CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: No Longer Visible Even After Save Image In PDF
Dec 14, 2012
With automatic windows update 12/12/12 problem with fonts type T1, which are used in a document, suddenly no longer visible even after Save Image in PDF, but present on the document.
So when you format text in t1 long distance, for the update windows then this is visible, then no longer visible, but there was still. only way to solve computer back to earlier restore point, then everything is fine again.
For some strange reason I no longer have the option to export to ai. I am not running 6.4 (latest update) and was hoping that when this update was installed that it would have fixed the issue, but it did not.
It seems as if I've done something to my system as I'm no longer able to preview my corel draw graphics. When I open any file containing a graphic file all I see is the green icon.
When I try to import from My Documents, the drop down file format on the right no longer has "ALL FILES" as an option. Therefore, I am unable to import photos, logos, etc.
I have been using coreldraw 12 for some time and all of a sudden the transformation docker, I usually get it to pop up with the alt F7 shortcut, does not come up. None of the ones listed under arrange, transformations will work. Have I accidently turned something off or what. I have uninstalled and reinstalled and it is the same. I am running windows 7
I've done a series of system roll backs over the last week and now I cannot get any Corel program to open.
I've un- and re-installed twice but this has not worked.
I can see my .cdr files and their previews in Windows 7 but when I double click on one I get the error message "there was a problem sending the command to the program"
Is there something I need to do for a clean uninstall so I can reinstall correctly?
I've used CorelDraw for a couple of years manly for simple newsletters and flyers. My question is concerning the visibility, or in my case, the non-visibility of the baseline grid. First of all my equipment is as follows: Dell Inspiron 620, i5-2320 @3.00 GHz, 8gb Ram 64bit windows 7 home premium with all current updates. I'm using a education version of x6 suite and it's updated to version
These are the steps I've taken: I created a rectangle within the document and using the layout toolbar I clicked "convert the object to a text frame". With the text box active, I clicked view/grid/baseline grid, but alas, no baseline grid is visible within the text box.
I use Photoshop X3 to create buttons for a webpage. The buttons are saved as PNGs.This works fine for Firefox, Chrome, IE9. But in IE8 and Safari, the buttons are not displayed, instead IE8 displays a red X.
I tried to open the PNGs in PHP, but I get the error: gd-png: fatal libpng error: Too many IDAT's found in ...image.php...It seems that the PNG exported by Photopaint are not standard-conform! I installed the 2 service packs for X3.
When I enter text into a table cell all I see is a red dotted rectangle. Object Manager shows there is a Paragraph text object there. If I open it in Text editor tool the text I typed is there.
Why is it not visible on screen or when printed?. Paragraph text not in the table is visible.
I am trying to edit the Master Page in Corel Draw X4. However I can't find how to list it in the obect manager. The first image shows the Object Manager as I see it.
The second image shows an example of the Object Manager as people have posted in other discussion topics.
How do I list all pages within the Object Manager as shown in this second example, and have the + and - buttons to expand the selection ?
I recently had to reformat a hard drive and reinstall everything.
I have a bunch of custom made symbols that I use often and for some reason, when using the Symbols Manager docker, they are no longer showing up in the Local Symbols>User Symbols folder in that docker as they used to.
The old hard drive had XP Pro on it but this new one has Windows 7 Pro on it. I am aware of the path changes made in Windows 7 and swear I have the custom symbols located in the correct directory.
I am using X4 version
I have them placed in the following directory:
C:UsersAdministratorAppDataRoamingCorelCorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4User Symbols
When I attempt to create a new Symbol, it saves the new symbol file in the directory above and when I go to that directory, I can see all of my custom Symbols. They just are not showing up in Draw X4 for some reason even though they are there.
I am having trouble with CorelDraw X5 SP3 in Windows 7-64 Professional. When I am in CorelDraw or in PhotoPaint, and try to Export as a JPG or PNG file, I get the dialog box showing the picture and details on the right side. But then when I click OK, NO File is saved. This is frustrating. So I go back and try it again and no file saved. So then I try a PDF save and it does it. Then I go back and try to get my PNG saved and it may or may not save it. Finally, I fiddle with it and I can get the FILE SAVED. What a hassle. What is blocking CorelDraw from saving JPG and PNG to finish their generation?
