CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Aligning Object Along A Path?
Aug 14, 2011is there a way of aligning an object along a path? For example an elipse or an arc.
View 2 Repliesis there a way of aligning an object along a path? For example an elipse or an arc.
View 2 Replies1. find the attached “Rays on Oval.png” file. (Tried attaching .cdr file but the File Size is 400KB.)
2. I would like to Repeat / Duplicate that Black Color on Outer Path of Oval Shape. (Like shown in the Yellow versus Black. The Yellow is a Circle and the Black is from Star Tool)
3. I think the Best Bet would be to Link the Rays to the Outer Path of Oval Shape.
4. I need the Rays and Oval as 2 Different Objects so that I could Change the Color Scheme.
I wish to align a text like this at an oval shape. The field of the text body does align at all - which I can understand. Using the grafic text, it aligns directly on/ over the outline of the oval shape. But I won't have the whole text in a round - I just want to have the paragraph's left side to be aligned/ positioned at the outer shape of the oval.
View 4 Replies View Related have number of curved objects which makes a design but goes in straight way. what i want is to follow that grouped objects to a curve .
Power Clip option is not suitable for me as it reposition its original state. is there any other option which can make it in better way.
I want to create a page similar to this graphic;
The problem I am having is creating the Triangles and then aligning their edges.
I've tried changing the rotation node and then duplicating and rotating. But I can't get a tight edge to edge.
I can't figure out how to align the right edge to a left edge and so on.
Windows XP 32bit, English.
This does not occur when aligning objects, nor text with an object.This only occurs (as far as I can tell) when aligning two or more sets of text alone.
When I enter the align and distribute window the vertical align checkboxes are greyed out with "Top" selected.
It is not possible to uncheck or select any other vertical align option. It is possible to "force" the window to deselect it by selecting "top" in the distribute tab, but this does not make the align options selectable again.
You can workaround this by creating a temporary object to align with your text.
I'm creating a calendar page - each day is a box. I need the text I put in to be written at the bottom of the box.
View 4 Replies View Relatedhave to select an object under an artistic media brush object. i try hold down alt key when select the object under the artistic media object but it select the second object
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to exclude single attributes from being defined in a object style? As example: i want to define an outline that does not change width of the objects, but everything else.
There is a small tick box right of every attribute with help text "None this object attribute is not defined by a custom style" but i can not mark it. My feeling is, that i need to switch on this tick box to get the result i need, but i can not. When i click on it, it just gives me a greyed out "Revert". When i try to make child styles, there is a way to break the connection to parent style with these tick boxes, but no luck.
Is it a bug? I tried it with X6, X6.1 and X6.2
how do you close a path in x6? i select the two duped lines then go to arrange but no close path option. i did it in x4.
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow to get text above and below a path. The path is a circle, and I want to achieve 2 words above the circle and 2 words below. I can get the words below, and to read the correct way round etc, or I can get the words above, but I cant achieve both at the same time
View 5 Replies View RelatedURl....I have never used a text box. Somehow when I copied my list of names from another page, I ended up with rows of them. I really really don't want to retype 132 names. I plan to put them on circles. When I try to do fit to path it says its invalid. I deal with text everyday and always know what I am doing. I know how to put text on a path. I just don't know how to do anything with these text boxes. If i break them apart, it first breaks them into individual names, and next into individual letters.
View 1 Replies View RelatedLooking to see if corel has any way to scale an open outline along its path from one size to another. So for example a curvy open ended line would start with a stroke of 2 pt and end with a stroke of 20 pt?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI love the function in Photoshop in which you can stroke a selection with a brush. Was wondering if that was possible in CorelDraw X4 as well. I know that we can put text on a path, but is that also working with objects?
