CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Converting Lens Effects And Symbols To Flattened Objects
Oct 4, 2013
I work in pre-press for a Label Printing company and we do Flexo and Screen printing. I get files from designers, most files have been created in Illustrator.
I use Corel Draw X5 to do my pre-press work and some of the files I get have Lens effect objects. When I apply the "No Lens Effect" the object changes to a Symbol and it has no fill and no outline, how do I convert the Symbol object to a "regular" object?
I want to know the best way to convert these Lens and Symbol objects to regular objects that are "flattened" or do not have transparency. I need to be able to work with these objects like they are a regular vector object that can be edited for pre-press to make files to send to have films output.
OR, will an object that has a Lens effect output normally if I make a Postscript file fro the Lens effect object? Do I even need to convert the Lens effect in order to get the image to output correctly?
For some reason I am having issues converting a CDR file to PDF which contains objects/text with fountain fills.
I have looked at some previous posts detailing the same problem, have followed their remedies, i.e. "render complex fills as bitmaps" in the advanced tab in the PDF conversion pane. Despite these best efforts I am still having the problem of my black background; fixed in the "page layout" tab being corrupted, resulting in the background being the fountain fill once converted.
Whenever I use the Trace option to convert, the result is an image filled with closed objects. Because I use vector images with a laser machine, and because the laser cuts everything it reads, the "double" lines (shared lines of the objects) get cut as many times as they appear. So I have to go in and break apart and delete segments & this goes on for days. I've tried welding, but welding makes one of the objects disappear completely. I've tried changing from cdr to svg, exporting & importing, hoping it would simplify, but that doesn't work either. Is there a way to have the bitmap converted to simple lines instead of overlapping objects?
I cannot see any symbols in CorelDraw 5, When I open the symbols docker no one symbol appear, and if I upgrade the right path to the folder on my extra content on my PC (where the symbols files exists) no symbols appears as well.
i'm using corel draw x4 on windows 8. I use the Math-Type Editor in order to create complex formulas with indices, potencies, greek letters and fraction bars.
Unfortunately Corel Draw can't depict some of the symbols for example the small theta "ϑ" or the multiplication sign. Instead of writing them it creates a blank or question marks.
Is there a way to create those symbols in the Math-Type Editor?
Does the following macro works with symbols of Coreldraw X5? I mean the symbols/clone feature, where you can duplicate same objects and when you change one automatically the others changes as well. But this is not the traditional clone option of corel draw. URL.....
I just create a few objects in the symbol manager, now I want to send those contents I createt to a friend. But I cannot find my library/symbols folder in the Corel Draw folders.
I downloaded the new trial Corel X6 installed on win 7 64-bit.I have trouble working with transparencies inside a symbol. It also does not work if it is power-clipped inside a symbol. The error message is as follows:
This item cannot be stored inside a Symbol. The item must be removed in order to be able to finish editing this symbol. this same procedure does not work in Corel X5 oddly enough it works in Corel X4.
I have just completed a 25 page document using hundreds of symbols but when I have just tried to publish it to PDF certain symbols do not appear?
I have looked back through the file and found that the ones that do not appear also no longer show the image in the symbol library but when i insert them in to the drawing they show up fine.
I have bought the hard copy version of corel draw Suit X5 and waiting for it. I originally dwn loaded it from the web and so did my son. We are working on a project together. He found TT-Musical Symbols in his dwn loaded version and I do not have it on my dwn load version. Do you have TT-Musical Symbols in your drop down text? and or when you dwn loaded the trail version, have you got it?
Is there a quick and easy way to delete all symbols in the Symbol Manager docker? I know there is a macro that converts symbols to objects but the macro does not affect this part the document that has ANOTHER set of Symbols....know what I mean? Maybe a macro that digs and wipes out all symbols in the docker?
It takes a REALLY long time just to delete them one by one...even multi-selecting did not work.
I am new at creating a recorded macro in Corel X5..I have done the steps to record a macro for changing a text colour within a symbol...i get an error debug message ActiveShape.Shapes(26).PowerClip.EnterEditMode
what i want to do is change a coloured text from black to white that is symbol. i have several different text that are in symbol and it is a pain to enter each one and change a colour.
How do you get rid of a lens effect? I've looked throughout the program and cannot find how to get rid of the stupid lens. I want the object to be solid.
I have an existing X6 document which has a rectangle object with a Lens attached.
I did not create the document, so what sort of lens it is and what settings the lens has. I suspect it is a transparency lens.
I cannot find any way to locate the settings for this lens - so that I can reproduce and modify the lens settings. Where i can find the settings for the lens?
