CorelDRAW X6 :: Opening EPS Files Sent From AI

May 29, 2012

I was sent a file from AI for reproduction in .eps format. Corel X6 distorts the art on import or open. The same file given to me as a pdf is fine. Corel Draw's strength is it's import abilities, and I expected X6 to cope with anything Adobe could throw at it from current releases.

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CorelDRAW X4 :: Opening AI Files

Apr 30, 2012

Most of the ai files I receive show to be compressed and I cannot do anything with them.  I think I should be able to open them with CD X4, which is installed alone and also in a bundle with my Wilcom digitizing program. 

Someone indicated that the two installations on one computer could cause problems, but it is convenient having both readily available.

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CorelDRAW X4 :: Opening CDR Files In X3?

Apr 2, 2012

i use corel x4at home load my files onto a flash drive ad ake them to work where we use x3 and i cannot open my cdr files.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Crashes On Opening Any Or All Files?

Jun 7, 2012

When I open a file the program crashes. It doesn't matter what file, they all cause the program to crash. It seems that X6 just cannot create the work environment unless it starts from scratch.

The solution I have found is to start a new document first and THEN open the file I want.  After that, everything is fine. I can open any files I want all day with no crashes. Kind of weird, but what the least it works. By the way, my files are typically small (less than 2MB) composed of a few jpegs, some text, and some simple vector shapes.

I am using the 64 bit version of X6 on a 64 bit pc running Windows professional with 8GB ram.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Crashing On Opening Old Files?

Aug 22, 2013

Corel Draw X6 and they crash the program each time. I've tried this on both the 32-bit and 64-bit Windows versions with the same results.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Opening Files From Other Versions?

Nov 14, 2013

In CorelDraw files, the color palette varies from one artist to another based presumably on the version of Corel. If one artist opens another artists files, some of the color (mostly black) appear as clear/white/invisible. Colors appear normally, however, for the artist to whom the file belongs.This may be also related to an issue with "black boxes". An artist opens an old color separation file or a color separation file created by another artist, and the color separation dialog tab in the print dialog shows multiple check boxes for "undefined" colors. These print out as blank color separations regardless of whether the box is unchecked.If all of the art is selected on the page, cut and pasted to a new page and the old page deleted, the undefined black boxes cease to exist.

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CorelDRAW X4 :: Saved CDR Files Keep Opening In PhotoPaint?

Feb 25, 2012

I have several book cover designs that I've been working on in CorelDraw saved as CDRs, but now when I go to open them, they open as CDRs in Corel Photo Paint, I don't understand why? I've tried the Open from File Menu and then Save As CDR , but it doesn't work either. Is it possible I clicked on something I shouldn't have? Also, I need to separate the background from one of the designs in bitmap, the image is as if its all grouped together and won't ungroup or let me edit it, I did not save in layers or masks (any other way I can still try and edit it?

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CorelDRAW X4 :: Opening Multiple Files In Same Instance

Nov 30, 2010

Some of you might also have encountered the nasty issue of CorelDraw (CorelDrw.exe) to open a new instance of CorelDraw for every CDR file being double-clicked for opening. After twiddling around and searching the web, I finally found out that CorelDraw.exe is case-sensitive for DDE commands. As such, using the DDE argument 'Open("%1")' won't do anything.The solution for CorelDraw X4 (CorelDrw.exe) is:

Application used:"C:ToolsOfficeCorelPROGRAMSCORELDRW.EXE" -DDE "%1"

DDE Message:[O("%1")]Application:CORELDRW_MOSDDE Application not Running:<empty>Topic:System

Corresponding registry file:-----------------------------------------Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCorelDRAW.Graphic.14shellOpen][HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCorelDRAW.Graphic.14shellOpencommand]@=""C:\Tools\Office\Corel\PROGRAMS\CORELDRW.EXE" -DDE "%1""[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCorelDRAW.Graphic.14shellOpenddeexec]@="[O("%1")]"[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCorelDRAW.Graphic.14shellOpenddeexecApplication]@="CORELDRW_MOS"[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCorelDRAW.Graphic.14shellOpenddeexecTopic]@="System"

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Opening 12 Files

Jul 24, 2012

Upgrading to X6 today due to Windows 7 issues, per IT dept.  Right off the bat, all the arrowheads on our lines are gone.   We always used third one on the arrowhead drop down, but now we have to select them all and add the arrowhead back in, and then change the other half to point in the right direction.

