CorelDRAW X5 :: Convert PMS Tint To Its RGB Equivalent?
Apr 2, 2013
In CorelDRAW X5 I sometimes need to convert a PMS tint to its RGB equivalent. I have discovered that the RGB equivalents reported by CorelDRAW X5 differ — depending on which method is used. I saved a PMS tint to the Color Styles mini-palette, then right-clicked to open the Edit Color Style panel and determine the equivalent RGB components. However, if an object which uses the exact same PMS tint as used in the Color Style is instead examined in the Object Properties panel, different RGB values are reported.Â
I use coreldraw mainly for pattern making (as well as graphic design) but I would also like to make fashion sketches.
This page has wonderful brushes that would be perfect.
But it is for Illustrator. (Bummer, I dislike that Illustrator is more popular despite that CDR is easier to use). I have yet to purchase the brushes as I am not sure how I can use them in CDR.
I just installed X5 and I'm opening files from ver 11. Â It's all opening fine, but when I click on anything, the screen flashes pale blue. Â When I look at a print preview - it's ALL a blue tint. Â Can't work with that. Â I'm running Windows 8.
I am using those online translator for translating C# to vb. But it seems they are not working properly. what is the equivalent of this line in VB ?
Does Adobe CS 2 have and equivalent of Corel Painter? If I just want to create a paintbrush stroke that is wide at the beginning but tapers in the end (just like a painter would do with a brush stroke),
Im placing multiple instances of composition A into composition B. I've applied various filters to each instance of composition A. I would like to "expand" each instance of composition A within compoistion B so that I can alter each element seperately.
I have found the old legacy plugin Picture Package etc very useful. However It needs CS5 to be run in 32 bit mode. Is there an equivalent in CS5 (and CS6 when it comes) or Bridge or Light room?
I have Illustrator and Photoshop CS. Couldn't find any but still hoping one comes with either. CAPTURE (a screen capture utility).Corel CAPTURE: Enables several methods of image-capture It lets you capture a target area, small or large.
Is there an equivalent to DIR-SEPARATOR for search paths?i.e. the return from (gimp-gimprc-query "script-fu-path")As the path separator is different on Windows and Linux (and who knows what on Mac)
Used Solidworks at my old job, now starting to use Inventor.
One feature I remember, was 'copy with mates' within an assembly.  See [URL] .... for info
I could grab a component (which had mates) and quickly copy it and place it by selecting relevant surfaces, lines, planes  etc and it would be inserted as a second instance, fixed in appropriate place.
My problem in Inventor, is that I insert a repeat of a component, but I have to re define each mate individually.
Any work around to apply multiple instances  of components which are constrained within an assembly.
I've finally made the jump from ACA2008 to ACA2011..I'm slowly getting used to the Ribbon, but there's something from 2008 I dearly miss: the Properties Toolbar . Now, I may just be missing something in 2011, so I thought I'd post to find out...
With the Prop Toolbar I could select anything on screen (whether an entity, object, text, dimension, whatever...) and just look up at that toolbar to know what color & linetype that selection was. I strategically placed this toolbar above the Layer Properties Toolbar so I could add layer identification to said selections.... Well with 2011, if I select something, I have to make sure to click on the Home Tab to see the Layers Ribbon. If I want to see the properties, I have to open up the properties window. Plus, the window needs to be pulled out wide enough for me so see the linetypes. It's adding steps that I don't need. Is there a way to add the properties dialog box to the ribbon above or something?
I have two contiguous clips in the timeline. I want to select the tail of the first one and the head of the second one to copy and paste somewhere else. With this tool, I can click and drag to select any segment of any number of clips, regardless of their in/out points.
I brought an image into my photoshop cs6. I created a second layer and put a yellow region on top of the text I want to highlight. made that layer on top with an opacity of 50. it just does not look right. It kills the black text underneath. How can I make what most simple paint programs do to highlight an area of my screen.
What is the equivalent of the liquify filter and freeze tool? if we use other software like paint shop pro which has no liquefy filter, so can we download it separately.
1. Is there an equivalent to the Shape Builder tool that Illustrator has in Photoshop CS6? I want to rasterize some text and combine a couple letters into one shape.  2. If you want to embed text into a .PSD or .TIFF, do both Convert to shape and Rasterize text result in the font/text being embeded in the file the same way?
How do yo display the focal length in 35mm equivalent? I've found a plug-in that sorts photos in 35mm eq., but I'm looking for a way/plug-in that displays the focal length in 35mm eq. in the loop info. Â Every other PP editor that I've used in the past were inferior to LR but still had the ability to show the focal length in 35mm. I'm wondering why LR, a far superior tool, is lacking in that department. Since I'm still learning photography and use 2 interchangeable lens camera systems with different crop factors and well as two compact cameras, going through my photos with the focal length in mind really give better understanding of perspective.
I'm building a custom action and it would be great if I could record clicking the layer eyeball off. Â Is there a menu command equivalent for turning current layer visibility off?
short time user here. I have X6 but unfortunately nearly everyone I know is still running x5, and as I found out last night they cannot open anything I send them :(Â Well thats a problem since the person I am sending things too I need him to be able to open them.
So is there anyway I can convert a x6 .cdr or .cdt to x5? Did not find much from googling around last night.Â
for the last 6 months ive been converting cd files to EPS, and been open them in Wasatch RIP, but last week the EPS file were missing alot of information that are suppose to be there. To make sure it wasnt the RIP, i converted to PDF, and that works, i also tried Older EPS files that i know should work, and they also work. So something have happen to the EPS converting process.since i use CD in my work on daily bases.
Is there a way to set the "convert to bitmap" defaults? Specifically, in X5 I find it defaults to "transparent background" checked and I'd like it to default to no transparent background by default.
how to make watermark images that goes at the bottom right corner of Special Folders such as "My Images", or "My Music". They talk about image tinting :
"The large watermark in the bottom right of the folder is 150x150 pixels. It's designed to be anchored to the bottom of the page. Tint the image blue (R71G94B148) and screen back to about 12% opacity with an alpha channel."
I don't know how to perform this blue tinting on my image in Photoshop.
i dont believe its been like this the whole time i've had photoshop. but anyways. ANYTHING in photoshop has a bit of a pink tint to it. tho i can save whatever im working on, look at it with another app. and it will be fine. i have an example here.
right is the saved file. looks normal. left is the file viewed in photoshop, and has a pink tint to it.