AutoCad :: Standard Parts Library Naming Modifications?
Oct 11, 2011
We are in the process of setting a naming convention for all the various parts we use, and having changed the Inventor library already, the Autocad stations (ver 2011 mechanical) are next. While I won't be the one doing this work, I want to get a jump on it as it's impeding my current work. The problem is, I don't even know where to start looking. We would be starting with the fastener library, changing the standard descriptions to suit our new convention.
I was wondering if there exists a library for pipe network parts for items such as a standard type 1 catch basin that I can add to the existing autocad pipe network parts library. Basically I'm trying to find a shortcut so that I don't have to build all of the catch basins that I need.
Need naming my parts and assemblies so i wont have trouble later finding I have numbers or names that get repeated. Need naming or diving my parts and assemblies.?
I'm having some problems giving certain parts in my assembly a unique file name. Im reorganizing all of my projects in a
- content center - designs - libraries
way, where my projects are under designs and commonly used parts under libraries.
Now i have something like a pump. I can derrive this assembly into a solid and put it in the content center, or keep the assembly and put it in the libaries folder. since this is a part i use in multiple projects.
Now my problem is that this pump has a different name in every project, and a library part doesn't allow me to change this name. Say standard name is "centrifugal pump" while the name in project 1 would be P101, while in project 2 it has to be named P501 and so on in order to match with the flowcharts.
Is my only option here creating a solid out of these components and putting it all in my content center ( leaving my libraries folder totally empty ), adding it as a custom part afterwards ( so i can rename it ). I rather have it in my library folder, since this will keep my design folder organized without hundreds of duplicates of this pump, using different names. Besides i rather have it as an assembly so i can assign the connecting tubes of the pump to different sub assemblies of piping.
Different example, a butterfly valve excists out of 3 parts. the valve itself, and 2 connecting tubes. possible to dissemble. all 3 parts need to have the same file naming say XV900. 1 side of the valve needs to be assigned to pipe-01 while the other side of the valve needs to be assigned to pipe-02. Content center doesn't allow me to split files, but allows me to use unique file names. A library party allows me to split files ( if not read only ) but doesn't allow me to change names.
I have set up a Custom CC library that contains structural shapes.In the Family Table I have a Stock No column which references the value in my DESIGNATION columnThe Stock No column is mapped to Project.Stock NumberUnder Template Parameter (in Parameter Mapping) I have mapped StockNo to Design Tracking Properties: Stock Number.
When I use Frame Generator to add a structural shape, from my library, the name shown in the Model Browser is formatted as follows (Standard)+(Unique Number) and not (Standard)+(Stock Number)+(Unique Number).
How to get the Stock Number to show in the model Browser. How to get the members name to show, with the correct format, in the Model Browser as this will make identifying members in an assembly easier.
Please see attached for Model Browser pic.
Gigabyte Q1542 Win 7 Pro 64Bit i5 - 3230M 8 GB Ram Intel HD Graphics Nvidia GeForce 640M / 2GB with Optimus
Inventor creates a names to custom library parts based on settings and available parameters.
For all custom libraries I can create file names as I want except profile libraries.
The profile library create file name using Family Name + Stock Number and I did not find the
way to change it. I cannot get rid of that Stock Number in family name in this and other profile libraries. I wish I can use Part Number instead of Stock number in naming as more informative.
To change the file naming I do the following:
Manage - Editor - chose Library - chose family - Family Table - File Naming -
than chose required parameters to be shown as file name (for instance I have
{PARTNUMBER}), than in Map to Inventor Property: - Member.Display.Name
than OK - Refresh - Done.
All custom libraries obeys the file name changing EXCEPT the profile library.
How do I make a style in the library standard? I made new styles in the library for a revision table and parts list, but when placing them in an IDW I always get the standard tables.
It's not a big deal to change it in the format tab after placement, but when having 50+ sheets/daily its getting annoying.
Where to get solid models of the standard parts uned in the first robotics competition, which has jast begun? Seems the parts are available in the prt format, but my IV2013 will not open them.