Bug fix for this or just suck up and change 1K drawings in our library?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 :: Opening X5 Files?

Jul 20, 2011

I have Corel Draw x5; our store computer has x4 installed on it.  We're having trouble opening files in x4 that were created in x5.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Opening Certain Files

May 7, 2013

I just installed X6 in a new computer ( the old one crashed and burned)  I had both X5 & X6 in the old computer.  Just installed the X6 in the new one.  Several old files created in X5 will not open in X6.  When I try to open them - they crash X6.  Have taken files to another computer and same happens.  These files open OK in X5.   I have tried 'resaving them' in X5 to V12 and opening in X6 - Crashes Corel same as before..?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 :: Hangs While Opening Some Files?

Apr 12, 2011

I have fully licensed X4 version. Last week i was receiving 4 different cdr files (cdr X4), created by other person (lets call him Jack). Files were ok, but there was some grammar mistakes, so I asked Jack to correct them and send files back to me. But! When he did that, I wasn't able to open theese files . My Corel hangs trying to open all of them. And it seems like files are opened and Corel is running,  but i can not see anything, even panels...Only gray or white screen is visible....  Today, 12 of April, i received files (created also on version X4) from another person and story repeats. It only happans with some cdr X4 files, other works just fine.

Common thing is that all of them are created on X4 version. I tried several times to reinstall my corel, but it did work. I downloaded trial version of Corel X5 on other PC, there i was able to open them, save for version 14, only then i could open theese files on my pc. But i can not do that all the time. Jack is very active client and trial version is only for a month =). I need to understand is it my Corel problem, or Jacks. But todays events, shows it is my problem. I have a feeling, that it might be some corel updates, which prevent my Legal Corel X4  to open cdr files, created on Pirate Corel X4 version. Can it be true? Conflict between legal and illegal versions... If trully, such  updates took place last week

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CorelDRAW X4 :: Blank / Black Screen When Opening Some Files?

Aug 23, 2012

Blank/Black Screen when opening some CorelDraw files.  

I have several hundred CorelDraw files with various images and design that I use for printing for our business. 

Recently I have opened files to discover either blank or black screen in the CorelDraw file.  I can use Object Manager to see that the image and text are still present, but I cannot view it.  I can also export the image to a PDF even though I cannot view it.  Other files open without any issue.  One file opened fine and then when I went to cut an image the file turned black and is now in the same condition as other files with the problem.  

Using CorelDraw X4.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 :: Opening / Importing EPS Files?

Jun 2, 2012

Last week I opened some .eps files into coreldraw 12 without any hitch. But two days later I am unable to open or import any of the eps files. I am unable to find out what is the problem. The files I opened and worked on earlier are now opening as static bmp files or they are just opening as a grey square with adobe illustrator written on it. I tried selected both (eps) and (ps, prn, eps ) from the file type while importing. Also I kept the sort type at default. But still it keeps giving me the invalid file type error. 

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CorelDRAW X4 :: Corrupt Color Pallet When Opening Old Files?

Dec 20, 2011

We are facing a strange problem in Corel Draw X4 and X3.First Corel Draw X4 corrupted its color pallet so that all colors were shown completely wrong.After that I tried to instal Corel Draw X3 which seemed to work ok. After a while when opening some older files, Corel corrupts these files. After I have opened them they are completelty empty and the file size is something like 10kb.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Not Opening Large Files?

