AutoDesk Smoke :: Rendering Like Flames Processing?

Oct 29, 2012

Is there a way I can render in cfx frame by frame, sort of like the way you can view each frame while it is being processed in batch on Flame? It's extremely inconvenient to continuously have to exit out of cfx back on to the timeline to view rendered composites!

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AutoDesk Smoke :: How To Change Processing From ProRes To DPX

Sep 9, 2012

I am "pre-finishing" my work inProRes. Maybe because I have a slow internal HDD and too many timeline effects that need rendering.I am happy with the effects timing, the edit and the overall project.The next thing that seems obvious to me is to "switch" to "DPX uncompressed" (assuming I now have a fast Thunderbolt storage).

To achieve this I switched my project (with the pre-rendered ProRes timeline) to Uncompressed in the "Project settings".When done, the timeline was still rendered. It should have become "unrendered".To flush the existing render, I pressed "Force Render".

If I hover over the timeline thumbnail using the "?" key, I receive 1920x1080 8-bit.This is the case for both DPX and ProRes settings.If the timeline is rendered in ProRes, it should say so in the clip information.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: EFFECT Processing Order Of Timeline FX Locked In?

Jul 9, 2012

Is the effect processing order of timeline FX locked in?

Or will you be able to drag and drop to re-arrange the processing order in the effect bar in future releases?

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Way Of Creating CFX (R Click On Pen) When Rendering

Apr 16, 2013

I'm sure before there was a way of "creating CFX (R Click on pen) when in CFX, rendering it and then dragging the render directly into the library in Smoke 2013. I cant get it to work.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Axis And Field Rendering

Aug 14, 2012

I'm working with 1080i50 footage. Interlaced, upper field (F1). When I apply an Axis effect to a clip in the timeline an render that, the result is wrong.

I'm not sure what exactly it is. Either the fields are inverted or somehow 'melted' into one frame. In the Axis editor the Interlaced/Progressive switch is set to Interlaced. If I set it to Progressive the rendered result is ok.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Rendering Interrupted / Cannot Process CFX

Feb 13, 2013

I'm getting this error message when trying to render a simple cfx with a simple action node inside it. The action node only contains a photoshop file with one layer and the default camera moving towards the layer.

My media cache is set to Pro Res 422.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Rendering Interrupted - Cannot Process Connectfx

May 14, 2013

i have a rendering problem... rendering a cfx on the timeline keeps interrupting ... I get an error message "rendering interrupted. cannot process connectfx "

I tried to disconnect all footage which lead into action and rendered them one by one to find out which footage is the problem... the 5K red footage makes the problem.what I need to do is to auto stabilize the 5k clip (which was due to a bug(?) not possible inside cfx, so I did it with the desktop tools) than brought the clip inside cfx, added a modular keyer node, than a timewarp node than went inside action... than back to the 1920x1080 timeline

the problem started suddendy. rendering worked fine (keying the 5k footage, timewarping.. axis... ) ... than I added another media into action, did some axis animations and the problem started (but if I disconnect the media I added, same rendering error..)

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AutoDesk Smoke :: How To Reformat Timecode Of A Clip Without Rendering

Oct 6, 2012

A DPX sequence I'm importing is coming in with 24P timecode but should be at 23.976. Once imported, I tried changing the timecode track via Tools > Reformat and selecting "23.976" and "Affect Record Timecode" - but am then prompted to process a timewarp over the clip. That doesn't seem right to me since I'm just trying to change the TC and playback rate of the clip without actually affecting picture.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Backburner Starts Rendering But Never Finishes

Oct 25, 2011

All the footage is available, but backburner starts rendering and the stops just before 100%. So I have a bunch of clips on idle, and there are most of the time only 2 frames missing.... why is that? Can I consider the job done and delete it out of the backburner?

Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP4
Smoke 2013 SP2 (Smoke Classic Keyboard Shortcuts)
Mac Pro 4,1
OS X 10.6.7
NVIDIA Quadro 4000
14 TB RAID (Areca)

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Photoshop :: Animated Smoke/Flames Separated By Frames?