I have a CDR project I am working on. As I work, I occasionally click the "save" icon to save the work. When I am finished for the time being, I am unable to click on either the "X" or "Exit". The program doesn't respond, and I have to go to the Windows Task Manager to shut down CorelDraw. Because of this, the work is not saved. I have Windows 7, and I also have all of the X5 updates installed.
I have done something to my X5 or X4 document that has disabled the ability to publish to PDF. What I could have done that would have disabled this? I just have text and graphics, on a poster sized document. it is one page.
I'm using CorelDraw X5 with Windows 7. When I go to save a file often it won't save unless I repeat the save file command several times. Once I do get it saved the file then shows to be locked.
"Save as", "cut" and some other funtions are not available within my CorelDraw. what could be the cause for this behavior and how I could get rid of it.
Running CorelX5 on windows 7 - On my work computer when I have a file open and hit the save button I'm getting the message "can not save, file is open or being used by other program". I have to save as a different name. I assume another program is to blame and is associated with .cdr.
I have tried on numerous occasions to save my corel draw files to adobe illustrator but once you try to save a page in corel to AI the program locks up in the background so that you can't close it and when I try to enter my new AI file into my internet "dropbox" so that my web-designer can use the files, I am just informed that copying the file into dropbox is not possible as the file is currently open in Corel Draw?
I have tried to get the hot-fix/updated patch for Corel X6 however that is an even worse nightmare with all the swings and roundabouts Corel trys to get you to go on before you can get a simple update.
My web designer is waiting to start work on my new website but I just can not get my design work to him.
Why the Autobackup in X5 is older than the last save. I wonder how many people are losing work because they save over their original file after a crash.
I am using CorelDraw X5 and my system is Windows 7 and is a 64 bit.
Most of the time when I am drawing and go to save my file, CorelDraw X5 will freeze up (not responding) and then crash. Most of the time, I can go and restart Corel, open my file and it will have saved where I wanted it to; but sometimes it will cause me to have to use the auto-backup or just the back up file.
I just replaced the hard drive in my laptop. I have installed Coreldraw 12 again and it opens and works fine.
Problem is when I create and save a file. The file appears on the desktop ( if that is where I save it ) but it has an odd icon with a red A on the bottom corner. If I click on it, I get a "not a valid win32 application" message.
However if I open Corel12 and import the file, it appears to be fine.
X3 - I use X4 at work with no problems but at home I have X3. I set my workspace the way I want it and all my presets the way I want. I hit tools/save stings as default. I then save my workspace as todays date. Close corel and reopen. It starts with the defaults every time! I have to manually choose my workspace and even after doing so my settings have reverted back to default i.e. text to be point not inches like I chose etc.
I am trying to save a CorelDraw X5 file in Adobe Illustrator, so I can bring it into Illustrator CS4 to work on it in Illustrator.
It will only save in CDR format. Whatever different file format I try I get a message "No object to Print, Export, or Save" I originally grouped it and saved it in CDR.
I create a pdf page and save. when i add a second page to the document and save, the second page is not saved in the pdf. how can I get the whole document to save in one pdf file?
I am using Corel X5 and need to save back to version 10 or 12. Even though I change the settings when I "save as" the file remains an X5. Unfortunately the engraving company I use cannot open the X5.
Is there a way that coreldraw x5 by default saves as to an older version e.g. 12, 13,. [ so we don't have to specially go to the save as dialog box] automatically just like there's an option in AutoCAD?
When you save a PDF preset it says 'security settings are not saved with PDF preset' is there anyway to change this, i want to save the security setting so i don't have to set a password each time i save it, i make dozens of PDF proofs a day and its a pain having to set it every time i publish to PDF.
Corel has suddenly started corrupting any new files I save. I'll make a file, save it, then when I open it... It goes through the motions of opening it, but when it is done nothing opens. There is nothing there.
If I change the file to a zip file and open the riffDATA.cdr file that works, but this CAN'T be my solution. Could a virus have corrupted Corel?