I want to make macro for converting Vector RGB to CMYK. So I did New Macro Project > New Module > Start Rec. > Converted some vector RGB to CMYK > Stop Recording .
Then use same macro to other but it didn't work like photoshop action. VBA basic knowledge, So any easy method can some one know which can be use as macro. Or the proper method to do it.
I have a client that gave me some artwork created in CMYK with plenty of half tones. Unfortunately, it breaks down into 1558 colors. We need to convert it to Pantone for screen printing. The whole thing can be reduced to 6 colors without changing the look. Is there a process that will automatically convert the CMYK colors to close matching Pantone colors without going through each individual color and halftone, which would take forever..
when I pdf a coreldraw document, no matter which pdf-preset I use, the "Convert spot colours to: CMYK" is greyed out so I can't tick it. I need to pdf a document to send to newspaper print. I have never had a problem like this before using CorelDraw X3.
When I publish from X4 to jpeg, the (RGB or CMYK) colours appear much darker than they ought to. Is there a solution to this or could it be false settings, If yes, what settings.
I have recently traced a new picture and I am about to add colors to it so that I can upload it later on my gallery. I started the Tracing on a Cmyk based template because one day I will use print it to add it to my portfolio! I mean should I add Cmyk colors and them convert them to rgb in order to upload it?
We need a macro that will allow you to select a certain color fill inside document and change all to no fill hairlines. It needs to be capable of doing it several times within the same document. Does anything like this exist out there?
We have color replacer. We want it to do this automactically with a static group of colors everytime without any manual maniplulation required.
I am running an old Photoshop 5.0 LE on XPI have a accepted manuscript with TIFF figures in RGB. My editor requires me to convert the TIFFs to CMYK. I have found many instructions on the web for mac environments, but i am no longer in a mac environemnt with this job.Any tips on converting RGB TIFF files to CMYK TIFF files in Windoes XP?
I'm moving art over to a new document. It was created in CMYK. The new document has a color mode of Basic RGB. After pasting the art I select it all, and choose Edit | Edit Colors | Convert to RGB. After saving and re-opening the document, the art once again has CMYK attributes, not RGB. What am I doing wrong?
i got an icon from the internet which is png,i open it in ps and its in rgb colour mode of course.but i change the colour mode to cmyk and save it when i imported into indesign,in the link info,it says its rgb again!why isn't it appearing in the colour space as cmyk?
I am using InDesign for a class presentation. I was told I should convert any Photoshop images that I use from RGB to CMYK for printing, but I am just printing it at home on my little desk-jet.
Second question: If it IS necessary, why do I get a alert in Photoshop saying "You are about to convert to CMYK using 'U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2' profile.
I have and image in CMYK which client used to print packagings.
During the printing process in printing house replaced the black channel with Pantone 280. So fall all is fine.
But now the client want to have other layout with those packagings in their real colors (the way they are printed - back replaced with Pantone), and can provide only images with black color.
So far i tried to:
1. Convert CMYK to Multichannel 2. Replace Black with Pantone 280 3. Convert Multichannelto CMYK .
Last one was not successful, because Pantone channel was replaced with black and the areas which were blue become black again.
I also tried to save the Multichannel image as EPS and to print it trough indesing with option to convert or not to convert colors. Again blue areas become black.(OS Windows 7, CS5.5)
I have PaintShop Photo Pro X3 Yes I know it's getting on a bit now? but I use Photoshop elements. My question is can PaintShop Photo Pro X3 convert from RGB to CMYK or can I work in CMYK it so frustrating seeing the colour I want on the screen & the printed work totally different?
I'm drawing cartoons in black & white for a publication. I've been told that I must make the black 100% and the CMY 0%. After I scan the image I convert it from RGB to CYMK mode but I can see in the channel's palette that it has colors mixed into the black. If clear the CMY channels it image loses detail. I've also desaturated the image but it doesn't seem to do anything.
I was just told by a printer that I need to convert my clients logo from CMYK to SPOT COLOR PANTONE? Though for the life of me I have never had to do this, I was told it is QUITE a procedure in Photoshop.
I always find beautiful RGB-vectors which I want to use for a print design. But once converted via Illustrator to CMYK, the image often annoys me because of the less bright and powerful colours.
So: what is the best way to recolor a nice and colourful vector from RGB tot CMYK (possibly with finding the right alternative colors in CMYK?) in Illustrator?
I need to convert a bunch of vector artwork for a brand I made from CMYK to RGB.
But, illustrator won't give me the option to do so.
I upgraded from CS6 to CC, but am still having the same issue. It's all vector right now.
Manually changing each colour will take hours, as there's many files and gradients. So, I'd love to just be able to use Illustrator's build in feature.
But, here's what I get. Convert to RGB is in light grey and I can't select it (click on image to see better):
I've designed a logo for a client using Illustrator CS6. There is the 4-color version in CMYK .eps as well as 1-color, 2-color, and KO versions. Everything looks and acts as it should and will no doubt be perfect for offset printing (my main area of experience). However, once delivered to the client they were anxious to put them into use and immediately dropped the 4-color version into a word document and made a pdf for email distribution. When I received it I had to groan, the colors had shifted to the obscene.
My guess is that what the client needs is a set of the logos that are converted to RGB. I'm also thinking that since the logos might be re-sized for various uses, keeping the art in the .eps format (as opposed to a raster format) makes sense. Is that true?
Is there an easy way to convert the original CMYK eps files to RGB within Illustrator?
Have an illustrator cs6 file I just sent to a client for printing. It has linked rgb and CMYK files. When I sent the file I forgot to convert the rgb images to CMYK. They were linked psd and tiff files. Don't have direct contact with who will print. Do I need to worry about the RGB images outputting poorly? Or will Illustrator handle the conversion ok just in case printer doesn't check the files carefully.
I am working in Adobe Illustrator CS6 and InDesign CS6.
When I create a swatch using Pantone colour books (solid coated) and then convert the swatch to CMYK the values differ between programs and also differ to my hard copy of Pantone Colour Bridge.
I have followed the Workaround 1 on [URL]...which was useful - now the CMYK values produced in Illustrator and InDesign match HOWEVER they still differ from my hard copy of Pantone Colour Bridge.
I copied the leagacy files from CS4 - is it possible the CMYK values embedded in these files are out of date or is it possible that the CMYK values in the Colour Bridge book have since changed?
I've been having this issue with InDesign CC lately, its importing some of my pantone colors as LAB colors. I am able to change a spot to process, but as far as changing the LAB color to a CMYK color, the box is grayed out and is not giving me an option to do it. See screenshot: [URL]....
Is there a lisp routine or macro out there that will convert crappy text to a set block? i.e someone had used simplex 15' text for street names, we now have a street name block using romans 12' text. want to be able to click on text and convert to block while converting the text street name to the street name entry. there's only one entry for the street name block.