AutoDesk Smoke :: What Does Exactly Mean Red Line Under A Clip In Timeline
Sep 19, 2012
what does exactly mean the red line under a clip in the timeline ?
I noticed the clip with red timeline has red effect, but it doesn't seems to mean i have to render them.
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Dec 1, 2012
How to hide selected clips in timeline without turn off layer visibility (eye icon) ? i found no hotkey and also there's such option in contextual (RMB) menu.
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Jul 7, 2012
I recently got a movie file from a client. This file is actually an edited video with straight cut edits. So I dragged this from the bin / media library onto the timeline and proceed to chop up the video according to where the cuts are using ctrl v, like how I usually do in premiere pro. I then selected one of the clips and added color correction to this clip. I found out that all the other clips were being color corrected as well.
I removed every thing and re-started from scratch using the source monitor to mark in and out for every cut. This time it worked properly with just the selected clip being color corrected. Is there any way I can do this like in premiere pro timeline with the razor blade but each clip becomes an individual one?
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Dec 26, 2012
I have a single frame clip in my library, i want to put this clip into my timeline and i want it to be 10 seconds. I can just easily in/out in timeline and 'overwrite'. i don't like where i'm repeating a single frame and then still need to render it as 10 seconds clip.
This should be done like 'repeat' in the desktop tools. So in timeline when doing 'overwrite' , Smoke has to be smart to detect 1 frame edit so it just need to 'repeat' it not to 'timewarp' it.
And the another BAD thing , i can't have 'repeat' tool inside cfx . why ? so have to repeat the clip outside the cfx and go back into cfx.
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May 9, 2013
There is any simple method to insert/add a clip on timeline without its sound? I know the methods of locking the audio track in the sequence or deleting the audio track of the clip but I'd like to have some simple shortcut like Option+drag or something similar. There is any?
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Jun 11, 2013
When matching a source clip from the new sequence area it appears that you now have to have the widget on the clip you wish to match rather than just select the clip. Is this a change in the way 'match' works or is it a bug?
It was always nice to just tap the clip and press match rather than now having to scrub your widget to the right layer and clip before pressing match.
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Dec 14, 2012
i have a clip in layer 1 and i want to move it to layer 2 , i don't want accidentally move in horizontal direction (change edit point), i want to move straight vertically. Using FCP hotkey, i can activate snap (shift key) to constraint it to a cut, but that only works if i got another clip, if there's no other clip , i can't do constraint since there's no reference. In FCP i can still doing it because it can use the current clip's previous position as reference edit. But in Smoke , i can't do that. I think there should be a feature added for this process. The workaround is : do not move the clip but using duplicate, then delete the original one... but seems too complex for that little tiny task.
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Feb 6, 2013
Is it possible to nudge a video segment or audio clip in timeline with a short cut key?In FCP7 I used this all the time.
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Jun 13, 2012
This is based on prior work with Adobe Premiere and switching over to Smoke 2013...
since you were asking for feedback on the editor UI from Mac users...
a) is there a cut button that allows to cut a clip into two at the current marker positions? (e.g. to repeat certain elements)
b) is there an easy way to add extra frames at the beginning or the end of the clip by holding the first or last frame? (very important, but cannot find how to do this). Ideally this would just require dragging the beginning or end of the clip somehow...
c) There should be an easy option to add frames by extending the last or first frame in the case of transitions. Is there one? On Premiere, there's an option for this, makes it much faster to add transitions if there is limited movement in the source material
d) is there a way to auto stretch a clip on insert into the timeline to the selected region? time warp and frame-hold options (beginning, end, both)?
e) why is it not possible to drag clips back into the media hub on the left? (e.g. imported an AAF with a bunch of clips, now want to store some of the clips for later re-use in another timeline or part instead of having to keep it on the timeline)
f) the zooming into the timeline is cumbersome - is there a way to draw a rectangle to auto-zoom into that area? Premiere has a little scroller at the boom to select the zoom level. very useful.
g) for timeline zooming, could you support gestures on the MacBook touch pad? If you push two fingers apart, the timeline should horizontally zoom in. Two fingers together should allow to zoom out. This is actually not just for the timeline. We need this in all views in Connect FX, Action etc. Would make working so much quicker. And it's really standard Mac stuff. (Two fingers without pushing apart could enable panning? And/or space + mouse movement to pan?)
