AutoDesk Smoke :: How To Open Action From The Clip Using History
Jul 17, 2013I unarchived a timeline from 2012, ext.2 into 2013, ext 1. Is there any way to open action from the clip using History or do I have to rebuild everything?
View 4 RepliesI unarchived a timeline from 2012, ext.2 into 2013, ext 1. Is there any way to open action from the clip using History or do I have to rebuild everything?
View 4 RepliesIs there a way to remove/delete the history from a rendered clip, other than re-rendering the clip without history enabled? Flame has a desktop function that can delete the history from an entire desktop (which would be convenient in my case here on Smoke 2012).
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have R3D footage which I imported in 2K. For a couple shots I need a higher resolution, so I matched out my original clip from my timeline, saved it to my library, double clicked and selected Modify Clip History, where I set my layering to full. I don't change anything else, however, now my In and Out TC are not correct anymore! Everything is fine, just until I hit the Modify Clip History and Apply the changes.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to get into a 2012 Action setup via history in 2013?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIf I have a 10 frames long clip and a 20 frames long clip for compositing, and with those clips, I wanna set the 10 frames long clip moved 5 frames in Action, How can I do it without Slip and Transparency options? I tried to find the way from Animation tap, but I could not.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI created an action in CFX on my smac, and now I want to move it to my linux Smoke Advanced (v2013_sp3).
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to save and/or open Action setups separate from CFX setups?
Is there a simple way to export objects, axis, or lights to FBX files? Obviously, the FBX camera node can export a camera but it would be useful to export an axis as a locator, at the least.
Can i remove the fx history ? for example i render a cfx clip. then i want to keep the render only and disconnect the relationship with its 'cfx history' . And is there any practical benefit of it ? You maybe will ask me : 'why do you wanna do it?' , my answer is " i don't know man, it just came across my mind .
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a clip where I have to remove a ring from a finger. I thought about using paint. But I might have to exchange that clip for a different color grade. Now, when I load paint again (from history) all the strokes I made are gone (I didn't work with autopaint). And I also can't exchange clips in history view. So what are my best options?
Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP4
Smoke 2013 SP2 (Smoke Classic Keyboard Shortcuts)
Mac Pro 4,1
OS X 10.6.7
NVIDIA Quadro 4000
14 TB RAID (Areca)
I am having problem with swapping Sources in History in the record timeline. In the History view I can double click on the processes in the tree, i.e. Action or refrain but if I double click the source to swap it out nothing happens. Nothing at all.
what could be causing this, really very annoying when I want to replace the current footage with a new render from 3d.
1. I put a clip in a timeline , then i put a cfx clip on top of the first clip. Add axis clip to cfx clip, set transparancy to 100% (fully transparent) , when hit render , this cfx is still calculated.
2. if i have stack of cfx clips, the clips are solid (no matte or transparancy ). one clip is on top of the other. In the top layer , i add a axis fx and cut a very small hole. We can see even a very small hole ( that will exposed small part of the bg ) will trigger smoke to render both of the clip full frame. Actually i only will see small part of the BG so i'm expecting smoke to render only that visible pixel. How to control this ? In some case i will waste my time waiting smoke to render part that i don't need.
All of a sudden, I'm unable to scroll through clips with real time feedback. Did I turn on some preference?
Also, I've noticed that when I'm in Action, I don't get realtime feedback going to the broadcast monitor, but rather the image catches up upon pen up. I don't see anything about it in the options in Action or global preferences.
is there a way to put a LUT on a clip, without having to 'bake' (process) it? So I can turn it on and off?
Our process is:
import R3E Raw files with User Settings in Red Log (so the image looks flat, with most color information).
then turn on a Display LUT (which settings would I use here?)
then do the color correction with the LUT on and after I'm finished, turn the LUT of and then export a dpx 10 Bit sequence to the vfx department, so they can work with it (in fusion).
Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP4
Smoke 2013 SP2 (Smoke Classic Keyboard Shortcuts)
Mac Pro 4,1
OS X 10.6.7
NVIDIA Quadro 4000
14 TB RAID (Areca)
I just started playing around with Smoke 2013. I played around with the CFX and did some keying. Now, on the timeline, I have a clip with CFXa and an axis effect. Now I thought, that it should be a container, and that I could simply double click the clip, step into the container and copy out the matte. But that doesn't work anymore, since double clicking now enters the editor again.
So, how can I access the matte (and how can I step into the container)?
Oh, and now that the unrendered clip is on the timeline, I only get the message Unrendered Frame. Obviously Smoke can't play back an unrendered clip, but why doesn't it at least show the frame I'm parked on? And also, I started rendering, but it took forever, so I stopped after 10 min. In Smoke 2012 it rendered at least partially, but now I still only have a dotted line......
Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP4
Smoke 2013 SP2 (Smoke Classic Keyboard Shortcuts)
Mac Pro 4,1
OS X 10.6.7
NVIDIA Quadro 4000
14 TB RAID (Areca)
Tell me that I'm wrong on this but with the new CFX clip in SP3, it looks like you can't update the original CFX Clip and have it update/link to all shots where it is placed. It would be so perfect. Now it is just another "fancy" way to copy&paste comps?
View 6 Replies View RelatedIs there any short cut for moving the clip from one track to other(above or below track)?
like we have in FCP.
can i clone (not copy) cfx clip ? so any update made to the cfx clip will automatically update all the instance ?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI created a stereoscopic timeline in Smoke. That seems to work so far, but now I want to output it in full resolution on a 3D TV (Samsung). The TV only supports HDMI in.
I'm working on a Smoke for Mac 2012 with a NVIDIA Quadro 4000 (which has 1xDVI and 2x Display Ports). And we have the AJA Kona 3G (SDI out and mini HDMI). We have a reference monitor which is connected via SDI and that works.
We tried to connect the Mac via mini HDMI to HDMI. We did get a signal from Final Cut Pro, but we didn't get a signal out of Smoke.
I tried all kinds of settings, but there is no way of outputting an image from Smoke. What options do we have, so we can get a 3D signal out?
I heard that Smoke for Mac doesn't support Dual SDI out. Is that right? Would it work to simply buy a converter from SDI to HDMI? Would I still get full res HD out then?
Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP4
Smoke 2013 SP2 (Smoke Classic Keyboard Shortcuts)
Mac Pro 4,1
OS X 10.6.7
NVIDIA Quadro 4000
14 TB RAID (Areca)
If there is still an option somewhere where I can force my import to be frames and set duration to 5 or 10 frames like in 2012. or force a set of sequences o be imported as one clip.
Update: Found the frames option but no frame durations available. But no single clip available in case of importing multiple sequences or frames that need to be in a single sequence.
Currently dancing between Flame Premium 2013x2sp3/2013Sp4 nd Smoke on mac 2013Ext1
I am trying to export a :30 spot and only :04 clips are exported.
View 1 Replies View Relatedwhat does exactly mean the red line under a clip in the timeline ?
I noticed the clip with red timeline has red effect, but it doesn't seems to mean i have to render them.
in paint module, when i do the 'wipe' , i only can wipe the single/current frame. I can't find the setting to wipe the whole clip. am i allowed to wipe the whole clip using a single click ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow to hide selected clips in timeline without turn off layer visibility (eye icon) ? i found no hotkey and also there's such option in contextual (RMB) menu.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo I have a soft imported clip with cfx applied...right click consolidate handles...and it seems to work...
But then archiving gives a crazy size estimate so I checked handles turns out the handles haven't been consolidated at all. Timeline says it has been consolidated but entering cfx and exiting again the handles come back.
I need my audio to reverse with my video clip, doesn't seem like Smoke wants to do that or am I missing something?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI got a clip in timeline, apply connect fx then cut the clip (ctrl-v). The problem i cannot uncut this clip immediately , even if i haven't changed/modified anything yet. The simple solver will be throw out one part and trim back the clip. I'm just curious .. Is this normal ?
View 2 Replies View RelatedKind of at my wits end with this software. Decided to give it a proper test on a job involving some wire removal and a bit of 3D comping. Every day brings hourly crashes, corrupted sequences, black frame renders, inability to archive projects, on and on. It's like every shot on this project is a minefield of troubleshooting and trying to find workarounds just to get a render complete. I'm spending easily an extra 20 hours a week just trying to overcome problems with the software.
Now I've got a sequence that I literally spent 4 hours on and just trying to open it brings smoke to a hard crash. Trying to make a cfx clip of the sequence takes half an hour to save so I've only been doing that once a day.
Smoke 2013 EXT1
iMac i7 3.4Ghz
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680MX 2048 MB
MAC OS X 10.8.3
Promise R6
I'm trying to apply noise to a shot using the ReGrain effect. BUt it's not matter what settings I try (e.g. custom and then playing with the sliders) I don't receive any effect.... is there anything I have to be beware of?
Or is there another way to apply noise to a clip?
Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP4
Smoke 2013 SP2 (Smoke Classic Keyboard Shortcuts)
Mac Pro 4,1
OS X 10.6.7
NVIDIA Quadro 4000
14 TB RAID (Areca)
Is there a way to foce relink a clip when conforming an xml?
I have an xml based on 5d footage with no clip names that I need to relinked to graded dpx files. Using clip name and TC isn't working since the xml is looking for .mov etension. Using TC alone dosent work because each of the 5d clips start at :00.
How to make the Clip play from last frame to first frame?
View 3 Replies View Relatedwhen i select the clip in cfx schematic, how to tell which clip is it inside the timing editor ? there's only small thumbnail and this won't work when i got multiple sama clips on the cfx schematic, the thumbnail will look the same. There has to be a visual relationship between the two areas.
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