I couldn't found a way to change the materials of the standard parts in Inventor, so i made a (quick and dirty) VBA program so i can change the material and color of the publiced (and used in projects) parts.
one would think that you could just export the .stm file into hydraflow, make some changes, and import, and all would be fine. when i export, all of the structures in hydraflow come up as drop curb. how can they come in as what they actually are.. aka, when the part i use is a 2x4 box, it should come into hydraflow as a "grate inlet", or a st-mh will come in as a "manhole".
and then likewise, when the changes are made, and its brought back into autocad, they all come in as a "standard" style. except the outfalls, which show as a "standard" style, but come in with a different block, and get a whole new label (outfal - x)
This would be for standard, not custom cc parts. I read that you can save a cc part file as a template with the G_L parameter set as fractions, and then use it to replace the family template in cc, but that doesn't work (or I'm doing it wrong). It worked once, then stopped? I know there has to be a way of doing this.
I tried exporting values from cc as custom iProps, then tried to populate description iProp with these, but that doesn't work.
I would like a simple rule adding to some standard pressed sheet metal parts that we have. The code would look at the current model tree and if any features are added to the part then a character (lets say a *) is placed into the "Vendor" field within the iProperties.
Is this possible?
Inventor 2010 Pro SP4, Vault Collaboration 2010 HP Z820 Xeon E5-2643 0 @ 3.3Ghz 16.0GB RAM Nvidia Quadro 5000
We rarely use 'custom' brushes, normally just using the standard ones that come with CS6 for photo-retouching.
We'd like to take a custom brush that is saved into another library, and copy it into the standard brush library, so we don't have to switch libraries to use that brush. Is there any way to accomplish this?
See the below text box, which I frequently use to retrieve lists of requested photos. This box does not comport to industry standards. When you click on it, the last whole word erroneously becomes highlighted --I expect the cursor to be positioned at the pointer so that I can add or insert text. Instead my first keystroke erases the last entry! Additionally, the undo/redo keys (ctrl Z/Y) are non-functional. Applies to at least the last few versions.
I have installed the service pack, but I am still having trouble getting my structural steel shapes to mirror correctly. The green button is not an option for these parts, only the yellow and grey. I can, however, mirror everything else properly. How do I get these parts to mirror correctly?
I've created a folder on our server that contains commonly used parts by several users. My thought was that by referencing this folder as library in their projects, they wouldn't be able to change the parts. I could also build assemblies referencing these common parts so they wouldn't have to be copied into each project folder...
During the save option in their assemblies, the parts show up as NO (in a library), but this can be bypassed by "YES TO ALL".Is this not the right process for setting up a custom part library?Also, the users are experiencing some lag issues... Could this be the reason?
How do I get the library raw material to default the units to be “QTY, not length”? So I don’t have to open every part I bring in to an assy and update it for my BOM?
I have created a custom library (custom content center), and that went fine. All I done was copy a family of RHS from the desktop content center into my custom content library. I then created a small test assembly with frame generator to see if I could use my custom library. It worked fine BUT when I place it into a drawing and create the parts list, the parts list shows all the info in an order that is no use to me. (see attached *SNIP A*)
What I would like is that when I use frame generator along with my custom library, then take it into a drawing, the parts list needs to look like the attached file (see attached *SNIP B*).
So really, I want the "Unit QTY" to vanish, I want the "QTY" to show the Quantity of that part within the assembly, I want the "stock Number" to vanish and I want the description to show the size of the member (what the "stock number" currently shows) along with the length of the member.
Now I know I can edit all this for each part within the parts list BUT I need the parts list to show this info EVERY time AND automatically.
Since autodesk developers didn't think of the fact that somebody might want to change the material of the bolt or hollow sections when it get's saved in the library, is there any way of changing the default saving path of the content center generated parts? These parts are getting saved in the library folder at the moment so Inventor doesn't allow me to change their material.
I'm assembling parts and one of the parts is in my Inventor Library. When I try to make a plane visible it won't let me. I can constrain to the plane , I just can't make it visible.
I am using the roundabout design tool as the first step in developing the 2D design of a roundabout. I am having some trouble getting the defection path radii I need in order for the roundabout design to progress to the next step, however this can only be achieved if I can alter the alignment of the approach legs.