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Aug 31, 2011
I'm working on a german keyboard.
Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP4
Smoke 2013 SP2 (Smoke Classic Keyboard Shortcuts)
Mac Pro 4,1
OS X 10.6.7
NVIDIA Quadro 4000
14 TB RAID (Areca)
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Nov 22, 2012
1. I put a clip in a timeline , then i put a cfx clip on top of the first clip. Add axis clip to cfx clip, set transparancy to 100% (fully transparent) , when hit render , this cfx is still calculated.
2. if i have stack of cfx clips, the clips are solid (no matte or transparancy ). one clip is on top of the other. In the top layer , i add a axis fx and cut a very small hole. We can see even a very small hole ( that will exposed small part of the bg ) will trigger smoke to render both of the clip full frame. Actually i only will see small part of the BG so i'm expecting smoke to render only that visible pixel. How to control this ? In some case i will waste my time waiting smoke to render part that i don't need.
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Nov 3, 2012
Is there a way to access the timeline within CFX ( much like in Flame ) ? I see the timing button but this doesn't seem to have the same control as a timeline for a specific clip.
Also, is there a way other then "explode one" or "explode all" to go within a CFX within a CFX ( pre comp ) ? i.e. a setup that is then put within the BG of action.
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Nov 15, 2012
Is there a way to get rid of the play tab on the timeline?
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Jan 29, 2013
Is there a way to export the in & out from the Timeline?
It isn't done until it is finished.
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May 12, 2011
All of a sudden, I'm unable to scroll through clips with real time feedback. Did I turn on some preference?
Also, I've noticed that when I'm in Action, I don't get realtime feedback going to the broadcast monitor, but rather the image catches up upon pen up. I don't see anything about it in the options in Action or global preferences.
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Feb 3, 2012
is there a way to put a LUT on a clip, without having to 'bake' (process) it? So I can turn it on and off?
Our process is:
import R3E Raw files with User Settings in Red Log (so the image looks flat, with most color information).
then turn on a Display LUT (which settings would I use here?)
then do the color correction with the LUT on and after I'm finished, turn the LUT of and then export a dpx 10 Bit sequence to the vfx department, so they can work with it (in fusion).
Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP4
Smoke 2013 SP2 (Smoke Classic Keyboard Shortcuts)
Mac Pro 4,1
OS X 10.6.7
NVIDIA Quadro 4000
14 TB RAID (Areca)
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Feb 2, 2013
Is it possible to grab the head or tail of the video segment and have the timeline stay stationay and you drag the edge to the timeline position?
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Jul 25, 2012
While in CFX, Action, Text edit, Axis etc, is there a way to see the output of the timeline? I know while in CFX you can set the CFX output as a context but what if I have multiple CFX composites stacked up and I want to see the final output of the timeline while editing or modifying something inside a CFX or Action node?
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Jun 29, 2012
New to Smoke (DS 14 years, FCP 4 years) and hoping to learn it so I can purchase when 2013 is released. Is there a way to zoom the timeline while playing? I searched around but I can't seem to find if it can be done or if I just don't know how.
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Sep 10, 2012
I have an edit and now I want to export as DPX sequence. A couple of questions:
First, is there an easy way to take a single edit and export it with handles? I realize that I can make a subclip but is there an easier/better way to do this?
I can't find an automated way to set handles on export. I have about 175 shots that I need to export .
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Aug 24, 2011
It is possible to duplicate/copy a clip/gap effect on the timeline? Or do you *have to* drag/copy it to a Source Area first? In this particular case, I've got 3 gap effects that I'm essentially using as adjustment layers...for some reason I thought I could hold down F & drag them somewhere else in the timeline which would create a duplicate and drag them to wherever I dropped them. But maybe not...? In the meantime, I just copied them to a Source Area, and then dropped them back on the timeline where I needed them, which worked just fine.