Nov 13, 2007

Have an animated fire/smoke effect. But I need to have each frame as individual images. I'm inputting it into a game that compiles the images together into an animation in-game.

I have found lots of smoke and flame tutorials, but have not found any on how to make all the frames I would need for a smooth looping effect. If possible, I believe there are small little programs which can create animated fire/smoke for you, and then break it down by frame. But I have no clue what programs can do this. My main concern is to make sure the flames/smoke are as clean as possible in order to be able to make an alpha channel to provide me with transparencies around the effect.

So if anyone knows of a tutorial showing me how to create smoke divided by different frames (20+ or more so it is nice and smooth), please let me know. Of course, if you are willing to provide a quickie tutorial, then even better.

Or if someone has a name of a small program I can use that will create fire/smoke for me, then separate it by frame and save them,

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Smoke And AJA Dual Stream Stereoscopic Output

Aug 29, 2013

I know that the AJA Kona 3 card has 2 outputs.  Can Smoke send one eye to one channel and the other eye to the other of the Kona 3 card?  Dual Stream output is what I am really getting at.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Smoke And Sub-blacks / Super-whites

Feb 26, 2013

Is there any way that Smoke can see/output sub-blacks and super whites? Can't find any way of seeing them on my scope, Smoke just clamps everything. It won't even see anything below zero in order for me to make a correction on it, everything seems to be clamped on import. I'm using ProRes HQ footage.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Best Plugin To Do Spline Warps In Smoke

Jan 16, 2014

What is the best plugin to do spline warps in smoke?(need something like the distort in flame) I notice revisionfx don't make a warper for smoke on mac. 

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Importing And Using Alpha Channels In Autodesk

Oct 2, 2012

I am experimenting with Smoke 2013 pre-trial and I am having issues with importing images and video with alpha channels.

1. If I have a layered Photoshop file or png with an alpha channel (a still frame lower third), I see that I can import it as a multi layered clip, but what is the best way to have it in the sequence to show up properly?

2. If I have a QuickTime in animation format or Pro Res4444 format with an embedded alpha, how can I import that file to show and cut it on a top layer to animate above my video?

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Can Smoke Support OFX Architecture

Oct 18, 2012

Can Smoke support the OFX architecture?

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Selections In Smoke As In Combustion?

Jul 10, 2012

Does Smoke have selection functionality similar to that of Combustion? As an example, you might want to selectively blur part of an image. In Combustion, you would draw a selection and then apply an operator above the selection to achieve this. I don't see a similar selection tool function in Smoke, but I imagine you could achieve the same effect by duplicating a layer and using a Gmask via the Wipe timeline FX.does Smoke not have a selection tool similar to Combustion?

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Importing TWs To Smoke

Jan 10, 2014

Whats the dealing with importing TWs to Smoke? I have a show that's 70% keyframed with timewarps and need a way other then baking the effect to bring it into Smoke. It's comming from FCP7 and we have Automatic Duck but neither the XMLs or AAF bring anything other then the first speed of the clip. Any way to retain the keyframes?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Shut Off Rendering For Pavement / Curb Assemblies Autodesk Provides

Jul 18, 2012

How to shut off the rendering for the pavement & curb assemblies autodesk provides?Otherwise they turn into black blobs and use a lot of ink when they are plotted.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Run Flame Over VPN

Oct 27, 2013

Is it possible to run Flame or Smoke over a VPN? I mean, is it possible to get a license over VPN?

Smoke 2013 Ext1
17" Mac Book Pro
OS X 10.8.5

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Takes All The Available RAM

Aug 5, 2012

I tried Smoke 2013 PR2 on my MacBook Air 11".

It uses all the available RAM that is 4GB.

Same experience with Smoke 2012 on my MacBook pro 13"".

Is that normal?