The default setting for the roundabout tool/wizard is for all alignment legs to intersect at the centre point of the roundabout - something which does not readily allow the deflection radii to be met even remotely (in this case and others)
Whenever I try and realign the alignment/approach leg and run the design wizard again (in the hope the other kerb alignments will realign to match), it jumps back to the initial alignment pointing to the centre point. Refer attached screen shots.
Of course designing the roundabout in the traditional way is always the sensible alternative to achieve the correct layout & deflection, however if this function exists it would be handy to speed up the initial design process.
We are using Inventor 2011 EN + Vault 2011 EN Basic on XP Pro SP3 DELL Workstations.
Step 1 : In our IDW files, we copy/paste as embedded OLE Objects (no link). And save the IDW files in our local workspace. Step 2 : we check-in this IDW Files. Step 3 : We check-out this IDW files and make modifications in the embedded Excel File, save the excel file and then save the IDW file. Step 4 : we check-in the idw file. Step 5 : the same user or anther one check-out the idw file, open the excel embedded file : the modifications have not been saved.
I have two open drawings, a source and a destination drawing in ACADI have different layers and linetypes in each drawingI need to get the objects on a specified layer in the source drawing and copy them to the destination drawing, but ensure that they are put on a specified layer in that drawing which differs in name from the original drawing.
I've tried coming at this a few different ways, but can't really seem to come a conclusion on how to do this. WBlockCloneObjects, of course, allows me to clone the items to the new drawing, but in doing so, drags along all the layers and linetypes with it which I don't want "contaminating" my new drawing. I'm trying to keep the conversion as clean as possible. I can't pre-change the layer name or linetype, etc as the destination for these values doesn't exist in the source drawing.
Is there a way to create a new entity (an anonymous one, independent of the source ObjectClass that I need so I don't have to create multiple routines to handle each one), not attached to a DB, copy the values from the source DB entity and then modify the layer, linetype, color etc before appending the entity to the destination database?
Here is my code for what I have, but since I don't really have a clue where to turn with this, all this really shows at the moment is a straight cloning of the objects from one DB to another. As a side note, I'm working in Civil 3D 2011 and when WBlockCloneObjects is called an "AutoCAD Map Messages" window appears with no messages in it.
Public Function CopyLayerContents(ByVal acdocSource As Document, ByVal strSourceLayer As String, ByVal acdocDest As Document, ByVal strDestLayer As String, ByVal bCopyBlocks As Boolean) As Boolean Dim bComplete = False Dim acSourceDB As Database = acdocSource.Database Dim acDestDB As Database = acdocDest.Database [code]........
I have an existing point style that has several thematic rules. When I "Add a Rule" it does not save and the next time I open the drawing, the rule is gone. Map3d 2013 on 64 bit PC windows 7
I worked for an architect in the past that had a modification of stretch that allowed you to set a dimension. For instance if you had a door way drawn in a stud wall set back from the wall 50mm and you wanted to change that to 100mm you could use the stretch command with another shortcut command to specify the distance from the wall.
The command list would be as follows:
-"s" (Stretch) - Select objects to move, "Enter" - Specify the basepoint to move (corner of door in this case). -Then i would hit another command shortcut from there system. This would allow me to pick the point where i want the dimension to start from. - Input the dimensions, in this case "100" , then enter to complete.
It seem simple the but very useful for more obscure applications.
I also understand in the application above you could just stretch 50mm across 50mm but this requires calculation. We want to get away from having to calculated all the time.
I have made several modifications to my default right click menu in C3D 2103 - is there any easy way to transfer these modifications to C3D 2014? (i have posted to the main Civil board but no response)
IDSP Premium 2014 (mainly Civil 3D 2014 UKIE SP1 & Infraworks with some limited 3ds Max Design) Win 7 Pro x64, 256Gb SSD, 300Gb 15,000 rpm HDD 16Gb Ram Intel Xeon CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz NVIDIA Quadro 4000, Dual 27" Monitor, Dell T3600