I am trying to export my Corel Draw project to a PDF. Everything works as expected except all Curves with lens are not showing up at all in the exported PDF.
I have tried opening the PDF with several different programs with the same result. I have also tried changing the PDF export settings but haven't had any luck.
I frequently require mathematical symbols such as ≤ or ≥, which are easy enough to insert as unicode characters and supported by common fonts such as Arial.
However, when I try to import text containing such characters, such as within an Excel table, they just import as "?" instead. I've tried pasting Excel table in various formats. As an Excel object or a Metafile the overall formatting is retained correctly but the symbols become question marks. Enhanced Metafile preserves the symbols but alters the fonts so that the text no longer fits within the cell, ruining the layout.
I've also noticed that when I manually insert unicode symbols using the text tool in CorelDraw X6 it changes the font to Adobe Fangsong Std R (which looks awful). If I try to change the font after the fact, everything changes except the symbols. Highlighting the symbols also looks different: rounded highlight rectangle versus normal rectangle for ordinary text. It seems CorelDraw refuses to treat these symbols as ordinary unicode text forcing them instead into this horrible wirey font instead.
I also have issues try to export from CorelDraw to say Powerpoint where Corel will automatically format some text as ligatures but when exporting these just show up as "?" in Powerpoint.
1) Is there any way to get CorelDraw X6 to reliably import and export text, including unicode symbols, without messing up the formatting/layout. 2) is there any way to get CorelDraw not to change the font of symbols?
I was doing some "sphere-ology" and wanted to overlay a bitmap pattern. I tried to use a Fish Eye lens on a bitmap to give it some shape before applying it, but it does not seem to work. It will cut out the shape, but no distortion is applied.
I found this thread from a couple of years back on X5. There was no resolution.
i have that issue i made one flyer w X4 where exist a bitmap that must be to the edge of cutted paper , so i made it bigger out of page, i close it to PDF for my printer adding a bleed limit, everything else out of page (inside the bleed ofc) appear BUT the bitmap (lens) stop to the edge of page.
I have a file set up that has a white box with a 65% transparency lens. When I go to print, the white box and what's under it disappear and do not print. If I close the document and reopen it, the transparent box and what under it are back.
This is the second time I've had crashes in X6 64 bit, the first time was importing a very large "XLS" file, and then today while converting a selected group to curves it crashed. I restarted Draw opened the file that I had saved but not converted the part of the drawing I wanted to cut to curves, as soon as I tried to convert to curves it crashed again. Restarted the computer with the same results. I got the job to the cutter so it is not holding me up, but I did want to let the powers that be know about the crash. And I have been converting at least some of each drawing I do to curves with no problems, nothing had changed in the computer so it makes me wonder what's going on. The computer is a i5, 8 gb ram, 2 gb video card, Windows 7 Ult.
I often produce graphics in CorelDRAW, export it as en eps file and insert it inside a MS Word document as an image and finally convert it to pdf. This way my vector graphics (often linedrawings with or without fill) usually is preserved in the final pdf document. I can zoom in and the lines keep on displaying perfectly sharp. This is important, since it easily looks bad when thin lines are turned into bitmaps, even when watched from a distance.
Now, in some graphics I created today, I had a circle with fountain fill and outline (symbolizing a sphere) put behind a filled rectangle, which had a uniform transparency applied to it. In the resulting pdf file, the 'sphere' was turned into bitmap. Inside CorelDRAW everything was vector graphics, but something was loast in the process. what happens with the graphics in the different steps in the process and eventually could explain a workaround to make everything look as vector in the final pdf file.
This isn't something I am in need of because in the future with this graphic I would just convert the background. Just wondering why it made those odd lines coming off of the words and the black bar (I don't know how the heck you guys can post large things, things with motion, etc. I have to make things miniature to put them on here)
I assume it has something to do with how the original, that came from MillerCoors, has those layers of lines in it. I just don't get why lines would then be visible when I changed it since nothing like that has happened before. Oh, and if you are wondering why I converted it, it's because I knew my rip server wouldn't like all that stuff going on in the original
I have to convert some documents form cdr to Al but ran into a problem. The cdr documents are better then 2 pages long/ big when I try to convert them into AI it tells me that it dose not support more then one page. is there a way to convert all my pages other then one page at a time?
I had recently downloaded CorelDraw 6 upgrading from CorelDraw3. I'm guessing that the CD6 automatically converted all my files that were CD3 to CD6...Any who...I decided that I like corel draw 3 better and redownloaded it. Now I can't open my CD3 files now..Even though my files says CD3 I still can't open them.