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AutoDesk Smoke :: EXR Look Different On Import

Nov 14, 2011

I have RED footage which I exported as EXR. When I import them back in, they look exactly like the RED footage. But when I import the EXR in Fusion, export it back out, and then import that EXR into Smoke, it looks brighter, although I didn't change anything in Fusion. (when I compare the EXR from Smoke and the EXR from fusion in my finder on my desktop, they look exactly the same). So what is Smoke doing with the "foreign" exr on import?I was also playing with the LUT settings. I get a result which is close, but I need to be exact.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Where To Set Context

Jun 27, 2012

Where do you set context in batch in the 2013 prerelease?

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Exporting XML From FCP

Oct 29, 2012

When I export a XML from FCP 7 all of my files come over and link but there is no video with my HDV files (1440 x 1080) all of my other files (Canon FX etc) come over fine.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: HD To SD Down-conversion?

Jun 4, 2011

What is the best way to downconvert 5D HD to SD?

I converted the h.264 files to uncompressed 10bit. Bringing in the footage and XML was fine, but as soon as I resize to PAL (the timeline was changed to PAL, as was the output on the AJA) the picture starts anti aliasing in detail areas. I have processed this with every filter in Smoke with no satisfactory result.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: How To Import XML

Jul 7, 2013

I am having issues for a long time regarding importing XML into smoke 2013. Will try and explain you in breif.
First When we try an import XML into smoke it just doesnt do anything, in the message history box it comes up saying FOUND 0 SOURCES.
Nothing gets imported at all. No footage is imported, nothing is shown in timeline as well.
Second For a different project when the XML does get imported, the videos get imported but then again nothing is coming up in the timeline and in the message history box we get the following error.
XML Validation Failed.

Cannot process unliked media.
we have checked all the import options to make this work, including max up level and the rest but nothing is working.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Better Interactivity In CFX?

Aug 16, 2013

I must have changed a setting because today my interactivity in CFX has taken a hit, specifically when making Axis moves. The move doesnt register until after I have made a change in the Axis field.
I know there is a setting for this but cannot remember. Am not having the same issue grabbing Axis in viewer.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: How To Conform XML From FCP 7

Jun 7, 2012

I'm currently trying to conform an XML from FCP 7 into Smoke 2012 (Linux). The issue I have is that the files I want to conform with are MFX, however the files used in the FCP timeline are PRORES, therefore have a '.mov' extension. This means the Smoke is not seeing the MXF files due to the extension & the only way around it I have found, is to edit all of the '.mov' extensions to '.mxf' extensions in the actual XML. This works well, but is a complete nightmare, particularly as I'll have to do this for 13 half hour episodes!!!!

I have tried all the different combinations of Filename, Timecode, Tape, etc, but none work due to other metadata issues from the filming of the footage to it being delivered to our edit suites!!!!

Any way of making the Smoke ignore the file extension?

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Deleting Fx History

Nov 22, 2012

Can i remove the fx history ? for example i render a cfx clip. then i want to keep the render only and disconnect the relationship with its 'cfx history' . And is there any practical benefit of it ? You maybe will ask me : 'why do you wanna do it?' , my answer is " i don't know man, it just came across my mind .

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Getting Depth Of Field

Apr 27, 2011

Getting a depth of field result in Smoke 2012. A tutorial on this would be really beneficial for a new comer like me.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Can't Scroll Through Clip

May 12, 2011

All of a sudden, I'm unable to scroll through clips with real time feedback. Did I turn on some preference?

Also, I've noticed that when I'm in Action, I don't get realtime feedback going to the broadcast monitor, but rather the image catches up upon pen up. I don't see anything about it in the options in Action or global preferences.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Output Resolution Of The CFX

Dec 6, 2012

When applying CFX to the clip it ignores resolution of the project and the time line and creates a resolution of the whole CFX based on clip.

In other words 1080 clip in 720 timeline creates CFX with 1080 out node, ( all action creates in 1080 swell) and only then send 1080 output to timeline where it applying resize soft effect. I know i can change resolution of action, but a can't change resolution of output node ( the las node that feeds output to timeline.) Is there an easy way to work around to feed lets say 720 to escape resizing in timeline.

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