even if they've been resized. If there is NO mask, the correct size appears. I hate this. It wasn't like this before, at least in CS4. Any reasons for this?
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Nov 2, 2012
I've been working on some very large files where the primary image is converted to a smart object. For security I've backed up the PS files to another drive. Is the smart object part self contained? or stored as a separate lined file? Like if I had a PS file in illustrator. Backing up the Ill file would leave the image file behind?
I just don't want to get surprised with an X in my layers down the road.Â
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Feb 24, 2013
When opening and saving documents with smart objects photoshop freezes the adobe PS loader (circle dots) is replaced and the system loader (multi colored wheel of death) spins for 30 seconds or more.
What I've tried so far based off looking at various posts.
Photoshop Preferenes
Save in Background offMaximise PSD and PSB file compatability neverCache Tile Size: 128kAdvanced Graphic Processor Settings: Basic & NormalLayer Panel options: No ThumbnailÂ
Observations and workthroughs to date
The file size and amount of smart objects effects the file expotentially i.e. The more smart objects you have the worse it getsThese files worked perfectly in PS CS5It also happens on files natively created in PS CS6The CPU is maxing out at 100% while PS loadsClosing or opening suitcase has no effect.Â
iMac 27-inch, Mid 2011Processor 3.4 GHz Intel Core i7Memory 16 GB 1333 MHz DDR3Graphics AMD Radeon HD 6970M 1024 MBMac OS X Lion 10.7.5 (11G63)Suitcase 4Â
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Jul 11, 2013
I have several Photoshop documents that I would like to complie into one Photoshop document as separate Smart Objects.
Can that be done in CC?
I used to use Russel Brown's Place-A-Matic Script, but that is not supported in CC.
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Aug 20, 2013
Any Extension that Links Smart objects. Much the same way you would link in InDesign or Illustrator?
I used to use one in CS4 'Smart Objects Link Panel',but since upgrading to CC I cannot use this extension.
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Feb 8, 2007
The help doesn't mention this as a benifit (that I can find), but I'm wondering if I can save on RAM by keeping a dozen layers in a smart object rather than keeping those dozen layers in the image itself.
I'm starting an image that's 30,000x10,000 pixels (8'x24' banner @ 100DPI), and I know my system is going to choke on all these layers even with 4GB of RAM and dedicated RAID 0 scratch disks.
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May 15, 2008
I've got a PSD file in which I have pasted some vector paths from Illustrator as a Smart Object. Everything works as expected.
When I save the PSD as a PDF, the PDF that I receive is entirely raster based. The vector based paths are not preserved as vectors - they are rasterized.
Is this a limitation of the Smart Objects, or is there some way to yield a PDF which would include the Illustrator generated artwork as vectors?
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Sep 1, 2007
I made a smart object and duplicated it about 10 times...
I want to make an edit to the contents of one but I don't want to edit every instance of it. Is there a way to edit only one at a time?
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Aug 10, 2007
when you convert somehitng into a smart object? What can you do with that object?
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Apr 6, 2008
I'm looking at now is described as a 15in by 10in file in the Info Panel. If I'm going to be printing to 4x6 photo paper should I use Smart Objects to downsize this image or does Photoshop print utility automatically do this without affecting the original file quality? If that's the case, then when exactly are Smart Objects even needed?
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Nov 3, 2008
I'm using a smart object in photoshop, I click to edit it in illustrator, make the changes and save but when I return to photoshop the Object is not updated and disappears from view leaving just a blank layer.
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Aug 13, 2009
There seem to be 2 kinds of smart objects: One kind where you can replace the contents, no matter what size it has and it will fit into the bounding box of the smart object which is already there.The other kind where this doesn't happen. Is there any way to control that behaviour? I found that in older PS-files, replacing contents always made the new content fit into the bounding box, but since CS3, the transformation stays the same which means I have to rescale the smart-object if the content-size has changed. Example:Imagine a game cover with screenshots on the back side. Now each screenshot is a smartobject.All Screenshots are at 640x480 (assumend the standard screen dpi of 72)Now I found them in a better resolution (1024x768, also 72dpi) and replace the old ones with "replace content". The old photoshop behaviour: Photoshop would fit the larger image to occupy exactly the same area than it's predecessor.The new behaviour: The whole Smartobject is enlarged by 160% (not the transformation parameters, the visual appearance.), I have to scale it down to make it fit to the old size. And I really wonder about having older and newer Photoshop-Files where these Smartobjects behave differently.Now did I miss something in the help section or is there a way to control this behaviour?
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Nov 6, 2008
When I try to edit smart objects via right-click>>edit contents (or double-click on the smart oject layer icon for that matter) this happens:
A.) if I disable [preferences>>file handling>>prefer ACR for JPEG files], PS calculates some seconds with intense HDD activity and then nothing happens visually, no window opens-up for editing, but the history log has the usual new entry "edit contents". Repeated tries result in repeated "edit contents" logs, but no visual changes.
[[In one instance the raster grahpic encapsulated into the smart object got enlarged by 200%-300%. But again, no window opened up for editing. I hit "edit contents" 3-4 times and I could always reproduce this. But ever since that day, it never happened to me again).
B.) if I enable [preferences>>file handling>>prefer ACR for JPEG files], ACR launches and displays the raster graphic the smart object is based on. Upon closing ACR, no window opens-up for editing the smart object.
I have been working with smart objects for some months now and everything worked fine. This bug started occurring some 3 weeks ago, but as I said, sometimes it works, sometimes not. I cannot find any regularities as to what could lead to this malfunctioning. The only regularity I found so far (but could be a coincidence) is that the smart objects affected by the bug were always (at least I don't remember any other case) .jpeg files that I opened in Photoshop(CS3) with abovementioned preference set so that ACR launches upon opening a .jpeg file. In ACR I alt-clicked the open button so that it says "open objects". So the smart objects were always based on a single layer .jpeg raster graphic opened in ACR.
My best bet would be that there is something that ACR writes into the smart object that isn't 100% identical to the way Photoshop would write smart object if I:
1) open the .jpeg file in ACR
2) click open/open copy (not open object)
3) convert the raster graphic to a smart object inside Photoshop itself.
But that's only a guess. I have quite a lot of work to do currently, but I hope to be able to provide additional information quickly enough if need be.
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