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May 30, 2013
We are working on a 4K HD timeline using Proxies at 1920x1080. Can we export an HD Prores using all the Proxy renders? Everything I do from export, Hard commit, burn letterbox all wants to start rendering the full res footage. Is there a workaround a trick to bake out a proxy res version?
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Oct 25, 2012
How do you extract a section of a timeline but keep sync further down the timeline?
I wanted to take a section out near the start, it just had V and A1, A2. There was A3-6 further down the timeline but they hadn't started yet.
For some reason I can't get Smoke to cut a track that hasn't got any media before that point. So, at the section I needed to remove I couldn't place a cut and so when I removed a section A3-6 stayed where they were.
I also tried marking in to out and extract but again it left the other audio tracks.
Such a simple thing, but I can't work out how to do it
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Feb 20, 2013
Is it possible to move keyframes in the timelime or do I have to go into the animation curves menu to do it?
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Jun 18, 2012
There is a shortcut key that I have been using in FCP for years. That is to select the edge of a clip and hit "E" and the clip will extend to where ever the timeline is.
Is there a function like this in smoke 2013?
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Jan 29, 2013
Graphics import into the library with a default length of 1 frame. Is there a way to lengthen that so I don't have to zoom way in to grab the edge of the clip?
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Oct 8, 2012
With PR4 the right click contextual menu for the timeline seems to have been re-arranged to accomodate new features.
As a result, when you right-click a timeline element to remove all effects you have to move your pointer up through a list of about 15 items to reach the "Remove Effect" command.
There also appears not to be an assignable keyboard shortcut to remove all effects from a selected timeline element. (apart from Option+Clicking on the effect in the effect bar which just removes a single item).
Would it not make sense to have this remove effect command at the bottom so that it appears right near your pointer when you activate the menu?A keyboard shortcut binding would be ideal as I realise the contextual menus are probably in a state of constant change at the moment.
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Feb 13, 2013
In 2012 it was very easy to select a gap segment and click color source in the soft effects. In 2013 it appears to be much more difficult, you need to create it in a folder then edit it into a sequence. Am I missing something? I wish there was a color source option in the effects ribbon.
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Oct 30, 2012
I have got some questions:
1. How can I select many clips on the timeline? (I work with a Wacom tablet.) When I press the pen onto the tablet and move it, I can only pull the gap. In connect fx it works, when I hold cmd.
2. If I set markers in the timeline, is there a way to also see them in connect fx?
3.There is a function in Final Cut: When I I select a clip from the timeline and press "f" , I can go on working on its source clip in the viewer. Is there something similar in smoke? I cannot find the name for this function, so I cannot search for it in the keyboard shortcuts.
4. If I render something, is there a way that Smoke automatically copies the file (without copying the effects)? The reason for that question is: I applied timewarp to a clip, then I wanted to go on working on the clip in connect fx, but the length of the clip changed - it was shorter. When I went on working in action and put some lense flares and rendered it, everything was bended and looked weird. It looked great but I did not intend to do something like this.
The next questions are no real questions but rather problems.
5. When I work with audio (audio clip locked), I cannot really cut on the music, because 5a. sometimes the amplitudes do not match the music. An example: There is no amplitude, but the music goes on for 2 seconds. 5b. And when it is correct and I cut on the beat and render it, it is not sync anymore some moments later or when I restart smoke. (It only displaces 1 or 2 seconds from the sync.)
6. Since I have updated from pre-release 4 to pre-release 5, I cannot export anymore. I have read a lot on blogs, but I could not really find my problem. I cannot even press the export button.
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Jul 11, 2013
I'm looking for the workflow for Red Footage.
In our facility, we are shooting 4k HD format. Then we can finish our final project as HD.
I installed Red Rocket and the Red Footage as Half premium debayer (1920x1080) playback in realtime at preview window of the "Media" tab.
However, I insert the same clip on the timeline (1920x1080, same as Half premium debayer), smoke automatically puts resizing effect. When I open the effect, I notice this effect doesn't do anything.
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Feb 27, 2013
Is it possible to delete a keyframe from the Sequence timeline using a hotkey, similar to ALT-[ in the editor?
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