May 30, 2011

We have tried this on 5 different machine configurations from XP (SP3) to windows 7 (SP1).

We do magazine outlays and therefore require large files. As soon as we go above certain size ( about 1.7GB), then the file will save. But try and open the file then we get an error. Disassembling the file gives an error on opening hte RIFF file. Try and import then erro is "cannot import empty file".

Quite a few people have given advice on using smaller files, but that is impractical. Our only viable solution at the moment is using files split into 10 to 20 pages each. Importing all the section, then creating the PDF and do not bother to save the complete file. We even went as far as building a test machine with up to 24GB of RAM and all the bells & whistles and only windows barebone + updates, no other 3rd party software except Coreldraw X5.

what the size of file is that Coreldraw X5 can handle? WHere are the limitations and is there a swap file setting?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 :: Crashes On Opening Files?

Jul 16, 2013

CORELDRAW 12 crashes on opening files.. I get the crash wisdard saying it is unstable..

it worked a few hours ago... this is my work computer. i use program to make silk screens

I am running windows 7

Problem signature:  Problem Event Name: APPCRASH  Application Name: CorelDRW.exe  Application Version:  Application Timestamp: 3fced9b6  Fault Module Name: CdrSty.dll  Fault Module Version:  Fault Module Timestamp: 3fceecf3  Exception  c0000005  Exception Offset: 000091c1  OS Version: 6.1.7601.  Locale ID: 1033  Additional Information 1: 9779  Additional Information 2: 9779cefde9fcb36e63d4c28219879671  Additional Information 3: 537f  Additional Information 4: 537f578d5c430251a71245316ee5988f
is it the CdrSty.dll file i need to reinstall. where to find and how to install

 i did find a ziped copy of  CdrSty.dll  but do not know where to place it..

yes i put in the orignial disk and try to repair it severial times..( said it installed all i needed)

unistalled the program and reinstalled it vie: the original disk several times  and still no go.

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CorelDRAW X3 :: Opening Older CDR Files - Format Cannot Be Accessed?

Dec 26, 2008

 When trying to open very old Corel Files (created in 1992), I get an error message stating that the format cannot be accessed.  Is there a way to convert these older files (perhaps originally made with Corel 1 or 2) with a ulitity,so that they will open in CorelDraw X3?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Stops Working When Opening CGM Files?

Mar 24, 2011

I recently have installed Corel Draw x5 and everything was working perfectly fine when all of a sudden it stopped opening .cgm files. It will pop up the message of Corel Draw has stopped working and then I click OK and it closes the program. Every other file extension I have tried opens prefectly fine.

Here are a couple of things that I've done so far:

1. Reverted back to a Default Workspace.

2. Closed out all Dockers.

3. Reinstalled entire program and all features. Updated all patches and Clean booted the PC with only MS Services running. (As instructed by Corel Support)

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Crashing When Opening Saved Files?

Jul 13, 2012

I find when i open any file i have saved as an X6 file CorelDraw crashes  ...the only way it works is if i open a blank template or older file (not saved in x6) first

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Opening CDR Files - Contains Invalid Object

Sep 8, 2011

I am not able to open an old existing file I can see it but when I try to open it I get a message 

Contains an invalid object

Click Abort if you wish to open file 
Click Retry if you wish to open file 
Click Ignore if you wish to open file  

nothing happen  what should I do ?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 :: Barcodes Appear As Fonts When Opening Files From Customer

Jul 14, 2011

We have a certain customer that sends us Corel Draw files with bar codes in them and sometimes the bar codes appear as fonts when I open the files, but sometimes other files come across as bar codes. What causes the bar codes to come across as fonts on some files? Is it something the customer is doing that makes the bar codes come across as fonts?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Error On Opening Files / Encountered Improper Argument

Nov 22, 2011

Some saved files will not reopen in CoreldrawX5 showing an error message 'Encountered an improper argument' and that is it!  Very frustrating as all the work seems to be lost and needs to be redone.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Slow When Opening / Browsing Files On Samba Folder?

