CorelDRAW 12 successfully installed on a new machine running Windows 7 Professional 64-bit; however, when attempting to run the SP1 patch (CGS12SP1EN.msp), I get the following message:
"The wizard was interrupted before CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 could be completely installed."
I have tried "Corel Draw 12 and vista" which attempted to run the Microsoft installer through the command prompt running under Administrator, but it doesn't work.
All the products installed on my Win 7 Pro 64 Start Menu show the jumplist properly, including Corel X5. This is not working for X6. Yes, I know I can use the Open Recent. menu once I am in CorelDraw.
When I try and launch Corel Draw x6 in 32 or 64 bit mode I get this error
The application was unable to start correctly (0X0000142) . Click ok to close application. Try this as a trial first before I buy I purchased x3 and x4 they wont work on windows 7. Cant get it to launch
After a likely upgrade to windows update opentype fonts are no longer 'displayed in coreldraw X3 X4 X5 X6 on any computer. it was necessary to restore the computer to the previous date, coreldraw uninstall and disable automatic updates. The problem is only on Coreldraw. In word and photoshop fonts were displayed correctly. The problem is serious because many studies have Opentype fonts and files appear blank.This update from window I will not have 'never install it?
My fully activated CorelDRAW X4 turned to trial (0 days left) after performing a windows updating (XP x86) .
Upon launching, a window pops up "No asset found for trial download (license ID: 540228824) with 0 day(s) left, source type 1, lang en and source ID 810007 " and basic features as save, export, scripts, etc are disabled
The about window presents the information correctly of my fully activated CoreDRAW, Owner, serial, version (
Please find the attached "Error Message.jpg" file.I am getting that Error Message while trying to Uninstall "CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6" on a Windows XP Desktop Computer. This Computer belongs to other person. I am getting the same Error Message upon trying to Re-Install CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6.How do I successfully Uninstall and Re-Install?
I get the following error message when I attempt to update X6. Not sure what to do about it.
CRC error: The file C:ProgramDataCoralDRAW Graphics Suite X6.1CGS16w_cproc_p_11.1.048_redist_intel64.exe doesnt match the file in the setup's .cab File. The medium from which you are running the setup may be currupted; contact your software vender.
Entire Corel suite freezes on start up - I cannot do anything. Reinstalling also does not work - suddenly buttons on the installer dissapeared - there is no text on them and when I click them nothing happens.
A week ago I have installed service pack 3 and everything worked fine. It has all gone wrong again. And installation of the latest patches does not work anymore.
I am running Windows 7 64-bit and I've got a feeling that is must have something to do with system updates.
I have installed CorelDraw X6 today. Whwn I start CDR or PP I get a Member login popup. If I try to login there i get an error: "You do not have a Product membership...".
Is there a way to see or determine the start and end point of a drawing path? I'm exporting a CorelDraw file as a .plt file to a plotter/cutter and the manufacturer of the plotter/cutter saws the start point of the cut is determined in CorelDraw.
I want to be able regulate where the cutter starts cutting the material and where it stops at the end of the cut path.
I installed X6 today and when I got to start the program it stops running immediately. When I click on the icon the start up window appears but then freezes on "Creating Application Environment" and then just stops running. I am trying to run x6 on a relatively new hp pavilion g6 laptop.
X6.I'm not sure of the correlation, but it seems that ever since I downloaded the recent update, the colours (including black/grayscales) in the RGB vs CMYK palettes look different. What I mean is, I have the RGB and CMYK palettes right next to each other, and they used to look identical; now all the CMYK ones look lighter/washed-out than before.Or could it have been a recent Windows update?
I'm having a problem with my Corel x6, every time I try to start the application it stuck for a minute or so on the splash screen and then I get error 1 (Try to restarting your computer and then restarting the program).
When you right click on a divider bar on the menu you used to have a option to import or export the work space,now it looks like the screen shot on the right. ( I didn't have a screen shot of X6, but it looked a lot like the X4.)Why does things that work well in CorelDRaw keep getting changed?
I have a client, who have a CorelDraw X6 software. After a virus attack I try to reinstall and upgrade to the software. The installation went well, but the the 4th update has failed:
I have been working in this file for weeks, but now I did the sp2 update and when I try to open the file, the font substitution dialogue box opens. No matter which option I select, it causes the program to crash and close.
When I checked my computer for any any unused programs I got see this coreldraw (r) graphics suite x5 installed. When I got to uninstall it showed and error message that some sort of setup.xml is missing. When I checked this programs folder I got to see that there are two corel folders [Corel and Corel (2) ] in my C: drive. After checking all the file locations of different corel applications I deleted the Corel (2) foder. After that also corel was not being uninstalled. I don't want to re-format my computer only for this
I downloaded X6 patch #1 with no problem, but then I downloaded patch #3 and when I press Continue to install I get a notice: An Internet connection required. connect to the Internet and try again... But I AM connected to the Internet! I have no options how to proceed.
I'm having problems updating.I downloaded the update, but when going to install, is still on the screen and the update does not continue the upgrade process.
The management of the importation of externally linked images still has the problem in previous versions.
1) You can't import more than one picture at a time, externally connected simultaneously in the document.
2) If you move the picture within it, in a new folder, there is the possibility of assigning the new path to more 'photos at the same time but only one at a time.
So if I have 100 photos to be updated with the new path I have to do with each photo. While it would be much more logical to assign the same path to more 'selected photos.
I have three MAC's using Parallels with Windows 7 X64 on a domain. I cannot get Corel Draw x5 to launch on one. It just simply crashes and records Failed to Release Mutex Error ID = Returned Error 288 & 1 in the event log. I have tried removing Corel Draw from the workstation 3x in combination with manual and automatic. I have spent over 8 hours on this and cannot find a solution on line. I have removed user settings as well. I have the original media. I have tried downloading another copy from CNET but the key will not work.