Since I like making patterns, I would like to place and distrubute objects along a circle or hexagon shape (and other simple shapes).
all of we know about photoshop and many of us using it I am also using it for several months clipping path seems most interesting to me but I a little confusion about clipping path because it can duplicate any image what is your opinion?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am attaching text to a path, but on the bottom of the ellipse, the text is upside down in relation to the text at the top of the ellipse. I am going nuts to try and resolve this. I have CD6 The Official Guide at my side, and no luck.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI need to find a way to cut the shape of one object out of another object. In the above photo I need to be able to print the black crosses without the printer printing the white ink under them (you can see where the black ink is not adhering to the white ink very well).
View 11 Replies View RelatedI know how to change this in illustrator is it possible in draw?
I want to be able to specify the line weight of a path to be either centred on the path or inside/outside the path. How do I do this?
I've noticed that sometimes when I use an artistic media brush around a closed path, I can't change the brushstroke color without filling the path with that color; see the attached file for an example. I thought that was just unfortunately the way it was.But today I watched Jeff Harrison's video tutorial [URL]...about making a custom brush. He applies it to a closed path, and then, to my surprise, he changes the color and it just changes the color of the brushstroke.
I followed the tutorial, made the brush, applied it to a rounded rectangle, all fine. However, when I changed the color, the center of the rectangle filled with the color as well as changing the brush color, as it always has for me in the past. So what's wrong? Do I have some setting somewhere set to the wrong thing? (I don't have Fill Open Curves checked.)
In X4 there was the option under the Arrange menu to Close Path with several different options like this.
In Corel X5 this option is absent. Is there something equivalent?
Is there a way to stretch the width of text, once it is in an envelope or on a path? You can adjust the kerning(spacing), but I don't see anywhere that you can adjust the width of the letters.
An example: I have the word MAVERICKS on an arched path in a design. I want to change that design for the RAMS, so where it says MAVERICKS it will now say RAMS. The problem is RAMS is a much shorter word and I need it to stretch to the same width as the previously used MAVERICKS.
After two years of no problems invoking Draw or Photo, I received this message today when I tried to start both Draw and Photo... I downloaded and ran the CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 (and CorelDRAW Premium Suite X5) Service Pack 3 but it failed because it couldn't find my X5 suite installed on my computer.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI found Oberon Fit Objects To Path as a very interesting macro and i tried to download it.I have downloaded the zip file from Oberon website , but an Error showed up on my screen saying: "Unable to find CorelDraw x5 installation"...
I know the reason for this is because of the x5 version, which i don't have in my system.But i have also downloaded some other macros that are x4 or x5 versions and they are working excellent on my CorelDraw x6.
Any other macros similar to the "oberon Fit Objects To Path" macro?
I need to measure the circumference around the outside edge of the cut out letters.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a logo which appears in the footers of all of our technical manuals. Word recognizes it as a picture, and so our printer prints it in color, not black and white, so we are charged for the color copies.
I have exhausted my options in Word, and have been trying to create it as a TrueType font in DRAW, so word just thinks it's a symbol, not a picture.
The only file I have of the logo is a .bmp, so I've been tracing it to get it into vector form to manipulate. However, after all of my welding, combining, front minus back ect. ect. ect., I still can't get it down to the "1 object" requirement to make it a font.
Here's the logo:
I can't remember how i created an can I show you the object?
View 14 Replies View RelatedWhere is the switch in CDR6 for toggling to only select an object per outline and not by clicking into the area. Used to be standard in the top bar.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to create a macro that would take an image made up of multiple objects and separate each object on a new page?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there a reason why the radius of curvature at the corners of an object is not maintained when you either stretch it or shrink it? Is there a way around it without having to redraw and reset the radius?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have a background image with Linear transparency applied on the top of my image. I would like to replicate the same transparency on the bottom of the image. How can I do this?
View 4 Replies View RelatedIm trying to cut out the centre of the letter R below. Normally I break curve apart, select the centre, and trim it from the outer. I can then select the centre piece and remove it. As you can see, this has worked with the letters P & O. When I do it with the R it seems to have worked, to the point where I can even select the centre and remove it, but when I put it back over a coloured background, it is still white.
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