Corel Website Creator X6 :: Will Not Load NOD File Or Import Existing Site
May 4, 2013
I have been working on a fairly simple website for a few months now using Website Creator X6. Everything was working well every time I tested the site internally. Now all of a sudden, the program is telling me the NOD file is damaged and that it cannot be recovered. I then get a message directing me to read "recover.txt" in the Website Creator directory for "alternative" ways of recovering the data.
The problem is, "recover.txt" doesn't exist.
I have tried importing the internally published pages to recreate the site, but Creator tells me the pages are "too large."
It also appears that Creator stopped creating backups of the NOD file.
How am I to recover this data so I can publish the site online? How could the NOD file have become corrupted in the first place? (I frequently got messages that the file was corrupted when I loaded it, but Website Creator always recovered it.)
I have been fumbling around for a long time now trying to create a simple search box for my website, but I can only seem to create a free google site search which won't even work as google thinks its a robotic search.
Is there a way to create a local site search engine using the tools provided in this program?
I am a nube at website creator and know only a little about html. I have been fumbling around for a long time now trying to create a simple search box for my website, but I can only seem to create a free google site search which won't even work as google thinks its a robotic search.
Is there a way to create a local site search engine?
I want to make changes to a jpeg. The image is already in my design.The menu offers the option to open the image in a external editor which at this time is Paint.I would like it to be Corel PhotoPaint.
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2) how do i place a file upload handler in a website?
I've been playing with the text styles and my text boxes are getting closer to the format that I want. There easy to read in the preview section. But the spaces between paragraphs looks to big, so I want to reduce it.
Corel Draw has a docker for paragraph formatting where we can place spaces above or below a paragraph.
I have recently purchased Website Creator X5 and am a little challenged on how to set a picture for a web page background. When I insert the image (jpg or gif) as the background, it only shows part of the image. I assume I need to reduce the resolution of the picture down quite a bit to have the complete picture used as the web page background. If that is correct. What resolution do I need to go to? If not correct. How do I make my web page background use the image I want?
I've just loaded Corel Website Creator to a second pc -- a dell laptop. In page view, the Properties boxes are dithered -- see the screen cap below:
I don't see this anywhere else in the program or any other programs. All other screens in Corel WSC look find. Can't find any 'options' setup that seem to control this.
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Recently purchased website creator X5 and am very happy with the functionality and available options however I can't get any of the items under the standard component menu to function - such as rotating picture, ad banner, news ticker, etc... If I try any of these options listed under this menu - I drag the box but no dialog box opens as illistrated in the manual (pg 628 for what i'm doing). I've tried utilizing the options on blank pages to make sure it isn't a formatting problem, even uninstalled and reinstalled the program several times. NONE of these options function? Is there a plug-in I need to utilize this?
I created my site with Website Creator X5, using a predefined style. Now I want to add a single page (e.g. 404.html). This page should have the same design and graphics, but it should not appear in any menu bar or site structure.
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Camtasia can produce a wide variety of formats but which one works best with Corel?
I do have a sample that I finally got to work and it's at [URL] ..... but that was created with powerpoint and video recorded with Jing (produced by the same people that make Camtasia Studio, only free).
I tried to make a swf but the resulting file requires the preloader for an "index" page that is written in html by Camtasia.
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a civil engineer sent us a .dwg file for a site survey. However, the .dwg contours are just showing up as a series of overlapping rectangles. He attached two .txt files, one for elevation point locations, the other for tree locations. Both give coordinates... i.e. :452,2718.7202,2509.7896,569.4979,GL etc. I know that the .txt file is giving locations, but I do not know how to generate plines etc. from the given coordinates in the .txt file. I downloaded ascponit.lsp, but i'm not sure if this is meant for this...
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