Mar 21, 2012

I set up for a client of mine a new file server using samba.

Everything is working OK except the browsing/opening of files directly from the network drive,  using both  X4 amd X5 versions on windows XP and 7.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Copy And Paste And Opening / Saving Files Really Slow?

Aug 28, 2013

I am using corel X6 64 on a Dell optiplex 9010 intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 @ 3.40GHz 3.40 GHz. 8.00GB of RAM. Its taking about 1-2 minutes to copy/cut/open a file/save a file or even publish to PDF. On the same machine Same circumstances but different User i have no problem. I have to use my user because its connected to my email and at this company i cant change that. I have researched many forums and its not color styles or object styles. It does it on a new file with only one object created. I got a new computer signed on to my user account and the problem persists.

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Illustrator :: Linked PSD Files Not Found When Opening AI Files Via Shared Folder

Mar 17, 2013

My main user folder on the iMac is set to be shared (read/write, including all enclosed files) with my MacBook Pro. The job is a series of one-page InDesign files (they are newspaper advertisements). The IDD files contain a series of Illustrator files with linked PSD files.The idea is that we can both work on the .idd and .ai files in the same folder at the same time.
It's all working fine EXCEPT that whenever an .ai file is opened on the MacBook, Illustrator doesn't know where the linked PSD files are. We can update the link, but when the .ai file is then opened on the iMac and saved, the same thing happens the next time it is opened on the Macbook.
I don't want to embed the PSD files into the .ai files as sometimes I have to modify them and they can be linked to up to 20 .ai files.
G5 iMac OSX 10.7.5 / Macbook Pro OSX 10.8.2 / networked via FireWire cable / file sharing on, laptop user has Administrator status, all files are read/write, permissions include all enclosed files / CS6

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Illustrator :: CS6 Hangs / New Files Or Opening Existing Files

Apr 7, 2013

Date/Time:       2013-04-07 14:58:28 +0200
OS Version:      10.7.5 (Build 11G63b)
Architecture:    x86_64
Report Version:  9 
Command:         Illustrator
Path:            /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS6/Adobe Illustrator
Version:         723 (16.0.0)
Parent:          launchd [132]
PID:             10493
Event:           hang
Duration:        0.83s
Steps:           10 (100ms sampling interval)
 Pageins:         19
Pageouts:        0

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CorelDRAW X4 :: Opening AI File Into CS4?

Jul 19, 2011

I have a ai file that I can not seem to be able to openup in coreldraw. I have tried converting it to eps from an Illustrator program but still does not make any difference. The file comes up with an error occurred when processing and file connot be opened. Most of the AI files I get open up with coreldraw easily but there must be something different with this one that is stopping it from opening.

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Photoshop :: ACR Files Not Opening In CS6?

Feb 4, 2013

I recently purchased CS6 and loaded it to my desktop PC running Windows 7 and everyhing is fine.
I recently purchased a new laptop and loaded a second copy to it (running Windows 8). When I process a RAW file and try to open it in PS6 about every 4th file does not appear in the PS6 workspace. The file details show in the top left corner, the background layer appear, I supposedly can save this file but I cannot see anything. When I close PS6 and re-open it and re-open the ACR file, then open to PS6 if works fine.

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Photoshop :: CS6 - Opening RAW Files

Dec 9, 2012

I have Photshop CS6 Extended but when I click on the .cr2 which is the RAW file I keep getting an error message "Could not complete your request because it is not the right kind of document"

I have tried installing the camera raw plugin Photoshop Camera Raw 7.1

Installation failed. Error Code: U44M2P7

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Photoshop :: Opening RAW Files In CS5?

Mar 19, 2013

CS5 won't open RAW (NEF) files from camera on list (Nikon D3000).  My updates are current.  What next?

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