CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Photo Paint Storing Images In Wrong Orientation?
Jul 12, 2013
I don't know if this is just a Windows 8 compatibility issue, but when I save an edited photo it is stored in whatever orientation I opened it. Also the thumbnails only show the original imported image, not the edited image.
For instance if I took a picture in a sideways orientation on my smart phone then opened it in PPX5 I can rotate, edit and save and it will show the original image in a sideways orientation. If I post the image on Facebook it will show up sideways. If I put it on a forum it may look okay but people with iPads and iPhones see it sideways.
I import dxf file created in CadKey or SolidWorks. I have done this thousands of times but all of a sudden they do not import in the correct orientation x/y plane. They appear to be importing on the edge. I have gone back to old dxf files that have worked perfectly in the past and they no longer import correctly.
Have I, unknowingly, changed some setting on Corel that effects the import of dxf files?
When I'm printing on CorelDRAW X6, it show me the wrong size and orientation , everything was perfect on CorelDRAW X5 and I'm fully updated. What can I do?
I have been working with both Corel Draw 12 and and at some point Photo Paint just froze. Empty main area, just one docker opened. Doesn't matter where I click on the screen, the same metallic clicking response. I uninstalled the whole suite and installed it again.
No difference, the same screen starts and the same freeze. I can only close it using Task Manager. Corel Draw works find and Photo Paint works fine on the other computer on which I installed it at the same time.
Every time I double click on a bitmap in Corel Draw, it opens up Photo Paint. How can I disable this option? I never use it and its a waste of my time because it takes too long to load up! I don't know if my mouse has a problem, but sometimes I can just click once on a bitmap and it triggers the photo paint to open.
Photo paint uses an absurd amount of CPU when drawing a line; the brush "lags" and stutters about the screen, too. My system CPU is a Core i7-2600k, and all 8 threads are maxed during the drawing of the line. Why would this be?
how to take a jpg or gif file and change the colors of the image? I am having difficultly doing so. It is our company logo which is in 2 colors and I merely want to change it to white.
After creating text in Draw X6, I can't drop it into Photo-Paint without it appearing to be improperly cropped; i.e., some outer edges of letters appear to be cut off (see example below). Converting the text to curves does not solve the issue.
Strangely, I have no problem if I copy the same text from Draw X5 - the results are excellent.
Every since I updated CDx6, Photo-Paint no longer allows for drawing or erasing in a straight line by clicking, pressing the alt key and clicking again. Instead a scale comes up that changes the brush opacity...What happened? I can't figure out what happened. See attached file. The red arrow indicates what comes up when alt is pressed.
I downloaded Corel 15 trial verson but decided not to purchase. After trial I uninstalled the trial. Now when I use my pre-installed Corel 13 when I try to edit bitmap within Corel draw it open Windows 7 paint instead of Corel 13 Photo Paint. I tried doing a re-install REPAIR but I am having same issue.
We upgraded to x6.1 and are having some issues. I have X5 and X6 installed on my machine. When using X6 and you add a new page to the document, then publish a PDF. The PDF will show grid lines on the new pages. This happens with new docs and previously created docs when we add new pages. Also, on the new pages, you can't disable the printing in the object manager.
Second problem, when you have a bitmap in your document and click on it, Photo Paint is available. Only the trace option. Edit Bitmap is grayed out on the Property Bar and not available when you right click the image. I have to open Photo Paint and copy the image into it. There are three of us having the same problems.
When I do screenshots and copy them into Photo PAINT, PP seems to shade the colors. Why is this happening?
How can I switch off this behavior?
Here's an example of what's happening when I do a screenshot of a screenshot of a screenshot of a screenshot of a Photo PAINT desktop, always overlaying the same original empty image window upon the current screenshot step:
CorelDRAW Graphic Suite X6.4 @ Windows 7/Windows 8 - 64 Bit, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012
My corel x4 was coryupt and I had to install my older Corel 12.
Options on this corel are different. So in Corel 12, how do i change the settings so that when I double click on an image, it will open it in Corel photo for editing?
using CorelDraw 5 with Parallels 7 on a MacBookPro to access Windows 7 and CorelDraw X5 -
Normally CorelDraw x5 will launch Photo Paint when you choose Edit Bitmap from Corel Draw. Then you can edit in photo paint and on save and close you are back in Corel Draw and able to continue there. However this is not the case for me with Parallels 7. It does not launch Photo Paint as expected.
I just got a new touch screen computer and Photo-Paint doesn't even respond to touch events. Is there a patch for this? I also have the unmentionable CC program and it half works by dragging my finger from outside the document then dragging into the doc - which is totally unworkable.
