for the last 6 months ive been converting cd files to EPS, and been open them in Wasatch RIP, but last week the EPS file were missing alot of information that are suppose to be there. To make sure it wasnt the RIP, i converted to PDF, and that works, i also tried Older EPS files that i know should work, and they also work. So something have happen to the EPS converting process.since i use CD in my work on daily bases.
short time user here. I have X6 but unfortunately nearly everyone I know is still running x5, and as I found out last night they cannot open anything I send them :( Well thats a problem since the person I am sending things too I need him to be able to open them.
So is there anyway I can convert a x6 .cdr or .cdt to x5? Did not find much from googling around last night.
Is there a way to set the "convert to bitmap" defaults? Specifically, in X5 I find it defaults to "transparent background" checked and I'd like it to default to no transparent background by default.
In CorelDRAW X5 I sometimes need to convert a PMS tint to its RGB equivalent. I have discovered that the RGB equivalents reported by CorelDRAW X5 differ — depending on which method is used. I saved a PMS tint to the Color Styles mini-palette, then right-clicked to open the Edit Color Style panel and determine the equivalent RGB components. However, if an object which uses the exact same PMS tint as used in the Color Style is instead examined in the Object Properties panel, different RGB values are reported.
I often need to convert all outlines to objects in a design before I send it out or when I create a flash base for screen printing. I know how to convert and outline to an object, but my question is:
How do i convert ALL outlines to objects at the same time? Is there a function I'm missing or possibly a macro? Also, I don't want to have to select every outline myself. I'm already doing that and ctrl/shift/Q. Also, If I'm forced/limited to doing it myself manually, there's always the chance that I miss one. I cannot believe that this isn't a native function.
I have a client that gave me some artwork created in CMYK with plenty of half tones. Unfortunately, it breaks down into 1558 colors. We need to convert it to Pantone for screen printing. The whole thing can be reduced to 6 colors without changing the look. Is there a process that will automatically convert the CMYK colors to close matching Pantone colors without going through each individual color and halftone, which would take forever..
Is there a way to have CorelDRAW automatically convert imported objects to the document color space?
In "Tools > Color Management > Default Settings..." I have "Import and paste:" settings all set to "Convert to document color profile". Yet if I have a CMYK document, when I import an RGB JPEG, it will remain RGB.
Is there some other setting that will accomplish this? I'm constantly ending up with elements in both color spaces.
I have been using Corel x4 for sometime now and export many graphics. Everything works fine just like before but now on I would say 70-80% of my files when I go to export said file it will take up to 8 seconds for the Convert to Bitmap box to come up. I also have always had the "do not show the filter dialog" checked. Everything else within Corel and my PC is working at the same pace as always.
I am coming from Coreldraw X6 and trying to find my way around. Illustrator has some very cool alignment features and a great UI design but I am struggling with the manipulation of shapes. Below is an example of a shape I made in Corel. It was dead easy, just a case of making square with two rounded corners, making four copies and welding them together. How would you make this shape in Illustrator?
Is there a way to convert to curve (with handles)? I Ctrl+Q on a object, then it say convert to curve. But it's a bunch of segments. When I drag them they don't have curve handles, they don't curve. I have again to click on a segment, a * appear. Then click To curve in the property bar.
Can I just put curve handles in one shoot to all the segments of a object (ex a square)? Without to have to do all 4 segments one by one?
CorelDraw X5 v. Hot Fix 4 - Windows 7-64
Have been making stuff in corel x5 for a cnc. I recently added text to a design, and the text appears to be a solid, single path. However, when I run my machine, the machine goes around the BORDER of the text, instead of just making a single pass over the text. Instead of just cutting the text in one path, it cuts around the border and the pieces fall from the material I am working on.
How can I change this? I dont want my machine to pass around the inside and outside of simple text, I only need 1 pass.
When I export a page as Illustrator CS4, I choose the option "Convert outlines to objects" but it doesn't seem to do what I expect. It does fix the issue of missing arrowheads on lines, but it doesn't convert the outlines to fills as I expected -- is that correct? I wish there was an option to convert lines to fills on export.
when I pdf a coreldraw document, no matter which pdf-preset I use, the "Convert spot colours to: CMYK" is greyed out so I can't tick it. I need to pdf a document to send to newspaper print. I have never had a problem like this before using CorelDraw X3.
I would like to convert a jpg image into a vector is that possible? I have search for tutorials on the net but have yet to find anything suitable. Below are the two images I would like to convert into vector to use as website logo.
On using macro for "Convert to curves all text" the Page Number used with Insert Page Number in Coreldraw x6.4 is not converting it but it remove the page number.
I was working on Corel X4. I was using bickham font. After my design was done i did convert to curves but the whole font sort off just distorted completely.
I have a client who is waiting for a flyer design i did. So i created a christmas flyer. It looks nice with christmas colors and all. When i go to convert it into a jpeg in photo paint, the green changes to lime green and the other colors change as well. To florescent vibrant type. This just started happening recently. When i played around with settings, i saw something about RGB, CMYK (which dulls everything).
I've received quite a few DWG files and I would like to batch convert them into PDFs so I can share them with the sales staff. Also, DRAW deals with PDFs much better than DWG and the added feature that the PDFs will have all outlines converted to black.
My workflow now is to open each DWG in DWG True view and plot it to PDF using there built-in engine. It works but I have to convert all outlines to black inside DRAW plus I have to do each file one at a time. I've downloaded a trial version of deskDOC DWG to PDF with less than stellar results .