I've read Sony, Toshiba and Asus touch computers aren't compatible with that "other" paint package and Corel. What's the workaround? This is just a shame that no touch screen computers work with them.
Are there any touch screen computersout there that working with drawing packages? Or at least Corel?
I have been using CorelDRAW 12 and 13 for about 7 years. I have a new problem. It's only become apparent recently, and I think it could be related to my recent change to Win7 from XP.
When I publish a file to pdf the colours do not translate properly. I use a lot of pantone colours, as I do fashion illustrations and textile designs, and for that reason it is important that my clients receive accurate colours.
Lately the colours have been coming up wrong. For example a green/blue aqua colour came up as a very darkish sky blue colour. Brown looked navy. All colours are either off or completely wrong. If I print from the cdr file, however, the colours are fine.
I have recently installed X4 after using X3 for a number of years, and it was working fine until suddenly the color pallet has changed to harsh very bright almost unreal RGB-like colours. It is distorting all my work as I cannot see real colours, especially in Photopaint, so impossible to color edit.
i create a spot color (lab color management) when i create the pdf the spot color haven't the name setting in CorelDraw. If i export eps it's works greats! i don't convert spot in cmyk i want spot color in lab! i use onyx production house and it want spot color lab to renoze cutcontour or spot color as white ink.
I just bought a HP Designjet Z3100. And I can’t get the colors right. Everything looks great on the screen but then I print I get this ugly strong light green color. I have really tried different settings without success I have also tried X4 and X5 with the same result.
Everything is ok if I export the file to PDF and then print, but then I print from the cdr file its get very ugly.
I have the same problem with other printers but then I change the printer’s own settings to Saturation in the color settings.
I have uploaded some files to: [URL] ...
CDR file = This is one example of the files I can’t print.
PDF output = The same file as the CDR that looks good then I print it.
ugly green = This is how the print looks like (I get these colors then I use my Nitro PDF printer)
I'm using CorelDraw X5 to generate the eps file for my thesis, written in LaTex. When I draw a vertical arrow, an then export the draw in eps format, the arrowhead is pointing the wrong direction (left - right and not up-down), and this is always the case. If I open again the .cdr file, everything is correct.
I had the opportunity to try also CorelDraw X3, and the same behavior appears.
Have you ever experienced it? It is actually quite annoying because I have to fix all the eps images containing vertical arrows with ink scape, but it is time consuming.
I cannot make my Custom 12.25 X 18 paper print correctly. Corel and the HP Printing preferences are in sync (it seems) but the print always print in the same spot, regardless of orientation...
If you take blend tool to gate one color to other or same or gray scale it give correct result. But if you use New color style and new gradient it show wrong effect in CMYK.
Say for example *cough cough* I have a photo of a kid wearing a santa hat. How would I turn the rest of the photo black and white (well, grayscale) while leaving the hat's red color alone? Seems to me there should be an easier way than masking off the area, duplicating as a new object and then desaturating the background. But is there?
Current System: i3 3.07ghz, 3gb ram, Windows 7 32 bit with all updates and X6
I would like to cut out an oval shaped photo and insert it into the corner of a larger photo. The question is I would like the edge of the oval photo to fade away so it has a soft edge. How to I achieve this edge.
I'm having a hard time finding the right compression ratio for online images. My graphics always end up too large without the quality to match. I haven't had luck exporting from Corel Draw to a JPEG, so I usually save my CDR file, open it in Corel Photo- Paint, and save as a .jpg from there. I always play with the Compression and Smoothing values in the Export JPEG screen, but I think I'm missing something.
We hired someone to put together a Flash graphic recently. It was essential an exisiting graphic with sliding text boxes. My JPEG graphic that he worked from was 113K and his final Flash graphic is only 36K, and it's far more sharp and crisp.
The kind of graphics I do are used for a web site and also for printing with a Roland Versacamm wide format printer. My question is for graphics for a web site do you design in RGB colors and when you design for printing are you using CMYK colors.
Or are you using one type of color over the other for both purposes?
Once upon a time a professional told me to import images to corel in the correct resolution and not to downsize them within corel because the quality will be worse then. Is this really true? Or is it no problem to downsize any image or upsize an image that has a big DPI?
I'm new with Corel and I'm creating a banner and logo for a nonprofit organization as a volunteer. I have two or three questions. How do I divide a vector horizontally and vertically? How do I use a downloaded font in Corel? I can't import it in. Is there another way?